What music are you listening to?

Well actually he's singing in Russian if you didn't know. Yeah I get what you're saying about bringing out the 20 year old in you, me it's more like bringing out the 14 year old in me. I actually listen to all kinds of different music than this most of the time. I just posted that cuz it's funny... And I can actually do these kind of vocals, it's so fun makes me feel like the Hulk or something.

Cookie Monsta like metal..Cookie sing for Coooookiiie.

Dedicated to many members of the forum !!!!


I am yourTruth, telling Lies
I am your reasoned Alibis
I am inside, open your eyes

the next 2 days are holly, special and blessed,
use them wise.
Salute to those who understand.
at 1988 Kiske with band helloween released the album Keeper of the 7 keys

a song that is connected with title (7 keys) is Future World

If you're out there all alone
And you don't know where to go to
Come and take a trip with me to Future World

<span style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); font-family: "YouTube Noto", Roboto, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13px;">

Does anyone knows what are the 7 keys and who is keeper of the keys?
a date that might help 1983
It's from "Cookie Corpse"..."Hammer Smashed Cookie!"

Not my type of music really but as she is the next big thing in Finland these tunes just ring in my head from heavy radio play.
She is good there is no denying, mixes up different styles in true free style fashion.


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