Society racism in Italy - the other way around

bicicleur 2

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a 'mega-Afro-rave' party at Garda Lake in Italy
disturbed by young males of North-African origin
causing riots and harrasing young ladies
and shouting 'we don't want Italians around'

apeals acompanied with the Morrocan flag on Tik-Tok to cause more trouble on the next party in Riccione, Rimini

reminds me of what happened few years ago on new years eve in Cologne and some other cities in Germany

racism, a pure European white hetero male phenomenon ?
Modern racism, is rather a revenge phenomena, than old times racism,
it is 'I don't tollerate the different',
Modern racism, is rather a revenge phenomena, than old times racism,
it is 'I don't tollerate the different',

There's more to this, on top of the usual Islamic hatred toward westerners they regurgitate American talking points about blacks and whites which don't belong to our culture. Next year the hard Right is projected to win and everyone will wonder why Italians are racist.
Modern racism, is rather a revenge phenomena, than old times racism,
it is 'I don't tollerate the different',

the context may be different, but it's the same :

stigmatising a group of people considered inferior
bicicleur, what has already happened in France and Germany in previous years is happening in Italy.
Bring the Roman Empire back to settle this fiasco
Welcome to the reality, Italians.

In my hometown we have a street festival now. At the announcement it was noted that decolonization seminars will be held, also empowerment.
3 days ago in the newspaper there was an article about an exhibition at the local museum about how racist the Age of Enlightenment was.
Please what?

As I was a kid, there were just very very few Muslims around. Now barbershops and hookah lounges, the inner city is full of foreigners. We now have 2 mosques. In the city center more and more criminal people are around. Because of drug dealing and physical attacks, some smaller streets where separated through gates from another, to prevent people from hanging around and dealing.
At the city center there are Islamist restaurants and bars where the drug dealers are hanging around, a mafia like atmosphere.

Some weeks ago I was in the city in the evening with my wife. We noticed a scream and saw two men laying entwined on the street, wrestled, attacked each other, blood was on the floor, another person ran away and screamed. People called the police.
We left the place, no idea what was happened, nothing in the newspaper about that.

Two years ago, a male invader/refugee that came to the town was rejected from local girls with racist statements. He threw a brickstone in the face of one of the girls. The local ANTIFA made a campaign for him not to be judged by the law.

The city government is working together with the ANTIFA and at city events, ANTIFA is often present.
ANTIFA has its own street in the inner town, there is also a refugee welcome center for invaders/immigrants where they can live. The whole street is full of leftist stickers and graffiti, special bars and restaurants for leftist are present.

The weirdest thing is a modern house complex near where I live. It was promoted by the towns government as a project for diversity, handicapped, LGBT and POC people should live there according to the project description some years ago. Rich Germans are living there in reality now, blonde and blue eyed with their children, I never saw someone special there. A quarter of the building complex is empty and no one is living there permanently. This part of the building is preserved for anti-racist seminars and a memorial hall for all refugees killed by locals in Germany. As it was new, there was a banner outside: “Kill Nazis!” But the local people protested against it and it was removed. Today banners hanging from the rooftop of the building, seasonal things like Women's Day, VE-Day, Pride Month, 27. January and other things related to Jews and many more.
After all this building is an appropriation for many groups of people without their consent and provoke people to hate minorities and feed social conflict.
One day someone sprayed swastikas at night at the walls of the building complex. The residents tried to over-spray it with a big black cat, but the swastika was still visible. This was the birth of the “Swasticat” a local legend.
But it gets weirder: Because of the rich people that live in the street where the house is, the asylum home was removed some years ago, because they are “Too loud at night”

Over 10 years ago, there was a garden colony at the place where now the anti-racist building complex is present. The refugees from the asylum homo often stole vegetables from the local peoples gardens and practiced burglary. Also from my family. Someone I know here is a man from South America. He has connection to the criminal Muslim immigrant scene here in the town, and he told me, that they are doing the burglaries and he spoke to them to stop it. But they said yes they wont do it again, but still continued to do it. One day he became a victim himself, they stole all his chickens.
Many of those men are addicted to gambling and are hanging around at the town center in arcades. They try to get women to marry and harass young women in the streets by asking for their phone number.

There is a LGBT center near where I live.
Anti-immigration voices of LGBT people are blocked by the media in Germany and massive by the community websites, many people believe that LGBT people are all pro Immigration, but this is not true. The centers where young people can find information about LGBT themes are getting extra money from the government, if they promote Pro-Immigration. This all makes no sense, because Muslims are one of the most Anti-LGBT, Anti-Women people in the world.
They added black and brown colors to the LGBT flag, but Africans are one of the most homo-hating people in the world. This is like adding a swastika to the flag of Israel.
Every day there are physical attacks against LGBT people by young male Muslims in Germany, there where also many knife attacks in the last weeks against people in general.

If colonization is racism, then this is racism against us, because it is nothing more than colonization. And it is against everybody indigenous. We should stand unite against this, all Europeans, no matter what political opinion, no matter what sex or gender.
There's more to this, on top of the usual Islamic hatred toward westerners they regurgitate American talking points about blacks and whites which don't belong to our culture. Next year the hard Right is projected to win and everyone will wonder why Italians are racist.

That is the mistake of modern judge system, especially in EU and countries that were not colonial powers,

If a local say or make something, immediatly he is acused as criminal and racist
if the foreign dweller say or makes something, he is acused only for crime but never for racism,

That is the other view of Globalisation,
Not the view a US or EU politician see it,
Not the view that a chinese may see it,C
but the view of other population,
There is a LGBT center near where I live.
Anti-immigration voices of LGBT people are blocked by the media in Germany and massive by the community websites, many people believe that LGBT people are all pro Immigration, but this is not true. The centers where young people can find information about LGBT themes are getting extra money from the government, if they promote Pro-Immigration. This all makes no sense, because Muslims are one of the most Anti-LGBT, Anti-Women people in the world.
They added black and brown colors to the LGBT flag, but Africans are one of the most homo-hating people in the world. This is like adding a swastika to the flag of Israel.
Every day there are physical attacks against LGBT people by young male Muslims in Germany, there where also many knife attacks in the last weeks against people in general.

If colonization is racism, then this is racism against us, because it is nothing more than colonization. And it is against everybody indigenous. We should stand unite against this, all Europeans, no matter what political opinion, no matter what sex or gender.

That is the schizophreneia of our modern political status,

Usually the same party that supports LGBT supports and immigrants,
but most Immigrants throw from the roof of houses LGBT people,
IT is a political madness.
Thats heavy shit.The woke is shit,Brain dead woke shit.
bicicleur, what has already happened in France and Germany in previous years is happening in Italy.

And that is a "Freaking" shame. There are voices on the far right that see any culture/peoples not their own as alien. I reject those. There are lots of peoples from Asia for example who immigrate to the West and Assimilate quite easily (Indians, Koreans, Vietnamese, Chinese) and Africans from areas where Christianity is practiced, yes I said that. However, there are voices on the far left, who are in control of most of the Institutions in the West that see any criticisms of unchecked immigration and wanting to control immigration as being someone who is a xenophobe. Sorry, I don't buy that line of reasoning. If any European thinks that flooding Europe with peoples from cultures and ethnic backgrounds from Muslim majority countries is such as good idea, they are people so blind by secular left ideology and self-hatred of Western Civilization and thus their own cultural heritage (with its warts as well, as all of history has) that they are the first ones on the chopping block should in 100 years Muslims are the majority in Europe. Unfortunately, at some level at least, I will not be around to laugh my az..... off to see it happen.
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It is commonplace that the Mafia intervenes in such events. Organised crime only intervenes if there is profit to be made.

Indeed, and they like to present themselves as 'bussinessmen' instead of criminals.
Some of them believe their own bullshit.
When people think of places like Chicago, they think of the Mafia, and Al Capone. But Chicago is far more dangerous today, than it was back in the 1920s and 1930s.

Chicago homicides in 2022: 393 people have been slain. Here’s how that compares with previous years.

Bensonhurst, in Brooklyn is well known as a hub for mafia activity as well. It is in the 62nd precent I believe:


As you can see it has the lowest crime rate. You won't see petty crime, vandalism, public urination, etc.. Because the mafia will probably crack their skulls.

I think the mafia is a terrible thing, and has stunted the development of southern Italy, and Sicily, as well as Italy as a whole. But the media seems to favor focusing on the Italian Mafia, while other ethnicities have far worse crime, and violence.

I remember hanging out in Brooklyn, and someone told me the safest neighborhoods in the city were Mafia run. The statics verify that.
When people think of places like Chicago, they think of the Mafia, and Al Capone. But Chicago is far more dangerous today, than it was back in the 1920s and 1930s.

Chicago homicides in 2022: 393 people have been slain. Here’s how that compares with previous years.

Bensonhurst, in Brooklyn is well known as a hub for mafia activity as well. It is in the 62nd precent I believe:


As you can see it has the lowest crime rate. You won't see petty crime, vandalism, public urination, etc.. Because the mafia will probably crack their skulls.

I think the mafia is a terrible thing, and has stunted the development of southern Italy, and Sicily, as well as Italy as a whole. But the media seems to favor focusing on the Italian Mafia, while other ethnicities have far worse crime, and violence.

I remember hanging out in Brooklyn, and someone told me the safest neighborhoods in the city were Mafia run. The statics verify that.

The mafia usually just kill each other or rival mafias (i.e. Irish), but the murders that are happening in Chicago today are mass shootings usually over petty disputes, armed robberies, etc. with regular civilians being killed.

Isn't it just gangs killing each other ? And also bystanders getting killed ?
Well, this is racism for you, but for BLM, it's normal to rape, rob and kill, everything goes to such standards.

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