Immigration More mosques get state subsidies in Belgium


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This article mentions that 6 more mosque have been officially recognised by the state and will thus get subsidies from Belgian tax-payers. It is already quite intolerable that churches get any state subsidies, but if even mosques do now ! The article from Flanders News doesn't say how many were recognised in Wallonia, and especially in Brussels, where the most Muslims live in the country.
mm-hmm....I agree with wantedturk. I think it is a necessary step, until all of us, despite our religion, can live in harmony...
well, muslims pay tax too...

you pay tax to get garbage picked up, have the firemen come when your house is on fire, pave the roads..etc.. NOT to get a mosque built, for that you pay from the congregation..

the churches of europe get money in most cases as they are often 700 years old, they bring in billions in tourist euro, they are national treasures in their old architecture...etc..

thus it is reasonable to subsidise an ancient church with tax money, not its actual services or religion, but the maintenance and upkeep,

while IT IS NOT justifiable for a mosque to be founded with tax money as the public has not a interest in its establishment.

If muslims in europe want a mosque they can donate their money and create one.. if they do not like this they can decide to go to their home nations and enjoy islam there.

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