
There's nothing worse than those idiots that say suicide is cowardly. To me, it takes more courage to end it than to go on in a huge amount of pain. The status quo is easy, change is difficult.

If there's truly no hope of ever feeling better, why not end it? It seems foolish to just go on enduring like some stupid 3 legged mangy dog that doesn't know any better. And if anyone says "oMg it caN aLwaYs get bEtter!!1", i'll scream. If anyone can make such a difficult and final decision, they have my utter respect.
cicatriz esp said:
There's nothing worse than those idiots that say suicide is cowardly. To me, it takes more courage to end it than to go on in a huge amount of pain. The status quo is easy, change is difficult.

If there's truly no hope of ever feeling better, why not end it? It seems foolish to just go on enduring like some stupid 3 legged mangy dog that doesn't know any better. And if anyone says "oMg it caN aLwaYs get bEtter!!1", i'll scream. If anyone can make such a difficult and final decision, they have my utter respect.

If believing that suicide is foolish and, yes, COWARDLY, then I'll gladly consider myself a *****. I've certainly been called lots worse. Suicide is the easy way out for people who don't have the guts to fight through life's problems. I just can't accept that any situation or amount of pain is so great that the only way out is to slit your wrist or jump off a building. I'm sorry, but that's b.s.

Death is the status quo because you're only on this rock for a short period of time, and oblivion is forever. I've had loved ones die around me and been through hard times, and while it's extremely painful, it's made me cherish every moment of life. So, on that score, let's respect everyone's opinions on this touchy subject instead of lowering ourselves to name calling because you disagree with them.
michi said:
everyone's basically pointed out what i want to say. that suicide is selfish, idiotic, etcetcetc.

also, i think suicide totally degrades the beauty of life.

I did finally realize this but I was only 14 then when I first contemplated on ending my life. I have mentioned that I was suicidal but I didn't say the reason why. I was sexually harassed by someone I thought was a friend. I was lonely and there was no one I could trust with my story.
Suicide is a bad thing

Suicide is a bad thing in the old days when it physically hurts. Since the invention of the bridge, guns, the use of carbon monoxide, Internet, etc, suicide doesn't hurt as much.

If animals had a brain then aminal could be suicidal too. I once saw a hen jumping into a flame when the hen saw her chick burn in a bond fire. The hen wasn't suicidal. She thinks she could save the chicks by pushing them out so she could take their spot. She was thinking about the law of inertia all that time. :wave:

And I run into the bond fire so I could push the hen out. I was thinking, my dinner... I mean my pet.

mad pierrot said:
Seppuku, harakiri? (sp?)

Is it odd to kill yourself for "honor"? Japanese students seem to like the idea, it would seem. Wouldn't it be more honorable to live and make up for any mistakes? On the other hand, the tale of the 47 ronin is certainly something else...
I think it is less a matter of fulfilling honor than it is to avoid shame and humiliation. The traditional form of "belly cuts" is also a difficult death to perform with grace, so it was looked upon by peers as an honorable way to "exit, stage right" when the time warranted it (in the eyes of the beholder, gang).

Since the favorite form of "seppuku" during the Pacific war was the hand grenade held against one's head (pull pin, prepare, BOOM!) or a rifle muzzle in the mouth with one's big toe on the trigger, an edged weapon is hardly the issue.

A student who fails to meet the higher education testing criteria is not committing seppuku. He is just quitting the game. Same goes for a kid whose girl friend just threw him over.

If you are not here to greet the next dawn, you will never know what changes a day will make. You might win the lottery. A rich uncle may die and leave you a fortune to squander. Your long lost love may remember why it was that she once felt you were the yin for her yang. But not if you check out the night before!
I don't think it should be a big law or anything. As someone here said before, as long as you aren't infringing upon the rights and civil liberties of others then it is okay, if you really want to.

However, killing yourself is the stupidest thing you can do for trying to solve your problems in life. What will killing yourself do? You only have one life, live it to whatever lengths you can.

When I younger I was always depressed for many reasons which I am not going to get into. More depressed than probably most people that kill themselves. It was literally horrible. However, not once did I ever even attempt to kill myself. I thought of it a few times but I decided NO. It doesn't solve anything.

I am also against government aid for suicide. Suicide should be avoided at all costs and that is why to government should not send special suicide pills to help a person kill themselves. If a person really wants to kill himself, which I highly NOT recommend since it solves nothing, I think they need to find a way to do it themselves.
Suicide isn't good. *um, looks down on her signature.. um* Suicide for honor is something rooted deep in old japanese culture, and is a thing that can be difficult to understand for non japanese. I have a hard time understanding it fully..
Killing yourself because you're depressed, bullied or hate yourself is a different thing, and is equally bad and horrible. I guess, some people suffer from mental dissorders, and see suicide as the only solution to their problems, and it's terrible if these people don't get the help they need.
But it's still sad and I think you should try and enjoy life and try to fight the problems (gambatte!!) cause there's always something good in life, and most of the time, there's really NO reason to end it. matter how stupid and geeky that might sound I think it's true.. :blush:

BUT: (conclusion) Suicide can be damn cool and romantic and awesome IN THE MOVIES! (notice IN THE MOVIES) Like.. suicide club (I keep on talking about that movie, don't I?) But that, I guess, has to do with the blood and the fact that people.. ahem.. die. Me like horrormovie with lots of blood! (Do I stay on topic?)

So; Suicide isn't cool and is terrible and sad and should be prevented in real life.. But a little suicide in the movies never hurt anyone... (or did it?)
I almost killed myself once, seriously.

The idea of seppuku is from a different world to the one we live in now. In feudal Japan, samurai were completely devoted to serve their lord. Their lives were only significant as far as they served the lord, and above their own interests lay the interests of the lord and the clan. Furthermore, a samurai was a soldier and realised that it was very likely that he would be killed as part of his function in society. In essence, the samurai was a tool. Seppuku was often done in protest against decisions made by the lord. It was the last and most significant thing that a samurai could do to demonstrate that he did not agree, more significant than attacking the lord, for example. Because a good retainers value was known to all, including the retainer himself, his death would be a significant slap in the face of the lord whom it would be done against. It was a protest of the highest magnitude. Other forms of protest would not have been possible due to the structure of the society. It had nothing to do with killing yourself because your problems were too great.
There is a lot of negative post on this thread about people who have or have tried to commit suicide. I think a little knowledge on the problem would help. I can remember doing suicide in psychology. Our tutor wasn't just telling us about it, she had at one point attempted suicide. The only reason she survived was because of a nosey neighbour.
Suicide in a lot of cases is caused by psychosis. Normally it starts out as depression. Depression is a neurosis that can be treated. People who are neurotic do know that there is something wrong with them. Unfortunaltly in some cases the depression becomes so bad that it becomes a psychosis. This is when they do not realise that they have a problem. The rational part of the brain switches off. It become totally logical to them to commit suicide. Our tutor told us that when she contemplated it she actually went through how to do it in a cold logical way, what was best, what might fail etc. You can talk to these people, but you cannot really get through to them. It does, after all, make perfect sense to them. Only if they are found in time can proper professional help be given to them. So saying these people are weak and selfish is incorrect, it's just that no-one got to them in time to prevent this.
There are other types of suicide. People who attempt it to gain attention. Normally they have allowed a leyway. They wish to be discovered and most of the time make sure that actual death will not occur. A type of neurosis in other words. Again it is not weak or selfish, it is a plea for help. Again this can have tragic conseqencesas their timing and judgement can be affected by their neurosis.
As for suicide bombers in islamic societies, they are brainwashed by fanatical clerics into believing that they will gain instant access paradise. Islam teaches that in paradise there exist the Houris, beautiful celestial maidens who will be awarded to the faithful. To be a front of the queue, if you like, to kill the infeidel is a one way ticket to the houris. A lot of this poor kids are subseptable to these clerics and with rewards also going to their families they readily accept. You notice that the clerics never do this.
suicide is fine with's the indivudual's decision.
It would be fine if we weren't social beings, our lives connected to those of others. Giving the person the benefit of the doubt and assuming that they are totally responsible for themselves, aware of the forces in their life, and thinking straight (unlikely in the case of illness however), their suicide still results in terrible grief and pain for those left behind.
well in my country it is posible to take a special pilll to die, that is the same as suicide...

people can take that pill under a verry strickt law,,, asking the dockter, after many months....

i can not say its weak or, not... because im not in a situation like this,,, but think about it,,, your familie dies, your love one dies, your live sucks soo bad, you have tried everything to get out of it.. your 50 years old,, have lots of medical problems... would you like to live for another 20/30 years.... i dont know if i would like that....

in this kind of sitiuations people can take a pill like this: BEING LIFE TIRED....

its a differnt thing when you are young, and have many options to get over this i think it is big bullshit....
( sorry i dont know everything about it, because im no docter, or have much knownlege about this,,, just i tell you guys what i know and what i think...)
Mycernius said:
There is a lot of negative post on this thread about people who have or have tried to commit suicide. I think a little knowledge on the problem would help. I can remember doing suicide in psychology. Our tutor wasn't just telling us about it, she had at one point attempted suicide. The only reason she survived was because of a nosey neighbour.
Suicide in a lot of cases is caused by psychosis. Normally it starts out as depression. Depression is a neurosis that can be treated. People who are neurotic do know that there is something wrong with them. Unfortunaltly in some cases the depression becomes so bad that it becomes a psychosis. This is when they do not realise that they have a problem. The rational part of the brain switches off. It become totally logical to them to commit suicide. Our tutor told us that when she contemplated it she actually went through how to do it in a cold logical way, what was best, what might fail etc. You can talk to these people, but you cannot really get through to them. It does, after all, make perfect sense to them. Only if they are found in time can proper professional help be given to them. So saying these people are weak and selfish is incorrect, it's just that no-one got to them in time to prevent this.

I remember staring at the gun thinking of how easy it is to pull the trigger. I would be gone, little mess, no one to stop me, and that would be that. Humans learn to move on when a person dies, so naturally I figured I would be nothing more than a fading memory to most people. Not only that, but the ones who push me so far into to wanting to committ the act I knew surely wouldn't have given a damn whether I died or not. The way I saw it, nobody would miss me, plus I would be happier just to end it all now then live my entire life in misery. I had it all planned out, ready to finally act until one day when I went to see my physican.

My physican told me that I was slowly killing myself physically. He told me that if I didn't I would be dead before I was 20. He basically said I was dying a slow painful death. That made me realize something that day. Why was I dying a slow painful death? That's right, because the assholes at school were pushing me in that direction. Most of them wanted me to die out of pure cruelty. It was then that I decided to change my life around to get back at the assholes in society, and to live my life the way I want to. Pissed them off to no end either when they realized they couldn't get to me anymore. I never got help either from contemplating attempting, and following through to a certain extent with suicide. I just helped myself instead.

Doc said:
I remember staring at the gun thinking of how easy it is to pull the trigger. I would be gone, little mess, no one to stop me, and that would be that. Humans learn to move on when a person dies, so naturally I figured I would be nothing more than a fading memory to most people. Not only that, but the ones who push me so far into to wanting to committ the act I knew surely wouldn't have given a damn whether I died or not. The way I saw it, nobody would miss me, plus I would be happier just to end it all now then live my entire life in misery. I had it all planned out, ready to finally act until one day when I went to see my physican.

My physican told me that I was slowly killing myself physically. He told me that if I didn't I would be dead before I was 20. He basically said I was dying a slow painful death. That made me realize something that day. Why was I dying a slow painful death? That's right, because the assholes at school were pushing me in that direction. Most of them wanted me to die out of pure cruelty. It was then that I decided to change my life around to get back at the assholes in society, and to live my life the way I want to. Pissed them off to no end either when they realized they couldn't get to me anymore. I never got help either from contemplating attempting, and following through to a certain extent with suicide. I just helped myself instead.

I hate bullies. Suffered from it at school myself. Never went that far though. Thanks for sharing your life problems. It seem you have got better because deep down your stubborn enough to carry on. Good for beating them. I've never forgiven those people (I could say worse) and I don't think I ever can. My only enjoyment was meeting one of them later in like. He couldn't face me, mainly because I was taller and bigger than him rather than the other way round, as it was at school. Didn't have his pack of adoring fans with him as well. Its amazing how bullies deflate when they haven't got their friends with them
I was bullied from pre-school until the end of high school. My life was hell for over 14 years. I'm not looking for sympathy, nor do I want to dump my problems onto other people. It's just after reading your previous post, I thought I could relate to your professor in "cold logic" with suicide. That's all. As for forgiving people, I still hate everybody from my school. I vowed to never go to a high school reunion either. Besides the numbnuts that bothered you never change. Actually nobody does for that matter. They're still in their little clicks during reunions. Makes you wonder why you should even bother. Hell eight years from now I'll either be in Seattle, New York, Chicago, Houstan, or Toyko, so I think it would be hard to contact me anyway for it. :)

I used to think it was mainly for the weak and selfish.
Then I began to experience how dramatically painful and messed up life can become.
I still kind of think sometimes it is an option taken by people who are either weak, selfish or impulsive.
But I can also recognize how sometimes existence can grind a person down to nothingness and eventually reach such a desperate state that you begin to search for any way to perhaps elevate the symptoms of such an empty and painful existence that your brain begins to subversively trick you into thinking suicide is a good and rational idea as slowly it begins to seem like the only sensible option left.

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