Politics Should Crimea be an independent country? (Russian-Ukrainian conflict)

Yeah right, like NATO is getting closer to Russia because it is bullying Georgia and other small countries. If you were not informed that was NATO's milestone from day one.
What was the Russia's milestone from day one? Be lonely, lol?
She had all these countries in Warsaw pact and lost them. That's how much love, appreciation and friendship Russia managed to build through 40 years. They all run away as fast as they could. Now even Ukraine can't stand this "friendship". These are simple facts of life. It doesn't matter if you don't like it and want things to be different. That's how it is.
What was the Russia's milestone from day one? Be lonely, lol?
She had all these countries in Warsaw pact and lost them. That's how much love, appreciation and friendship Russia managed to build through 40 years. They all run away as fast as they could. Now even Ukraine can't stand this "friendship". These are simple facts of life. It doesn't matter if you don't like it and want things to be different. That's how it is.

Didn't the communist pseudo-elite tell the various Central-Eastern "euros" just to get lost in any direction, having been busy at the time grabbing the fat and juicy bits of lands and the economy, like the commodities trade? I don't remember any of them having feelings of loss. Someone must badly overestimating CE Euro's significance.

So, our pro-western, ultra-liberal, democratic government's policies of huge discounts and investments of over $400 billion into The Ukraina over 20 years, without obstructing their strange politics, is something evil and vicious. Wow.
Didn't the communist pseudo-elite tell the various Central-Eastern "euros" just to get lost in any direction, having been busy at the time grabbing the fat and juicy bits of lands and the economy, like the commodities trade? I don't remember any of them having feelings of loss. Someone must badly overestimating CE Euro's significance.

So, our pro-western, ultra-liberal, democratic government's policies of huge discounts and investments of over $400 billion into The Ukraina over 20 years, without obstructing their strange politics, is something evil and vicious. Wow.
Again, why is it that EU, Nato and US seems to be so attractive for these countries to spit on 40 year "friendship, help and countless investments" of Russia? Something must have gone wrong, don't you think?
What was the Russia's milestone from day one? Be lonely, lol?
She had all these countries in Warsaw pact and lost them. That's how much love, appreciation and friendship Russia managed to build through 40 years. They all run away as fast as they could. Now even Ukraine can't stand this "friendship". These are simple facts of life. It doesn't matter if you don't like it and want things to be different. That's how it is.

Russia had no milestones. That was Soviets, and their goal was communism. I don't think Russia is after that goal anymore.

LeBrok, it seems that you still live according to teenage idea that you should be friends with popular and rich kids. I hope you never get into situation to see who your real friends are, cause you'd be in a for a surprise. Sporadic swirlie for you or other non-nuclear friends wouldn't surprise me also. If that's your idea of good life, go for it, whatever suits you, live in your Hollywood B dream, but don't think that the rest of us still want to live in high school.
Ike I was expecting from you being Serbian to analyze things more deep about Ukraine and not see things in black and white.
If you do remember Serbia also stood against USSR troops,after World War II.
Not because those Serbians were having something against Russians,just because they did not liked current USSR bolshevik regime.
Sure,there are also racist Ukrainians,who dislike Russians on racist basis,but I doubt these are the majority of Ukrainians.
I do not think you can put all Ukrainians in the same category,some dislike Putin regime and I guess these are most from Ukraine population.

Putin is having a high support in Russia,according to some news agencies but according to other agencies,not even 20% of the Russians agree with the implication of Putin in Eastern Ukraine.
But even if Putin would have had high support in Russia,the conflict in Ukraine and the embargo helped Putin to get more support,from average Russian.
Considering that US and EU would not have done any kind of embargo,how could have Putin justify in front of his people the bad economic situation in which Russia is?
Because mostly the bad economic situation in Russia is happening because 80% of the money that are incoming to Russian state are from selling oil and some natural gas,but mostly oil.
And since the price of oil dropped a lot,Russia living standard is very affected.
How is possible that even if Germany attacked Serbia and Montenegro in World War II Montenegro is using Euro as currency and not Russian rubla?
Because Russia economy is not too strong?
Did you liked the fact that NATO powers came and took Kosovo from Serbia and that they bombed in Belgrade?
I do not think so.
Than how are you expecting that average Ukrainian would like that Eastern Ukraine would be taken from him?
Russia had no milestones. That was Soviets, and their goal was communism. I don't think Russia is after that goal anymore.
According to some surveys, 80% of Russians dream about Russia being the strongest country in the world, about Russian Empire, and on these grounds Putin was elected. What do you think their major goal is in geopolitics? Even if Putin never said words publicly about New Russian Empire, his actions speak for themselves, and he behaves like a Tzar.

LeBrok, it seems that you still live according to teenage idea that you should be friends with popular and rich kids. I hope you never get into situation to see who your real friends are, cause you'd be in a for a surprise. Sporadic swirlie for you or other non-nuclear friends wouldn't surprise me also. If that's your idea of good life, go for it, whatever suits you, live in your Hollywood B dream, but don't think that the rest of us still want to live in high school.
Poland spent 40 years under Soviet Union/Russian protection. The problem is that we never felt liberated and protected, but enslaved, imprisoned, executed and used. The West for us was a way to the freedom and self governance. Being in EU and Nato feels like being cared and helped and among friends.

If Russia/Soviet Union could treat the satellite countries like partners, helped with investments, allowed more political and personal freedoms, included in decision making of the Block (like EU), allow more traveling and mingling of populations to create interpersonal friendships between citizens of the Block, be more like a friend, a big brother, and not a conqueror and Tzar, etc, etc., it would have been a different story. They had their chance and they totally blew it!
So did Russia invade Ukraine, yes or no?
I wasn't convincing myself. My position is well known in many posts here. I listed the evidence for you.
In case you missed it, yes Russia actively supports rebels with troops and equipment. So yes, they invaded Ukraine.
Did you miss that Russian troops are already, and not hiding, in Cinema, a part of Ukraine? I'm sure you will excuse this behaviour too.

This is not relevant since every country has the right to move it's troops wherever it wants within it's own territory. Especially if a huge neighbour country experiences a coup by hostile russophobes who start attacking their russiphile population, backed by a military organization which keeps breaking promises for 20 years.
Switzerland recently prepared it's army for a french attack, can you imagine.
So did these 100000 Russian troops invade Ukraine?
Swiss scenario is highly hypothetical for the exercise. Russian troops build up "coincidentally" coincides with Russian rebel fighters area. Please, be more objective. Isn't it handy to have troops there to send them into rebel area any time there is a need?

Actually no, they don't.
I hope, when the dust settles in the future and we know the truth from documents, you will bravely come back to this thread and state how wrong you were. ;)

I know these pictures, this one in particular.
These pictures don't answer the most important question: whom these columns belong, the Ukrainian army, the Rebels or the Russian army. Some are moving west and some east.
Who would use unmarked units inside Ukraine, especially deep in the rebel zone?
I have a feeling that until you go their and hear the truth from russian soldier mouth or Putin himself will confirm that troops are in Ukraine, you won't believe the overwhelming evidence.
It looks like a duck, it walks and quacks like a duck, but for you it is unidentified object.

Don't need to ask the rebels, they handed it over already to Farnborough, England. The receivers confirmed that the box was intact and sealed. The recent dutch report did not mention in the slightest who shot. But the "community" knew already immediately after it happened that Russia has to be sanctioned. This is irresponsible. The media created pressure upon EU politicians to harm both, EU and Russia.
Then, why did you asked, what happened to the black box?

That's what was promised by Genscher 1990 in Germany. It was also common sense that there is no need of NATO expansion because the Soviet threat is gone. Read the article from foreign affairs which I posted. So why did NATO change it's mind? Expansionist ambitions perhaps?
The Nato is not in Ukraine yet, not even close, and Crimea and East Russia is invaded by Putin. Keeping up the promise? In case you missed one detail, Nato membership is voluntary, unlike Warsaw pact was. It is up to two sides to agree upon this relationship. It is legal to join Nato. Invading another country is not.

NATO approached Russia for 20 years and finally reached it's borders by creating a hostile russophobe coup.
Why Russia don't want to join Nato or EU, be a friend and a big helpful brother instead?

You seriously expect Russia to stay calm? If yes, we can stop discussing.
Every move by Putin was entirely defensive.
Even Obama admitted in the CNN interview last Sunday that Putin had no ambitions about Crimea because he was totally surprised by the regime change which "we" (Obama) did, lol.
Now compare that to the narrative in western mainstream media. We have been fooled all the time, and I told you so.
Oh yes, Putin panicked and didn't do the best moves. Or ok moves but he doesn't like the consequences. It doesn't mean that what he did was legal, smart, excusable, or whatever. What is, it is, you don't need to protect Russia and Putin. At least lets call the thing the way they are. I was critical about legality, tactics and smarts of Bush junior during Iraq war. I was pro American, but I could call the things by their real names.

Again, where is the result of this choice? Me thinks at least east Ukrainians beg to differ. Yet NATO is meddling there, toppling a democratically elected government. Now who has expansionist ambitions?
Why is Nato not mendling in Finland? Why isn't it pure Ukrainian choice? You don't believe that Ukrainians are smart enough to make their own decisions? Why do you think that Ukrainians need to be controlled by a foreign power? It really borders with conspiracy theory. Everything needs to be controlled.
Don't you see that this type of Russian thinking of controlling everything is pushing other countries away from Russia. It is scary to have a control freak as a friend.

You can't be serious. Biggest land mass with just 200000 inhabitants and a little bit oil, gas, uranium, palladium, gold.
Wages have increased ten-fold since Putin is in power, debt has decreased to 12% to GDB (compare that to western debt levels), foreign cash savings suffice to pay the debt multiple times, and finally in addition yet the resource wealth.
Russia has still many problems for sure, but claiming that it is less than a glittering jack pot is ridiculous.
And yet with such resources and big population it is 3 trillion dollar economy. EU is 16, US 15, China 13, Japan 5, Germany 4. Russians considered themselves equal if not stronger than US. It must really hurt russian proud now, isn't it? On grounds of these hurt feelings, Putin was elected. He's job is to restore Russian pride. To bad he doesn't know any other way but the KGB way, lie, deceive and bully around.

Now please explain which countries Russia bullied. Georgia attacked Russian troops in Abkhasia because Saakashvili thought NATO would help him. Chechnya war was bad, but it is inside Russia and was started by Yelsin.
You better start with Soviet Union. Sins of Russia were not counseled with fall of Soviet Union. Nobody even heard "I'm sorry" to start a new friendship with". I guess in your school you were not taught about excesses of Soviet Union, therefore it should be brought to your attention that what was done still hurts many, but Russia is acting innocent and oblivious, and never faced the past.

This is not reversed to what I said, it is supportive. As I said, Russia has no incentive to annex or even conquer east Ukraine, and you provide an additional argument. Russia needs this buffer to protect it's border. That's what Putin tried to express: he could take Kiev in two weeks, but he doesn't.
Exactly what bully would say to a "friend". You still act surprised that countries act as Russophobes? Would you say to your wife or a friend "I could smash your face if I really wanted to, but I won't", and expect understanding and friendship?

This is the path to WW3 because Russia has no room where to step back without losing and eventually breaking-up into small pieces,
For god sake, just join the world. Nobody wants to attack and conquer you. Don't be psychotic. Make friends.
Ike I was expecting from you being Serbian to analyze things more deep about Ukraine and not see things in black and white.
If you do remember Serbia also stood against USSR troops,after World War II.
Not because those Serbians were having something against Russians,just because they did not liked current USSR bolshevik regime.

I am not Serbian, and it was not Serbia you'er talking about but Yugoslavia.

Sure,there are also racist Ukrainians,who dislike Russians on racist basis,but I doubt these are the majority of Ukrainians.
I do not think you can put all Ukrainians in the same category,some dislike Putin regime and I guess these are most from Ukraine population.

And I am not putting all of them in the same category.

Putin is having a high support in Russia,according to some news agencies but according to other agencies,not even 20% of the Russians agree with the implication of Putin in Eastern Ukraine.
But even if Putin would have had high support in Russia,the conflict in Ukraine and the embargo helped Putin to get more support,from average Russian.
Considering that US and EU would not have done any kind of embargo,how could have Putin justify in front of his people the bad economic situation in which Russia is?
Because mostly the bad economic situation in Russia is happening because 80% of the money that are incoming to Russian state are from selling oil and some natural gas,but mostly oil.
And since the price of oil dropped a lot,Russia living standard is very affected.

What's that got to do with anything?

How is possible that even if Germany attacked Serbia and Montenegro in World War II Montenegro is using Euro as currency and not Russian rubla?
Because Montenegro is occupied territory?

Because Russia economy is not too strong?
Why should Montenegro care about Russia or NATO? They don't have printers to print their own money? They don't know how to make dye?

Did you liked the fact that NATO powers came and took Kosovo from Serbia and that they bombed in Belgrade?
I do not think so.
Than how are you expecting that average Ukrainian would like that Eastern Ukraine would be taken from him?

Because that was not Ukraine. Why should Ukrainians care for something which wasn't theirs to begin with?
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According to some surveys, 80% of Russians dream about Russia being the strongest country in the world, about Russian Empire, and on these grounds Putin was elected. What do you think their major goal is in geopolitics? Even if Putin never said words publicly about New Russian Empire, his actions speak for themselves, and he behaves like a Tzar.

Agree that actions speak for themselves. That's why I watch them carefully.

Poland spent 40 years under Soviet Union/Russian protection. The problem is that we never felt liberated and protected, but enslaved, imprisoned, executed and used. The West for us was a way to the freedom and self governance. Being in EU and Nato feels like being cared and helped and among friends.

That's your problem how you felt. That doesn't mean everyone feels the way you do.

If Russia/Soviet Union could treat the satellite countries like partners, helped with investments, allowed more political and personal freedoms, included in decision making of the Block (like EU), allow more traveling and mingling of populations to create interpersonal friendships between citizens of the Block, be more like a friend, a big brother, and not a conqueror and Tzar, etc, etc., it would have been a different story. They had their chance and they totally blew it!

Yea, right, like US asks Canada or Latvia what to do :D
Montenegro is not "occupied land".
I supposed that you are Serbian,because you have the flag of ex-Yugoslavia.
And from what I remember during the milder communist regime from ex-Yugoslavia lots of Serbians were going to work in Germany and in those times the Deutsche mark had a lot of value in Serbia and Montenegro.
Montenegro is not "occupied land".

LoL. They have the same man for the president and prime minister since 1991 :) And he is a drug dealer, criminal, extortionist, head of an organized crime . And everyone knows that :) But he is there because CIA wants him there.

I supposed that you are Serbian,because you have the flag of ex-Yugoslavia.

Serbs were not the only one who were against the war and fallout of Yugoslavia.

And from what I remember during the milder communist regime from ex-Yugoslavia lots of Serbians were going to work in Germany and in those times the Deutsche mark had a lot of value in Serbia and Montenegro.

And so did Sestertius and Reichsmark, and so do Euro and CHF. Good for them if they are trusted currencies. That doesn't mean that you should renounce you own money. Modern Montenegro had it's currency.
That's your problem how you felt. That doesn't mean everyone feels the way you do.
Most felt the same way I did, most chose government that has lead country away from Soviet Block to the West. It is funny that this comment comes form someone who still feels Yugoslavian, lol.

Yea, right, like US asks Canada or Latvia what to do
If they don't they don't act as Nato but an independent country. Otherwise if it comes to trade partnership, movement of people, working visas, military alliances, etc it is by bilateral agreement. You can have good relationship with US even if you chose Socialistic government or not belonging to same military block. It was nothing like this in Soviet Block. Everything had to be orchestrated and agreed by Russian government. Don't you remember? Oh, yes, Yugoslavia didn't had to go through it.
Another clue pointing to deep involvement of Russia in this crises are the peace talks. To reach some sort of agreement nobody talks to rebels but meets Putin. What kind of leverage would he had if he wasn't helping rebels in big way. Putin says, rebels do. It doesn't make sense, if there were no Russian troops and equipment in Donbass.
Again, why is it that EU, Nato and US seems to be so attractive for these countries to spit on 40 year "friendship, help and countless investments" of Russia? Something must have gone wrong, don't you think?

They decided that everyone was waiting for them to join that prestigious club where they'd become rich. Yeah.

That's right, something went very wrong. They are so used to communist privileges and subsidies that they are simply considering the EU a better option of a big daddy who will provide them. After they were given independence they were demanding continued subsidies for another 2 years (obviously told to shove off) - generally they were loss makers. Their privileged status in the SU above Russians has lead them to think of themselves as uber-something, which consequently lead them to a very erroneous decision one year ago to take away the citizen and language rights from Russians - resulting in uprising and Tavria's run.

By the way, I voted for Tavria to rejoin Russia.
Lol,why Putin wants to change the name of Crimea into Tavria?
Most felt the same way I did, most chose government that has lead country away from Soviet Block to the West. It is funny that this comment comes form someone who still feels Yugoslavian, lol.

It's funny for you that I was born in Yugoslavia, and that it would have still existed in only there were not many Nazi bastards around to start the bloodshed? I don't find it funny. Lots of people died trying to stop that. Just like lots of them dies 50 years ago, while making it.

If they don't they don't act as Nato but an independent country. Otherwise if it comes to trade partnership, movement of people, working visas, military alliances, etc it is by bilateral agreement. You can have good relationship with US even if you chose Socialistic government or not belonging to same military block. It was nothing like this in Soviet Block. Everything had to be orchestrated and agreed by Russian government. Don't you remember? Oh, yes, Yugoslavia didn't had to go through it.

You could have good relationship, but there is a problem when US don't want to have good relationship with you. Last thing I remembered they offered Yugoslav republics a lots of money if they depart. Disgusting politics.
To my mind they have to decide by themselves, I mean Crimean people. And they've already decided as I heard and long ago.
Lol,why Putin wants to change the name of Crimea into Tavria?

LOL, Did Putin ever even suggest that? A strange obsession with him to the west of our turf. I suggested that. Many folks around prefer the old name - precisely the reason why the university in Simferopol' is called Tavricheskiy. The matter is not a priority, because it would cause more inconvenience.

The decision in 1921 to rename it to Crimea was one of the ways by commies to stick it in the face to Russians. A minor thing along more important ones.
Rebels pushing hard before seasfire:
Some of them admitted having "Russia guests" fighting alongside.

The rebels have advanced far past the line of an earlier ceasefire deal, agreed in September. The new accord appears to envisage them withdrawing their guns around 75 km, to take them back behind it, while Ukrainian guns would move 25 km back.

Hopefully this new peace agreement will have long lasting effects.
In my opinion, Ukrainians should give these territory to Russia. Actually, give rebel held territory full independence, but whether they want to belong to Russia is a different question.
This would take away a trump card from Putin's hand. It would consolidate more pro Western views, politics and alliances for Ukraine, make Ukraine more united.

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