Look Who Has a Real Potty Mouth!


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Oh my, now I've heard it all. I'm not quite sure what to think of this! :eek2:

Look Who Has a Real Potty Mouth...

Aug 28, 12:03 pm ET

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The citizens of Amsterdam may now take counsel of talking toilets that expound on the perils of smoking or the futility of war and berate them on hygiene and cleanliness.

The first such toilets, fitted with sensors to detect exactly what visitors do and to pass comment if appropriate, were installed in a central Amsterdam cafe Thursday. Creator Leonard van Munster, who sees the project as an artistic venture, will build more if the demand arises.

"You might consider sitting down next time," the toilet told a male Reuters reporter politely in a female robot voice. The next user was told that "The last visitor did not take heed of basic rules of hygiene."

Depending on circumstances, the toilet might remind you to wash your hands or ask you to lift the seat.
"It could suddenly start coughing and warn you about the dangers of cigarettes, or name all the cool movie stars who smoke. It just depends what mood it's in," van Munster said referring to people who sneak off to secretly have a puff.

:eek2: :eek2:
I AM going to buy that toilet. :D
That sounds freakin' sweet! I gotta get me one of those.
hahaha the last thing I need is to have an argument with my toilet 0600 in the morning :D

But it would be fun to have a high-tech toilet though :)
HAHAHA :lol:

I would consider one of those intelligent toilets... :D .

Hey, and I thought that Japan had the most weird, intelligent toilets around, but it appears that the Netherlands have them too!!! *thumbs up*

Maybe instead of a toilet correcting people's way of "doing their business" and inform about the former visitor's lack of hygiene etc in a gentle female robot voice...the toilets should shout it out loud with an ANGRY Jack Nicholson-voice. For example: "That visitor did not wash his hands!!"
Well, maybe that is version 2.0 of that toilet.... :lol:
haha picture this : You're sitting on the potty, whiped your ass, suddenly the thing goes in berzerk mode saying : "U missed a spot,wait I'll fix it for you !!" *sprays high powered waterbeam up your ass :evil: * :souka: scary !!!
Miss_apollo7 said:
the toilets should shout it out loud with an ANGRY Jack Nicholson-voice.

Boy, that would scare the !@#$ out of you, wouldn't it?! :D
Miss_apollo7 said:
HAHAHA :lol:

I would consider one of those intelligent toilets... :D .

Hey, and I thought that Japan had the most weird, intelligent toilets around, but it appears that the Netherlands have them too!!! *thumbs up*

Maybe instead of a toilet correcting people's way of "doing their business" and inform about the former visitor's lack of hygiene etc in a gentle female robot voice...the toilets should shout it out loud with an ANGRY Jack Nicholson-voice. For example: "That visitor did not wash his hands!!"
Well, maybe that is version 2.0 of that toilet.... :lol:
Why do things by halves... additionally, have it say "Watch where you're aiming, dumba$$" :evil:
Or have it make fart noises while someone is just brooding out something :evil:
Oh my, I think stuff like that would be great for a "Hidden camera" show. Have the toilet say that and watch people's reaction! :D :evil: :D
Lina Inverse said:
Why do things by halves... additionally, have it say "Watch where you're aiming, dumba$$" :evil:
Or have it make fart noises while someone is just brooding out something :evil:
Oh my, I think stuff like that would be great for a "Hidden camera" show. Have the toilet say that and watch people's reaction! :D :evil: :D

Those comments are great!! I think there was a "Candid Camera" episode where they did something like that, only not as invasive!! The camera was outside the stall, for obvious privacy reasons. Unfortunately, I can't remember the details of it now. Shoot! :souka: :?

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