Which sense could you do without?

Which could you live without?

  • Sight- Forget coming to J-ref anymore!

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Sound- At least you won't hear your mom yelling.

    Votes: 2 8.0%
  • Smell- Won't smell your own BO, but others still can.

    Votes: 13 52.0%
  • Touch- No more enjoying hot baths.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Taste- On the bright side, eating natto won't be a problem anymore.

    Votes: 8 32.0%

  • Total voters
I think smell is the second most important sense, next to hearing. Smell is a primal base for memories.

Smelling certain odors is also quite nostalgic. Smelling a perfume can bring back memories of me mum from when I was a child, or some other heartfelt memory. I couldnt live without scent. Literally too; it comes in handy when your smoke detector isnt working.....

But if I could seperate taste from scent, then I'd do without taste also. Its a pretty useless sense now. It could probably help me stop smoking, if I didnt have the sense, also.
Smell is what I would miss the least, the others are too important.
While it has some influence on taste (only because noase and mouth are so close together), you could still taste pretty well without smell, because the taste nerves are in your tongue and not in your nose.
taste i could do well without, because smell plays a big part of tasting. vica versa.
sight, touch and hearing are the sences i need the most
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Eeeeeee! Well, I could do without sense of smell most out of them all. It's interesting that most people said smell or taste, rather than sight or hearing (and only one person say touch). Well, it could be dangerous to lose sense of touch, in case you are hurting bad but can't feel anything :sick:

I think it would be a more difficult decision if you have to choose between sight and hearing. Personally I would choose to keep hearing, which sounds strange from someone who trained as art practitioner (I don't like to say 'artist' because it sounds too big-headed :sorry: ). But, I really love music, and there are quite many musicians who are blind and they can still be good musicians, in fact some of my childhood heroes the old blues musicians. I would just shrivel up and die if I couldn't hear music any longer. :( To be able to see, to play my instruments but not hear what it sounded like, it would just kill me. :kanashii:
Losing my sight would be hardest for me. Of course I would hate to lose my hearing, but I think I could cope better than if I lost my sight. Everything I love depends on it - making jewellery, reading, playing video games, this forum - I could manage OK at all of them without my hearing. Actually, I think my sense of touch is more important to me than hearing too - I would have a hard job using a keyboard, controller or pliers without it.
Boy if I could just get rid of this damned ESP! Knowing the future is pure hell. Damn the voices! Get out! Out of my head, you hear!
This is easy, smell of course. The weakest sense of all humans and I do well without it right now considering my nose is partially clogged.
Sabro said:
Boy if I could just get rid of this damned ESP! Knowing the future is pure hell. Damn the voices ! Get out ! Out of my head, you hear !
Hahahaha... that was good ! :D
Silverbackman said:
This is easy, smell of course. The weakest sense of all humans and I do well without it right now considering my nose is partially clogged.
You said it quite well, Silverbakman. I had voted for smell, was at a loss how to elaborate. My olfactory sense is quite primitve in comparison to others but when it works, it's much too strong to handle. I think that "savage strength" is another sign that smell is primitive, at least for me, heh. :blush:
I dont need taste. Im such a fussy eater, and not always by choice. However if I didnt have any taste I would be able to eat all the horrible foods that I just cant bring myself to eat. Also I could become super rich on Fear Factor, because that is one of the only things I wouldnt be able to do. Eat yuk stuff.
It depends upon what I would be doing.
For me, it would be Sound. My sense of hearing would be the easiest to let go. I experience noise anxiety over certain things, and usually at the most inconvenient times. (Chewing noises for example... at an important client meeting.) Yeah, so I would gladly give that up. Personally I enjoy total silence. I would miss music for the times when I listen to it to relax... but I'm quite certain that without the stress of hearing things, I wouldn't need to relieve the stress so often. So it would be a fair trade for me. =)
Smell, I would miss it, but I could live without it, if I had to lose one sense.
Taste. Much easier to lose weight.
The sense I'd least like to lose would have to be hearing. It would stress me out not being able to hear what others say and not being able to communicate with most people. I might not be able to bear the loneliness.

I don't mind losing touch though. Losing touch won't make as much of an impact on ones life as the other senses.

I don't mind losing touch though. Losing touch won't make as much of an impact on ones life as the other senses.
Lepers, are the people who lost sense of touch through disease. I think you know how they look like.
Not mentioning that you would never experience sex and orgazm.

I would probably go with sense of smell. It is like having flue all the time, can't smell.
Lepers, are the people who lost sense of touch through disease. I think you know how they look like.
Not mentioning that you would never experience sex and orgazm.

I would probably go with sense of smell. It is like having flue all the time, can't smell.

I would probably go with sense of smell. It is like having flue all the time, can't smell.[/QUOTE]

Hmm... Interesting. The fact that sex and orgasm is connected with sense of touch didn't cross my mind. If it's like that, then sense of touch is does make a huge impact in you're daily life. I'd rather choose to lose sense of smell than sense of touch. Though sense of smell is pretty important too, because of it's correlation with sense of taste. One that can't smell fried chicken might not be able to enjoy it's taste as someone who does have a sense of smell.
Losing any sense would suck.
Hmm... Interesting. The fact that sex and orgasm is connected with sense of touch didn't cross my mind. If it's like that, then sense of touch is does make a huge impact in you're daily life. I'd rather choose to lose sense of smell than sense of touch. Though sense of smell is pretty important too, because of it's correlation with sense of taste. One that can't smell fried chicken might not be able to enjoy it's taste as someone who does have a sense of smell.

Also, sometimes catching a certain smell may bring back a memory of an event or person.
I agree with LeBrok, losing any of your senses would not be good.

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