Were the Croatians originally Slavic?

No. If you really want to research, it is the best to go in Moldavia. Have you wondered yourself why Moldavia is full Albanian toponyms.
You are the first one claim such thing. Can you bring some.
what i believe is my own business, and certified,
what you believe is just a mention,

ok lets see,
from tenths of ancient writer only 2 mention word Albania

1 is saying about Albania Caucasus
2 second is saying about Albanopolis in upper Makedonia,

lets see,
from tenths/ hundrends of ancient writers, only Ptolemy at 150 BC mentions Albanoi, and the next is almost a millenium after. is it to betrusted?
Second you place Albanopolis in kruja, but ptolemy if remember correct place it in Upper Makedonia, later Epirus Nova
a question you must answer your shelf
this Albanopolis of Kruja can be the Arbanon of Αννα Κομνηνη?
by time estimation of walking to battle NO.

this Albanopolis is mentioned at 150AD,
Roman already existed 300 years in area,
what makes you think was ancient illryrian city, and not a Roman city?

Ptolemy say it was a Polis Albanopolis,
not a village, a polis, a fortified indepented head city, not an emporium, neither a village,
the only polis that fits is Germidava or Thermidava, but it was a Dacian colony,
I wonder why Albanians myzene the horsemans? since it is a Thracian/Getan word?
the Illyrian would probably be Hepfew Ippos or simmilar

you need to read History better, rather than books of propaganda,
No, it was well geographically identified. It has nothing to do with makedonia. According to him was located somewhere near Kruja.
Ancient writers mentioned an important large and huge town of Sparta. But instead of this the archeologists had found a small town. A completely different of what is mentioned on ancient writings. The same is for troy. The ancient writers exaggerated a lot, especially when they talk about an unimportant and insignificant illyrian center. Albanoi is mentioned as an Illyrian tribe. This is not my fabrication , and certainly you know it.
No. If you really want to research, it is the best to go in Moldavia. Have you wondered yourself why Moldavia is full Albanian toponyms.
After the great Illyrian revolt, the Romans deported, split, and resettled Illyrian tribes within illyria itself and to Dacia, sometimes causing whole tribes to vanish and new ones to be formed form their remains, such as the deraemestae and the Docleatae, some of them mixed with celtic tribes.
This is a historical fact.
After the great Illyrian revolt, the Romans deported, split, and resettled Illyrian tribes within illyria itself and to Dacia, sometimes causing whole tribes to vanish and new ones to be formed form their remains, such as the deraemestae and the Docleatae, some of them mixed with celtic tribes.
This is a historical fact.

I had one Albanian friend who told me that Albanians came from Albania to Romania and Moldavia and they conveyed the language and toponyms to Romanians. You speak similar.

There are more problems with this hypothesis:

1) The number of Albanians would have to be very large, can you imagine how many Albanians would have to be resettled from homeland to Moldavia and Romania. They should be dominant in number there otherwise it would be very difficult to imagine that Albanian minority impose language to Romanians/Moldavians and names of places. In the same time big part of Albanians should remain in Albania otherwise all Albanians would migrate;

Three additional reasons this refute:
2) Balkans was depopulated and it would be impossible that so many people lived in Albania in that time;

3) Nobody recorded "this greater migration". On other hand migrations of Free Dacians to the Balkans have been documented.

4) Romanians are much more numerous than Albanians, if this hypothesis is correct, in that case many Romanians would be descendents of Albanians. But haplogroups say opposite. Romanians are similar to Serbs, not Albanians, Romanians have a significant I2, Geg Albanians have very little.

There are reasons even more, for example:
5) Albanians and Romanians speak Eastern version of Latin; if Albanians lived in the West of Balkan they would convey to Romanians Western version of Latin.

It is enough for this time.
No, it was well geographically identified. It has nothing to do with makedonia. According to him was located somewhere near Kruja.
Ancient writers mentioned an important large and huge town of Sparta. But instead of this the archeologists had found a small town. A completely different of what is mentioned on ancient writings. The same is for troy. The ancient writers exaggerated a lot, especially when they talk about an unimportant and insignificant illyrian center. Albanoi is mentioned as an Illyrian tribe. This is not my fabrication , and certainly you know it.

and again you are sticked to one of the tenths of ancient writers,
and again you avoid the rest and stick to the one you like to,
and again you want to prove that a mention of one writer is proving Illyrian continuity, cause that you want,
Although 300 years after the destruction of Illyrian tribes who joined Demetrius the Greek,
and again you want to place Albanopolis were you like,
but lets see,


does Ptolemy puts Albanopolis in Makedonia?
in what later become N Epirus?


so how come, and why, you want us to accept one of tenths, and ignore the others
when same time you say he was wrong and that city was not in Korytsa but in Kruja?
and again you are sticked to one of the tenths of ancient writers,
and again you avoid the rest and stick to the one you like to,
and again you want to prove that a mention of one writer is proving Illyrian continuity, cause that you want,
Although 300 years after the destruction of Illyrian tribes who joined Demetrius the Greek,
and again you want to place Albanopolis were you like,
but lets see,


does Ptolemy puts Albanopolis in Makedonia?
in what later become N Epirus?


so how come, and why, you want us to accept one of tenths, and ignore the others
when same time you say he was wrong and that city was not in Korytsa but in Kruja?
The ending "Polis" is typical for Greek settlement or at least Greek name of the city.
The ending "Polis" is typical for Greek settlement or at least Greek name of the city.

  • a city state in ancient Greece, especially as considered in its ideal form for philosophical purposes.

It means city.
I had one Albanian friend who told me that Albanians came from Albania to Romania and Moldavia and they conveyed the language and toponyms to Romanians. You speak similar.

There are more problems with this hypothesis:

1) The number of Albanians would have to be very large, can you imagine how many Albanians would have to be resettled from homeland to Moldavia and Romania. They should be dominant in number there otherwise it would be very difficult to imagine that Albanian minority impose language to Romanians/Moldavians and names of places. In the same time big part of Albanians should remain in Albania otherwise all Albanians would migrate;

Three additional reasons this refute:
2) Balkans was depopulated and it would be impossible that so many people lived in Albania in that time;

3) Nobody recorded "this greater migration". On other hand migrations of Free Dacians to the Balkans have been documented.

4) Romanians are much more numerous than Albanians, if this hypothesis is correct, in that case many Romanians would be descendents of Albanians. But haplogroups say opposite. Romanians are similar to Serbs, not Albanians, Romanians have a significant I2, Geg Albanians have very little.

There are reasons even more, for example:
5) Albanians and Romanians speak Eastern version of Latin; if Albanians lived in the West of Balkan they would convey to Romanians Western version of Latin.

It is enough for this time.
First, I don't know what did you speak with your Albanian friend.
I'm repeating to you the same thing again. On the Albanian language the majority of romance vocabulary is eastern, but there is still West romance stuff. I don't see anything for dispute here. Albanians evolved mostly from the yllirians of the inland not from those of the shores. You need to see the maps of the great illiran revolt. There is a lot of explanation about the slavicisation of the western part of the Balkans. See were was spread the revolt. It included the illyrian tribes of modern Croatia, Bosnia, northern part of Montenegro, northern kosova. The great illirian revolt was considered from the Romans as the same difficulty as the Punic wars. That is enough for the moment.
There is a theory with much more credit than your theory of Moldova. Dacians were a branch of the tracians. The tracians were by the same stuff as the yllirians. The so called traco-illyrian theory. Which means that all those people were made by the same stuff.
The tracians were by the same stuff as the yllirians. The so called traco-illyrian theory. Which means that all those people were made by the same stuff.

What is next?

German are same stuff with Romans?or
or Balts are same stuff with FinnoUgric?

I wonder what else I will hear from Alba(para)noia propagandists
and again you are sticked to one of the tenths of ancient writers,
and again you avoid the rest and stick to the one you like to,
and again you want to prove that a mention of one writer is proving Illyrian continuity, cause that you want,
Although 300 years after the destruction of Illyrian tribes who joined Demetrius the Greek,
and again you want to place Albanopolis were you like,
but lets see,


does Ptolemy puts Albanopolis in Makedonia?
in what later become N Epirus?


so how come, and why, you want us to accept one of tenths, and ignore the others
when same time you say he was wrong and that city was not in Korytsa but in Kruja?

And nowhere Albanians, hundreds and hundreds records, not a word about Albanians.

Plus, there is no Albanian trail, if they lived they would be store anything, but nothing,0!

But they had trails in Moldavia and Romania, and there are a lot of things for researchers.
What do u know about haplogroups? Nothing....
So you should stick to what you think you now. As I said J2b-L283 is a neolithic Balkan marker found at the highest frequency among Albanians. There was no "Bulgarians" in the Neolithic and of course nobody knows what haplogroups Thracians were made of. I was just making a point to Sile, aka Zanipolo, aka Vettor that I happen to carry one of the main Albanian Y-DNA haplogroups since he questioned whether I have explored my family line.

So in Neolithic Balkan,
Bulgarians did not existed, but Albanians existed?

I wonder why your name is Troyan?
So in Neolithic Balkan,
Bulgarians did not existed, but Albanians existed?

I wonder why your name is Troyan?

What? When did I state there was Albanians in the Neolithic. Your Slavo-Greek head doesn't seem to comprehend the points I was trying to make. It's pretty clear that I was pointing out that I carry a Neolithic Balkan Y-DNA (since someone asked me) just like most Albanians do. Illyrian ethnogenesis most likely was formed 3-4000 years ago. Sometime during or after the Roman times, Albanians got the name after the Illyrian Albanoi tribe.

Obviously, you spelled my name wrong, do you need glasses? Oh, and I can use whatever name I like, but if you want to go ahead and Google it and see for yourself what it is. Again, I can't believe I have been arguing with people like you.
What is next?

German are same stuff with Romans?or
or Balts are same stuff with FinnoUgric?

I wonder what else I will hear from Alba(para)noia propagandists
Did you already read the whole my post. I said there is one theory , as many other ancient theories. I didn't said that is proofed. It's just a theory among the scholars, that's all. You can read about that theory in eupedia either. It is not an Albanian theory. Please try to make a normal dispute
And nowhere Albanians, hundreds and hundreds records, not a word about Albanians.

Plus, there is no Albanian trail, if they lived they would be store anything, but nothing,0!

But they had trails in Moldavia and Romania, and there are a lot of things for researchers.
Is there any source of any dacian migration into West Balkans during the 500 ad, as you mentioned on a previously post? No there is no one Roman nor Byzantine source sustaining your fabricated theory.
So in Neolithic Balkan,
Bulgarians did not existed, but Albanians existed?

I wonder why your name is Troyan?
Yes, good observation, but you need to try more into translation.
Troy is an Albanian word. Dardanian in north West Anatolia, dardanian in modern kosova. Maybe it is a coincidence. But troy in the Albanian language means land bank or is used to describe the lands and the territory which you owns.
Yes, good observation, but you need to try more into translation.
Troy is an Albanian word. Dardanian in north West Anatolia, dardanian in modern kosova. Maybe it is a coincidence. But troy in the Albanian language means land bank or is used to describe the lands and the territory which you owns.

Troy is not Albanian word. That root probably has meaning on almost every language of the world. And the correct term was not Troy but Troia.
And people of what we call Troia did not use any of them, as far as we know today. Just like Illyrians...
Troy is not Albanian word. That root probably has meaning on almost every language of the world. And the correct term was not Troy but Troia.
And people of what we call Troia did not use any of them, as far as we know today. Just like Illyrians...

Troia as per the trojans was the province name where the capital was called Ilios.

In venetian
Troj(i) is a dirt track

Troj(i)a is to sow

Troia is also used as a slang word to describe a cheap prostitute .............a woman who peddles her profession along dirt tracks........sow ones seeds
Yes, good observation, but you need to try more into translation.
Troy is an Albanian word. Dardanian in north West Anatolia, dardanian in modern kosova. Maybe it is a coincidence. But troy in the Albanian language means land bank or is used to describe the lands and the territory which you owns.

yes Dardanian and dardanelian passage,
Maybe linguist Duridanov is Alb anian also?
remember Persian king was also Darius
he could be Albanian if he was Daridus?
and in Greece there an area that is named Darnako-choria the people are Darnakes,
are they Troyans, Illyrians? or Thracians?
Yes, good observation, but you need to try more into translation.
Troy is an Albanian word. Dardanian in north West Anatolia, dardanian in modern kosova. Maybe it is a coincidence. But troy in the Albanian language means land bank or is used to describe the lands and the territory which you owns.

ok my Albanian neighbour and pure divine race!!!

Will you decide what you are?
are you Autochthonous?
are you Illyrians from Noricum?
are you Getaae from Dacia?
are you ancient Greeks, Dorians?
Are you Troyans
are you Pelasgians
are you Etruscans?
are you Aromani?
are you Slavs?

it is time to decide

except if you are a nation of gathering litlle bit of all the above,
a mixed modern nation
Croats were called "Krobatoi" in Greek sources most similar names from ancient tribes i could find are;Krobyzoi (Greek: "Κρόβυζοι") is a Thracian,Getae or Dacian tribe.The Kuretes or Kouretes (Κουρῆτες) although this name is connected with some people in Greek mythology that fought against Aetolians,Strabo connect them with Cretans,Aetolians etc..
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