Spanish Language Music

Yes to fall in love now will be the damn spring, what does it matter if to fall in love is enough an hour, passes the damn spring, passes lightly, curses me only.

I was happy with you my life, you were the beginning and end of my joy, I believed you faithful as the moon that comes to protect us every day, Until I woke up from my madness and I could understand that you lied to me, everything collapsed inside me, until my breath and I know gall, look at my body as it breaks, look at my tears as they do not stop for you, everything collapsed inside me.
Este amor no se toca, no insistas porque yo te negaré mi boca.

The storm explodes, the sky is already gray, it will be the last night that passes by you. So you let me, I want to show you that I know how to sacrifice myself, that I have dignity. And then you must have courage, say goodbye without saying goodbye, let's just love one more time and then you must let me go, do not be afraid to decide to face and come closer and the last kiss in my mouth. This love is not touched, do not insist because I will deny you my mouth, because now if you kiss me I will feel again in love. A king without his crown can not be a king, a man who is not a man does not have a woman so you must have the courage to say goodbye without saying goodbye.
After the threshold of my fears my failures, after the past and the loves already forgotten after the innocence that was a day after the irony of those years has only been the thorn of disappointment, you come to my life as a sun like the soft transparency of love as the aroma of the breeze in the morning erasing forever my pain. To love again once again be born again in you in your look filling with your light the shadows of my loneliness.


Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It gave me two stars that when I open them
Perfect I distinguish black from white
And in the high sky its starry background
And in the crowds the man that I love.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me the sound and the abedecedario
With him the words that I think and declare
Mother friend brother and light shining,
The route of the soul that I am loving.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me the progress of my tired feet
With them I walked cities and puddles,
Beaches and deserts mountains and plains
And your house, your street and your yard.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
He gave me the heart that waves his frame
When I look at the fruit of the human brain,
When I look at the good so far from the bad,
When I look at the back of your clear eyes.

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me laughter and it has given me the cry,
So I distinguish said from breaking
The two materials that make up my song
And the song of you that is the same song
And the song of all that is my own song.

Thanks to life
Thanks to life
Thanks to life
Thanks to life.

For the soft sand
that licks the sea
your little footprint
it does not come back anymore
a path alone
of grief and silence came
up to the deep water
a path alone
of silent sorrows arrived
up to the foam.
God knows what anguish
he accompanied you
what old pains
your voice is silent
to lie down
lulled on the edge
of the seashells
the song that sings
on the dark background of the sea
the conch.

You go alfonsina
with your loneliness
What new poems
did you go find?
an old voice
of wind and salt
it crushes your soul
and he's taking her
and you go there
as in dreams asleep,
alfonsina dressed in the sea.
Five Little Mermaids
They will take you
by algae roads
and coral
and phosphorescent
marine horses will do
a round by your side
and the inhabitants
of water are going to play
soon by your side
Download the lamp
a little more
let me sleep
nurse, in peace
and if he calls
do not ever tell him I'm
Say I'm gone.
You go alfonsina
with your loneliness
What new poems
went to look?
an old voice
of wind and salt
it crushes your soul
and he's taking her
and you go there
as in dreams asleep,
alfonsina dressed in the sea.

Filthy rat
crawling animal
scum of life
badly done

spectrum of hell
damn scoundrel
how much harm have you done to me

poppy snake
undone of life
I hate you and I despise you

Two-legged rat
I am talking to you
because a creeping bug
even being the most damn
compared to you
it is very small

Damned leech
damn cockroach
that infected where you pikes
what do you hurt and what do you kill

poppy snake
undone of life
I hate you and I despise you

There is no black lake
there is a white lake, there is a white lake
There is a huge lake full of mud, full of mud
There is no black silence, no white crying, no white crying
there is only silence and crying, silence and crying
There is no black field, there is white field, there is white field
there is a huge field to plant it, to plant it
there is no black moan, no white chant, no white chant
there is only moan and song, moan and song, laralaaa

Black necked swan, White neck swan
that are hurting
who are kissing
joy and crying

There is no black sky, there is a white sky, there is a white sky
there is a huge sky to look at it, to look at it
There is no black path, nor white plain, nor white plain
There is only path and plain, path and flat
There is no black world, there is a white world. there is a white world
There is a huge world that you have to take care of, that you have to take care of it
There is no black road, no white passage, no white step
There is only way and step, way and step, larala
Black necked swan, White neck swan
who are wanting
who are denying
joy and crying

Black necked swan, White neck swan

I am dancing.

After all everyone wears his mask and I tonight I release myself at the end of you... dancing.

The Goggi sisters, they are from Italy, my first vinyl record, I was a preteen and it was time to buy my first album with two songs front and back, I did not know which one to buy at a street market stall and among a multitude of vinyl records I chose The Goggi sisters, it was my first album, it serves as a tribute.
90's music conmemoration in Madrid. Spanish/English songs

How awful! Can you really pay to see that for hours and standing?
90's was the dance music decade. I want all kind of music...
In the other hand I haven't enjoy that concert ;P
Ese vídeo es horroroso y no tiene ningún interés, ni musical ni artístico ni nada que se le parezca. La mayoría son cantantes de tercera o quinta fila o interpretes malos que versionan éxitos de aquellos años. Es una basura. Verdaderamente en Madrid vivís en otra Galaxia; nos está trayendo muchos problemas tanta inocencia y confianza. Por otra parte toda esa gente se podría haber ahorrado el dinero, tanta avidez de diversión y entretenimiento, las masas son capaces de tragarse cualquier cosa que les den.
They weren't standing by hours but dancing for a while. If you don't like that is very symple... Don't watch it. This forum has haven't created only for your personal tastes. See you.
90's was the dance music decade. I want all kind of music...
In the other hand I haven't enjoy that concert ;P
You need to relax and let Ziober enjoy his music, he's not harming anyone
Some of you can't keep it civil even on this kind of thread???

There's a lot of music posted on the what are you listening to thread, for example, which is definitely not my cup of tea, but I don't feel the need to denigrate other people's taste.

Cut it out.

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