U.s. Goes To War With Iran ??

Will the U.S. go to war with Iran?

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Frank D. White

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State of Maine/So.Portland
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What do you think? Will the US bomb the heck out of Iran to prevent them from getting Nuke building materials?
Maybe Israllies will hit them first? With Russia & China getting their oil from Iran, UN sanctions might not come through. I think Bush and the military would like to do some payback for the 70's hostage deal and embassy take-over. TV news has been making good points to go after them, just need them to do a few more bad things and the public might say sic em! Your thoughts on the subject?


That's only if God tells President Bush to bomb Iran. :eek:kashii:
Frank D. White said:
What do you think? Will the US bomb the heck out of Iran to prevent them from getting Nuke building materials?
Maybe Israllies will hit them first? With Russia & China getting their oil from Iran, UN sanctions might not come through. I think Bush and the military would like to do some payback for the 70's hostage deal and embassy take-over. TV news has been making good points to go after them, just need them to do a few more bad things and the public might say sic em! Your thoughts on the subject?

I don't think dubya can remember the seventies...
Yeah, the public will say "sic em", but once one soldier gets killed, or something wrong happens, the public will deny ever wanting to go to war. They will hate Bush even more so, (which I don't think is possible). But don't get me started on the news. The news wants war. If they didn't have war, then they would have to create the news them selves. So the news will say things to make Iran sound bad enough to go bomb, and then the public will follow. Then the news will make the war sound like a bad Idea and the public will follow again. The News is bad news. They lie. A LOT.

But in my view, I don't think there'll be a war against Iran. If there is, I don't think it will be for a while (I don't think Bush will be in office). I also don't think that the public would stand for another war. Bush wants to win the hearts of the american people, so I don't think he would go.

I also think that if we do go, then other countries would join, not with us, but with Iran.

You never know though.
Mitsuo Oda said:
Yeah, the public will say "sic em", but once one soldier gets killed, or something wrong happens, the public will deny ever wanting to go to war. They will hate Bush even more so, (which I don't think is possible). But don't get me started on the news. The news wants war. If they didn't have war, then they would have to create the news them selves. So the news will say things to make Iran sound bad enough to go bomb, and then the public will follow. Then the news will make the war sound like a bad Idea and the public will follow again. The News is bad news. They lie. A LOT.

and who pays for the news :? Holy Spirit? :D
Sponsors... very general.... present a list then?
who does benefit from the war? especially in this region?

another point might be - withdrawing attention from other issues

it is extremly rare when bad news are made for the sake of bad news
Umm, if you want a list of the sponsors Void, how about you watch TV and see what commercials come on during the airing of the News. I don't know how they pay for the news in Russia. But that's how it's done here.

The media has a hayday with wars. They can benefit from the war, and depending on the outcome, a country or a certain people.

What region? your region?

You do know that if the media doesn't like someone or something, then they will make an effort to make that person look bad, and twist his or her words.

I know a guy that use to work for Fox broadcasting. He says that the media will do anything to get a great "story". Whether it be real or fake.

Are you in the media or something?

So, anyway Void. What is your stand on this issue? You have yet to make your voice heard on a possible war w/Iran.
I just noticed that I never post much in this fora at all, so thought that I should, and just kind of dropped in here out of the open blue sky.

Now, where are we....Oh, Iran...I can see both sides being presented about the news thing. The way the media handles a lot of things, and how things can be and are (more often than should be) influenced by money concerns me.

I really doubt that the US would go to war with Iran. But then again, what do I know. (I don't think it would do any good whatsoever. . .) Anyway, just my two bits worth here.
So, anyway Void. What is your stand on this issue? You have yet to make
your voice heard on a possible war w/Iran.
There are pros and contras. I`d say at least in two cases (maybe, more) this war would be impossible - Saudi and Emirats will strongly object (and perhaps, Siria will refuse to provide it`s airfield); and second - if there exist high possibility that Iran possess MDW (why do you think N.Korea is still "intact"?). And there are several pros (for different groups), of course: the oil prices will grow significantly, war often serves as a crutch for a limp economy, it`s a good opportunity for a military machine to develop, to test new weapons, to perfect army, it`s a "winner`s prize" - protectorate and influence over the concquerred territory...
What side will outweight the other time will show
What region? your region?
Middle East region. AFAIK, Iran is situated in this part of the world. isn`t it?
Umm, if you want a list of the sponsors Void, how about you watch TV
and see what commercials come on during the airing of the News.
I don't know how they pay for the news in Russia. But that's how it's done here.
Well, they pay for the commercials, for the certain amount of time at the
certain TV program (and the price is rating according to the popularity of
a program and time of a day, and channel). In other words they basically pay
for the news about themselves and their products.
You do know that if the media doesn't like someone or something, then they will make an effort to make that person look bad, and twist his or her words.
I know a guy that use to work for Fox broadcasting. He says that the media will do anything to get a great "story". Whether it be real or fake.
Well, then why they don`t focus people`s attention on the problems US is
currently facing? Very interesting issue for a inhabitants of the States,
or it is not?
Why they don`t concentrate their effort on illuminating the crimes done
done by US government and corporations all over the world? Why about Iran?
aha, perhaps they are patriots and don`t say bad things about their own
country, that`s their "patriotic act"?
You do know that if the media doesn't like someone or something, then they will make an effort to make that person look bad, and twist his or her words.
Tha truth is that media cannot afford themselves to love or to hate anyone and exprss it in public.Their task is to spotlight the events on local or global scale, impartially, unbiased, all-round. If they can`t follow these simple rules, it means that the whole system of journalism (news in particular) is simply unethical.

Are you in the media or something?
i am not in a media
Void said:
Tha truth is that media cannot afford themselves to love or to hate anyone and exprss it in public.Their task is to spotlight the events on local or global scale, impartially, unbiased, all-round. If they can`t follow these simple rules, it means that the whole system of journalism (news in particular) is simply unethical.

Unfortunately the media does very clearly fail to keep to these simple rules. :)
News companies have two objectives.
1) Earn as much money as possible (through higher viewers/sales).
2) Spread their own biased view.

They will only be as fair and biased as they need to be to fulfill these objectives.
Have you ever watched fox news?
US won't go to war in Iran.

For one thing, they don't have the troops because of Iraq. An invasion of Iran, 3 times bigger than Iraq, would require too many resources.

They won't bomb Iran either. 2 Reasons. One, Iran can just shut off its oil exports in retaliation. That could double the cost of oil, which would wreak havoc on the world economy. Second reason is that Iran could tell its Shi'ite allies in Iraq to join the anti-US insurgency, which would make the American occupation of that country completely untenable.
Iran has not invaded a neighbor in thousands of years. They may be close, but in all probability are a decade away from having any kind of functional nuclear device. And they are definitely not Iraq. I really hope we don't consider any military action. Authorizing the use of force was a mistake our congress ought not make again.
I doubt it. Iraq never succeeded and that was with American support. Ah, the good old days, when Saddam was a friend of the west. Isn't amazing how politicians have such short memories when old allies don't tow the line.
I said: "You do know that if the media doesn't like someone or something, then they will make an effort to make that person look bad, and twist his or her words."

Void Said- "Tha truth is that media cannot afford themselves to love or to hate anyone and exprss it in public.Their task is to spotlight the events on local or global scale, impartially, unbiased, all-round. If they can`t follow these simple rules, it means that the whole system of journalism (news in particular) is simply unethical."

The sad thing Void, is that my Dad has seen, first hand, what the media can do. My dad is a politician, and if the Media doesn't like what my dad has to say, then they WILL twist and turn anything they want. This is due to the opinions expressed by a certain broadcast (like fox). It doesn't even have to be the News on TV. It can be the News in the Newspaper. Unfortunately Void, they ARE very biased.
Mitsuo Oda said:
I said: "You do know that if the media doesn't like someone or something, then they will make an effort to make that person look bad, and twist his or her words."
Void Said- "Tha truth is that media cannot afford themselves to love or to hate anyone and exprss it in public.Their task is to spotlight the events on local or global scale, impartially, unbiased, all-round. If they can`t follow these simple rules, it means that the whole system of journalism (news in particular) is simply unethical."
The sad thing Void, is that my Dad has seen, first hand, what the media can do. My dad is a politician, and if the Media doesn't like what my dad has to say, then they WILL twist and turn anything they want. This is due to the opinions expressed by a certain broadcast (like fox). It doesn't even have to be the News on TV. It can be the News in the Newspaper. Unfortunately Void, they ARE very biased.
well, i live in rather mall city and can watch media works and administrative activity quite close. Besides we had local elections a few days ago. I can hardly believe that media doesn`t like someone on their own... Very often, expressing "opinion" they don`t give a damn to what (or who) they are talking about (`coz they are personally indifferent to the subject)
there is always an order... whose? ... it depends on situation... it might be another politicial or commertial structure lobbying its interests
And the fact is that administration and government always have levers to control the media too, even in your country.
and the sad truth is, that if media is biased (one way or another) THE WHOLE society is sick
bush accuse's the moslims he only attack's moslims well ok russian japanese and etc. but i think bush is thinking too much about power i think he should pay attention to economy or the safety of america i mean look at america and at netherlands there is a quite huge diffrence in america you see someone walking with a gun on the streets here you wont see that....
shuya said:
bush accuse's the moslims he only attack's moslims well ok russian japanese and etc. but i think bush is thinking too much about power i think he should pay attention to economy or the safety of america i mean look at america and at netherlands there is a quite huge diffrence in america you see someone walking with a gun on the streets here you wont see that....

Sweetheart, don't reveal how much you don't know. At any rate, how would you know if anyone is walking with a gun here? Have you been to the US? And what do you mean he attacks Russians, Japanese, and etc?

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