The United States of.. Heh.

King of Tokyo

The Funky Homosapien.
Reaction score
Torontokyo, Japanada
Ethnic group
Cape Verden/Canadian/Mixes

So I was reading Moby's Blog because although I don't like his music I really feel on exactly the same page as him with all of his political views. Heh. As you can see he is making a plea to Canada (In a semi-joking fashion, he knows it ain't likely.. Heh) to let the blue states join Canada. I thought this was pretty funny and thought I'd post it here. Anyway after I read this, I was extremely bored (Stayed home from school.. Nothing to do) so I decided to make the picture I showed you above. It took a long ass time because it originally looked like this but I did get quite a kick out of it when I had finished.

So what are your views on if this happened. It is a joking type thread as this 99% most likely would never happen.. Heh. I myself think it would be alright in some respects and then it would be bad for Canada for other reasons. Like I don't mind New York but I would not want to adopt it's crime rate and murders and all that. Although Canada would instantly become the richest country in the world. Because the blue states is where the money is at, Bush just has the reneck-rural-where-no-on-lives-vote.. And there is a whole lot of those places so that is why he won. But I won't get into that bible-nazi and redneck subject right now. Although it's not like if New York became part of Canada I would have to move there, so I guess it wouldn't be that big of a deal.. It would be interesting to say the least.. But yeah since it's not going to happen I don't have to worry about it.. But anyway.. What do you think it would be like if that happened? Would you like it? Would you hate it?

Note: If you go to Monster Truck Rallies, sport a mullet and have an "I Love Dubya" shirt and are just going to say things like "Go ahead you sissy liberals!! Leave!! We (See: Farm owners) won't miss you !!" Then do me a favor and before you post, stop - think about it - then don't post.
Go ahead you sissy liberals!! Leave!! We (See: Farm owners) won't miss you !!

LOL....sorry couldn't resist! :)
CC1 said:
Go ahead you sissy liberals!! Leave!! We (See: Farm owners) won't miss you !!

LOL....sorry couldn't resist! :)

Ok.. But here is the real question: Do you like Monster Truck Rallies and have a mullet?
ummmm? I wouldn't mind owning/driving a monster truck, but I won't go to the rallies...and no I don't have a mullet! :) (never have!)
LOL! Awesome picture!

Its kinda ironic too that if a territorial change were to ever occur between the USA and Canada, it would most likely be the USA taking over parts of Canada (i wouldn't be suprised if a seperation vote from Quebec actually passed for once, and then right after, DubYa moves in for the kill and takes Quebec, or the whole of Canada over :D )...

My permanent residence is in Canada even though it shows a USA flag under my user name (im in the USA for University), so its all in good fun....

Just something I need to get out... its kinda odd how much crap I get here in the USA for being Canadian, and while I was in Canada, I always got a ton of crap for being American. For example... i was egged, car keyed, shot at by a BB gun etc for being American while I was in Canada... and now I was egged here and my car keyed a few days ago for being a Canadian. Also, i was shot at with a paintball gun 2 weeks ago while I was walking to class.. they shouted at me "go back to Canada you ****** Canuck!!" I didn't get hit tho since they suck at aiming (im just glad they weren't bullets). Similar thing happened in Canada when I was in Elementary school.. except it was with BB's and not paintballs :sick: )... Im kinda used to these things now though and it doesn't bother me as much as it did before... because this has happened to me all of my life. Although, it would be nice for it to just stop :auch:

Can't we all just get along?!! :sick: :sick:

I actually consider myself both American and Canadian, since I was born in the USA, but Ive lived in Canada for over 9/10 of my life... I also hold dual citizenship, it rocks
(well... sometimes >.> )

I would actually prefer to live in Japan and be treated as a Gaijin, becuase I would actually feel like less of an outcast (and probably treated less of an outcast) than I do in the USA and Canada, even though im a citizen to both countries (Im caucasian as well)...
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Thank goodness for mad p in these dark times... :p

A t-shirt of mine:

Thanks Kirei!

(Don't worry, I think my sister would shoot me if I had a mullet.)

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