What will the world be like after coronavirus? Four possible futures

I think I am clear, and fair

If Conte and Italy want to leave EU,
they have this ability,

If Mitsotakis and Greeks want to leave EU
they have this ability

if XYZ leader and his people want to leave EU
they have the ability.

no one is forced to stay
that is democracy and free will of nations

on the other hand, some states are doomed to stay in a Union for .....
Free will?

And what About USA?

Why USA President says 'LIBERATE MINNESOTA',
and if this states disagree, are they allowed to leave Union? :useless:
what democracy then?
I found a petition on Change.org that proposes this:

1. Well-funded public health systems throughout the world with universal access to quality health care, including distance health services (telehealth);

2. Disaster preparedness that at a minimum guarantees the continuity of food, water, energy and medical supplies in pandemics, climate change-related impacts and other disasters;

3. A new economy that shifts away from continuous growth and consumerism towards the well-being and resilience of people and environmental protection – and the same goes for trade and investment;

4. A guaranteed income for all to cover the basic needs and well-being of each and every individual in their country or region;

5. Increased work from home (teleworking), virtual meetings (teleconferencing) and distance education (telelearning) to improve the quality of life and minimise the cost and environmental impact of transport;

6. Reliable, safe and privacy-respecting access to the internet and social media, which should be treated as global (cyber) commons;

7. Advanced technological and social innovation and broad sharing of their benefits – in medicine, energy generation, the circular economy, travel, learning, space exploration – for a better life for all;

8. A new, unarmed, civil protection role for the military in the management of logistics and medical support in case of natural and human-made disasters;

9. Reinforced democratic checks and balances to ensure the protection of individual and collective rights even while responding to emergencies;

10. Strong international cooperation and support for institutions that promote human resilience and well-being, building on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

These are sensible proposals in my opinion.
What thread? Uncovered by whom?

Αληθώς Ανέστη!

Well my apologies, we lost the momentum, I thought that you had probably noticed.
Anyway, nothing to bother, nothing personal for you...
A comment of mine, up on a quite funny theory as posted recently to a thread...
Nothing to rudiculize it any further.

I refreshed my liver from the laughs (coronavirus side effects)
Flat earth, Australia dont exist, Darth Weder was saracatsan... that kind of scale "yupie yupie yiao" things.
I don't think anyone knows, just like no one anticipated what the post-war world would look like after the Germans and Japanese were defeated.

The one thing you can count on about human societies imo is that hindsight is 20/20, but human beings are not always that easy to predict looking forward. Unintended consequences rule.

Thanks for that, you deploy sufficient and reasonable your main idea. Your main idea here is a mature product of -your-true living experiance
and not an adopted theory. You placed it modestly and in order. You rightfully and semiotical propriate, focus your paradeigm to the events of the past
world war. I think is quite succesful, since we both -as generations- we connect in away to our parents experiances... etc.
No one can disagree here -(you are the moderator, lol )

Yes it is absolut true that is 50/50 when we have total ignorance up on the every occasional or certain issue or having no control to the developed events
around us. But the things changes dramatically for example:
When we see a small light to end of a long tunnel... Actually the 1% is the game changer the rest will follow with cataclysmic speed (the "good"
or the "bad" ones) we could say that allthough in a deep theoretical and timeless level, all the future events are 50/50...but all that in a theory.
The fact is that evolution dont move on with 50/50 balances, either dont prefer -occasionally- the safe predictions, and that self-proves and sustains
the idiomatic unstable balance of - Life events.

There is certain things and things not so, example: I dont know if I survive till tomorow, but that dont means the sun will not rise.
That said, I mean that not only the 50/50 exists as possibillity but as well exists the 100% to some case incidents.
All that at a pragmatic and as well theoritical perceptions.
So, if we can agree with the above we can step a little forward.

We apply the above analogies now to the question for example not to: "how the world will be", but instead to the question:
"How the world is" (today, in present) and make it more easier... it is like saying "How Yetos is" or "who is Angela".
Angela is not 50% Italian and 50% American. Because I read you a lot, I would believe (say it guess or whatever), that -at least-you are:

pam/ para pam pam/pam/ para pam pam/ pam (drummers tambourine)

At least 51% Italian. ( the first raw sketch approach, the "juvenilla", if you like)
How wrong I am? :rolleyes:

...I was sceptical about the figure of the article...
I worry mostly for how people question things and less for their probably answers. (experts or not)
Numbers are more abstract than words can be.
Words are more abstract than symbols decides.
A picture is a thousand words, but a word is million images...

But this is absolut nothing. I cannot digest that...
I found a petition on Change.org that proposes this:

1. Well-funded public health systems throughout the world with universal access to quality health care, including distance health services (telehealth);

2. Disaster preparedness that at a minimum guarantees the continuity of food, water, energy and medical supplies in pandemics, climate change-related impacts and other disasters;

3. A new economy that shifts away from continuous growth and consumerism towards the well-being and resilience of people and environmental protection – and the same goes for trade and investment;

4. A guaranteed income for all to cover the basic needs and well-being of each and every individual in their country or region;

5. Increased work from home (teleworking), virtual meetings (teleconferencing) and distance education (telelearning) to improve the quality of life and minimise the cost and environmental impact of transport;

6. Reliable, safe and privacy-respecting access to the internet and social media, which should be treated as global (cyber) commons;

7. Advanced technological and social innovation and broad sharing of their benefits – in medicine, energy generation, the circular economy, travel, learning, space exploration – for a better life for all;

8. A new, unarmed, civil protection role for the military in the management of logistics and medical support in case of natural and human-made disasters;

9. Reinforced democratic checks and balances to ensure the protection of individual and collective rights even while responding to emergencies;

10. Strong international cooperation and support for institutions that promote human resilience and well-being, building on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

These are sensible proposals in my opinion.

This is very good, I agree, too. We should start with something simple.
The children should play and enjoy to their classrooms.
The first year at the primaries school, one is the class-lesson.
That of reasonal (productive) thinking and the method is achieved through playing.
I was never for joining the EU without gaining concessions from the Northern Exporting countries to invest in Greece. And no, roads to accommodate long trucks so they can transit through Greece on the way to Turkey and the Middle East does not count. I did not want Geece to become just a market for them. I think Greece does not need the EU. The bigger question is what are the rest of Southern Europe (Portugal, Spain, Italy) going to do? Do they withdraw from the European Union but stay in the Common Market?

How someone (greek) can disagree with that. Unfortunatelly we have to clean ours (EU) dishes.
And we will do, -when time comes.
What they dont know is what we do after to the dishes... "Σπάστα!!!"

My main concern is for us to be together even if we heading to wolf's mouth.
I'll burn -one- of my house's for that. (house, sacred things... etc)

What a semiotic irony here. At the moment the porn industry (Ger) and the drug sellers (Ned) are leading the cultural elite of europe.

Read me well Mr Bigsnake. I do not adopt the A-topic option. I will never leave Europe to Germans or anyone else.
None, but none and especially them and their colleages had the moral priviliged to own "Europe" brand in use.
We will be here till the last day. With our balls and with our vetos ( and of course with Yetos)

This is not a Hanseatic union... if something -kind of like-model must be.
We have better paradeigms.
The children should play and enjoy to their classrooms.
The first year at the primaries school, one is the class-lesson.
That of reasonal (productive) thinking and the method is achieved through playing.

That goes for post #25

Buahahahaha.... Calvinotalibans and hipsterojihadists, what to do with them.
What happens in people minds
-Tyrrany of mediocracy (spell it right?)

I over and out. My excuses.
I found a petition on Change.org that proposes this:

1. Well-funded public health systems throughout the world with universal access to quality health care, including distance health services (telehealth);

2. Disaster preparedness that at a minimum guarantees the continuity of food, water, energy and medical supplies in pandemics, climate change-related impacts and other disasters;

3. A new economy that shifts away from continuous growth and consumerism towards the well-being and resilience of people and environmental protection – and the same goes for trade and investment;

4. A guaranteed income for all to cover the basic needs and well-being of each and every individual in their country or region;

5. Increased work from home (teleworking), virtual meetings (teleconferencing) and distance education (telelearning) to improve the quality of life and minimise the cost and environmental impact of transport;

6. Reliable, safe and privacy-respecting access to the internet and social media, which should be treated as global (cyber) commons;

7. Advanced technological and social innovation and broad sharing of their benefits – in medicine, energy generation, the circular economy, travel, learning, space exploration – for a better life for all;

8. A new, unarmed, civil protection role for the military in the management of logistics and medical support in case of natural and human-made disasters;

9. Reinforced democratic checks and balances to ensure the protection of individual and collective rights even while responding to emergencies;

10. Strong international cooperation and support for institutions that promote human resilience and well-being, building on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

These are sensible proposals in my opinion.

Those are wonderful goals. I would like to add another one: Healthcare cannot be a for profit human endeavor. I know it's a radical proposition.
The children should play and enjoy to their classrooms.
The first year at the primaries school, one is the class-lesson.
That of reasonal (productive) thinking and the method is achieved through playing.

I like that especially the first point. Somehow children seem to suffer at school now, and suffer for nothing as they happily forget the majority of what they learnt at school ...
To tell the truth, I also disliked my school quite a lot. University was a world of difference.
Read me well Mr Bigsnake. I do not adopt the A-topic option. I will never leave Europe to Germans or anyone else.
None, but none and especially them and their colleages had the moral priviliged to own "Europe" brand in use.
We will be here till the last day. With our balls and with our vetos ( and of course with Yetos)

Thank you for that,

EU now is like a village,
Every body accuse the other, and everybody supports the other,
Everybody wants for himshelf, but also everybody pays,

But since is 'modern status quo' every state to gets loans and bonds,
I prefer to argue with 'partners' on how the common will be divided,
than ask money from Goldman Sachs,

Until the possible Fiscal union of EU, if ever happens, or the collapse,
the modern EU is like a village community, everybody for his house, everybody for the village, and family or neighbourhood alliances,
1 marriage, and alliances and hates stop, 1 extra word and back to fight to see who is the Best man in village.
I like that especially the first point. Somehow children seem to suffer at school now, and suffer for nothing as they happily forget the majority of what they learnt at school ...
To tell the truth, I also disliked my school quite a lot. University was a world of difference.

I suppose after teenage you appreciate better what you learned from teaching at school days,
but during university is more enjoyable that you learn how to teach yourself...
At that age, everything is great in general.

I had bad times too. I had very unstable performance at school and high school. I was very good (top three), till very careless.
My parents was illiterated and unschooled could not help me to lessons, but I remeber a lot of care of my teachers,
at some cases I was "quite privileged" and favoured. :cool-v:
I guess I'm the contrarian again. :)

I loved school most of the time; couldn't wait to go every autumn, despite the pressure for excellence, most of it self-imposed, I might add. I was like a sponge trying to absorb as much water as possible.

Of course, there were always those who didn't like it, weren't cut out for it, but I do think there are more children like that nowadays.

Perhaps we have more children being born with attention deficit disorder and other developmental problems, or perhaps they just have so little discipline at home that the little discipline that the teachers try to enforce is resented, or maybe both.

I thought for a while of becoming a teacher but dropped it after reading the drivel they were teaching in the intro to education course, all about how if you just leave them be they'll seek out knowledge; you shouldn't impose it or drill them. Yeah, tell that to the East Asians. I knew even then that in the west not everyone is a nerd like me. I knew what my classmates were like even at university, and how much they cut corners and cheated, anything to study as little as possible. If you don't impose a certain degree of compulsion most people, young or old, will do absolutely nothing which requires hard work and discipline. That's why communism has never and will never work, imo.

That's also why in this country a 650 on the SATs in my day would be a perfect 800 today, and they have to teach remedial writing in English to first year college students.

One good thing which may come out of all this is that those parents who now have to try to homeschool their undisciplined darlings will have much more appreciation and respect for teachers, and perhaps a more realistic view of their own children's attitudes and behavior.
There were plenty of ADD/ADHD boys back then also Angela. The cure was 15 min break between classes where the boys could play a short game of soccer or chase each other. Then 30 minutes after lunch. By the 1:00 class the boys were falling asleep because they had spent so much energy. Then there were the rulers that were used if one misbehaved. When my kids went to school it was barely 5 minutes between classes and no break after lunch. All in the name of learning more and more and more.
I have no idea whether the SAT or ACT now is more or less tough. I would like a bunch of 16-17 yo take some tests from the 70s and the current SAT tests and see how well they do in both. All I know is that there are plenty of tutors and cram schools for them. Which kinda nullifies their reason for being used. I scored 680/600 Math/verbal the first time I took them and 800/750 the second time. My second scores were flagged and I took it again and I scored 800/760 the third time. In between, I gotten hold of those SAT prep books and noticed certain tricks and patterns. Once I learned those and increased my vocabulary somewhat it was easy.
pretty years ha?

When I was at elementary school, we had the βιτσα-βεργα law,
a long narrow piece of wood, if you discuss with your next, 4 slashes at hand, if you sleep 8 slashes atopen hands,,
insult or bad words, till 5 slaps on cheek.
I still have memories.
that time were bad, today I am thankfull for some.


There were plenty of ADD/ADHD boys back then also Angela. The cure was 15 min break between classes where the boys could play a short game of soccer or chase each other. Then 30 minutes after lunch. By the 1:00 class the boys were falling asleep because they had spent so much energy. Then there were the rulers that were used if one misbehaved. When my kids went to school it was barely 5 minutes between classes and no break after lunch. All in the name of learning more and more and more.
I have no idea whether the SAT or ACT now is more or less tough. I would like a bunch of 16-17 yo take some tests from the 70s and the current SAT tests and see how well they do in both. All I know is that there are plenty of tutors and cram schools for them. Which kinda nullifies their reason for being used. I scored 680/600 Math/verbal the first time I took them and 800/750 the second time. My second scores were flagged and I took it again and I scored 800/760 the third time. In between, I gotten hold of those SAT prep books and noticed certain tricks and patterns. Once I learned those and increased my vocabulary somewhat it was easy.

That's completely contrary to what all the studies show about the benefits of test prep for the type which I took, which was usually a combined improvement of about 50 points, but hey, if it worked for you...

You should have started a business; you would have made a mint.

It's definitely easier today; more "learned" knowledge and less reasoning. It's still too hard for most students, so they keep on dumbing it down. You're welcome to look it up.

They haven't changed the LSAT, or at least I don't think they have...no way to "study" for that. Of course, with affirmative action it's still not fair.

As for the MCATs, I don't know. A lot of medical school is memorization anyway, and going by the young doctors I meet, well, let's say I'm not bowled over by their brilliance. Just what you want in a doctor: someone who had to have the MCATs dumbed down so he or she could get into medical school.
That's completely contrary to what all the studies show about the benefits of test prep for them, which is usually a combined improvement of about 50 points, but hey, if it worked for you...great.

You should have started a business; you would have made a mint.

Maybe 50 points for the average student, I believe it will be more for the more intelligent student.

But we are getting far afield from our original thread topic.
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