The Systematic Dismanteling of America


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Nashville, Tennessee
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I have long believed that the power elite of this world, the "government" behind the governments of the world if you will, are bound and determined to turn America into a second or third world country. Right under our very noses they have been doing so little by little, brick by brick, industry by industry, for the past 15 years and this was further confirmed when Bush signed an executive order yesterday virtually doing away with the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 for the rebuilding of New Orleans and the states devistated by hurricane Katrina. (Shorter version of the Act here.)

In short, the Davis-Bacon Act requires that any company receiving government funds for rebuilding projects must pay fair wages to their employees based on the present wages of the community.

Although Section 6 of this Act says, "In the event of a national emergency the President is authorized to suspend the provisions of this Act," this only means one thing: New Orleans and the states along the Gulf Coast will be rebuilt using cheap, Mexican labor being paid sub-par wages. If any American carpenter, electrician, plumber, etc, who is used to receiving the prevailing wage of at least $17-$30/hr or more, who wants to participate in this rebuilding, will now have to settle for lower wages.

Is this a true national emergency? I don't think so. But Bush apparently does due to the cost of rebuilding. And who do you think will profit from all these government contracts? Halliburton, Bechtel, and other top construction firms with ties to the government that's who and with money paid from our taxes.

This was not done in New York after 9/11. I don't think the Mafia who control the construction in New York would allow it.

I searched for a long time on the internet to find confirmation of this as it has not at all been reported in the news. I heard brief mention of this on a Bash Bush radio program last night and couldn't believe what I heard. Reuters story here.

Every American ought to take note of this as it will be soon be coming to your community and town. Wages have been going down every year since the late 70's in real dollars and will only be getting worse. In fact it already has and the pace has picked up. Look around you. Who is doing the construction on new houses in your area? Low wage Mexicans. Who is doing the rebuilding of your roads and highways in your town? Low wage Mexicans. Who is cooking your food in your restaurants and cleaning off your tables? Low wage Mexicans.

Don't get me wrong here, Mexicans are among the hardest workers I have ever seen, but they are here illegally, and they are being paid below standard wages.

Doesn't anyone with an ounce of intelligence question why the boarders are not sealed and illegal Mexicans are crossing at the rate of 3 million or more per year?

Doesn't anyone question why the government doesn't do anything about it?

Doesn't anyone question why there is absolutely no crackdown on companies and businesses hiring these people?

I didn't think so. But every American ought to be outraged because the reason they are here is because the government wants them here in order to depress wages across the board. If you don't believe me open your eyes and look around. And this was further confirmed by Bush cancelling the Davis-Bacon Act yesterday.

It's no wonder now why VP Cheney was in New Orleans yesterday. He probably called Bush and said, "You are right George. We can make a fortune here. Oh, and don't forget to cancel the Davis-Bacon Act so we don't have to pay these rediculously high wages. Besides, with all the workers gone, and forbidden to return, give a call to your buddy Fox in Mexico and tell him to start sending illegals to the Gulf area. We're gonna need 'em."

If you are living here in America you ought to be afraid, very afraid as your standard of living just got lower.

And to think I am a registered Republican! I think it will be Libertarian from now on.
When i first read the post, i`ve thought that if i`d substitute US for RF and put Tadjics instead Mexicans nothing would change. For except Davis-Bacon Act (we don`t have one)
Every American ought to take note of this as it will be soon be coming to your community and town. Wages have been going down every year since the late 70's in real dollars and will only be getting worse. In fact it already has and the pace has picked up. Look around you. Who is doing the construction on new houses in your area? Low wage Mexicans. Who is doing the rebuilding of your roads and highways in your town? Low wage Mexicans.
Who is cooking your food in your restaurants and cleaning off your tables? Low wage Mexicans.

Once i`ve read about decreasing wages in US, but it was rather bashing paper, so i didn`t give much trust to the collection of US 'wrongs' it contained. But some posts here and articles on I-net certainly show that not everything so bright and flawless in the States. RF`s economics was always in worse condition than one of US, so, people weren`t of big surprise about problems we had and have. But there is one similiarity nowdays. When
Soviet republics separated and grew into independent states we found, that a lot of people from them (especially southern ones) came to RF in search of jobs. Like Mexicans they do all the "dirty" work for lesser (much lesser) wages. They are unqualified workers and it is not rare when some work they`ve done has to be corrected and actually done again. And even in this case their labour cost less.

I wouldn`t be surprised if same thing now happens in Europe. And wonder do Taiwan, Japan or South Korea face similar problems being among the most economicaly developed in their region?

If you are living here in America you ought to be afraid, very afraid as your standard of living just got lower.
Most of the people i know would sign under statement that living standards in RF are not getting better for the average majority of population.
I can say that i know nothing about economy and how things really work in modern economical system. But many articles i`ve encountered so far do not exclude the possibility of world wide crisis. Don`t remember exactly where i`ve read the opinion that the high wages in US and Europe were possible because their economics could prosper for several reasons (besides some others)
1) some of the manufacturing could be moved overseas - cheap labour,
no need to pay some taxes, care much about environment and such. It
made prime cost relatively low (comparing to the one if manufacturing
would be stationed in Europe or US)
2) Free market is a big fake on a global scale and it was always controlled
3) money what circulate all over the world, on stocks, for a long time are not equally supported by goods and services.
Even in RF in some analytical newspapers from time to time slip articles
giving some concern to growing "bubbles".

Now with the growth of national economies and national consciousness in
other countries of the world some changes certainly will reveal themselves.
What will they be and how are we to meet them i don`t know.
Doesn't anyone with an ounce of intelligence question why the boarders are not sealed and illegal Mexicans are crossing at the rate of 3 million or more per year?

Doesn't anyone question why the government doesn't do anything about it?

Doesn't anyone question why there is absolutely no crackdown on companies and businesses hiring these people?

Of course people question it. I'm not sure where you live, but this has been a topic of discussion for years. Anti-illegal immigration zealots have even taken up the cause personally, with a group called the Minutemen making headlines for sitting near the Arizona border and calling border patrol every time they saw someone cross the line. Governors of states bordering Mexico have even moved to have the national guard placed on the border.

The simple basic truth as I see it is that the cost of doing business in America is so high, that if illegal immigrants didn't do the work, companies outsource or go out of business. Small business failure rates are very high as it is, and forcing them to pay a higher "american wage" would only increase that number. There's already been quite a hubbub about moving jobs to India, China, Mexico, wherever, and I can't imagine what would happen if companies were forced to be on the up and up all the time.

It's an odd problem when people want the city rebuilt without large increases in taxes, but complain when the cheapest possible labor is found.

I can't speak for housing construction, and I'm certain you're correct on food preparation, but the last time I checked road construction/repair is mostly performed by government employees, and it's difficult to pass their screening process without citizenship. The government also tend to pay its workers more than "low wage mexicans."

I also can't buy into the idea that it's some governmental plot to reduce economic stability in the country because that would mean at some level the government knew what it was doing.
Pachipro and MeAndroo, you both have valid points.

In a way wages are going down and big business are profiting from it. So what happens is that the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing.

I like to compare the US to India in this regard, because nowhere else in the world (among major countries) do I know more stratified countries as these two. Britain may be a class society, but mostly in regard to individual values, interests and manners. In the USA and India, financial gaps between the rich and the poor are so huge that it is hard to believe they are all part of the same society (yet one feels better the national cohesion than in Britain, where regional differences are much stronger on an equal geographic scale). India and the US also share in common their vast ethnic and religious diversity (the UK too since the 1970's but much less - 97% of the Brits are white).

The main difference is that the average GDP per capita is much higher in the US than in India. In both countries the number of poor people is increasing because the poor have a much higher birth rate. In both countries people with fair skin are the richest and most powerful, and those with black skin tend to be discriminated despite the law. Both countries are very religious and tend to think of themselves as the moral standards of the world.
MeAndroo said:
Of course people question it. I'm not sure where you live, but this has been a topic of discussion for years. Anti-illegal immigration zealots have even taken up the cause personally, with a group called the Minutemen making headlines for sitting near the Arizona border and calling border patrol every time they saw someone cross the line. Governors of states bordering Mexico have even moved to have the national guard placed on the border.
Talk is one thing to appease those complaining about it. But acting on it is another. Have you seen any governmental actions yet? Me neither. The Minutemen proved it could be done, but nothing was done afterwards. If you'd look at my avatar and the info under my name, you'd see that I am currently residing in Nashville, TN where the illegal Mexican population increases day by day. Last year they were even allowed to get drivers licenses without proving they were American citizens.

I can't speak for housing construction, and I'm certain you're correct on food preparation, but the last time I checked road construction/repair is mostly performed by government employees, and it's difficult to pass their screening process without citizenship. The government also tend to pay its workers more than "low wage mexicans."
Although road building is a state government project, they are bid out to private companies who, in turn, hire illegals while the state government turns its back. It's the same in all states from what I hear. No state government could afford to have state-hired government workers performing road projects. Check your facts on this.

The simple basic truth as I see it is that the cost of doing business in America is so high, that if illegal immigrants didn't do the work, companies outsource or go out of business. Small business failure rates are very high as it is, and forcing them to pay a higher "american wage" would only increase that number. There's already been quite a hubbub about moving jobs to India, China, Mexico, wherever, and I can't imagine what would happen if companies were forced to be on the up and up all the time.
The cost of doing business in this country is NOT so high as THEY would have you believe. The simple fact is that all companies want to make the most profit possible and therefore hire employees at the lowest possible wage or they outsource or move factories overseas in order to maximize profits for themselves only.

Case in point: Nike. Some Nike sneakers sell in the US for, to keep it simple, $100. If the same sneaker was made in the US it may cost them $50 to produce with the cost of labor and such. Therefore they are making a $50 profit per pair. They are not happy with this and are greedy. Therefore they move their factory to China, putting say, 1,000 people out of work, and it now costs them, say, $10/pair to produce and ship to America.

Now they are making $90/pair in profit while STILL charging ignorant Americans $100/pair who gladly shell out that $100 to be cool. If they were an honest corporation they would reduce the price by $40. But noooo. Maximum profit is what they are after at the expense of jobs here in the US.

Some people are still too ignorant to see that we (the US) are not making ANYTHING anymore. No textiles, no steel, no nothing! The next time you go to Wal MArt or a major department store take the time to look at where every item sold is made including silverware, dishes, knick-knacks, even your own American flag and it will all be made in China. Even GM said they were moving to China next year.

I also can't buy into the idea that it's some governmental plot to reduce economic stability in the country because that would mean at some level the government knew what it was doing.
The funny thing here is that THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE DOING. The goal is to completely do away with the American middle class. Check out this article by Lou Dobbs of CNN. Or this article. If you don't believe me or him, tell me what major things we now make in the US besides crappy cars? Hell, even most of our missles and ammunition for the military is now being made in China. Do you still believe that corporate America has the American peoples, especially the middle working class', best interests in mind?

And to top it off Bush put the icing on the cake last week concerning the suspension of the Davis-Bacon act by informing Homeland Security that they need not check the immigration status of workers hired to re-build New Orleans as the job was so important and needed to be done quickly.

I still say you need to be afraid. Very afraid. Open your eyes and look around you. This is NOT your fathers country anymore.
Pachipro said:
If you'd look at my avatar and the info under my name, you'd see that I am currently residing in Nashville, TN where the illegal Mexican population increases day by day. Last year they were even allowed to get drivers licenses without proving they were American citizens.

Although road building is a state government project, they are bid out to private companies who, in turn, hire illegals while the state government turns its back. It's the same in all states from what I hear. No state government could afford to have state-hired government workers performing road projects. Check your facts on this.

So, if Mexico became part of the USA or a special union that removed visas and gave the rights to all Mexican to work and live anywhere in the US, and Americans to work and live anywhere in Mexico (a bit like the EU principle), would that be ok ? They wouldn't be illegal, and with the first solution, they would be US citizens. We had a similar problem in Europe with cheap Eastern European labor. Now that most of these countries are EU members, they can live and work freely anywhere. In this case, I think Europeans don't complain too much because few Easterners actually move West due to the language-barrier, and West Europeans prefer that than having Arabs or Black Africans immigrants.

The cost of doing business in this country is NOT so high as THEY would have you believe.

You are quite right. According to The Economist, the average labour cost in the US per hour was 21.83 USD in 2003, against 30.86 USD in Germany, 28.00 USD in Belgium or 26.78 USD in the Netherlands. France has a similar 21.53 USD. Those that are lower include Japan (20.49 USD), Australia (19.45), the UK (19.24) and Canada (18.47).

Now they are making $90/pair in profit while STILL charging ignorant Americans $100/pair who gladly shell out that $100 to be cool.

Well, that's a consequence of being ignorant. They decide not to care to instruct themselves, so they have to pay the price for it.

Some people are still too ignorant to see that we (the US) are not making ANYTHING anymore. No textiles, no steel, no nothing!

Yes, there is still oil in Texas ! :relief:

I still say you need to be afraid. Very afraid. Open your eyes and look around you. This is NOT your fathers country anymore.

Hehe, why do you think the world is pointing the finger at corporate America and the Bush administration ? Why were Europeans appalled that Bush was elected and re-elected. Everybody knew what was happening, because at least the media in Europe tell us about these US problems (but do they do in the US ?). It's not US bashing for its own sake. It has repercussion on Europe (who also has to compete with US products, and so can only follow the trend or block/overtax US products).

Politically, Europeans don't want a less democratic USA controlled by the big corporations, and where freedom of press is just an illusion. This is a scary idea, because we never know what a crazy president could do with all that power. I am convinced that the poor education system (except for the elite) in the US is intentional, to keep the masses ignorant and docile.

The same system was implemented in Japan by the US after WWII. I discussed with a few Japanese that were unusually well-educated and it seems that the Japanese national character before 1945 was very different from that of the youth now. People were much more interested in politics, debates and had their own strong opinions. It all died out with the new education system imposed by the US. This way, even the new Japanese elite was not going to rebel too much against its new master.
I'll just preface this by saying I agree in spirit with Pachipro, I just happen to be far more cynical about it.

Case in point: Nike. Some Nike sneakers sell in the US for, to keep it simple, $100. If the same sneaker was made in the US it may cost them $50 to produce with the cost of labor and such. Therefore they are making a $50 profit per pair. They are not happy with this and are greedy. Therefore they move their factory to China, putting say, 1,000 people out of work, and it now costs them, say, $10/pair to produce and ship to America.

You misunderstand what I'm saying. I have no problem believing Nike could lower prices, but what I'm concerned about is smaller business. The fact that major corporations have moved overseas is no secret, but what that does is make it harder for smaller firms to compete. Using what Nike can do as an example for an average business is like using Shaq as an example for what an average NBA center can do. I used to be a door to door business solicitor, and if there's anything I learned about what affects small business, it's the outsourcing of labor overseas and the ability of huge corporations to reflect the cost of goods sold directly into the price. However, we were talking about illegal immigrants IN America who might at least put some of their wages back into the economy. I think that's better than completely eliminating jobs and moving the whole operation into a different country.

The cost of doing business in this country is NOT so high as THEY would have you believe. The simple fact is that all companies want to make the most profit possible and therefore hire employees at the lowest possible wage or they outsource or move factories overseas in order to maximize profits for themselves only.

Of course they want to maximize profit. Illegal immigrants or not, companies will continue to export jobs because they make money. The cost of doing business may not be as high as portions of Europe, but it certainly is higher than some areas, and American businesses will seek those areas out. At least if the Mexicans are stealing jobs here int he US, citizens will keep SOME jobs.

I really don't understand your stance on this. You say you may become a libertarian, perhaps jokingly. The last thing a libertarian would do is look for governmental intervention. This is more a characteristic of leftist politics.

Have you seen any governmental actions yet? Me neither. The Minutemen proved it could be done, but nothing was done afterwards. If you'd look at my avatar and the info under my name, you'd see that I am currently residing in Nashville, TN where the illegal Mexican population increases day by day. Last year they were even allowed to get drivers licenses without proving they were American citizens

I haven't seen governmental actions because they haven't been approved by the people. While protecting our borders seems like it should be more a priority than it has due to the current situation our world faces, the cost of simply putting people at stations along the border would be astonishing. I think government employees sit around too much as it is, I can't imagine if that was their specific job description. The military is currently busy in a handful of theaters, and moving the National Guard unit to the border like has been suggested will be a slower process than it should be. The main problem is that funding must increase, and we all know what that means.

You don't need to tell me about increasing Mexican populations...I live in Southern California :auch: Our governor is obviously an immigrant himself, and is trying to use fears about immigrants to boost his flagging approval ratings.

I still say you need to be afraid. Very afraid. Open your eyes and look around you. This is NOT your fathers country anymore.

I have no illusions about this being the US of the 50s, or of any other decade. Fear is something that has given way to cynicism and idealism exists only in debate. Our country prides itself on being capitalist, a system based on Darwinian ideals of survival of the fittest, but some people are not willing to accept laissez faire approaches to it. Making the government force companies to stay within our borders means forking over significant control. Illegal immigrants seem like a smaller problem in the huge picture of "what the hell happened to America?"

Now they are making $90/pair in profit while STILL charging ignorant Americans $100/pair who gladly shell out that $100 to be cool. If they were an honest corporation they would reduce the price by $40. But noooo. Maximum profit is what they are after at the expense of jobs here in the US.

Companies charge what they charge because people are willing to pay it. If people aren't willing to buy 100 sneaks, then Nike won't charge that much. It's not Nike's fault. Of course Nike is selfish and self-centered, it's called capitalism. Their responsibilities are to their shareholders first because that's a major source of income. If they go out and start charging less arbitrarily, that's biting the hand that feeds you.

I'm certainly not here in favor of illegal immigration, but they do so many things Americans just aren't willing to do that I'd be equally as afraid if they were all deported at once. Agriculture, maintennance, the dining industry, they'd all be hit very hard and that means Americans would be hit in the pocketbook.
MeAndroo said:
Illegal immigrants seem like a smaller problem in the huge picture of "what the hell happened to America?"

Especially for a country founded on immigration ! The USA was born, developed and prospered because of constant flow of immigrants that brought cheap labour and high motivation with them. Pachipro, if you want to change these values, then this is seriously going to change the USA that was founded in the late 1700's and that was praised until the 1950's.

The problem lies elsewhere. The USA was founded with such values as freedom of religion, by Atheists like Thomas Jefferson. From the late 19th century, this America has started changing toward a fundamentalist Christian society (or at least controlled by them). The original United States did not have for motto "In God We Trust" or "God bless America". These are mid-20th century additions (respectively 1956 and 1918/38). More recently, we have seen with the neo-conservatives that it has become more important for voters to elect a president with fundamentalist values (such as banning abortion, stem-cell research, cannabis, gay marriages/unions, when other countries are legalising them) than someone who care about their well-being. This is what is worrying. That is because of these radical Christian that want to impose their values to everyone that the USA have turned from the country of freedom to the bully of the world. That is what causes terrorism. That is why the world is pointing an accusing finger to the USA.

How comes this correspond to the period when a minority of powerful people are slowly forming an oligarchy at the top of US society, while the ordinary people are getting poorer and losing basic human rights (e.g. Partiot Act, revocation of the Davis-Bacon Act...). Those people are using religion to control and cheat the masses (which is one of the main purposes of any moral religion). Bush was elected by the so-called "Jesus Land" part of America for a reason. If America is to ever regain the trust and respect of the world, this is what needs to be changed.
Continuing this thread on the Systematic Dismanteling of America check out these recent headlines:

Ford and GM To Lay Off More Than 30,000 Employees. Close Factories In The US and Begin Making Cars in China.

Major Eastern Seaports/Ports of Entry Sold to Saudi Arabian Company. Ports of New York, Baltimore, New Orleans, 9 in Total, To Be Sold To and Run by Saudi Arabian Company.

This is really odd in that 15 of 19 of the supposed 9/11 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia.

China already runs and controls the Port of Los Angeles

Chicago Skyline (major toll road and bridge leading into Chicago) Sold To Spanish/Australian Consortium.

Indiana Toll Road Sell Off
To Spanish/Australian Consortium Seriously Considered.

Texas, New York, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Considering Selling Interstates To Private Foreign Investors.

IBM Sells Computer Business To China.

Boeing Sells Aircraft Wing Manufacturing to China.

Still believe that there is not a Systematic Dismanteling of America going on right under the noses of the ignorant American people? Slowly, but surely it is happening and 99% of the people do not even know it is happening, or even care for that matter.

For a complete list of companies who have closed up shop in the US and moved to China, check out this list. You probably do not have the time to go through all the pages, but it will dumbfound you. Millions put out of work with no chance of another comparitive job. Their only choice will be working for much less or minimum wage at best.

All Customer Service inquiries of major American Companies like Dell, Sprint, IBM, AOL, Yahoo, etc. and even some local city administrations are now being done by firms in India and the Phillipines.

If you ask me, within a couple of years the great, late, United States of America will be reduced to a third world country. Wake up people and look around at what is happening. Your country is being sold right from under you and all your high paying jobs sent overseas. If your children are lucky then may be able to get a job in McDonalds flipping burgers, or in Wal-Mart.

Even Bush in his State of The Union Speech made not one remark on securing the US borders against the million or so illegals coming across every year. Any terrorist could walk across anytime and more than a handful probably have already and no one gives a damn or cares one iota.

But ask any "Joe Blow" American who is ahead in American Idol, or Survivor, or Lost, or Dancing with the Stars, and they'll be able to tell yo in a heartbeat. But ask them about the latest dismanteling of America and they wouldn't have a clue. This gives credence to my posts on Brainwashing. Just look around you. The proof is there.

Sad. Very Sad.
The recent furor over the selling of 6 major US seaports (actually 22 in all including 2 US military seaports!) to a company owned by the government of UAE is now under a 45 day review by the US congress. However, whatever they decide I am sure the deal will go through as it is a done deal and will probably be decided in the world courts and not the US. Sadly, the US congress will have no say in the matter.

To further expand on the Dismanteling of America comes the most recent news article in the Washington Post that another Dubai owned company is set to take over two more US companies. The important part of this story is that these two companies make precision components used in engines made for US military aircraft and tanks. This is another London based company that is being sold to the UAE and the majority of Americans, and lawmakers did not even know that these companies were owned by companies in the UK!

The story also states that an "Israeli company plans to buy the Maryland software security firm Sourcefire, which does business with Defense Department agencies."

Yes, the Systematic Dismanteling of America is well under way. How many Americans care or even know it? Not many that is for sure.

Helllllllo? Wake up people!
That all sounds like rediculous nonsense to me. Conspiracy theorists can convince themselves of damn near anything.
Pachipro said:
All Customer Service inquiries of major American Companies like Dell, Sprint, IBM, AOL, Yahoo, etc. and even some local city administrations are now being done by firms in India and the Phillipines.
If you ask me, within a couple of years the great, late, United States of America will be reduced to a third world country. Wake up people and look around at what is happening. Your country is being sold right from under you and all your high paying jobs sent overseas.

US business outsourcing has been happening for more than 50 years now. First it was Japan, than Taiwan, Korea, Singapore. What makes it different during the last decade is the rise of China and India. Now the two countries represent a business magnet 10 times more powerful than Japan/Taiwan/Singapore/Korea combined. Because of their shear size and population, Americans have started to feel the impact they have on their daily life. Taiwan, Japan, and Korea are in the same shoe as the US. Labor intensive manufacturing are moving to China at an alarming rate. There's just no stop to it, it's the law of economics. If you want to play the game of captitalism and free trade, you have to obey the rule.

I think the statement that US will be reduced to a third world country is an exaggerated statement. There's no one selling anyone here. It's just the law of economics and it's nothing new to the US. All country during sometime have to go through a phase of industry upgrade in order to compete with low wage countries. Yes US manufacturing and servicing has been outsourcing but the key reserach and development of those companies are still within US hand. This is actually a chance for the US to upgrade it's technology and industry to the next level. There are still many new technologies in their infancy such as biotech, space exploration, nanotechnolgoy just to name a few. US is ahead in all those fields.
Brooker said:
That all sounds like rediculous nonsense to me. Conspiracy theorists can convince themselves of damn near anything.

Like how they say we didn't land on the moon? :eek:kashii:
Pachipro said:
I have long believed that the power elite of this world, the "government" behind the governments of the world if you will, are bound and determined to turn America into a second or third world country. Right under our very noses they have been doing so little by little, brick by brick, industry by industry, for the past 15 years and this was further confirmed when Bush signed an executive order yesterday virtually doing away with the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 for the rebuilding of New Orleans and the states devistated by hurricane Katrina. (Shorter version of the Act here.)
In short, the Davis-Bacon Act requires that any company receiving government funds for rebuilding projects must pay fair wages to their employees based on the present wages of the community.
Although Section 6 of this Act says, "In the event of a national emergency the President is authorized to suspend the provisions of this Act," this only means one thing: New Orleans and the states along the Gulf Coast will be rebuilt using cheap, Mexican labor being paid sub-par wages. If any American carpenter, electrician, plumber, etc, who is used to receiving the prevailing wage of at least $17-$30/hr or more, who wants to participate in this rebuilding, will now have to settle for lower wages.
Is this a true national emergency? I don't think so. But Bush apparently does due to the cost of rebuilding. And who do you think will profit from all these government contracts? Halliburton, Bechtel, and other top construction firms with ties to the government that's who and with money paid from our taxes.
This was not done in New York after 9/11. I don't think the Mafia who control the construction in New York would allow it.
I searched for a long time on the internet to find confirmation of this as it has not at all been reported in the news. I heard brief mention of this on a Bash Bush radio program last night and couldn't believe what I heard. Reuters story here.
Every American ought to take note of this as it will be soon be coming to your community and town. Wages have been going down every year since the late 70's in real dollars and will only be getting worse. In fact it already has and the pace has picked up. Look around you. Who is doing the construction on new houses in your area? Low wage Mexicans. Who is doing the rebuilding of your roads and highways in your town? Low wage Mexicans. Who is cooking your food in your restaurants and cleaning off your tables? Low wage Mexicans.
Don't get me wrong here, Mexicans are among the hardest workers I have ever seen, but they are here illegally, and they are being paid below standard wages.
Doesn't anyone with an ounce of intelligence question why the boarders are not sealed and illegal Mexicans are crossing at the rate of 3 million or more per year?
Doesn't anyone question why the government doesn't do anything about it?
Doesn't anyone question why there is absolutely no crackdown on companies and businesses hiring these people?
I didn't think so. But every American ought to be outraged because the reason they are here is because the government wants them here in order to depress wages across the board. If you don't believe me open your eyes and look around. And this was further confirmed by Bush cancelling the Davis-Bacon Act yesterday.
It's no wonder now why VP Cheney was in New Orleans yesterday. He probably called Bush and said, "You are right George. We can make a fortune here. Oh, and don't forget to cancel the Davis-Bacon Act so we don't have to pay these rediculously high wages. Besides, with all the workers gone, and forbidden to return, give a call to your buddy Fox in Mexico and tell him to start sending illegals to the Gulf area. We're gonna need 'em."
If you are living here in America you ought to be afraid, very afraid as your standard of living just got lower.
And to think I am a registered Republican! I think it will be Libertarian from now on.

First off, I want to point out that the wealthy elite in the US are not a "government behind the government"--they're the whole thing. The basic nature of the capitolist system puts the major control in the hands of buisnesses--hoping that they will compete to better serve the public.

As for your statements on mexicans, you do realize we're not all here illegally, right? Just checking. :relief:

Anyway, I doubt it's so much a concious effort to reduce the US to a third world county as it is blind, stupid, greed. A capitiolist third world country wouldn't last very long, as the upper classes are dependant on the lower ones buying their stuff to keep the system working. Also, such a situation increases the likelyhood of revolt, where as the present system pacifies and distracts the lower classes with entertainment products.

God knows I'd have revolted a long time ago if I didn't have my playstation. :D

All in all, it's just a natural result of the enevitable corruption of a governing system:

1) Those willing to resort to underanded means are more able to advance than those who refuse to use those options

2) After a time, the majority of the high positions are filled with incompetents who cheated their way into their position, forcing out qualified people who were not viscious enough

3) Your no-longer functioning government is now ready for collapse, have a nice day!

It happens with everything, from the government of a country to the managing of a fan club--decay and death are just a part of life.
Brooker said:
That all sounds like rediculous nonsense to me. Conspiracy theorists can convince themselves of damn near anything.
Of course it sounds like "rediculous nonsense". It's supposed to. These are not just my views, (although I believe them) but are the views of Lou Dobbs on CNN and other news reports which I post links to, as he seems to be the only one saying anything about it and shedding light on it.

As for myself, I am too old and will probably be retired for any of this to affect me when the hammer finally does fall. Also, I am in an occupation that will continue to pay a high wage right up to the very end. What I worry about are those in their 20's and 30's today. These are the people it will most affect when they can't find a decent job in a well paying industry anymore.

Cospiracies are akin to the saying, "Where there's smoke, there's fire" and right now there is alot of smoke around GM and Ford to name two. These companies will probably file for bankruptcy within this year, do away with their pensions, or severely reduce them under reorganization and might re-open again with very low wages for their workers if they don't completely move to China as many other industries have done.
No country can stay on top forever. I don't think I'd mind so much if America wasn't #1 anymore, might take a lot of political pressure off. But I don't think America is in any danger of becomming a 3rd world country. At WORST America could go into another Great Depression and even then, America didn't become a 3rd world country. I think any depression would be much less severe than the one experienced in the 30's anyways.
godppgo said:
I think the statement that US will be reduced to a third world country is an exaggerated statement.
Then how would you rate a country that doesn't manufacture anything anymore including aircraft, computers, televisions, textiles, steel, etc. and soon to be automobiles?

How would rate a country where it's educational level is the lowest it's ever been?

All country during sometime have to go through a phase of industry upgrade in order to compete with low wage countries. Yes US manufacturing and servicing has been outsourcing but the key reserach and development of those companies are still within US hand. This is actually a chance for the US to upgrade it's technology and industry to the next level. There are still many new technologies in their infancy such as biotech, space exploration, nanotechnolgoy just to name a few. US is ahead in all those fields.
Research and development is not within US hands any more and is getting less and less each year. Alot of research is now done in India as well as engineering and archetectural drawings. Even x-rays are being diagnosed in India these days. And McDonalds is experimenting with a system where all drive-in orders will be routed through India. The US is NOT upgrading it's technology here in the US. It is being done overseas in all major fields. Do a little checking and you see.

Yes, the US may be ahead in the new technology you mentioned, but who's going to work in those fields when no one is studying to be in those fields in US universities? The US is severely short of researchers and scientists in these fields and thus, the research is being done overseas or here in this country by foreign scientists brought in to do it.
Reiku said:
As for your statements on mexicans, you do realize we're not all here illegally, right? Just checking.
Of course. Those that are legal, welcome. The other 10 million or so who are not legal? Well there is not much the government will do about it save for granting them all amnesty as will probably happen this year. Then they'll be welcome also.

The point is that illegals are paid very low wages well below the minimum and are being taken advantage of. Once they are legal (which many of them do not want) they will then be subject to all the taxes the rest of us have to pay including those their employers pay for legal workers. This their employers do not want, but the government does. It wants that federal, social security, and medicare tax. So, they will be granted legal status shortly.

All in all, it's just a natural result of the enevitable corruption of a governing system:

1) Those willing to resort to underanded means are more able to advance than those who refuse to use those options

2) After a time, the majority of the high positions are filled with incompetents who cheated their way into their position, forcing out qualified people who were not viscious enough

3) Your no-longer functioning government is now ready for collapse, have a nice day!

It happens with everything, from the government of a country to the managing of a fan club--decay and death are just a part of life.
Well said.
Pachipro said:
Then how would you rate a country that doesn't manufacture anything anymore including aircraft, computers, televisions, textiles, steel, etc. and soon to be automobiles?
Perhaps an advanced "service economy"?
Anyway, that won't happen, because for a lot of this stuff it's easier to produce in the areas where it is sold. Why else would eg. German car producers open factories in the US? &, oh wonder, they are even employing US workers.

Research and development is not within US hands any more and is getting less and less each year.
AFAIK, the US is still on top of the list of countries with the most patents issued every year.

McDonalds is experimenting with a system where all drive-in orders will be routed through India.
OK, I admit, this is the absolute definitive sign of the US' downfall.
The Dismantling Continues...

bossel said:
Quote:Originally Posted by Pachipro
Then how would you rate a country that doesn't manufacture anything anymore including aircraft, computers, televisions, textiles, steel, etc. and soon to be automobiles?

Perhaps an advanced "service economy"?
The sad part is that even the service jobs, like tech support and tele-marketing are being out-sourced to countries like India and such. Even quite a few major cities have now out-sourced their phone service overseas.
Soon the only decent paying jobs left in the US will be in the medical field and maybe truck driving as they cannot be out-sourced.
Why else would eg. German car producers open factories in the US? &, oh wonder, they are even employing US workers.
True. However, within the not too distant future I believe the salaries will continue to decrease. They may also be assembled in the US, for now, but over 90% of the components are now being made overseas. Soon that assembly may also be completely done by robots.

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