Kid-porn woman is let off


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Kid-porn woman is let off

A JUDGE sparked fury yesterday when he freed a woman who had sickening porn involving kids as young as FIVE.

Railway worker Julie Lowe downloaded images and clips — some showing children up to 14 years old in scenes of bondage sex and sado-masochism.

Two movies were Category 5 — the most serious level of child porn.

Lowe told Leicester Crown Court she viewed the porn out of curiosity.

But the 43 sickening images were downloaded over a TWO-YEAR period.

Cops raided her home in Lutterworth, Leics, after a tip from officers in Norway and Denmark.

Single Lowe, 45, admitted nine charges of making indecent images of children.

Yesterday Judge Christopher Plunkett described the porn as ?gvile, deeply unpleasant?h — but told Lowe he would NOT jail her. He said: ?gI?fm taking a more positive course.?h

She got a three-year community rehab order, must attend a sex-offender treatment programme and do 100 hours?f community service.

But the Victims of Crime Trust said the let-off was ?ga disgrace?h.

Link to the news article.
Ahh double standards. If a guy had ANYTHING close to this, he'd be jailed and possibly dead within the year.

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