Sarmatians, Serbs, Croats and I2a2


there is no evidence that they ever existed

I haplogroup are Europian haplogroupe...
......nation and ethnic community occurred in the early Middle Ages..not before!

Illyrians are comone name for all people thath live in Roman province Ilirya..not one nation or ethnic community
Hi Shetop,

I agree with your conclusion about Vandals and R1a.

I too have come to the conclusion that Vandals might have been R1a bearers when I read about the Y haplogroup sampling of the Algerian Kabyles. The Kabyles are the central Algeria mountain dweller Berbers which very often display north European phenotypes. According to the genetic sampling, the Kabyles have nearly 30-40% of the R1a Y haplotype. This makes them very different from the other Berber populations of the Maghreb which have insignificant levels of R1a. The area covered by the modern-day coastal Kabylia, with its' capital city Bejaia was the center of the North-African Vandal kingdom and Vandals dwelling in this area are supposed to have fled to the Kabylia mountains during the Byzantine retake of the African province of the Roman empire. It is thus quite plausible that Vandals have then intermixed with indigenous Berber populations. On the other hand the R1b haplotype levels of the Kabyles is similar to the level of this haplotype in other Berber populations. This would suggest that Vandals had high numbers of R1a haplotype and lower levels of R1b.

In fact I am would like to know more about the genetic sampling of the Y haplotypes of the Early Germanic human remains, I would suspect that the overall proportion of the R1a in them should be higher than in some of today's Germanic populations.

About I2a2-Dinaric we can simply agree to disagree.

there is no evidence that they ever existed

I haplogroup are Europian haplogroupe...
......nation and ethnic community occurred in the early Middle Ages..not before!

Illyrians are comone name for all people thath live in Roman province Ilirya..not one nation or ethnic community

I agree with this viewpoint only partialy...

originally set of related tribes existed that were by Greeks called Illyrians...
however, later the name was related to any tribe living in area of Illyria...

original Illyrians were largely destroyed by Dacians... while the land was later resettled by Pannoni and other tribes of different origin (probably by Veneti and Scordisci as closest neighbours as well)... as indicated in following historical record:

I shall first describe Illyria, which approaches close to the Danube, and to the Alps which lie between Italy and Germany, taking their commencement from the lake in the territory of the Vindelici, Rhæti, and Helvetii.7 [2]
The Daci depopulated a part of this country in their wars with the Boii and Taurisci, Keltic tribes whose chief was Critasirus. The Daci claimed the country, although it was separated from them by the river Parisus,8 which flows from the mountains to the Danube, near the Galatæ Scordisci, a people who lived intermixed with the Illyrian and the Thracian tribes. The Illyrians were destroyed by the Daci, while the Scordisci were frequently their allies.
The rest of the country as far as Segestica,9 and the Danube, towards the north and east, is occupied by Pannonii, but they extend farther in an opposite direction.
Strabo (63/64 BC – ca. AD 24) - Geographica
Hi Shetop,

I agree with your conclusion about Vandals and R1a.

I too have come to the conclusion that Vandals might have been R1a bearers when I read about the Y haplogroup sampling of the Algerian Kabyles. The Kabyles are the central Algeria mountain dweller Berbers which very often display north European phenotypes. According to the genetic sampling, the Kabyles have nearly 30-40% of the R1a Y haplotype. This makes them very different from the other Berber populations of the Maghreb which have insignificant levels of R1a. The area covered by the modern-day coastal Kabylia, with its' capital city Bejaia was the center of the North-African Vandal kingdom and Vandals dwelling in this area are supposed to have fled to the Kabylia mountains during the Byzantine retake of the African province of the Roman empire. It is thus quite plausible that Vandals have then intermixed with indigenous Berber populations. On the other hand the R1b haplotype levels of the Kabyles is similar to the level of this haplotype in other Berber populations. This would suggest that Vandals had high numbers of R1a haplotype and lower levels of R1b.

do not forget that it was kingdom of Vandals and Alans

R1a might also came there with Sarmatian Alans...
Sarmatians were offspring of Scythians and we know that Scythians were dominantly R1a... btw, there is too little of R1a in Iberia to be connected with either Alans or Vandals...

do Kabyles have some haplogroup I? and what about haplogroup G?
......nation and ethnic community occurred in the early Middle Ages..not before!

Hi Imperium Romanorum,

You are absolutely right, nations are artificial constructs which often do not overlap with human populations that they are supposed to describe. And of course the nations do not overlap with the human genetics. :rolleyes:
Iapetoc is just Albanian trying to steer your views towards E-V13 being Illyrian and thus Albanian...they need proof of that in order to claim right on all lands of Illyria... that is their ideology that is supposed to keep fueling brainwashed Albanian youth with hate towards their non-Albanian neighbours in order to be ready to die in new wars against their neigbours...

I do not say that E-V13 is not related to Illyrians, as it might indeed be the case if I2a2 came to Illyria with Serbs and Croats or with Pannonians who settled emptied areas of Illyria (Dacians were a bit pissed off during their wars with Celts so they did thorough ethnical cleansing of Illyria, later Pannoni settled there...but were still called Illyrians as they inhabeted Illyria) many centuries before 7th century supposed arrival of Serbs and Croats......

btw. did you notice the sneaky remark about Scordisci being related to Scodrans of Albania...while there is no tribe of Scodrans, there is town of Skadar on border of Montenegro and Albania, that is by Albanians written as Scodra...

Scordisci lived in Serbia, Voivodina, Pannonia...on south all the way to Sar planaina (mountain in corner of Kosovo, Albania and Macedonia, that is named after them)... closet match among all tribal names to the name of Sar mountain is Serians....

however, Scordisci were Celtic... but R1b in area is minimal in Europe...
Scordisci are a puzzle as well... knowing that Greek wrote Slavs as Sclaveni, and mixed occasionally b and d sounds, I would not be surprised if Scordisci is corrupted version of Sorbisci...however, there is still Celtic ending... so we might think of celticized branch of proto-Serbs.... same as in Brittany Celtic branch of Veneti lived...

but that ios just an idea... not even a theory or hypothesys...
truth is we have no clue who Scordisci were, and what is history of proto-Serbs....
we can only make theories, but a theory should never be claimed to be absolute truth...

how yes no

You are right.

Of course the tribe Scordisci has nothing to do with E1b1b.

There are plenty of sources, including Russian, that Illyrians were E1b1b.

It is a haplogroup, which originally came from Africa (Etiopia/Somalia).

The researchers go further and reveal similarities in the language of the Berbers who E1b1b1b1 and the Albanian language.

If you want I can put many similar or identical Albanian and Berber words.
Hi Zenati,

Actually I did not write Vandals were R1a. Here it is:

I believe that Vandals may have been a part of this culture, but main bearers seem to be R1a people.

What I meant is that beside Vandals, R1a were part of Przeworsk culture also. And it looks like R1a people were majority there. This is also supported by Russian historian Sedov.

Though we don't agree in some of the issues I have to say I find your posts very interesting.

On the other side it is disappointing when I see my countrymen recognizing Serbs in every tribe which have ever lived in Eastern Europe.
But yes, it is quite logical Spartacus was Serbian. After all his name starts with 'S'.
idea about link between Berbers and Albanians is interesting...

what are your sources for R1a in Kabyles?

on wikipedia their YDNA is as follows:
Y-Dna haplogroups, passed on exclusively through the paternal line, were found at the following frequencies in Kabylie : E1b1b1b (E-M81) (10.36%),Haplogroup J (Y-DNA) (42.36%),R1*(xR1a) (15.78%) (later tested as R1b3/R-M269 (now R1b1b2)[5]), J1 (15.78%), F*(xH, I,J2,K) ( 10.52% ) and E1b1b1c (E-M123) (10.52%)[6].

R1(xR1a) means R1 without R1a...
do not forget that it was kingdom of Vandals and Alans

R1a might also came there with Sarmatian Alans...
Sarmatians were offspring of Scythians and we know that Scythians were dominantly R1a... btw, there is too little of R1a in Iberia to be connected with either Alans or Vandals...

do Kabyles have some haplogroup I? and what about haplogroup G?

You are absolutely right, Vandal army included a lot of Alans, I have also thought about this.

But Alans were less numerous than Vandals proper, which have been described as Germanic (although at that time the Germans, Baltic and Slav populations might have been much more intermixed and difficult to distinguish for the Roman historians). It is absolutelly true that Scythians have been overwhelmingly R1a bearers and that ancient Alans have probably been R1a bearers too even if modern-day Ossetians have a high proportion of G.

The evacuation of the Vandals from Spain to North Africa has been described as well prepared and complete, this may explain the small levels of R1a in modern-day Spanish populations (BTW these R1a remnants might as well originate from Saqaliba slaves in the Muslim Andalous).

There is no significant G or I haplotype in Kabyles.
how yes no

There are plenty of sources, including Russian, that Illyrians were E1b1b.

It is a haplogroup, which originally came from Africa (Etiopia/Somalia).

The researchers go further and reveal similarities in the language of the Berbers who E1b1b1b1 and the Albanian language.

If you want I can put many similar or identical Albanian and Berber words.

E1b1b1 is indeed the Berber modal haplotype and does indeed originate from the horn of Africa, Ethiopia or Yemen.

But this haplotype has spread all around the Mediterranean sea during the neolithic agricultural revolution. In fact it is the only Y haplotype fund all around the Mediterranean.

And the time of its' expansion the Berbers were not Berbers yet :grin:.

Please post the words that are similar in Berber and Albanian, I gonna show em to my Berber speaking friends (my Berber is quite poor because my Zenete ancestors have been thoroughly arabized).
I agree with this viewpoint only partialy...

originally set of related tribes existed that were by Greeks called Illyrians...
however, later the name was related to any tribe living in area of Illyria...

original Illyrians were largely destroyed by Dacians... while the land was later resettled by Pannoni and other tribes of different origin (probably by Veneti and Scordisci as closest neighbours as well)... as indicated in following historical record:
Strabo (63/64 BC – ca. AD 24) - Geographica

...originally set of related tribes existed that were by Greeks called Illyrians...
however, later the name was related to any tribe living in area of Illyria...

I agree, but who are they in the end?
They are I2a haplogoupe...old europians dinarc!
Illyrians...are not their name.. is the name given to them..
Their real name is Slav or Serb
Hi Zenati,
On the other side it is disappointing when I see my countrymen recognizing Serbs in every tribe which have ever lived in Eastern Europe.
But yes, it is quite logical Spartacus was Serbian. After all his name starts with 'S'.
Spartacus is named after Sparta..

Actually, as far as I know area where Spartans lived have increased I2a2... not that I am saying that Spartans were proto-Serbs in origin...
but they might have been :)

now seriously, thing is that also 2000 or 3000 years ago most of east Europe (except for Goths covered area) did speak satem variant of IE languages, same as it now does...R1a and I2a2 are also not recent arrival from, those are same people, speaking same languages, just their tribal names are different.... now they are various Slavic nations, before they were various satem speaking tribes as Thracians, Dacians, Scythians, Sarmatians....

but that is regarding Slavic origin...proto-Serbs are just a small part of that which is a puzzle that would be interesting to solve...
Hi Imperium Romanorum,

You are absolutely right, nations are artificial constructs which often do not overlap with human populations that they are supposed to describe. And of course the nations do not overlap with the human genetics. :rolleyes:

Just right

Europe belongs to the old European race I haplogroupe!
Others came from Asia ...
I agree, but who are they in the end?
They are I2a haplogoupe...old europians dinarc!
Illyrians...are not their name.. is the name given to them..
Their real name is Slav or Serb

that is assumption that may or may not be true... we just do not know...

Just right

Europe belongs to the old European race I haplogroupe!
Others came from Asia ...

hey do not be racist...
Europe belongs to everyone who lives there...

actually, contrary to existing theories, I think that haplogroup I might origin from Persia.... and that it has arrived in Europe from middle East via Asia minor in three waves: first one carrying mostly I2a1 settled south Europe long long time ago, and second wave with I1 settled Scandinavia long time ago, while I2a2 might have spread from Asia minor only recently in times around Troyan war...
Just right

Europe belongs to the old European race I haplogroupe!
Others came from Asia ...

Imperium Romanorum

I the percentage is highest in Bosnia.

But that does not mean someone from Bosnia or anywhere should write that way.

According Wiik (2008) I and Indo Europeans R1a and R1b are Old Europeans.

But every citizen of Europe is a European, regardless of the origin.
E1b1b1 is indeed the Berber modal haplotype and does indeed originate from the horn of Africa, Ethiopia or Yemen.

But this haplotype has spread all around the Mediterranean sea during the neolithic agricultural revolution. In fact it is the only Y haplotype fund all around the Mediterranean.

And the time of its' expansion the Berbers were not Berbers yet :grin:.

Please post the words that are similar in Berber and Albanian, I gonna show em to my Berber speaking friends (my Berber is quite poor because my Zenete ancestors have been thoroughly arabized).

actually, main distinction between Serbs and Croats is that Croats have significantly more R1a and Serbs significantly more E-V13....(btw. worth noting is that in same time according to Klyosov R1a in Serbs is ancient old, while the one in Croats seems to be much more recent one...)

so, proto-Serbs may have been E-V13 as well...

horn of Africa, Ethiopia or Yemen was part of Sheba and later Sabaeans kingdoms, and those are Serians who control the Red sea that Seneca mentions...

let me explain this

[369] Though kings should gather themselves together, both they who vex the scattered Scythians and they who dwell upon the Red Sea’s marge, who hold wide sway o’er the blood-red main with its gleaming pearls, they who leave unguarded26 the Caspian heights to the bold Sarmatians; though he strive against him, who dares on foot to tread the Danube’s waves27 and (whersoe’er they dwell,) the Serians28 for fleeces famous – ‘tis the upright mind that holds true sovereignty. He has no need of horses, none of arms and the coward weapons which the Parthian hurls from far when he feigns flight, no need of engines hurling rocks, stationed to batter cities to the ground. A king is he who has no fear; a king is he who shall naught desire. Such kingdom on himself each man bestows.
Seneca - Thyestes
27. i.e. the frozen surface.
28. The poet here conceives of the Serians as near by Scythia.

Thus, Serians:
1) control Red sea
2) live in friendly relationship with Sarmatians in caspian mountains of Sarmatia Asiatica
3) live in Europe near Danube where they also rule over Scythians (Dacians in other translations)
4) live in arc of Serians that is big trade route spreading from northwest China (where Serians produce silk) to India

btw. worth nothing is that some Byzantine sources seems to refer to Serbs as to Sarbans, which identifies them to be related to Pashtun Sarbans (who are obviously key part of arc of Serians from north west China to India) and thus to Serians...

Seres (Gr. Σῆρες, Lat. Sērēs) was the ancient Greek and Roman name for the inhabitants of eastern Central Asia, but could also extend to a number of other Asian people in a wide arc from China to India.[1] It meant "of silk," or people of the "land where silk comes from." The country of the Seres was Serica.

arc of Serians from north west China to India is clearly visible in spread of haplogroup I

and its key part clearly matches spread of Sarbans


Serboi tribe of Caspian highlands (also known as Serbi and Siraces) are the Serians of Seneca who live among Sarmatians in Caucasian highlands...


problem is that spread of haplogroups I and R1a does not fit Red sea settlement (kingdom of Sheba/Sabeans)... so Serians might have originally been E-V13

horn of Africa, Ethiopia or Yemen was part of Sheba and later Sabaeans kingdoms, and those are Serians who control the Red sea that Seneca mentions... they might also be Sherdana sea peoples who attack Egypt, as Sherdana are related to toponym Serbonian bog (Serbonis/Sirbonis )

The name of the Serbonian Bog (Arabic: مستنقع سربون‎) applied to the lake of Serbonis (Sirbonis or Serbon) in Egypt relates to the Sea Peoples. When sand blew onto it, the Serbonian Bog appeared to be solid land, but was in fact a bog. The term is now applied metaphorically to any situation in which one is entangled from which extrication is difficult.
The Serbonian Bog has been identified as Sabkhat al [Bardawil], one of the string of "Bitter Lakes" to the east of the Nile's right branch. It was described in ancient times as a quagmire, in which armies were fabled to be swallowed up and lost.
The term Serbonian came from the name of the Sherden (also known as Serden or Shardana) sea pirates, one of several groups of Sea Peoples who appear in fragmentary Egyptian records in the 2nd millennium BC.

important to notice is that Serbs might carry their tribal name after mythological queen of Sheba
as her name was known as Makeda in south parts of her kingdom (Ethiopia), which corresponds to Macedonians located south of Serbs, and ancient Macedonians south of Scordisci...
in same time she was known to Arabs as Balqis/Balkis which explains why in Arab influenced Ottoman empire whole area got name Balkan

here is possible scenario:
from kingdom of Sheba they could have travelled to Asia minor and Balkan and merged there with R1a...those would be Serians of Europe which are perhaps Scordisci who are neigbours to Dacians (Serians of Seneca rule over Dacians) and whose name yielded name for Sar mountain....

later I2a2 Veneti might have settled on Balkan and merged with proto-Serbs in east and central part of west Balkan giving Illyrians, and with other autochtonous people in west part of west Balkan giving Liburnians and Adriatic Veneti....

Scordisci are known to have area of influence roughly matching ones of Serbs - from Sar mountain on south (border of Kosovo, Macedonia and Albania) to Slovakia and Czech republic...

Dardanians arrived from Troad area of Asia minor to Balkan unknown time after Veneti and settled area that is now Kosovo, north east Albania and west Macedonia...they were nomadic people who did not live in houses which made Greek historians write about them as barabarians... they were last wave of E-V13 to enter Balkan...

and in fact if you look at attempt to make clusters of people with recent common origin...


among closest clusters to the one made of south Slavs, Romanians, central Ukrainians and west and east Hungarians, are in fact Albanians, Asia minor and northwest Africa (that is Berbers)

while e.g. Greeks, Bulgarians and Macedonians first cluster with Egypt and Syria and only than with cluster containing Serbia, Bosnia,Croatia, central Ukraine, Romania and east and west Hungary, Berbers and Albanians...

this indicates that Bulgarians and Macedonians have strong Thracian component, and that Thracians were closely related to Greeks

while Serbo-Croat-Romanian-central Ukraine- east/west Hungary cluster and Albanians arrived more recently from Asia minor...Serbo-Croat-Romanian-central Ukraine- east/west Hungary cluster probably matches settlement of I2a2 Veneti on top of R1a, E-V13 and J layer, and second one probably matches settlement of Dardanians on top of E-V13 and J layer... term Illyrians is questionable as it has included both Dardanians and Veneti and some other tribes..

so it is also possible that proto-Serbs might have been E-V13 component that has among Veneti acquired I2a2...

alternatively, proto-Serbs might have been originally R1a (as R1a is dominant in Sorbs and has unprecidentedly high variance in Serbs) or most likely I2a2 (as this is by far most frequent group in Serbs).... thing is we just do not know... it is a puzzle...

strong argument against idea that proto-Serbs are E-V13 is that wide arc of Serians from northwest China (Seres area where silk is produced) to India is clearly marked by haplogroup I (today visible in Pastun Sarbans) and less clear with R1a as well...while E1b1b is only present in the hotspots on two ends of the arc

so, it could be that E-V13 was class of merchants and goods producers situated on ends of arc shaped trade route, while haplogroup I were warriors who protected the merchant route... the merchants and producers might have originated from kingdom of Sheba and their tribal name could have been spread to part of haplogroup I warriors guarding this merchant route...

worth nothing is that Croats seems to always be as an echo of the Serbs...close and related, but diffferent... both have now dominant I2a2, Byzantian sources seems to relate them to Krevatas and Sarban in Caucasus (north of Georgia and close to location of Serboi), iranian theory of Croat origin places them in south most part of Afganistan which is part of I haplogroup arc just bellow Sarbans....

in Greek mythology, among wind gods (known as Venti in latin, which is likely related to tribal name Veneti, same as Germanic Wend used for Slavs is related to word wind) Carpus is son of Zephyrus.
but if Croats are derived from Serbs (as Zephyrus is father of Carpus) and have much less E-V13 than Serbs, this does suggest that E-V13 is afterall likely not the mark of proto-Serbs but acquired later...

this legend of origin preserved in Greek mithology actually indicates that proto-Serbs were key part of (likely I2a2 dominant) Veneti and that it was not the case that their merging with Veneti was rather recent... legend of origin also puts their birth place in Thrace... which is near areas with high variance of R1a (Serbia, Bosnia, Macedonia) and I2a2 (north of Black sea and north of Adriatic sea)

in the end, worth nothing is that manuscript of anonymous Bavarian geographer from early medieval period claims that state of Zeruiani was so big that all Slavs come from it. Obviously this is a reference to state/area of influence of Serians as it covers huge areas of Euroasia. In historically recorded times, this state is likely already split in several not related parts...
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I always thought that the people of the balkans were the original inhabitants mixed with whatever came from the eurasian steppes. This means slavs and other turkic peoples (bulgars, avars, ect.). It was a strategy of the eastern romans to allow nomadic people to settle in the underpopulated areas the balkans and christianize them. It seems that at least culturally, the slavic peoples would dominate, and spread their language. Culturally, at least for me, the differnce between bulgarians, 'macedonians', serbians, montenegrins, is very small.
hahaha i m not an albanian greek, i am a makedonian true one with G haplogroup,

all started when i saw a video of bulgarian ministry of culture about thracians,
as i makedonian i know 3 small thracian tribes were allied and assimilated to ancient makedonia, but when i saw and speak with a dacian and an albanian about that i realize that Diomedes power was trully as homer desbribes it,
the languge of thracians is lost and only words we can found i believe not enough quantity, exept perhaps in area near dacia.

1st approach

on the other hand the dardanians, i read about illyros that make a big army and invade illyria but his son went and build (his son's son ilos)troy, and died there, then who the f.. where the thracians that fight in troy with troyans, the cold that found in bulgaria proves that thracians knew the metalurgy of gold, with a bulgarian historian i have talk he believes that thracians were cousin of hetit and achaic but not to the pelasgian,
the theory of black minoans and cycladetic is wrong cause J2 has the biggest ratio in greek crete and greek minor asia.

these i video that proves similarity

the difference is big in metallurgy but the custom is the same, to cover the dead king's face with gold, now the same custom have in egypt, that makes strong that E gene that came from africa knew that metalurgy,
part of the map of speads

E-M123 seems to go hand in hand with haplogroup G and J2, with the difference that G and J2 both reach their maximum frequencies around the Caucasus and Anatolia, where cattle, pigs and goats where first domesticated. Inside Europe, E-M123 follows more or less the distribution of E-V13, with the highest frequency (1 to 5%) observed in Greece, South Italy, the Balkans and the Danube basin, then fading towards Germany, Poland, Ukraine and Russia, where its frequency is under 1%.

According the above it seems that dardanian are more close to the ancient thracian genes, But numerically that does not make sense, due to very low ratio in the heart of ancient thracians cause herodotus sais that that they were the 2nd biggest nation after indians
and from makedonians we know that dardanians are semithracian semi illyrians,

2, the other aprroach

numerically the propability as herodotus mention of dacian being thracians, and as we know from ancient makedonians that thracian have tribal kingoms (the greeks have town kings, the thracians have tribe kings) and only in greek makedonia we know 4 (pieri paeonians migdonians and bisaltes) mean that hey were divided to many small tribes, and if ever unite that was at troyan war under king diomedes,
besides a war between tribali thracians and odrysean killed king sitalkes
and atheneans (xenophon) served seuthes II,
and as we know the scordisci nation i simply put wiki to that, and a map

and a big menu of thracian tribes


the many celt invasion does not give so spread in such numbers, according history, but the I2a2 Has that, if we compare the spread from illyria to moldavia and even more then we have the exact according the byzantines.
For example, for greeks Illyria stops to cernagora (montenegro) after that is adra thalassa (adrias, dalmatia) although greeks build colonies in some dalmatian islands, for example parias from greek island of paros etc, dont give much data, here we take the roman data of languages and i m not a linguist but the position of celts and landuages as venedi and liburnian and the propability that celts were south than dunab in genes map, makes me believe that dalmatia is the sprink of I2a2 and the more north and the bigger influce,

that high ratio can be either by sprink in low population era, or after a genetical clean (genocide) of pre-devastasion (locals). i dont believe the second so lets look at the first.
we know that I is an entire european gene,
we see at the map what?
a) that the local I and the slavic R are almost 80% (¬%0 ¬30)
b) the small colonization of J2 (greeks) is almost near 0 menaing that that by sea it was either difficult or much crowded at the sea,
c )the almost low G although dinaric alpes, meaning that either the mountain is difficult either much habbited,
d) the quantity of E-V13 or another variant of E (for example the greek E E-M123) is almost as a common spread

the probabilty that in amount you can block a passage is obvius even almost genetically at that times,
venedi lingua and liburnia lingua can not be found so easily to opposite italy as Greek Roman and messapic,
Now i make a guess, I2a2 start mutation at dalmatia, had a small spead to italy and spread to east and the other balkan mountains gather again, ex. carpathean, ex Aimos (balkan) the other 2 big ratio is also near mountains, meaning that I population either loves to hide at amountains, either settles at mountains due to coresmos (full of)

then how they go to minor asia,
the truth is they went to asia through greece,
According greek History
only the makedonians push 3 big tribes to devastate there
first we know is Bruggi (phrigians) there report about their devastasion and move to today Phrygia wich today is as big as greece
second we know is the maedi, the bull lovers according aristoteles the ones that dance on hot coals, moved under pressure of makedonian and odyrsa to minor asia to maedobithynia.
third we know the bythyni and thyni who devastated in minor asia to bithynia,

so we have known devastasion 3 the number and 2 of them as big as to create a nation there the possibility that I2a2 reaches donau river and turn south,
and another one passes donau and change languge to the one is know as celt,
meaning that the origin I2a2 is thracian and the far from dalmatia the far the language from liburnia-thracian and above donau is named after as celt althouh it is thracian,

remember that is a tribe named as Boii
And a tribe of serdi

about the slavian entrance in south of danub, it will wise be to ask the religion one master,
in greece religius man know byzantine better,
personally i m not specialized in byzantine history, due to i m polytheist

1 approach

but as a so isolated nationality from rest slavs i believe that it is like greek invasion to india, in the beggining it was a invasion and 1st srpski
army and rulers class, 2nd christianization mariages and union with locals,
assimilation of I2a2 and E-V13 around to a state, creation of Δυσσανος

2nd approach a more northern celt I2a2 that comes thrue polland-slovakia gets slavic language and return back with a good percentace of slavian R,

i believe that I started in dalmatia, as i also believe that when a tribe becomes a state then the more genes you have due to assimilation of the before you,
also the bigger the data the bigger the statisticks

about scordiski remember that they are known as Celt meaning big I2a2.
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spartacus was a thracian, and any similarity with greek sparta has nothing to do, his fathers land was among today phillipopolis- plovdiv maedi tribe,
but the name spartacus is also known as kings of odrysea

the chance that odrysea in the east of thracians , adrysea at the west, does make a point?
i just thought that perhaps is a connction
I disagree with your aproach to silk road,
allthough it is based very well asumed and have a basis
I personaly believe that
from baltic sea 3 roads down, 1 to black sea and ucraine
2 the road to italy and adriatic sea croats
3 the road to con/polis thessaloniki and africa, serbs
the road of silk probably has to do with 4 roads
1 is chegins han north road (Huns - bulgar-golden horde-tatarian)
2 the road of timur lan thrue north persia caucasus and to Pontus black sea (also tabriz pottery road_
3 the jerusalem road from south persia through syria to lebanon, and though jordania to Azotos
also the road of spices mainly the arabian trade
the obsidian road, the ivory road etc.

about the aproach srb from σηροβρωται (sirobrote-serobrote, silk worm breeders) have a chance, but in that case, the road from donau black sea to central europe is more usefull than the big arc around romania and persia.

about the pelasgians i strongly dissagree with the albanian theory,
pelasgian were from cycledetic civilization
the cycladetic gave 4 minor aeolian ionian minoan and pelasgian
the before cycladetic were arcadians lellekes lokroi argeans aetoloi etc pelasgian were the western ionic- attico thessalian J2, the ionic were the minor asia J2 the aeolians were the isslands and near thrace J2 and minoan was the south J2 crete
that theory comes a rich man that wrote a book with wich everybody laughs ,
cause he insists that albanians speak ancient greek and greeks speaks ethiopean.
the truth is that albanians came down in 1040 and since then more come

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