Politics Should Crimea be an independent country? (Russian-Ukrainian conflict)

If you wonder why I have changed my attitude, well mr. Rogozin posted on his twitter account a video from Youtube entitled "I am a Russian occupant/invader".


Here is the video with translation in English:


What I think of this video, posted by mr Rogozin on his twitter account?
Cheap propaganda.
Here a live leak video about "benefits" of Russian occupation in Crimea:
If you wonder why I have changed my attitude, well mr. Rogozin posted on his twitter account a video from Youtube entitled "I am a Russian occupant/invader".


Here is the video with translation in English:


What I think of this video, posted by mr Rogozin on his twitter account?
Cheap propaganda.
Here a live leak video about "benefits" of Russian occupation in Crimea:

Yes, the attitude of many Russians and Putin is very unfriendly to neighbours, many they occupied before. Seems that their pride is hurt very much, and they don't know how to cope with it, and for that reason, they act with anger and aggression.

It is also true that Russia/Soviet Union did many good things for citizens of their republics. The education, electricity, health care, industrialization, and peace within borders. The problem is that they also committed many genocidal acts, deportations, ethnic cleansings, labour camps, premeditated starvations, pogroms, executions, lack of freedoms and human rights, corruption and social injustice etc. This is the part which they still need to openly admit and apologize to all the nations and even to their citizens.
Once they admit it, I will know that big psychological change happened in Russia, and this will be the time when Russia will act as a Big Brother, the caring brother, to their neighbors, and not like neighborhood bully. I don't mind if they are big, powerful and proud nation. I just want them to make friends and be friends.
If all europe can be friends with Germany, after their terrible behavior in 20th century, there is no reason we can't be friends with Russia. The only thing is, that Russia needs to want to be friends.
Yes, the attitude of many USians and Obama is very unfriendly to their neighbours (and beyond), many they had occupied before. Seems that their ego is very much in hurt, and they don't know how to cope with it, and for that reason, they act with anger and aggression.

It is also true that USA/NATO did many good things for citizens of their republics. The education, electricity, health care, industrialization, and peace within borders. The problem is that they also committed many genocidal acts, deportations, ethnic cleansing, labor camps, premeditated starvation, executions, lack of freedoms and human rights, corruption and social injustice, etc. This is the part which they still need to openly admit and apologize to all the nations and even to their citizens.

Once they admit it, I will know that big psychological change happened in US, and this will be the time when US could act as a Big Brother, the caring brother, to their neighbors, and not like neighborhood bully. I don't mind if they are big, powerful and proud nation. I just want them to stop hurting others.
I don't mind if they are big, powerful and proud nation. I just want them to stop hurting others.
Interesting, I thought you love and thrive on pain, rape, murders and perversion.

Originally Posted by LeBrok
Said news from Russia today. A great man, a honest man, anti-Putin and anti-corruption activist Boris Nemtsov has been killed. It happened just a day before scheduled "anti war in Ukraine" demonstration in Moscow. He was killed in assassination style, shot 4 times in his back.

Smart move, whoever did it. If we had dealt with CIA spies that way, we could have avoided the war, destruction, occupation and thousands of dead.
USSR did not built anything in Romania, but took Bessarabia ,and a large part of Bukovina.
Also exile plenty of people to Siberia.
Happily USSR troops left fast Romania.


Do not miss-understand me,I fully agree that Romania had to pay to USSR lots of products and money,because we were aggressor state.
However,USSR "forgot" to give back Romania treasure which was sent to Imperial Russia before WW1 to be in safe place.
USSR made the pact Ribentrop-Molotov through which they took Bessarabia and Bukovina.
To correct a little mr. Rogozin, it was a very cruel and unhuman Tsar which conquered Siberia,Ivan the Terrible.
Now, a part of Siberia,Kazakhstan went independent and they have a very wealthy life,so what he has to say about it?
Interesting, I thought you love and thrive on pain, rape, murders and perversion.

Nope, but I feel right when mass murderers and traitors get what they deserve.
Perversions and rape fall into your emotional domain. I don't have any problem discussing it, and you have to deal with those things yourself, and make yourself endurable enough to make a decent conversation out of it.
Ike, what are you telling there?
It was not because of mr Putin attacking Cechenia that a group of Chechens and Ingush terrorists took a school?
From what I am hearing at news it was not told anything about the fact that people there were Chechens ,in the news were told that one of the terrorists was black...
There,386 people died. And Russian forces I do not know how careful were when attacking terrorists there.
After,one of the journalists that was criticizing mr Putin for this,died assassinated.
Sorry,but I would not want to have a leader as Vladimir Putin to put me in danger,because of his imperialist ambitions.
When a leader starts to raise an empire,both his average citizens and the conquered nations are suffering,for what,for the leader vain glory?
And for the protegees of the leader to live a very good life,by exploiting others?
If I do remember Stalin,yes,USSR was doing good,from economical point of view,but mr Stalin was ruling by terror,people were afraid,if I do a small mistake at job,I will end in prison,if I comment something that is not proper,I will end in prison and so on.
Now mr Putin wants to become the leader of Russia for life and I do not see that he has too light-methods to rule Russia.
Why in Russia is not limited by law ,how many years someone can be a president?
For example,in Romania,someone can be president for maximum 10 years,2 mandates.
I am not talking here about Russians being bad guys,I am talking about leaders like Stalin,or Putin,which started to follow Stalin,as he rules Russia.....
Which leaders I do not like how they are ruling by terror and by using force a lot,having a very militaristic way of viewing things.
I can't care for Mr. Putin or his theoretical imperialistic ambitions, when I have experienced the worst imperialistic behavior from the organization of people that would like to bring him down.
So far Putin has done absolutely nothing for me, and he still leads 47:0, so you can imagine what my opinion about the other side is.
I can't care for Mr. Putin or his theoretical imperialistic ambitions, when I have experienced the worst imperialistic behavior from the organization of people that would like to bring him down.
So far Putin has done absolutely nothing for me, and he still leads 47:0, so you can imagine what my opinion about the other side is.
No one tries to bring Putin down.
Please go read a little history,Stalin also thought others are trying to get his place,same happened to Ivan the Terrible,same happens now to mr Putin.
Ivan the Terrible ordered the mass killing of boyars from Novgorod,thinking they want to defect to the enemy,killed his own son,accusing him of rebellion...
After striking his son,Ivan started to repent,but was too late,his son died later.
Wonder how many people were killed because Stalin thought they are thinking to become supreme leaders of USSR instead of him?
Is Putin who wants to become the world leader, to expand his empire,I understand that it was a petition to White House to give back Alaska to Russia.
Is not Putin behind that?
Or what Putin fans were posting with "I am calling Alaska Ice Crimea"?
Do you think most people from Alaska would want to join Russia?
I doubt.
Sorry,but I like the freedom of speech,did you see anyone in US to have his wealth taken or worse,being killed for criticizing Obama or Bush or Clinton?
I did not see such a thing.
As for weird theories such as "CIA is behind 2001" no one brought any real proofs for that.
Putin has lots of propaganda,guess he also invests lots of $ in it,that is the thing I am seeing.
I think Europe has turned the page,

in Welt am Sonntag, Ioannes Claudius Juncker seems to seek for a EU army against Russia,

well I do not know what to say,

we can not protect EU from Turkey (Cyprus), from IS, terrorists etc but we can invade Russia!!!
reminds me the old Blietzkrieg tactics,

any opinion on that, maybe I understood it wrong, but i doupt

it seems Central East Europe will never relief either ftom West ( Germans) either from East (Russians)

and as always, Balkans, WW1 started there, WW2 fate was judged there, Lets see,

situation is more serious. so the 'parrots' must be realized on what the say
we can not protect EU from Turkey (Cyprus), from IS, terrorists etc but we can invade Russia!!!
reminds me the old Blietzkrieg tactics,

Thumbs up for that. Yes, it is ridiculous.
I think Europe has turned the page,

in Welt am Sonntag, Ioannes Claudius Juncker seems to seek for a EU army against Russia,

well I do not know what to say,

we can not protect EU from Turkey (Cyprus), from IS, terrorists etc but we can invade Russia!!!
reminds me the old Blietzkrieg tactics,
A little far fetched Yetos. We are bombing Deash and support allays with military equipment. But we yet to extend such commitments to Ukraine. Not mentioning that nobody is even contemplating to invade Russia.
I think that Crimea should be returned to Greece, who clearly has been its first official owner.
I am starting to think that would be indeed best to put Crimea and Greece in same state, if Greece also agrees.
In this case Crimea will join EU, Greece will guarantee a nice treatment to all people there.
Russia should be left to keep their military base in Crimea and all will be happy.
The population in Crimea is very diverse from an ethnical point of view,so this is best to give Crimea to Greece or let them be autonomous.
I think if they joined EU, they wouldn't need to belong to another country.
I also think that giving a 100 years, most countries will disintegrate into autonomous smaller provinces, based on local cultural and economic functions, and will exist as such within EU.
I was tro_lling when I said that Russia should keep their military base in Crimea.
Now my serious opinion,Russia should not keep their military base from Crimea,what is the purpose of a Russia military base in Crimea,to threaten Romania,Bulgaria and Turkey?
Since I do not see any others NATO members which have shores to Black Sea,than Romania,Bulgaria and Turkey.
As for Crimea joining Greece,I was half serious.
Anyway,is much better to give Crimea to Greece than to let Crimea to Russia.
Now,my serious opinion about Crimea is that it should be autonomous and if Russia is taking their weapons from there,they have a great touristic potential.
If I remember right US and UK signed a treaty that they guarantee the territorial integrity of Ukraine,including Crimea.
And Russia signed also.
Here is that treaty:
Ukraine agreed to renounce their nuclear weapons,by having its territorial integrity guaranteed by Russia,US and UK.
So here is the big problem with Putin annexing Crimea and sending mercenaries to Eastern Ukraine,Russia signed that it guarantees Ukraine borders but now Russia is taking parts from Ukraine?
Now,so people would know,the treaty signed in 1994 by US,UK and Russia said ,as a resume, these:
"According to the memorandum, Russia, the U.S., and the UK confirmed, in recognition of Ukraine becoming party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and in effect abandoning its nuclear arsenal to Russia, that they would:

  1. Respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders.
  2. Refrain from the threat or use of force against Ukraine.
  3. Refrain from using economic pressure on Ukraine in order to influence its politics.
  4. Seek immediate United Nations Security Council action to provide assistance to Ukraine, "if Ukraine should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used".
  5. Refrain from the use of nuclear arms against Ukraine.
  6. Consult with one another if questions arise regarding these commitments.[13][14]"
my friends Crimea can not join Greece, although has a respectable Greek minority,
cause the same day Turkey will invade to create another state there like in Cyprus in order to save the remnants of the Golden Horde

the Ukraine problem is more than political, it holds even before october 1918,

we discuss like diplomats, but are we? or we are humans?
my friends Crimea can not join Greece, although has a respectable Greek minority,
cause the same day Turkey will invade to create another state there like in Cyprus in order to save the remnants of the Golden Horde

the Ukraine problem is more than political, it holds even before october 1918,

we discuss like diplomats, but are we? or we are humans?
Talking like humans,Russia was paying a lot of $ to Ukraine,as rent for the military base in Crimea.
And Crimea was bringing nice profits from tourism.
Talking like humans,why should people from Bucharest live under terror of Putin submarines from Crimea base?
From Crimea base till Romanian Black Sea shore is a very short distance,something like 400km (measured on Google maps). From Romanian Black Sea shore till
Bucharest are 200km.
In straight like,as you can calculate are about 600km .
Guess which large cities from NATO can Russia threaten from Crimea with Iskander-m which has a range of about 500km.
Bucharest,Iasi,Constanta and cities from Turkey.
Talking like humans,Russia was paying a lot of $ to Ukraine,as rent for the military base in Crimea.
And Crimea was bringing nice profits from tourism.
Talking like humans,why should people from Bucharest live under terror of Putin submarines from Crimea base?
From Crimea base till Romanian Black Sea shore is a very short distance,something like 400km (measured on Google maps). From Romanian Black Sea shore till
Bucharest are 200km.
In straight like,as you can calculate are about 600km .
Guess which large cities from NATO can Russia threaten from Crimea with Iskander-m which has a range of about 500km.
Bucharest,Iasi,Constanta and cities from Turkey.

According the independence of Cyprus
Greece UK and Turkey should guaranty the aytonomy and indepence of Cyprus,
yet the NATO (US/CIA) dictatorship put a dictator, and then a second one who overlap the first to make an effort to kill Cyprus president,
and then Turkey invaded and still today occupies 1/3 to 1/2 of island,
what Uk did?
and what NATO did?
besides even from the times of Greek revolt for indepence Russia did not tend to occupy Romania,
the after WW2 dictatorship in Romania is another case,
but since you are Romanian, I am expecting to discuss about Moldova and Hyperdneisteria than Crimaia,
yet which you wanted to be president of Russia?
Putin? or Abramovich?

the Ukraine's sauvereignity is not threaten neither by Russians, neither by EU or Germans, but from the politicians who follow them, and driven them to civil war

It was a crime in Cyprus,
It is a crime in Kossovo,
It is a crime in Moldova,
lets not make another crime in the Ukraine in the name of sauvereign of land borders and send UN to keep peace, in order not to change borders,
Diplomacy is to solve problems, not to create,
As for Romania and Russia?
that is the bad to have a strong neighbor

now tell me,
do you believe that Romania is in danger? with or with out NATO bases?

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