Money Vs Happiness

You made me laugh, dude. Thanks
Psychology tells us that there are two ways of satisfaction.People who have strong belief on eternal life they will not prefer money over happiness while people who are materialistic will always prefer money over happiness.
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Now, please post a link to this supposed psychological study, or tell us in what book you had read this, ok?
I think money is fairly important. I would not study a degree that cannot find job. Of course it is not the most important but it is still fairly important, especially when everything is so expensive.
I think money can give you happiness in some situation and can snatch you happiness in some situation.
Money cannot give happiness in my opinion. It can give you a nice lifestyle which will (if the person is wise) include good diet which in turn may lead to a healthier life, but it does not of itself give happiness. Just look at those "celebrities" constantly trying new religions on a whim or going from one relationship to another foraging for happiness and fulfilment. I believe happiness and tranquillity comes from inside the person and the realisation of that is a good step to obtaining it.
This is a sign of well off civilisation if people look at money not realizing what they really mean. We all have pretty much our basic needs satisfied and even more, even people on welfare system (government help) if they are fairly normal.

Actually the money is an equivalent of human work, of what we produce and how much resources like food or clothing we can buy. In past money was the ticked to survival and survival of kids. People were thinking in lines of "More money less suffering", than "Money and happiness". Without money you could see your kids starving, getting sick and die. Without money/work/products all population of countries were starving and freezing, disintegrating, and were easy target for invasions.

Do money bring more happiness? It is debatable and not easy to quantitate.
Do money bring less suffering? Yes, in overwhelming majority of cases, yes.
Wife threw me away.
Got two great daughters.
No fixed abode.
Earn what I can when I can.
Do what I want when I want.
Could not be happier :grin:
Money is a essential thing for life...
Life can be passed without money...
It always makes me wonder why, in general, people are more romantic than logical?
Straight logic can make for a very depressing world view, at least with some people.
It always makes me wonder why, in general, people are more romantic than logical?

You're responding to a spam post. :p
Money and Happiness are very interrelated in my view. I think it's possible to be happy without money but this is Eupedia, and there is a european debt crisis right as we post to this forum. Who knows what kind of inflationary reactions we will begin to see. I'll be the first to admit money means alot to me and is a driving factor in almost everything i do, however i do not love the ability to consume heavily....I live very frugally and money is not the object of my worship or affection, i see it as a means to very important ends. I'm sickened by people who live above their means in the material sense.
For me (and for many other people) money is happines. I believe that one should check the financial aspects of a job
first before applying for it. Happines disappears fast when you're having financial problems due to the fact that you aren't earning enough money.

Money is alot more important than some people would like to believe.
I do not understand why do people put so much emphasis on money in connection to happiness. Money is just one of the factors not the only one in regard of happiness. There is physical health, mental health, spiritual health and financial health (money) that will make us happy. If money is the sole purpose of our lives then there will not be happiness definitely because other three factors will be left out. For eg (a simplification) if the doctors and pharmaceutical industry, including health scientists, would run only after profit you can imagine what follows. We already have this problem but not at 100% scale. And nothing is black and white in this world we just have to learn to have a more inclusive view on things not exclusive.

If we are not earning enough money, that means that what we are doing does not have value for others, so we need to learn how to create value because after all money is just a nominator not the real value. Money is just a paper or a metal that we have assigned a certain value to which will immediately devalue when society is not creating real value with their work/efforts.
It's not a matter of anyone's opinion. There is an entire field of psychology devoted to studying happiness.
Happiness is 50% Genetic
What about the other half? There is a whole new field of psychology which deals with that, and it is discussed, with scientific references, at and
The huge book on Hedonic Psychology I am reading contains a chapter by Diener, and he is one of the three editors.
Summary of Research on Happiness
Among the interesting points that scientists have discovered about happiness are that Latin Americans are happier than East Asians, money has little to do with happiness, and happiness is largely genetic.


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