The Slavs,their origins ,facts and archaeological discoveries about Slavs


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Hello fellow Slavs and people interested about Slavs.
I am very curios,about what archaeological discoveries about Slavs exists till now,where are they mentioned in history book,earlier than 1000 AD.
What I have found out,till now,is that Jordanes in Gothica mentions about Slavs.
I also know that most words in Romanian language related to agriculture are said to be of Bulgarian/Slavic origin.
I know that are some books about Slavs,but sadly,I have not read any till now.
So I am waiting for people to at least come and say what they are thinking about this subject.
I have seen a Slavic guy,very interested about history,who had the theory that Serbians (and maybe he was saying same about all Slavs) came in Europe from India.
I am leaning to think that the origin of Slavs is in Iran,as language.
As paternal HGs,R1A,I am not sure,maybe from Iran,maybe from Siberia,maybe from NE Europe.
practically it is a language connection with in it groups that are quite different genetically, so Romanians are not really Slavs.
practically it is a language connection with in it groups that are quite different genetically, so Romanians are not really Slavs.

I never thought they where.

I pose a question, if history states the goths absorbed the sarmatians around the top of the Black sea and stayed centuries upon centuries, then as according to history the goths fled into the Roman empire as the huns where approaching the goths ( from the east ).....then why do we see very little "slavic" genetics/makeup in the gothic areas in the western Europe? much sarmatian was slavic?
I never thought they where.

I pose a question, if history states the goths absorbed the sarmatians around the top of the Black sea and stayed centuries upon centuries, then as according to history the goths fled into the Roman empire as the huns where approaching the goths ( from the east ).....then why do we see very little "slavic" genetics/makeup in the gothic areas in the western Europe? much sarmatian was slavic?
One option is the goths came and left without changing the Sarmantians genetically. Another option is that the non-Balkan Slavs came with or after the Huns. The Huns did disappear awfully suspiciously into nothingness.
One option is the goths came and left without changing the Sarmantians genetically. Another option is that the non-Balkan Slavs came with or after the Huns. The Huns did disappear awfully suspiciously into nothingness.

You do realise that the goths absorbed into their armies many conquered people. Their numbers of true ethnic gothic troops was small, it was stated they absorbed the sarmatians and the sarmatians cease to exist after the goths arrived
One option is the goths came and left without changing the Sarmantians genetically. Another option is that the non-Balkan Slavs came with or after the Huns. The Huns did disappear awfully suspiciously into nothingness.

I don't bet on that

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