Economy The US and European Economic crisis

Gold dissolves in mercury:

Recover gold from computer circuits:

To smelt and refine the gold from the computer chips:

Recovering mercury from gold:

Gold mining using borax:

The history of gold and silver:

The secret world of gold:

JP Morgan documentary

Precious metals manipulation:

Fractional Reserve banking


When banks get the 10:1 ratio it means for a one dollar investment of buying $1 of bonds the bank gets to lend $10 dollars or 9 free dollars to lend. When the loans are paid off the bank gets $9 which should be income but somehow is not and becomes a loan that was returned so there is no tax. This is how the banks have the largest buildings in downtown. In the case of Wall Street it is even more pronounced. The ratio is 17:1 so Wall Street banks get almost twice the money.
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Web of Debt by Dr. Ellen Brown:

When President George W. Bush finished his term the US national debt was $9 trillion but his Home Ownership Program caused the 2008 world recession as a result of the real-estate bubble. President Obama had to rescue the Wall Street banks but he was also advised to take in the toxic assets of the banks so the US national debt is now $16 trillion up $7 trillion from $9 trillion left by GWB.
The story of copper:

Copper an ingredient of bronze led to the greatest historical treasures - the conquest of continents and countries by warriors with bronze weapons.
copper mining and smelting:

Ancient copper mining:

Ancient copper mines in Israel:

Ancient mining machines:

The real Queen of Sheba:

That is Gina Lollobrigida as Queen of Sheba.
The public banking system by Dr. Ellen Brown:

The Public Banking Conference:


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