Things that stick out of your mind about America

Ma Cherie said:
Okay, here is something I found out while being a student. My foriegn friends tell me that in their country, it's not okay to disagree with the professor. But here, it's okay. It's even okay to argue.

I don't find that many people argue with our lecturers here. But thats either because they know that the lecutrers know much more than them, or we are all sleeping through the lecture. (of course we point out mistakes though)

Although, jsut a while back in our lecutres on Franco, we had one Spanish guy who was arguing in favour of the (spanish) military taking over (modern day) Spain from the government in order to prevent Basque and Catalan seperatism. Or at least agued that the general who did say that and was forced to resign was right. He did back down pretty quick, though.

I should probably say something about America too. Although I've never been so I can't really say, the impression that I get over here is that it is filled with religious extremists.
KrazyKat said:
I don't find that many people argue with our lecturers here. But thats either because they know that the lecutrers know much more than them, or we are all sleeping through the lecture. (of course we point out mistakes though)
Although, jsut a while back in our lecutres on Franco, we had one Spanish guy who was arguing in favour of the (spanish) military taking over (modern day) Spain from the government in order to prevent Basque and Catalan seperatism. Or at least agued that the general who did say that and was forced to resign was right. He did back down pretty quick, though.
I should probably say something about America too. Although I've never been so I can't really say, the impression that I get over here is that it is filled with religious extremists.

Oh, yes it seems like that now, the religious extremists. :blush: It's a minority darling (well lets hope so:relief: ). But I thought it was like that in the UK, too with students arguing with the lecturer. :souka:
Ma Cherie said:
Oh, yes it seems like that now, the religious extremists. :blush: It's a minority darling (well lets hope so:relief: ).

I'm with you on this one... Yes, there are religous extreamists...but they're mostly in their own little area. They are one of the groups of people I would mind 'vanishing' in the Bermuda triangle...
Minty said:
One of my first impressions of the Americans are they are very fond of their flag. :stan:
When I was visiting, their flags were everywhere; where as when I visited other countries I didn?ft see their flags that often.
It does seem like there's far too many flags around lately. It's very weird how it happens... One person buys one of those little flags thingies that you attach to your car, and then suddenly the whole neighborhood has to have one.
It starts with just one! :blush:
godppgo said:
Let see.....
1) Americans are more confident (Canadians are more preserved).
2) Americans talk louder (Canadian tend to keep a low profile).
3) Network of freeway (most Canadian cities does not have a hugh highway system).
4) Roads are wider (Canadian city is a fusion of European and American city)
5) Americans don't give a #$@% about the Queen (This is totally understandable).
United states is a big country so it also depends on where you are in the states. Overall, I find American and American things aren't as "refined" as Canadians'.

I don't know about the whole "roads are wider" thing in the USA, I think the roads are wider in Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver as compared to Colorado or the western USA (California, Nevada, Utah, etc). It depends where you are though.

The only real difference between Denver and Calgary in my eyes is that the stoplights are sideways in Calgary as opposed to up and down in Denver, road signs are in km/h as compared to mph, and the mountains are closer to Denver. Everything else feels the exact same in each city (people act the same, people drive the same rediculous speeds on the highway, city feels about the same size, same climate, etc etc). I think Canada and the USA are a lot more alike then people realize.

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