Viking Gene?


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Tallahassee, Florida
Ethnic group
Caucasian - N. European (Scandinavian)
Y-DNA haplogroup
I1 ► M253 ► L338
mtDNA haplogroup
In reading across the web on I1, I find that people are calling I1 the "Viking gene." I've read that M253 is the "invader" gene or group by British genealogists is from Vikings. This I can grasp since it originated (current evidence) in Denmark and spread in all directions. Obviously Angles and Saxons would have been M253 as well and left their DNA fingerprint behind. I can understand people attempting to connect themselves with a fearless, independent, and expeditionary people... but there must be more of a defining point.

Opinions, facts welcomed please.
I1 is not a gene but a haplogroup. I1 was diffused around Europe by all Germanic people, not just the Vikings. Some subclades, however, are more likely to be of Scandinavian origin, rather than Anglo-Saxon or Frankish. You can read more here.

Please also understand that the Vikings, or any Germanic people, were not exclusively I1, nor even in majority I1. Scandinavians are in average one third I1, one third R1b, and one third R1a.
Please also understand that the Vikings, or any Germanic people, were not exclusively I1, nor even in majority I1. Scandinavians are in average one third I1, one third R1b, and one third R1a.

True for Norway, Denmark and Iceland as a whole. In Sweden it's a bit different though. I1 has account for 40-45%. And the N1c is close to 15% overall, and in some northern areas, the N1 is above in numbers to the Rb1 and R1a..
True for Norway, Denmark and Iceland as a whole. In Sweden it's a bit different though. I1 has account for 40-45%. And the N1c is close to 15% overall, and in some northern areas, the N1 is above in numbers to the Rb1 and R1a..

Maciamo was probably talking about the Germanic people as a whole. Of course there are slight differences in frequency among the Germanic countries/people but the point is that these three are the Haplogroups which have a huge significance among all of them.
I'm I-M253 and X2b. That could be accounted for a number of ways, not being entirely sure of my birth parents - either one. The first way is that I-M253 is first and foremost a proto-I group that originated in Georgia-Greece. Greece was Anatolia before civilization made it a Mediterranean culture. X2B is a Neolithic Maternal line from that area that split into a number of branches, including the famous one that made it all the way to the American Midwest. So, Jewish refugees, called the Diaspora, may have picked up both these proto-groups, or pre-historic groups, and carried them northwards. More likely is that one of my parents was a mixture of Greek, Catalonian, Jewish and Italian and the X2b was a Greek residual, there being a large number of surviving neolithic genes in that population. As I said, the paternal I-M253 line was nearby to or within one of ethnicities listed above, so it would have to be Norman (Danish) to bring it to the general region of that list; namely, Sicily, but also Southern Italy and the Peloponnese.

A lot of the difficulty of writing about DNA is that as soon as you grab onto a case study, you really cannot depend upon the subjects own memories, or what they were told as children. Some children are punished by being told they are not the parents' natural children, and others are really not sure, not having really been up to considering the matter or getting the necessary testing. So, do with this as you like. The majority of the mtDNA is ethnically Diaspora, according to National Geographic's tester, Helix, and the other ethnic similarities are listed. The y and x parental lines are real loopers, considering the mother was thought to be German- or French Jewish, with a strictly Ashkenazi background. That could not be with the findings of Helix. On the other hand, the father, even though he was Sicilian, could be both I-M253 and Jewish, in part.
So what specifically is Danish Viking?
So what specifically is Danish Viking?

Viking is an occupation not an ethnicity. Until subclades become more refined and TMRCAs more accurate it will be very difficult to assign any haplogroup to a specific Viking invasion.
Viking is an occupation not an ethnicity. Until subclades become more refined and TMRCAs more accurate it will be very difficult to assign any haplogroup to a specific Viking invasion.

that's correct ............the norse word to go raiding is viking

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