Leaked emails: Israel has 200 nukes all pointed at Iran

Colin Powell leaked emails: Israel has '200 nukes all pointed at Iran', former US secretary of state says


This number has been published before as an estimate of Israels nuclear arsenal in New York Times. It could be that they have 3 times that number. No one knows for sure. One thing is for sure, Arabs are worried about them and have tried to get their own as is the case with Algeria, Syria, Saudi Arabia.
Colin Powell leaked emails: Israel has '200 nukes all pointed at Iran', former US secretary of state says


Good; makes me feel a little better about the Iran deal...not totally better, but a little.

Russia really does want to mess with our election, it seems. I'm waiting for the "October surprise". Trump has already pulled even with Clinton in the polls; if something really explosive comes out about her even a bad debate performance by Trump might not save her.

Honestly, what a supremely stupid, irresponsible woman she is...who knows what else the Russians and who knows who else learned from her e-mails, and all so she could hide their corrupt deals.

I hope you don't mind, Deja-Vu, but I underlined your link so that it works. For some reason lately the program doesn't do it automatically.
This example of the nature of content posted by DejaVu should be quite revealing. On the thread Balkanian disagreements:

LeBrok said:
I'm just surprised that in this time and age there are people who still believe in being special race or nation, chosen and protected by God, worthy of dominating others, etc.

DejaVu said:
Are you talking about Jews?
Red sibylla seems to be right,
wait to see how blue sibylla is accurate.
Nukes are an excellent deterrent, and letting your enemy that you have plenty of them works even better.

“Anyway, Iranians can’t use one [a nuclear weapon] if they finally make one. The boys in Tehran know Israel has 200, all targeted on Tehran, and we have thousands.

I have difficulties believing that this sentence isn't intended as anything else but boasting on purpose to scare potential enemies. Why would Israel point all the nukes it has to a single city, when one nuke would do the trick? The Israeli and Colin Powell aren't idiots, so I have a hard time believing that this email is genuine. I am sure Israel has a fantastic arsenal, but its enemies arent constrained to Iran; it's the whole Muslim world.

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