Opinions on CRISP


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I was curious what ya'll thought of CRISPR on a level purely of danger/health, as opposed to philosophy and religion.
I was curious what ya'll thought of CRISPR on a level purely of danger/health, as opposed to philosophy and religion.
People have an issue with it because they see it as playing god, but truth is people already do when they factory farm animals to slaughter houses.
Crispr technology could destroy populations systematically if taken by the wrong hands. Lots of crazies in the US are emeeging now a days.
I would say with crispr technology though they could use it to get rid genetic defects from genes and even make their children smart. But the interest of crispr tech look highly super ficial like wanting their kid to be blonde and 6 feet 5 or something.
the problem is that there are no bioethical or ecoethical standards in place, also no control over the process, and in the end there are many risks of genetic splicing that eventually will lead to quicker havoc of the synergy on many levels, process which eventually now when its in place is question if anytime soon would be stoped eg. the race for super strong armies for sure will produce some chimera soldiers which additionally would be upgraded by nanobots and bioelectronics thus cyborgs soon could become common appearance, but probably ww3 will put stop on all of this, will see how soon is now!?

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