Religion parental guidance required for the bible?

PG labelling for the bible

  • yes, PG-16 because of alcohol reference

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PG-13 b because it shall be a bad example

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PG-18 because it illustrates corporal punishment

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PG-16 and warning message:fairytale, freely made up

    Votes: 3 27.3%
  • no opinion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • does not need PG rating, suitable for all ages

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • should be banned altogether for the sake of public sanity

    Votes: 3 27.3%

  • Total voters


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sure we are not extremists to ban christianity from japan and other places.

but, the stories are so scary, psychologists have a good buisiness to take people into theraphy, because they understand nearly nothing, first thing they ask is "where are you from", because the childbirth was so much dramatized.

otherwise, they would ask: how do? or: where go?

the idea is to put stickers on the bible.

"historic fairytale- freely invented"*

PG-16 because illustration of painful punishment, alcohol reference, suggestive themes**, and bigotery.

*very small: "jesus really lived. the wonders he did, and his supernatural origins are freely made up for illustration purpose. for the reason to talk in images. these images refer to circumstances not longer part of the daily life."

**suggestive: the concept the reader would be a sinner, without doing sin previously. some people misunderstand it as a command to perform sins.

alcohol reference: "if wine does not suit you, try one of these beer brands: millers genuine draft, fosters australian beer or stella artois, belgian brand. most countries laws do not allow to drink alcohol under the age of 16."

bigotry: the wine = the blood. the beer = the ****? this is slanderous, of course. imagine a story with beer instead wine. jesus would not have gone the way to the cross. please do not tell this to faithful people. they consider such things as sin.
Sorry, I had to add a last option. :p
Anyone should be able to read the bible, just as anyone should be able to read any religious text. This is the way that we learn about other religions. To ban children from it because it might damaged them mental is just PC gone mad. It is fair enough to say that religious texts have been used in the past to frighten the masses into believing into that religion. Now we are a better educated people, compared to 200 years ago, we can read an learn from these texts ourselves. We should have enough sense to see that a lot of the stories are allergorical in nature. There are some violent passages in the bible, but are they any more violent than fairy tales? We tell stories to young children from Greek and Egyptian myths. These are full of drinking and violence, but no-one worries about this. If we shield children from the realities of life they won't be able to cope with it when the controls are taken away.
IMO, parental guidance doesn't mean that parents should forbid their children to read the book in question, but to explain that the ideas contained may not be the truth and have to be understood with all the critical sense required.
Must. . .read. . .bible. . .must. . .read. . .bible. . .must. . .read. . .bible. . .must. . .read. . .must *passes out*

I like reading the bible. Its a strange hobby of mine. Never did me any harm.
HomicidalMouse said:
I like reading the bible. Its a strange hobby of mine. Never did me any harm.

Seeing your username, title and avatar, I would re-consider that. :p
Mycernius said:
Anyone should be able to read the bible, just as anyone should be able to read any religious text. This is the way that we learn about other religions. To ban children from it because it might damaged them mental is just PC gone mad. It is fair enough to say that religious texts have been used in the past to frighten the masses into believing into that religion. Now we are a better educated people, compared to 200 years ago, we can read an learn from these texts ourselves. We should have enough sense to see that a lot of the stories are allergorical in nature. There are some violent passages in the bible, but are they any more violent than fairy tales? We tell stories to young children from Greek and Egyptian myths. These are full of drinking and violence, but no-one worries about this. If we shield children from the realities of life they won't be able to cope with it when the controls are taken away.
actually, there is an educational program about ancient egypt, it has labels on it: NOT FOR CHILDREN UNDER 14. THE FIGURINAS ARE NOT FOR PLAY.

the texts can be highly abberational for small children. all i would like to see is the warning messages in the imprint.

PG-13/PG-16 means: persons under this age may require parental guidance.

indeed, children like to learn from their parents, and the labelling would encourage, the parents spend (more) time with their children, explaining the bible to them.

the advertising for beer brands is a less bad thing than the wine reference.
indeed, not all people need/like wine.

the bible is cut together from egyptian texts, and far away from delivering the complete thruth.

the message, the stories are made up, is necessary.
however, it is understandable, the ancient people had different environment, some people can make this conclusion on their own.

for others, the information, animal creches are not longer the centre of the life, is very useful.

it needs to be explained further, that these were the environments of the ancient time.

the trinity (father, son, holy ghost) is made up, and needs to be banished.
the concept of holy mother is made up. if it is kept up, it needs to be labelled as made up for illustration purposes.
these things are like a big brake for the human mind.

also, the church ruins/ugly church buildings (BRAZIL) need to be removed/deconstructed. quickly. they produce an insane, wormy mindset.

imagine japan would get this way. they (the christs) tried to revolute! (in the 17th century).

to ban everything, would be an omission of iraq/iran/israel/syrian/egypt history.

the question how far it affects europe, america, south america, russia and even japan occurs.
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Hmmm..interesting....however, I would say it is a "nice story"......maybe bedtime stories for has adventure/excitement :D
Maciamo said:
Seeing your username, title and avatar, I would re-consider that.
Hmm... you have a point. In that case reading the bible never did me any serious harm...
I may be a bit narrow minded now, but dont most people know the stories in the bible anyway, or is it just because im english and i was brought up in a christian environment? Im guessing im being narrow minded... :sorry:
we had the child bible on JUNIOR high school, i loved the story's that time, and i still know a couple of them...

just what i wonder is : what did the vatican change about the bible,,, is it true they did?

to get to know other religions is great for the mind, but most off all for the understanding of each other... look what happen in the world, mostly the wars are about religion. and misunderstanding, not respecting each other... every world leader should read the bible/koran/ and the other books...
HomicidalMouse said:
or is it just because im english and i was brought up in a christian environment? Im guessing im being narrow minded... :sorry:

Watch your words before you make such bold statement. Never occured to you that there could be other English people brought up in a Christian environment on this forum, that may have a completely different attitude ? (never mind)
My apologies :sorry: I never ment it in an offensive way.

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