The Opinion Game

mmm this is a dificult one.... depens on feeling.... uuuh chat on msn with my girl , and on the forum with u guys... ( sorry need to choose my girl....) Chat then...

lick or suck ?
dutch baka said:
lick or suck ?
:shock: :shock: :bikkuri: :bikkuri: :shock:
Depends of if you are talking about a particular part of the anatomy or a food item like a lollipop, a hard candy, or an ice cream cone. Sometimes I like to suck and sometimes I like to lick. Depends on the item or part of the anatomy.
But to answer the question: lick


Pepsi (although I never drink soft drinks anymore)
Black Hair (Long, short, in between. As long as it's black)
Reading a Book
Half Full
Rain (with lots of lightening and thunder!)
Neither I'm Libertarian
Briefs (although I prefer the hybrid)
Loved and lost
Cell phone
Football (american)
Go out
Tokyo (Kyoto for it's history)
Winter Olympics
A winter too hot
Play it safe (now that I'm older)
Coffee (black, no sugar)
Leave it be
Read through Jref
Marriage (too lonely being single)
immature death
A (as in T&A)
Dirt Poor and Happy (been there)
Living by the Ocean
The path
News from Internet(more sources which usually leads to the truth eventually)
Wait for the next bus
Egyption (many mysteries and truth there)
Red wine
Take JR trains and enjoy the scenery if I'm not in a rush
Coffee (black, no sugar)
Amusement Parks
The guy pays (if he asked her out)
Plain books
Planning ahead these days (used to live for the moment all the time)
Go against the flow.
Over the bridge (nice view)
Grow Fonder
Fast food to go
Do Field Work
Visit the Past
Right side of the bed
Explore space
Party Hard

Dine out... Im good at cooking, but its nice to go out...

n.b. one of these days I will go through the list instead of just adding one here and there :)

Smile with teeth or without?
Pachipro said:
:shock: :shock: :bikkuri: :bikkuri: :shock:
Depends of if you are talking about a particular part of the anatomy or a food item like a lollipop, a hard candy, or an ice cream cone. Sometimes I like to suck and sometimes I like to lick. Depends on the item or part of the anatomy.
But to answer the question: lick

haha well i let you use your fantasy for that LOL..

Kara_Nari said:
Smile with teeth or without?

uuuh smile with teeth, because there nice black, and i have some golden tooths in it :blush:
dutch baka said:
uuuh smile with teeth, because there nice black, and i have some golden tooths in it :blush:

Thats very attractive! Wow, be sure not to dirty them with okonomiyaki sauce!

Hey... where's your question????
Mary ann who cares about the name when she looks good

(yeah sorry dude, i was brushing my tooth, it suddenly got blue.. ( really.. crazy things happen to me....)so yeah i forgot about the qeustion

Romantic or hard sex
Depending on how long the relationship has been going...
Romantic? (It can include both right?)

Cherry on top, Or Yuk no thanks?
If anyone didnt quite know how to reply to this one, I meant on icecream...

Do you like Cherries on top of your sundaes? Or No, I dont like cherries on top of my sundaes
Where's the question? We need a new question.

Tell the truth or keep the peace?
Um I generally thought that when there is a question mark at the end of something it is referring to it as a question? Ok, so no-one liked the cherry one....
Well I tell the truth, because I cant lie, it solves more problems that way too.

Do you prefer Snow boarding or Skiing?
wake boarding.. I cant stand up for long enough on ski's....

Video or DVD?
DVD- with a cherry on top. (forgot my answer last time.)

Unexpected time alone or unexpected company?
oooh..good one. I'll go with Analog. OK I know this is limiting, but I think they're comparable:

Coldplay or U2?

Note: X+Y rocks!!! I haven't heard How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb yet....
U2! I really do like them, and Im sure I will for years to come.

Karaoke bar or box (in front of everyone, or in front of just selected friends)
looks like fun !

Answers -
Coke !
Black Hair !
Cold !
Chocolate !
Winter !
Blue Eyes !
Night !
Reading a Book !
Snow !
Half Full !
Neither Wing !
Japan !
Briefs !
Better to have Loved and Lost !
Train !
Why Modify ? Use Hair Dye !
Girls !
Oranges !
Internet !
Football !
Studying !
Stay in !

Question -
Burger King or McDonald's? :giggle:
Long list !

Sleeping, Tokyo, Summer too Cold, Play it Safe, Tea, Leave it be, Do homework, Leaves, Football, Marriage, Immortality, Europe, Mario, A!, Dirt poor but happy, Ramen, Ocean, Omnipresent, Path, Sword, Internet, Wait for Next, Butterfinger, Evil, Egyptian, Red Wine, Shinkansen, Coffee, Train, Amusement Park, Guy Pays, Plain Books, Planning Ahead, Night, 200 Small, Swim with Current, Over Bridge, TV, Grow Fonder, To Go, Office, Past, Night, Space, Relax, Dare, Mountains, Butter, Forum, Suck, Dine Out, WIth Teeth, Ginger, Hard Seks, Keep Peace, Snow Boarding, Water SKying, DVD, Unexpected Time alone, Digital, U2, and last but not least KARAOKE !! :singer:

Oh and Burger King ! :)
Hmm I dont like either... but if I was forced to choose one over another at breakfast time it would be McDonalds, any other meal Burger King chicken with cheese (thats sounding kinda good... I havent eaten it in MONTHS).

SLR or Digital (Cameras)

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