Where do the white kablye of north africa come from

I have looked at dozens upon dozens of examples of depictions of "Moors" and other North Africans from Roman and medieval times, and it is extremely safe to conclude that the Negroid elements among them were minimal at best. On top of that we also have the written statements by the medieval "Moors" themselves, who obviously did not see themselves as "blacks" and clearly distinguished themselves from sub-Saharan Africans. The whole "Moors were black" claim is an Afrocentric fairy tale, same as the claims that Egyptians, Arabs and even the Olmecs and early Chinese were supposedly "black" too.

This whole BS about Moors being black began during the 11-13th centuries during the Crusades. The Almoravides had already conquered the sub-Saharan region around Mauritania and Senegal and had brought back many Black slaves to fight in their armies. So when they arrived in Andalusia they met a lot of fighters from northern Europe, especially French, German and English (they came in order to kill Jews and Muslims). So naturally when they saw Blacks and Berbers they thought they were ALL Blacks (the vast majority of Muslim soldiers under the Almoravides and Almohads were dark skinned Berbers and Blacks). So after they left and went back to their countries they took the myth that ALL Moors were Black. And as you can see Shakespeare did it not to long after. Whats amazing is that many ignorant English professors up until the 20th century still thought they were Black!

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