Intelligence Memory in women vs Men


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This explains so damn much! :)

I'm telling every woman I know that they have to have more patience with the men in their lives; even smart men can seem almost moronic in these areas, i.e. not being able to remember a conversation they've heard, what you've said, or even things they themselves said, not recognizing people they've seen often, and being incapable of describing faces, and not being able to remember or describe a scene, place, thing they've seen. They just can't help it. I'm going to tell myself that the next time, probably the 1000th, he forgets that I've told him I DON'T LIKE you name it. :)

All joking aside, women do get really frustrated with this stuff, and worse, can think it's a sign he doesn't care enough to remember. Of course, I'm sure there are things about women that frustrate men, too.


Oh, and yes, some women can be both systematizers and empathizers, difficult as it is for men to believe sometimes.

The above also explains, I guess, why most men seem so challenged when asked to "guess" ethnicity. You have to have both a memory for faces and be able to systematize all the faces as well, I suppose.
This is probably true. Question: would this news would have been reported if in an area, men with IQs of 60-80 were "better" than women with IQs of 101-120? IRONIC MODE OFF.
I guess men tend to filter more information.
They focus on a few subjects which realy interests them and they forget about the rest which they consider uninteresting ballast for their memory.

Anyway,I recognize the situations you describe.
Not all women and not all men. For example my wife does not recall conversations we had couple of days ago, she does not recall that she told me the same story for the third time, cannot remember faces to save her life. She remembers peoples names and their phone numbers, remembers details of clients cases 20 years later, etc. I on the other hand can remember faces 20 years later, can tell you where we met them remember what was said, etc. I remember my best friends' girlfriends names. However I cannot remember your name next day or even the same night if we were introduced at a party. I guess between the two of us we are pretty functional. Apart, we are useless.
This explains so damn much! :)

I'm telling every woman I know that they have to have more patience with the men in their lives; even smart men can seem almost moronic in these areas, i.e. not being able to remember a conversation they've heard, what you've said, or even things they themselves said, not recognizing people they've seen often, and being incapable of describing faces, and not being able to remember or describe a scene, place, thing they've seen. They just can't help it. I'm going to tell myself that the next time, probably the 1000th, he forgets that I've told him I DON'T LIKE you name it. :)

All joking aside, women do get really frustrated with this stuff, and worse, can think it's a sign he doesn't care enough to remember. Of course, I'm sure there are things about women that frustrate men, too.

I could have said the exact same thing for the women in my life! I have an excellent memory and remember most important conversations I have had since my childhood. I remember playing board games with primary school friends and what answers they gave to Trivial Pursuit or what passages they liked to quote from books or what jokes I heard on the playground. My visual memory is even better, quasi eiditic. So it's not surprising that in comparison most people I meet have what seem to me 'poor memories'. But my wife and my mother seem to be the worst.
We are different and have different abilities.

That's absolutely true, on average. What I think is important to realize from studies like this is that such differences are on a curve. There will be men who don't have these traits, and women who do, as well. The results apply to the majority.

It's the same with systematizing skills, with men, ON AVERAGE, getting higher scores, and the same would apply to other areas as well.

While such information is useful, it's important to look at people as individuals.

Very funny. :)

My brain, for example, really never stops working. Some women manage it, though. Look at all of the women who love yoga. I detest it. I'm usually doing a mental list of groceries, thinking about what is left to do from my "to do" list, or why my daughter has dark circles under her eyes, or what I'm going to say to so and so to get out of that party. :)

I'd just say that it's not only tied to emotions, though. I don't know what's emotional about not remembering that we're out of milk. :)
This jibes with the women in my life. I notice women seem to remember the facts and details, whereas men retain the overall patterns.

right on

I open the empty box, and then I let sip in a small part of another box, just for a little while
then when the box is empty again, I let sip in a small part of yet another box, just for a little while
and so on

it is very relaxing and it brings me peace and new perspectives

nobody should disturb me when I do that, especially not women
right on

I open the empty box, and then I let sip in a small part of another box, just for a little while
then when the box is empty again, I let sip in a small part of yet another box, just for a little while
and so on

it is very relaxing and it brings me peace and new perspectives

nobody should disturb me when I do that, especially not women

I'm sorry, what did you say? I wasn't listening . . .

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