Nikola Tesla was not I2a but R1a

Unfortunately we do not have historical data that Serbs coming to Lika or that part of Croatia, whether someone is Orthodox priest in that area and in that time does not indicate which origin is someone.

In this area Vlachs (Albanians, Romanians, Greeks, Bulgarians..etc) are mentioned and they are mostly Orthodox, there also exist and Croats converted to Orthodoxy, it's the base from which Tesla draws its origin, later Orthodox become Serbs and this is another issue that has nothing to do with original origin Lika population. That's why I quoted claim of John Joseph O'Neill who says that Tesla ancestors coming from eastern Herzegovina, allegedly all Serbs come from Eastern Herzegovina but it was claimed at the time when everyone wrote their history and this claim is actually a myth, it is enough to look at the historical data and it can be seen that there are no records of any migration from that area (eastern Hezegovina).

K13 Eurogenes autosomal of full Lika Serb (from Udbina). He is I2-PH908.

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Baltic 33.79
2 North_Atlantic 22.35
3 West_Med 18.56
4 East_Med 12.69
5 West_Asian 8.12
6 Siberian 1.73
7 Red_Sea 1.12
8 Oceanian 0.93
9 South_Asian 0.72

Single Population Sharing:

Population (source) Distance:
1 Moldavian 4.63
2 Croatian 6.84
3 Serbian 8.18
4 Romanian 10.2
5 Hungarian 10.72
6 Bulgarian 11.37
7 Ukrainian_Lviv 12.17
8 Ukrainian 13.2
9 South_Polish 13.63
10 Austian 14.51
11 East_German 14.85
12 Southwest_Russian 16.47
13 Polish 16.71
14 Ukrainian_Belgorod 16.91
15 Russian_Smolensk 18.36
16 Estonian_Polish 18.69
17 Belorussian 19.61
18 Geeek_Thessaly 19.71
19 Kargopol_Russian 20.05
20 Tatar 20.7

There is no Albanians in first 20 populations by similarity. He id closer to Tatars than to Albanians.

Get lost with your cheep anti-Serbian propaganda about Albanian, Vlach and Croatians origin of Lika Serbs!
His haplogroup have nothing to do with Vlachs. His branch of R1a is proto-Slavic and has a peak among Poles and Lusatian Serbs.

COuld it be his maternal lineage is Romanian and paternal Norther Italian, or the converse? I know, you folks keep denying the italian lineage to Tesla, but I'm pretty sure you are wrong. The better question, why, obviously, has there been some obfuscation around this issue. Seem by the early 1900's, with his fame, people would have cleared this right up? Correct? But no, clearly there's a agenda to place the history within a particular story line that has complete dead ends. Well, at least they kept the church.
K13 Eurogenes autosomal of full Lika Serb (from Udbina). He is I2-PH908.

Admix Results (sorted):

# Population Percent
1 Baltic 33.79
2 North_Atlantic 22.35
3 West_Med 18.56
4 East_Med 12.69
5 West_Asian 8.12
6 Siberian 1.73
7 Red_Sea 1.12
8 Oceanian 0.93
9 South_Asian 0.72

Single Population Sharing:

Population (source) Distance:
1 Moldavian 4.63
2 Croatian 6.84
3 Serbian 8.18
4 Romanian 10.2
5 Hungarian 10.72
6 Bulgarian 11.37
7 Ukrainian_Lviv 12.17
8 Ukrainian 13.2
9 South_Polish 13.63
10 Austian 14.51
11 East_German 14.85
12 Southwest_Russian 16.47
13 Polish 16.71
14 Ukrainian_Belgorod 16.91
15 Russian_Smolensk 18.36
16 Estonian_Polish 18.69
17 Belorussian 19.61
18 Geeek_Thessaly 19.71
19 Kargopol_Russian 20.05
20 Tatar 20.7

There is no Albanians in first 20 populations by similarity. He id closer to Tatars than to Albanians.

Get lost with your cheep anti-Serbian propaganda about Albanian, Vlach and Croatians origin of Lika Serbs!

Maybe you did not register what I said, we do not have historical records or very little from which it is apparent that Serbs migrating to Lika or that part of Croatia.

We do not know originally origin of person with I2-PH908 which you mentioned, maybe that's person(ancestor) is Croatian who converted to Orthodoxy, therefore I am not guilty becouse Orthodox peoples of Croatia and Bosnia have become Serbians. Vlachs are mentioned in historical documents and they have nothing to do with Serbians. If someone comes from Bosnia to Croatia he did not come from Serbia to Croatia, records that mention Croats existed up to Montenegro, Croats live and in Bosnia. If someone comes from Bosnia to Croatia why he should bee a Serb?
His haplogroup have nothing to do with Vlachs. His branch of R1a is proto-Slavic and has a peak among Poles and Lusatian Serbs.

We will know that for ten years exactly. Why this haplotype could not have nothing to do with Vlachs? R1a M458 exist and in Albania, Greece, Bulgaria etc. If people with R1a M458 migrating to China some branches of this haplotype will be and Chinese origin, originally R1a M458 is Slavic but subbranch of the same age 600, 500 years can be and Chinese origin, that's logic. If someone is assimilates into Vlachs does not mean that he is not Vlach because it has an R1a haplotype.
Whatever, people believe the Bible, and someone wrote that too. The family history is so well veiled. I gain nothing from this debate. His one grandson, a DIA director, was the commander of the Serpo mission in 65', and his great grandson was also a member of that 12 person team. Hitler's grand daughter was also on that mission, and his daughter was born on Mars in 1922. Tesla was directly involved with efforts to clone humans in the 1920's, with success achieved in the 30's. It's that twisted, and some more, so yeah, people had a reason to cover things up and it goes way, way back. Tesla was Thule, 2nd reich, but that's even a more convoluted story. Down by the river in Newburgh, after they burned down Huston Street................

I know for sure it was not Teslic'. ANd I know for sure there is buck teeth in the bloodline. FYI
There is no Albanians in first 20 populations by similarity. He id closer to Tatars than to Albanians.

Get lost with your cheep anti-Serbian propaganda about Albanian, Vlach and Croatians origin of Lika Serbs!

You should really verify things before commenting. Of course he doesn't get Albanians in k13, Albanians are not even included in that calculator. Instead we're modeled as Tuscan/Greek Thessaly etc.

Also some Proto-Slavic lineages were assimilated centuries prior to some of these migrations. Some Vlach migrations that became more southern balkan admix could have definitely carried I2-Din/M458/Z280. You speak alot without thinking. You also said there is no way it could be anything but Proto-Slavic and now there is R1a/I2a-Din Magyar elites.

Personally I think he was Serb, but could have been of Vlach/Croatian origin. To assume these lineages could not have moved with non-slavic speakers is wrong. You have been wrong more often than not.
Please, listen to yourself...
1. Fatherhood is not 100% sure thing, neither Tesla's or his family descendents.
2. People change last names.
I stopped to read this thread after this your post.
I don`t understand how can be discussed for almost two long years about the haplogroup of someone that has never been tested. Tomenable has this ability to provoke interesting discussions. :grin:
You should really verify things before commenting. Of course he doesn't get Albanians in k13, Albanians are not even included in that calculator. Instead we're modeled as Tuscan/Greek Thessaly etc.

Also some Proto-Slavic lineages were assimilated centuries prior to some of these migrations. Some Vlach migrations that became more southern balkan admix could have definitely carried I2-Din/M458/Z280. You speak alot without thinking. You also said there is no way it could be anything but Proto-Slavic and now there is R1a/I2a-Din Magyar elites.

Personally I think he was Serb, but could have been of Vlach/Croatian origin. To assume these lineages could not have moved with non-slavic speakers is wrong. You have been wrong more often than not.

Origin of Nikola Tesla's ancestors is known. Their the oldest known settlement was Kupres plateau where they lived in the middle age [video][/video]
In 16th century Tesla's ancestors moved to northern Dalmatia, and in late 17th century they moved to Lika where they were recorded in cencus of bishop Brajković in 1700 and in Austrian census 1712.
Tesla family probably have same further with Serbian family Svitlica from Kupres, they celebrate same Slava - St. Geogre's day [video][/video]
Svitlica family live on Kupres since middle age. When some of Svitlice will be tested than we will know are they related, there is high chance that they are related.
Tested Serb with surname Tesla from Lika who is R1a-M458>L1028 and who has common paternal ancestors with Nikola Tesla has a matches only with few Serbs.
Origin of Nikola Tesla's ancestors is known. Their the oldest known settlement was Kupres plateau where they lived in the middle age [video][/video]
In 16th century Tesla's ancestors moved to northern Dalmatia, and in late 17th century they moved to Lika where they were recorded in cencus of bishop Brajković in 1700 and in Austrian census 1712.
Tesla family probably have same further with Serbian family Svitlica from Kupres, they celebrate same Slava - St. Geogre's day [video][/video]
Svitlica family live on Kupres since middle age. When some of Svitlice will be tested than we will know are they related, there is high chance that they are related.
Tested Serb with surname Tesla from Lika who is R1a-M458>L1028 and who has common paternal ancestors with Nikola Tesla has a matches only with few Serbs.

Congratulations. That literally does not answer anything I said, nor was I questioning his origin.
Nikola Draganic Tesla,
Son of who?
anybody knows?

8 may of 1919
given to him the Edison award
CHARLES A. TERRYS in his ceremonial speach,(page 3) says a name, the occupation, and the origin of father Tesla.
interesting is the
Julian Hawthorne (page 225) on Tesla origins.

on to something

Nikola Draganic Tesla,
Son of who?
anybody knows?

8 may of 1919
given to him the Edison award
CHARLES A. TERRYS in his ceremonial speach,(page 3) says a name, the occupation, and the origin of father Tesla.
interesting is the
Julian Hawthorne (page 225) on Tesla origins.

A more important date to the Tesla discussion, in this immediate era, is 2/19/18. There was a route from FLorence to Milan to Trieste', then into croatia for the slav intermix story root. I suspect Romanian in his mother's bloodline. Please expound on Terry's speech content, and what does Julian Hawthorn say of his origins?
A more important date to the Tesla discussion, in this immediate era, is 2/19/18. There was a route from FLorence to Milan to Trieste', then into croatia for the slav intermix story root. I suspect Romanian in his mother's bloodline. Please expound on Terry's speech content, and what does Julian Hawthorn say of his origins?

his mother was a sister of bishops.
from a typical clergy family, where half become monks priests bishps etc,

his father is the question

Seifer is a cypher, a deception point, a painter of a false narrative mixed with a couple truths. I wouldn't put too much faith in his lineage depiction.

his mother was a sister of bishops.
from a typical clergy family, where half become monks priests bishps etc,

his father is the question

A more important date to the Tesla discussion, in this immediate era, is 2/19/18. There was a route from FLorence to Milan to Trieste', then into croatia for the slav intermix story root. I suspect Romanian in his mother's bloodline. Please expound on Terry's speech content, and what does Julian Hawthorn say of his origins?

all data are certain about his mother,
She was a sister, a sibling of a family with bonds to Serbian church and patriarchate,
her brother was a bishop, and many relaticves were priest, diaconoi etc.
about his father, they both say,
he was a priest, but not Serbian,
all data are certain about his mother,
She was a sister, a sibling of a family with bonds to Serbian church and patriarchate,
her brother was a bishop, and many relaticves were priest, diaconoi etc.
about his father, they both say,
he was a priest, but not Serbian,

He was Italian from the draganici bloodline. It was not just in Nikola's face, but his build and hands. Too bad there's no film footage. I could show you it in his walk. A man's gate is passed on. It was through Trieste from Florence, prior, connected through medici affiliations. Tesla was the great, great, great, grandson of an undisclosed son of Leonardo DaVinci. And he did have two sons, with maria, but not Lenny.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread, even though 2 years have passed since the last post, the information is still important. Too bad there is not an authenticated Family Tree for Nikola Tesla showing his bloodline inheritance since a man like him only comes along once in a century.

The brilliance of a man like Tesla is passed off as an anomaly since most of the Tesla family and records were murdered and destroyed by Croatian Fascist Ustashe during WWII. 11 Teslas are listed as killed at Jasenovac death camp by the American Holocaust Museum. Go to AHM Victim's List and see for yourself. Other Teslas were hunted down for the crime of being Orthodox Serbs.

The Ustashe entered Smiljan where Tesla was born and killed over 500 people. They burned down the Tesla home and church where his father preached. And they did this AGAIN during the 1990s civil war in Yugoslavia. Later the Croats rebuilt the church and home for tourists because they realized there's money in Tesla tourism.

They did all this because `Tesla was a Croat'?!

WHY? Was the TESLA bloodline targeted?

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