Slave descendants to sue Lloyds

This whole thread smacks of a very important book,

"Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond.

Any historian worth their salt should read it.
mad pierrot said:
This whole thread smacks of a very important book,

"Guns, Germs, and Steel" by Jared Diamond.

Any historian worth their salt should read it.

Yes, I read it 2 years ago, Great book ! :cool:
"The Sacred Willow" by Duong Mai Elliot is a good book about the effect imperialism had on vietnam, but its also a good read on how the vietnamese viwed the vietnam war and other historical events- a good read in general
Keeni84 said:
Would the wealth of Singapore have anything to do with tourism? Just a question...

Tourism is very recent and not so developed compared to neighouring countries, especially Thailand and Indonesia (Bali...), which are much poorer (and therefore cheaper). Actually, tourism is much more important for the economy of some African countries like Kenya, Tanzania or Senegal...
i have to do this statistical research paper, and i've decide to do it on that topic- studying what factors might have led afrcia to be in the state it is today while so many other countries have managed to recover evither partially completely. i'm looking into factors such as the advancement of the pre-existing civilisation, lenght of colonization...and suggestions for other factors i can look at?
How About Racial Fear By The Rich White Man??

Having spent a long time listening to rich, white business owners; their opinion of doing business with
black African businesses was total fear. They felt it would be total stupidity to invest in an area so out of control.
They also felt, other then cheap labor, Africa had nothing to offer for safe natural resourses such as oil. Gold and diamonds seem to be just in certain areas already controled. Without money & people willing to help the Africans they seem to be stuck in their delema. I'm no expert at all in this area, I'm just repeating things I overheard.


ashuri2 said:
i have to do this statistical research paper, and i've decide to do it on that topic- studying what factors might have led afrcia to be in the state it is today while so many other countries have managed to recover evither partially completely. i'm looking into factors such as the advancement of the pre-existing civilisation, lenght of colonization...and suggestions for other factors i can look at?

ethnic composition
national/tribal/? identity
natural resources
foreign relations (esp. to neighbouring countries)
political system
traditions (social, martial, economical etc.)
colonial investment/development
colonial exploitation of resources
colonial influence on society

Just what came to mind in 5 minutes. There are many more factors, I suppose. Not an easy topic you chose.
Let all whites go back to Europe, all blacks to Africa, and all Orientals to Asia, and give this country back to the American Indians because they're the ones who've been wronged the most.
They're Getting Even Now !!!

Golgo_13 said:
Let all whites go back to Europe, all blacks to Africa, and all Orientals to Asia, and give this country back to the American Indians because they're the ones who've been wronged the most.

They're running the gambling casinos and taking all our money!!


:blush: :D :p :bravo:
Frank D. White said:
They're running the gambling casinos and taking all our money!!


:blush: :D :p :bravo:

Wait til they get Pachinko in them Casinos and white and Oriental Americans get addicted to them like they are in Japan. :D
Boy, Do Chinese Like To Gamble Big!!

Golgo_13 said:
Wait til they get Pachinko in them Casinos and white and Oriental Americans get addicted to them like they are in Japan. :D

I was at the blackjack table learning how to play betting a dollar a hand; a young Chinese guy sets next to me and bets with $500 chips! I was so embarassed I left.
A table manager says they all like to gamble big money.

Frank D. White said:
I was at the blackjack table learning how to play betting a dollar a hand; a young Chinese guy sets next to me and bets with $500 chips! I was so embarassed I left.
A table manager says they all like to gamble big money.


No kidding! You ought to go look at Atlantic City.
Maciamo said:
Kenya, like most African countries, was colonised quite late (mostly 19th and 20th centuries), well after all Latin America had achieved its independence. Europeans brought modern technology, founded schools, converted Africans to Christianity (I am not saying this is a good thing, as I am not Christian), structured the country into a modern administration (at the time), but also exploited natural resources. All in all, we could say that the colonisation of Africa was much more peaceful and civilised than that of the American continent a few centuries earlier. Sorry to say that, but Africans nations were nowhere near other continent in terms of developent when they were colonised, and there would probably be no modern state (if you can call what exist "modern"), democracy (ditto) or public education in Africa nowadays without colinisation. It is a consterning fact that lots of African economies plummeted after the decolonisation. Civil wars broke out and the worst is probably still to come.

where africans starving and suffering from civil wars beofre colonization? true, colonization helped to make them more 'developed' than before, but if the development led to the chaos today then...true, the civilazation may not have been as advanced in africa, but they might have worked their own way there, just at a slower pace. also, many of the civil wars seemed to be a direct result of colonization, as in the algeria-french conflict after wwii; places like south africa had the aprtheid problem because of colonization-as well as the boer war and what rhodes did to the natives, and the many countires in africa were indeed colonized in the 1800s in the same brutal way as south america- the belgian congo is an infamous example. i guess my question is with the way you made it sound as if colonization was a good thing for africa...true, it might not be developed at all today, but then again, the overall level of civil war, suffering and starvation (the previously prosperous civilzation of ethopia's being crushed by italy and now destitute) might be lower, and the development can hardly compensate... :eek:

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