Society LGBT society in Europe, you attitude?


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News Agencies have recently published statistics of gay, lesbian marriages in France. It is awful. This policy ruins traditional families, decreases demographical level and promotes free love without borders. What will next generation look like?
For example in Europe and neighboring countries the situation is this


As we can see Western countries were forced to submit freedom of homosexual marriages and gay-propaganda. However East is still trying to supress any thoughts about this issue. Take Georgia, Orthodox Christians hampered LGBT festival and demonstration in May last year. Their traditions are strong and firm but they are due to sign the Assosiation Agreement with the EU in August, so LGBT will get their rights even in this country. Obviously there are people standing against LGBT values. Some created blogs and hot topics on forums

And so on...

I would like to ask forum members what your attitude is to LGBT activists and their values? Will "European Rainbow Boat" (EU with gay, lesbian couples and newly come members) sink in the World Ocean? What is our future with LGBT?
News Agencies have recently published statistics of gay, lesbian marriages in France. It is awful. This policy ruins traditional families, decreases demographical level and promotes free love without borders. What will next generation look like?
Pretty much like humans. Actually the freedom of sexuality might reduce numbers of gays, because they are not forced into unwanted marriages and having kids. Therefore they won't transfer gay genes to next generation.

As we can see Western countries were forced to submit freedom of homosexual marriages and gay-propaganda.
Nobody forces western countries. There are votes, referendums and chosen members of parliament.

I'm sure you are going to enjoy gay bushing during winter Olympics in Russia. Yes, the gays infiltrated sports too.

I think for the only reason they became gays was to make their life more difficult for themselves. Anger parents, lose many friends, be frightened, beaten and degraded. But overall to make sex more complicated with same sex partners, and having children impossible. It is an obvious choice of better, easier and more exciting life style.

PS.Sorry, I've forgotten that they did it for the money from corrupt western business.
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Everything about sexual freedoms is familiar from long ago and it's happening all over again - same scenario.

People are introduced into abundance and immorality, and all forms of individuality are supported to boost egoism and self-promotion, which ultimately leads into social disintegration up to the point where foreign agents and speculators can infiltrate the government and money market to enforce the new age slavery to the nations. For that purpose liberal organizations (with LGBT included) are financed and promoted by some governments and secret services because conservatives, republicans and church stand in their way.

People are already recognizing that LBGT are just marionettes who are being used for more destructive purpose and are ready to fight against them. Main reason to fight against LGBT is not for their morally questionable sexual affiliations, but because it's a fight against neo-colonialism. No pun intended. LoL

And it' not just about them, LGBT are just tip of the iceberg. Enormous amount of money is directed into mass media and NGO to undermine traditional values of our European societies.

For their sensitive characters, gay people have always been involved into writing, radio, drama, TV, media, newspapers, marketing business, etc, and because of that convenient position in this electric age, they have been targeted for their anti-governmental propaganda work. And Balkan is a small region with strong kinship and people who take their family relations very seriously. First thing people ask you here when you meet is "where are you from" meaning from which region and which tribe do you belong. You can't really hide your gay preferences from anyone. And we still know which one are gay, and we know which one of them are getting payed for that dirty work. People see them coming out of different buildings after meeting with some foreign representatives. We see them buying fancy things and driving $40.000+ cars, some of them having bodyguards, and none having an explanation from where that money comes from...

And just to be fair, there are straight people also. They all work together in a frantic attempt to ridicule patriotism, church and morality, and to promote neo-US culture, language, movies, arts, music, fashion, behavior, etc. We know where it's going. We've seen The decline of the western civilization.
People are introduced into abundance and immorality, and all forms of individuality are supported to boost egoism and self-promotion, which ultimately leads into social disintegration up to the point where foreign agents and speculators can infiltrate the government and money market to enforce the new age slavery to the nations. For that purpose liberal organizations (with LGBT included) are financed and promoted by some governments and secret services because conservatives, republicans and church stand in their way.
Wow, that exactly what I would hear on Yugoslav communist party plenum.

And it' not just about them, LGBT are just tip of the iceberg. Enormous amount of money is directed into mass media and NGO to undermine traditional values of our European societies.
And what are the traditional values? The ones from Roman Empire or Middle Ages, renaissance, Art Deco, o Socialist morality of communist party (where spying by kids on parents was recommended by Lenin). Oh yes, bring the good old days.

For their sensitive characters, gay people have always been involved into writing, radio, drama, TV, media, newspapers, marketing business, etc, and because of that convenient position in this electric age, they have been targeted for their anti-governmental propaganda work. And Balkan is a small region with strong kinship and people who take their family relations very seriously. First thing people ask you here when you meet is "where are you from" meaning from which region and which tribe do you belong. You can't really hide your gay preferences from anyone. And we still know which one are gay, and we know which one of them are getting payed for that dirty work. People see them coming out of different buildings after meeting with some foreign representatives. We see them buying fancy things and driving $40.000+ cars, some of them having bodyguards, and none having an explanation from where that money comes from...
How about rich parents, or is it possible that some gay are smart and can make a lot of money just working? And what kind of fortune one need to pay a loan on 40k car? A whopping 800 dollars a month. They must be stinky rich, lol, paid agent of corrupt west.
Common Ike, it's time to move with times and get used to something new.

Just because something is different, you don't like it, and it scares you, it doesn't mean that this something is wrong or immoral. Look at Roman Empire, it collapsed 100 year after moral Christianity became its official religion. It didn't collapse in first century when Caligula and others immorals rained. Give me attested example of collapsed civilization or a country due to lack of morality, with emphases on homosexuality would matter the most. Otherwise it is just your fantazy.

And just to be fair, there are straight people also. They all work together in a frantic attempt to ridicule patriotism, church and morality, and to promote neo-US culture, language, movies, arts, music, fashion, behavior, etc. We know where it's going. We've seen The decline of the western civilization.
You know what, pretty soon you'll be left alone in this old bitter sacred world of yours.
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LGBT are narcissistic hedonists who care of nothing other than their own mentally illness. I don't care for people's sexual preference, but LGBT is obviously more of an ideology rather than a personal preference.
Nobody forces western countries. There are votes, referendums and chosen members of parliament.

Sure, nobody forced them if you want so. Let's call it how you want. But the fact is that LGBT issue was taboo 60 years ago and what do we have now?

One American scientist studied similar issues and designed technology, with the help of which you can promote every forbidden idea and society will accept it.
Overton described a spectrum from “more free” to “less free” with regard to government intervention, oriented vertically on an axis. As the spectrum moves or expands, an idea at a given location may become more or less politically acceptable.

I think EU leaders or some influential politics, businessmen, etc. have already used Overton's studies and now we have LGBT, gay marriages...
Today EU politics are promoting two ideas: euthanasia and incest. What will be next? Cannibalism?
One American scientist studied similar issues and designed technology, with the help of which you can promote every forbidden idea and society will accept it.
Overton described a spectrum from “more free” to “less free” with regard to government intervention, oriented vertically on an axis. As the spectrum moves or expands, an idea at a given location may become more or less politically acceptable.
Yes it is true, but I'm not sure on what grounds you concluded that all new ideas (related to gays here) are wrong. If we had more people like you we would be still hunter-gatherers living in caves, because you would not allow for new ideas to develop and take hold. How would we know if farming is good for us if we didn't try a new life style? We wouldn't have different hairstyles unless someone had a crazy idea to cut hair with copper knife or maybe with a sharp rock? I'm sure first man who shaved his beard was looked at as an outcast, or maybe even kicked out off the village. He was so different.

So tell me, on what grounds you are dismissing new ideas or proclaiming them wrong and immoral?
So far, by your argumentation or lack of it, it looks to me as pure homophobia, and natural fear of different ideas. So far there is no correlation between equal rights for gays and decline or collapse of even one western country.
On contrary, gay rights are stronger where economies are stronger in Western Europe, and weakest in Eastern Europe where people make 3 times less money, are more conservative, and protectionistic. For same reason East can't reform their economies in proper way because they are afraid of new and big changes, and free market capitalism looks like a devil. They boil in their homemade sauces blaming others for their maladies. How human.
And yes, let's mention the champion for anti gay crusade, the Russia, where even journalists and opposition can't exercise freedoms, like free speech, without being killed.
LGBT are narcissistic hedonists who care of nothing other than their own mentally illness.

What? Are you that ignorant? They too are your doctors, your teachers if you didn't know.

By the way, something having been a "taboo" doesn't mean it is bad.
Interracial marriage was a taboo 60 years ago. Atheism was a taboo 100 years ago.

You all make the mistake that more liberty means loss of morality.
Hey nurset, what do you think about Women Rights movement and emancipation 100 years ago? After all it was a radical idea, going against old tradition, against traditional values, against church position, and many called women incapable of making their own decisions or political thoughts, working outside the home was called distraction of family, and all the movement was called immoral and satanic, marxist or masonic idea.
Well, sound familiar? And look, the world didn't collapse.
It was only scary for people because it was something new and different.
Wow, that exactly what I would hear on Yugoslav communist party plenum.
I know. That's why they had to do what they did to Yugoslavia.

And what a the traditional values? The ones from Roman Empire or Middle Ages, renaissance, Art Deco, o Socialist morality of communist party (where spying by kids on parents was recommended by Lenin). Oh yes, bring the good old days.

You're asking a question and giving a wrong answer. What does Lenin or communists have to do with conservatives and religion? Has he built any monasteries? Has he forbidden abortion? Has he forbidden females to vote? No, Lenin is more you're kind of person. A new age kid of guy.

How about rich parents, or is it possible that some gay are smart and can make a lot of money just working? And what kind of fortune one need to have to pay a loan on 40k car? A whopping 800 dollars a month. They must be stinky rich, lol, paid agent of corrupt west.
Common Ike, it's time to move with times and get used to something new.

You really don't believe when I tell you that we know everything? You are obviously not familiar with Balkan customs. I tried to give a brief explanation for the newcomers, but I wouldn't expect it from you.
Loan? For a $40K car?! Here? That's way off from reality. Why would you try to invent a most unrealistic explanation for something that is evident...

Just because something is different, you don't like it, and it scares you, it doesn't mean that this something is wrong or immoral. Look at Roman Empire, it collapsed 100 year after moral Christianity became its official religion. It didn't collapse in first century when Caligula and others immorals rained. Give me attested example of collapse of civilization or a country due to lack of morality, with emphases on homosexuality would matter the most. Otherwise it is just your fantazy.

I've exactly accentuated that it is not the problem with homosexuality itself, but the hidden agenda that lies beneath it. Nobody is that uninformed to think that homosexuality alone can ruin world.

You know what, pretty soon you'll be left alone in this old bitter sacred world of yours.
OMG, I sure hope you're right, but sadly it doesn't seem like it. All kinds of opportunists, perverts, agitators and neo-nacists are radiating the whole day from every media possible. No room for normal people.

Hey nurset, what do you think about Women Rights movement and emancipation 100 years ago? After all it was a radical idea, going against old tradition, against traditional values, against church position, and many called women incapable of making their own decisions or political thoughts, working outside the home was called distraction of family, and all the movement was called immoral and satanic, marxist or masonic idea.
Well, sound familiar? And look, the world didn't collapse.
It was only scary for people because it was something new and different.

Oh yes, it is collapsing. Females voters were a huge step for introduction of The new age democracy. Uneducated and emotional voters are being controlled from mass media, which is infiltrated by all kinds of CIA paid perverts. If we had just seen it earlier, how much evil was US culture to bring us, we could have stopped it on time. Russians have made a smart move,but it's too late for my country. We have already been crushed.

And for those who has the guts to see what's behind all that:
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News Agencies have recently published statistics of gay, lesbian marriages in France. It is awful.
Awful? What is awful about a section of our society being able to step out from the shadows and be involved in the larger world? What I think is "awful" is the fact it has taken so long for them to gain visibility.

This policy ruins traditional families
I presume from what you write your "traditional" family consists of an opposite sex couple? If so, how does this policy ruin that? Are we to think heterosexual people will suddenly stop getting involved with each other, stop getting married, stop having children? Of course they won`t, ergo this policy will not ruin your "traditional" family.

What will next generation look like?
Considering everything the human race has encountered up to now, I think in regards to this issue, the next generation will be just fine.
However if you are truly concerned about next generations, might I suggest you consider there are children in parts of the world suffering hunger, have no clean drinking water, have poor healthcare or education. These are the things that will affect that generation in a negative way. If you must worry about a future generation you might start here. Don`t spend so much time obsessing about people having the freedom to care for, love, or make a commitment to whomever they choose.

As we can see Western countries were forced to submit freedom of homosexual marriages
Western countries are in fact addressing the fact there is diversity within society. They are attempting, rightly, to make sensible legislation that covers all members within society, not merely some.
I presume from what you write your "traditional" family consists of an opposite sex couple? If so, how does this policy ruin that? Are we to think heterosexual people will suddenly stop getting involved with each other, stop getting married, stop having children? Of course they won`t, ergo this policy will not ruin your "traditional" family.
How about by bending the meaning of family, and what it means to society ? Do you think the family, consisting of a man and a woman (+ children), was created, by whoever created or instituted it, religion or not, to uphold „love” or whatever poetic crap ?

Love (it is a proven fact, over and over) doesn't last very long. The rest of a marriage (if it's not broken right there and then after the love is gone, like it's happening more and more often nowadays in the „civilised” West) is interest, and the preservation of it. The interest to see your children grown up and settled down, the interest to have someone to lean on in times of need and not get an ulcer because you don't have anyone to ask for help, and so on.

You might say that homosexual couples can do that too. But then, how can you be sure ? What do fags base their „love” on, other than sex ? It is happening more and more often with heterosexual couples, when „who do I sleep with ?” has become more important than „who do I want to grow old with ?”, what do you think happens with the homosexual ones, if they don't have the minimum responsability of a common child ?

The western „civilised” society is doomed if they think that individualism and lack of responsibility for others is the way. It may not be visible now, and yes, you can come with the false pretense that there are bigger more serious problems in the poorer regions of the world, but who do you think will prevail if doomsday comes (in whatever form) ? The „civilised” society where „Homo homini lupus” (man is wolf to the fellow man) or societies that grants it's members kinship relations that are stronger than any other relation „created” by modernists ?
Western countries are in fact addressing the fact there is diversity within society. They are attempting, rightly, to make sensible legislation that covers all members within society, not merely some.

No they are not. They are just bending the meaning of the words one more time. We've spent thousands of years trying to perfect the language, and yet once again I have to watch resizing of a cognitive bin just because some homosexuals can't live with the fact that what they are doing is not right. I don't care what they do, if they have sex with each other, animals, Borla exhaust, or inflating dolls, but there is absolutely no reason to comply to them, just because they are not ready to accept who they are and that what they are doing is just wrong.

Why do they need society's approval to do something what they like to do? Why do they need to make us think that what they're doing is right, and for that purpose are bending the norms just so that they can fit in it?
It's Surgeon General's T.M.I. plot once again, and I don't accept it. Trey Parker has ingeniously addresses these trends in modern society.

BTW it in not the story just about LGBT, it's a tendency of every deviated person to make his behavior fit within the borders of what is normal. If he isn't acting proper, and he can't make himself proper (I'm not telling that he should), then he goes distorting reality in his head to fit his behavior, so that he can feel relieved. It is a common phenomenon in psychology when people manage to skew those little language boxes in their heads and to stretch 'em just as far as it's needed to fit in some concepts that cause them discomfort and anxiety while out.

So, they can't accept reality and they bend reality in their minds and that's fine, but they are not going to do it in mine.
Various psychoanalytic theories explain homophobia as a threat to an individual's own same-sex impulses, whether those impulses are imminent or merely hypothetical. This threat causes repression, denial or reaction formation. link:

and one more thing LGBT is not a new "invention", it was with the human civilization for centuries such as pederasty for eg:From the early Republican times of Ancient Rome, it was perfectly normal for a man to desire and pursue boys. link:

So as long there are humans there will be different preferences that are either due to genetics or due to any sort of childhood issues. Everything can go "wrong" from the moment of conception & during 9 months of pregnancy and the nurturing phase afterwards.

I find this discussion quite neo-nazi...echoes of the long time gone, same goes for the "socialists" who were anything else but the socialist.
echoes from the past:

Just pasting a part for the greeks:
Greek mythology features male same-sex love in many of the constituent myths. These myths have been described as being crucially influential on Western LGBT literature, with the original myths being constantly re-published and re-written, and the relationships and characters serving as icons.[4] In comparison, lesbianism is rarely found in classical myths.[10]
How about by bending the meaning of family, and what it means to society ?
How is this "bending" the meaning of family? Family can mean different things to different people.
For some it may be a one parent unit, resulting from the death of one of the couple. Is this less a family?
For others, family may be the grandparents ( or aunt, uncle) who because of death of parents, or another reason, are raising the children and providing for them. Is this unit less a family?
Yet still a family unit to some may consist of two male parents or two female parents, raising children and providing for them. Is this less a family?
How about the couple who cannot, for whatever reason, have children. In that case each is the others family. Again, is this less a family?
In other words, a family, can be a unit made in different ways. The structure of the unit is not important. The success of the unit and that the members, within that unit feel a family, is what matters.

Love (it is a proven fact, over and over) doesn't last very long.
You have a somewhat negative view on love, Florin C. Perhaps based personal experience [I hope not] and you feel it applies in all cases.
However,I disagree with you.
A parent will love its child all of their life, the longer they live, the longer the love for their child. As a rule, most sons or daughters will love their parents for as long as the parent lives. Even after death the parent[or caregiver] may be remembered with affection. So not all love is short lived.
But, of course I understand, you are speaking of marital love. Here also I disagree. There are many married couples who will tell you they still very much, love their partner, even after forty or fifty years of marriage. In fact some will say their love and respect for each other has actually grown over the years.
I will agree that some couples can stop caring about each other, and of course not all marriages will last. This in itself can be for any number of reasons. In some instances the couple might remain together until such time as the children are older. This, depending on the relationship of the couple, can have either a positive or negative effect on the said children.

You might say that homosexual couples can do that too. But then, how can you be sure ? What do fags base their „love” on, other than sex ?
Well I am sure that a gay or lesbian couple, will base their love on much the same criteria as a heterosexual couple will. Each set of couples will be attracted to the other both physically and emotionally. At some point, any of the said couples, may get married. Now, in some countries, same sex couples can do this. Probably the worries and hopes of each set will be much the same...paying the mortgage, raising children, visiting in-laws, etc etc.

The western „civilised” society is doomed if they think that individualism and lack of responsibility for others is the way.
Oh, I don`t think western society is doomed because it respects the "individual" right of people. And I also think it shows responsibility to all it`s citizens by making inclusive policies rather than exclusive.
I think societies that grant equality, fairness and freedoms, regardless of race, sex, sexual preference ..etc, will stand well if doomsday comes. I think the question is a bit dramatic..but no matter.
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No they are not. They are just bending the meaning of the words one more time. We've spent thousands of years trying to perfect the language, and yet once again I have to watch resizing of a cognitive bin just because some homosexuals can't live with the fact that what they are doing is not right. I don't care what they do, if they have sex with each other, animals, Borla exhaust, or inflating dolls, but there is absolutely no reason to comply to them, just because they are not ready to accept who they are and that what they are doing is just wrong.

Why do they need society's approval to do something what they like to do? Why do they need to make us think that what they're doing is right, and for that purpose are bending the norms just so that they can fit in it?
It's Surgeon General's T.M.I. plot once again, and I don't accept it. Trey Parker has ingeniously addresses these trends in modern society.

BTW it in not the story just about LGBT, it's a tendency of every deviated person to make his behavior fit within the borders of what is normal. If he isn't acting proper, and he can't make himself proper (I'm not telling that he should), then he goes distorting reality in his head to fit his behavior, so that he can feel relieved. It is a common phenomenon in psychology when people manage to skew those little language boxes in their heads and to stretch 'em just as far as it's needed to fit in some concepts that cause them discomfort and anxiety while out.

So, they can't accept reality and they bend reality in their minds and that's fine, but they are not going to do it in mine.

If you don`t care what some people do, then why take the time to post it is .."wrong"? If you truly didn`t care, you would have read this thread and passed on.
As for people accepting who they are, I think they have already done this. I rather think it is you Ike, who will not accept who they are. You`re certainly not for giving all people equal freedom, that`s for sure. I think I recall you once saying that this section of the community, had already been given too much space. At least you are consistent in how ..little you care.
They do not as you put it, need societies approval. They [ LGBT people] are requesting the same rights, as the rest of society.
Throughout written history, we have seen heterosexual marriage celebrated. For the same length of time, there has been gay or lesbian relationships, it`s not new.
The difference is the gay or lesbian relationships were pushed to the edges of society. They were forced to conceal who they were.
Now however, they can be seen. And finally, they are being recognised in a positive way.
Welcome to reality, Ike.
And me, who thought that the wooden language is something the communists excelled at...

Family can mean different things to different people.
I was talking about the family as the base cell of society (in good ol' wooden language). The framework in which children ar born and raised, and in which people support each other because they are related (by marriage and by blood). I was not talking about the extended family, or about the unfortunate families in which one (or maybe both) parents are missing. I was talking about the normal family, and not about the exceptions (although, in these „modern” times, exceptions tend to make the rule).

The LGBT propaganda is not after the right to marry or whatever rights they're claiming. They're after the right to be considered normal, and this is unacceptable. Single parenthood cannot be considered normal (and it is acceptable only because is the result of unfortunate events), because it's not a situation to be desired, all the more reason for gay parenthood to not be considered normal.

The first image of a child of what's normal (what is to be desired) in this world is the image of it's parents. Yes, there are actual (non gay related) cases in which a child's image of a parent is it's mother whoring herself, but I'm not talking about that either. In the normal (desired) situation, a child has the right to know what a mother or a father is, and not learn about it from the children of the block. Instead of society giving rights to gays to adopt children, it should prevent that unwanted children are born, and if they are, to provide them to families that want and can give them a sane image about what's normal (to be desired), and what's not.

I'm really not in the mood to go about what homosexuality is and where it is coming from. I'm only saying this: sexuality may be instinctive, but this doesn't mean it is not rational. There are rules and borders that sexuality cannot brake or cross (rape, incest, poligamy) and these are accepted as such, without someone saying they are limiting their rights. If you cannot fall in love with your mother and marry her, if you cannot marry all the 68 women you want to have sex with and have 148 legal children (why not, it's hapening in Utah), the same can be applied to gays.
If you don`t care what some people do, then why take the time to post it is .."wrong"? If you truly didn`t care, you would have read this thread and passed on.
I may not care if you want to drink poison or shoot yourself in the head, but you're not going to do it in my yard.
And once again, I won't pass it on while it's bothering and endangering me.

As for people accepting who they are, I think they have already done this. I rather think it is you Ike, who will not accept who they are. You`re certainly not for giving all people equal freedom, that`s for sure.
Yes, I am not giving you that freedom, to do what you like, when it's immoral and perverted.

I think I recall you once saying that this section of the community, had already been given too much space. At least you are consistent in how ..little you care.
Yea, that was me. Gay people are better of me caring for them. Neither do I want to get entangled into their private stuff.

They do not as you put it, need societies approval. They [ LGBT people] are requesting the same rights, as the rest of society.
Same? OK, once you see me kissing a rubber doll at the playground do the same and tell me to get lost. That would be the same treatment.

Throughout written history, we have seen heterosexual marriage celebrated. For the same length of time, there has been gay or lesbian relationships, it`s not new.
The difference is the gay or lesbian relationships were pushed to the edges of society. They were forced to conceal who they were.
So, now you feel that everything about sex should be celebrated?

Now however, they can be seen. And finally, they are being recognised in a positive way. Welcome to reality, Ike.
So is incest. Law gives you a freedom to have sex with you own sister and mother and brother in a wild orgy. No legal consequences. Do you also find that OK? It was also written about in the mythology.
Welcome to reality without Hope for the sane.
I know. That's why they had to do what they did to Yugoslavia.

You're asking a question and giving a wrong answer. What does Lenin or communists have to do with conservatives and religion? Has he built any monasteries? Has he forbidden abortion? Has he forbidden females to vote? No, Lenin is more you're kind of person. A new age kid of guy.

You really don't believe when I tell you that we know everything? You are obviously not familiar with Balkan customs. I tried to give a brief explanation for the newcomers, but I wouldn't expect it from you.
Loan? For a $40K car?! Here? That's way off from reality. Why would you try to invent a most unrealistic explanation for something that is evident...

I've exactly accentuated that it is not the problem with homosexuality itself, but the hidden agenda that lies beneath it. Nobody is that uninformed to think that homosexuality alone can ruin world.

OMG, I sure hope you're right, but sadly it doesn't seem like it. All kinds of opportunists, perverts, agitators and neo-nacists are radiating the whole day from every media possible. No room for normal people.

Oh yes, it is collapsing. Females voters were a huge step for introduction of The new age democracy. Uneducated and emotional voters are being controlled from mass media, which is infiltrated by all kinds of CIA paid perverts. If we had just seen it earlier, how much evil was US culture to bring us, we could have stopped it on time. Russians have made a smart move,but it's too late for my country. We have already been crushed.

And for those who has the guts to see what's behind all that:
I was going to respond in depth, but I think your words exposed your "humanity" enough, to say lightly.

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