Out of Africa overhyped


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southern EUROPEAN
The most basic teaching we all receive in the school/high school about human prehistory is the fact that the human species comes from Africa.

Everything is centered in Africa since the split from the last common ancestor with chimpanzees. As it seemed that it took us until 50000 years ago to get anything of value of the contienent. Even though the most important events have happened in this last 50k years in West Asia.

But if we know something is that other brother species like eurasian Neanderthals developed bigger brains, helped by the bigger size you can reach in colder North latitudes. Just to put an example of the several instances an Homo or a Primate has spent considerable time in Europe, the Middle East...

Bigger brains had Neanderthals, basic language and abstract thinking skills and primitive tribal organization.
We could easily hypothesize that before Sapiens came for Neanderthals, Sapiens were kind of evolving from Neanderthal like Homo Antecessor.

In my opinion, the reason why everything is centered around that particular continent and people is obvious. You need to know American culture to realize they're OBSESSED with them.
For me this more than excessive lens in that particular aspect in evolution is clearly political, since there's not that much that unites our civilizations and cultures with them, particular current Western Civilization.

The reason why I say Eurasian and african peoples are not really similar is because we may descend from africans. We have the same anatomy, we both speak and organize ourselves in tribes...

But in the tribe part comes the first big difference. Eurasian cultures seem to operate at a higher level of societal size. Africa is known for the complete absence of political and ethnic homogeneity.
While empires and universal religions are ALL from the North of the Sahara desert.

Even when we have organized ourselves in tribes it's clearly different.
For getting a band to travel the whole world and cross oceanic straits you need a higher oevel of organization than to go through the savannah.

We have to remember even we're both given plots of land and we have hunted. Having to hunt mamooths and oaks requires a higher level of coordination and planning, as well as enduring European winters.
When we grow crops we do it in another kind of society, and we have developed mining and metalurgy, which requires a bigger political unity, a bigger trading network and technological centers.

And also, because we're just different, there's no reason to say we have the same kind of mindset, while when we talk about politics and society, we use very different perspectives to do so.
Peoples that are separated by thousands of years don't have to think in the same way at all. There's no cultural nor genetical exchange whatsoever.
Just reading that the Ust Ishim man(45,000 years ago in the Steppe) already had 70% of the genetic variants that define the Eurasian peoples.
Why do I feel like this conversation may devolve into white "Aryan" Cro-Magnons came from a highly advanced space seeded civilization known as Atlantis and continue to live underground in a highly advanced civilization mating with the local primitive earth monkeys and teaching them civilization and oh yeah they also live on the Moon, Mars, and hail from the Pleiades! :LOL:

Well anyhow carryon I'll break out the Brandy and cigar for this one...

Estoy a todo oidos:p
Ah heck I can't keep my mouth shut...my take on this...

Africans always get a lot of hate...someone has to stick up for the buggers, but I don't think their behavior is any different than anyone else given the environment if you live in a lush jungle where food is abundant you don't need to develop any complicated advanced "civilization". Population wise you will stay small and tribal and you are going to skirmish with other tribes using simple weapons everything you use to construct your tools weapons and shelter comes from the fauna and flora.

This was the same for Neanderthals they existed the same way just in a totally different environment, but they still existed in small tribal units if they built shelter or tools it was from mostly from animal bones go watch videos of Africans chasing down gazelles and hunting with dogs its no different than what I imagine Neanderthals and any other Hunter Gatherer followed... The advances you are referring to I really do believe began in the Near east when climate changes drove people north and they learned of another way to feed themselves out of necessity to avoid starving and this lead to farming and permanent settlements, spreading into Anatolia, Mesopotamia and south into Egypt, this was the catalyst needed to setting man on a different path. These people spread these advancements to the hunter gatherer's around them.

I think whatever traits they acquired from Neanderthals may have helped them survive in this new environment they were moving into maybe it made them bulkier and more muscular in the colder climates and more hairy in the Middle east (I don't know why that's a good thing). Even metallurgy is believed to have come about in Anatolia and tied to settled Neolithic people, and that spurred on an arms race in how we conducted warfare. So my point is thank your damn Neolithic farmer they gave you barbarians better libations, weapons, and coins for a trip to the local brothel...
Ah heck I can't keep my mouth shut...my take on this...

Africans always get a lot of hate...someone has to stick up for the buggers, but I don't think their behavior is any different than anyone else given the environment if you live in a lush jungle where food is abundant you don't need to develop any complicated advanced "civilization". Population wise you will stay small and tribal and you are going to skirmish with other tribes using simple weapons everything you use to construct your tools weapons and shelter comes from the fauna and flora.

This was the same for Neanderthals they existed the same way just in a totally different environment, but they still existed in small tribal units if they built shelter or tools it was from mostly from animal bones go watch videos of Africans chasing down gazelles and hunting with dogs its no different than what I imagine Neanderthals and any other Hunter Gatherer followed... The advances you are referring to I really do believe began in the Near east when climate changes drove people north and they learned of another way to feed themselves out of necessity to avoid starving and this lead to farming and permanent settlements, spreading into Anatolia, Mesopotamia and south into Egypt, this was the catalyst needed to setting man on a different path. These people spread these advancements to the hunter gatherer's around them.

I think whatever traits they acquired from Neanderthals may have helped them survive in this new environment they were moving into maybe it made them bulkier and more muscular in the colder climates and more hairy in the Middle east (I don't know why that's a good thing). Even metallurgy is believed to have come about in Anatolia and tied to settled Neolithic people, and that spurred on an arms race in how we conducted warfare. So my point is thank your damn Neolithic farmer they gave you barbarians better libations, weapons, and coins for a trip to the local brothel...

I am not exactly sure what all of this means, but my suggestion is to either approach this subject matter factually or not at all.
I understand don't feed the troll but I'd rather try and spark the mind maybe when he gets wise he will reflect...and finally say you know what it's ok that I have a deep sexual attraction to African Women:LOL: I use simple language for simple people to follow if you want to bring the facts be my guest!
I don't think their behavior is any different than anyone else given the environment if you live in a lush jungle where food is abundant you don't need to develop any complicated advanced "civilization". Population wise you will stay small and tribal and you are going to skirmish with other tribes using simple weapons everything you use to construct your tools weapons and shelter comes from the fauna and flora

Exactly. They're different because their environment. That's why I said that before Sapiens appeared, the basic evolution had to come from evolving Europe, cause Africa seems to be more conservative in their ways and change is virtually none.

Also, most that concerns us particularly came from Siberia, the Near East, then the Caucasus and the Steppe. And after that is Egypt, Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, Israel...
Isn't that your history? Because it's mine.

And I don't want people putting afrocentrism in our history. I'm a bit tired of the convenient cherrypicking of instances of history putting blacks, or simply putting them as some white(or egyptian, whatever) historical figure.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, trust me, this is a real phenomenon going on in the anglosphere. They will try to portray as if we've done nothing🙄, while they did all.
Hope they don't put everything under the lens of Africa, but seems like they will.
Well all I want to stress is my disagreement for any notion that Africans are somehow lesser than "Eurasians" I find that to be an unfair argument. I agree to give credit where it is due, history should never be rewritten to fit ones narrative, we must always search for the truth and accept it. That is what I was implying with my first comment. I have heard plenty of claims from your Afro centrist they're not quite as wild as your "Aryan" centrist but there is the claim that James the VI of Scotland was a full blooded African man descended from Berber Kings who once ruled over all of European society...

I keep myself informed on all ludicrous theories believe me:LOL:Again that doesn't mean I lump all Africans in the crazy pot...there are arguments out there debating Moorish bloodlines entering Portuguese and Spanish Royal lines I haven't looked far into it but it wouldn't be unheard of in those times when you had to make quick marriage alliances with your Islamic adversaries to avoid endless conflicts...and I wouldn't get hung up if god forbid a Royal had some mixed ancestry...

I'm more of a believer that all of us can and should strive for enlightenment rather than declare any one superior and as a justified means for the enslavement or extermination of the others...Besides don't give the Han any ideas ok...there's a whole bloody lot of em...and I sure as hell don't want to learn Mandarin do you? :LOL: Lord help me when they find out my Great Grandpa was a full blooded Nihonjin...
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Exactly. They're different because their environment. That's why I said that before Sapiens appeared, the basic evolution had to come from evolving Europe, cause Africa seems to be more conservative in their ways and change is virtually none.
Also, most that concerns us particularly came from Siberia, the Near East, then the Caucasus and the Steppe. And after that is Egypt, Greece, Rome, Mesopotamia, Israel...
Isn't that your history? Because it's mine.
And I don't want people putting afrocentrism in our history. I'm a bit tired of the convenient cherrypicking of instances of history putting blacks, or simply putting them as some white(or egyptian, whatever) historical figure.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, trust me, this is a real phenomenon going on in the anglosphere. They will try to portray as if we've done nothing������, while they did all.
Hope they don't put everything under the lens of Africa, but seems like they will.

Are you saying the Out Of Africa theory is wrong? And if so... why?
You haven't stated your case (yet).
Are you saying the Out Of Africa theory is wrong? And if so... why?
You haven't stated your case (yet).

No. Sapiens is African. I suspect is more Sudanese/Egyptian from my point of view, because it's a place where the transition to larger groups makes more sense(along the Nile).

But after that, most of what happened for the rest occured in West Asia.
Well apparently I was cancelled so much for freedom of speech...

So your argument is basically what I thought Africans are lesser than Eurasians they are closer to apes than man, which again is a dangerous path to go down... Lets throw you in a Jungle with some other Ibero Celts and see how long you survive against your fellow Africans, I'd put my wager on the Africans having you all for dinner a pot... :D

We are not talking about apes. Is it so hard on this forum to gather some simple facts?
.someone has to stick up for the buggers,
Yes, this is a racist comment and I am happy you are banned.
Well apparently I was cancelled so much for freedom of speech...

So your argument is basically what I thought Africans are lesser than Eurasians they are closer to apes than man, which again is a dangerous path to go down... Lets throw you in a Jungle with some other Ibero Celts and see how long you survive against your fellow Africans, I'd put my wager on the Africans having you all for dinner a pot... :D
No. Sapiens is African. I suspect is more Sudanese/Egyptian from my point of view, because it's a place where the transition to larger groups makes more sense(along the Nile).
But after that, most of what happened for the rest occured in West Asia.

So what is the point of this thread?
Everyone is way too PC now a days overly sensitive, I'm standing up to Racism and yet am condemned for using humor...that is what's wrong with our western society it is way too thin skinned....

No. You are hiding behind the front of fighting racism while propagating it.
I'm propagating racism? Oh this is rich... I ask any African brother or sister who's side are you on in this silly debate Mine or these two?
This forum is about research. Not about whether or not you "have a deep sexual attraction to African Women".
I don't like the term "offensive" as it is used wrongly often.
But if there is anything on this forum, it is your posts that qualify.
The fact that you do not see this shows that racism is so deeply rooted within you, you cannot even employ a filter when the place is a research point.
So do yourself a favor and bow out, so either this thread can get on track or get properly deleted/comments disabled.

if he really got banned for the "buggers" comment then i find it extremely ridiculous that EV13SON got banned while that Mmiikkii is still around. it is very clear that he wants to imply that Africans are mentally not as evolved as Eurasians. cant's see how that is more acceptable than calling Africans "buggers". but i think there is a lot of willful blindness on this board. Mmiikii's posts were always targeted in this direction.
if he really got banned for the "buggers" comment then i find it extremely ridiculous that EV13SON got banned while that Mmiikkii is still around. it is very clear that he wants to imply that Africans are mentally not as evolved as Eurasians. cant's see how that is more acceptable than calling Africans "buggers". but i think there is a lot of willful blindness on this board. Mmiikii's posts were always targeted in this direction.

He is clearly a t-roll.

I banned him for making making nonsensical puerile posts, and attacking other members on the board, including me. He is not a serious poster, and has no business here, other than to create issues.

I find it strange how you are so sympathetic to him. You have been given many chances here, and lo and behold you are here still. Let me find out you are a part of these problems, and you will be out of here forever too.

I'm sure this guy is probably also that Romanian t-r0ll.


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