Religion why are not u a muslim?

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Moslema, I am curious. What do Muslims think of Jews and Christians? I haven't read the Koran, but do Muslims think of Jews and Christians as better than atheists or the same?
canadian_kor said:
Moslema, I am curious. What do Muslims think of Jews and Christians? I haven't read the Koran, but do Muslims think of Jews and Christians as better than atheists or the same?
i don't want to be rude but i thought :
in the koran it says that all muslims must participate in the jihad (right name?)
jihad= holy war against all ppl who are not muslim.
Winter said:
You know all this talk about science disproving the supreme...

Even Einstien believed in the almighty. I wonder how he was able to reject 'logic' to accept faith...

I think science actually points to the supreme...

If the Big Bang actually occurred, scientists believed we should see slight variations (ripples) in the temperature of the cosmic background radiation
- COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) launched by NASA confirmed these ripples.
- WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) launched by NASA confirmed the findings of COBE and returned pictures thirty-five times sharper of the background radiation ripples.

Robert Jastrow founder of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies wrote a book titled "God and the Astronomers". The interesting thing is that he professes that he is an agnostic. He's quoted as saying:

" Now we see how the astronomical evidence leads to a biblical view of the origin of the world. The details differ, but the essential elements in the astronomical and biblical accounts of Genesis are the same: the chain of events leading to man commenced suddenly and sharply at a definite moment in time, in a flash of light and energy."

"Astronomers now find they have painted themselves into a corner because they have proven, by their own methods, that the world began abruptly in an act of creation to which you can trace the seeds of every star, every planet, every living thing in this cosmos and on the earth. And they have found that all this happened as a product of forces they cannot hope to discover?That there are what I or anyone would call supernatural forces at work is now, I think, a scientifically proven fact."

Jastrow states the following concerning Einstein's irritated feelings when he discovered the Theory of General Relativity which meant that the universe was not eternal, but had a beginning: "This is curiously emotional language for a discussion of some mathematical formulas. I suppose that the idea of a beginning in time annoyed Eisnstein because of its theological implications."

If there is no God, why is there something rather than nothing? We are left with only two options: either (1) no one created something out of nothing or (2) someone created something out of nothing. Which view is more reasonable?
berean_315 said:
From what I understand, one has to profess the "Shahada" publicly to become a Muslim. Is this true?

?There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah.?

I believe in one God, but it is not Allah the God of Islam, and also do not believe Muhammad is a prophet. What is my destiny according to Islam?

I think it depends what you believe that 1 face is. To you I believe it's Allah.

u r right about shahada but

i dont undertand.ur God is not that of islam,DO U THINK THAT THERe r many Gods?

i am waiting ..

60Yen said:
Well, doesn't a man have more rights? Like I heared that one a man went with another woman (not his wife), the woman get's punished (throwing with stones till she's dead etc.), while you could also blaim the man.

yes Mohammed -may Allah bless his soul -used to wash his clothes,saw cuts,go shopping ....

no ,60 yen both of them(the man and the woman)get punished in the same way.

but if the woman is pregnent(even from that illegal relatin)she is let untill she gives birth and weans the baby after 2 years.

as Mohammed the prophet did with the woman that came asking for getting punished..he turned his face 3 times untill she confessed 3 times,

then ordered her to wait untill she gives birth ,when came back

ordered her to milk her baby,she came back with the baby and a hard piece of bread to convince the prophet that she can let the baby safely!

why do u think she was so insistent?
RockLee said:
Er...did you grow on a beanstick then ? :?

Wasn't it like this : God = Allah ?? you just call him different and Jezus = Mohammed, this is the only logical link I think.If you don't agree with this, either of us is WRONG, because IF there was a GOD, it was the ONLY one, the creator of all right?

The God of Islam and Christianity cannot be the same God because there are contradictions in the very nature of God such that both cannot be correct.

Christians believe that (1) Jesus is himself God and part of the Trinity. (2) That Jesus was crucified and died on the cross and rose again. (3) That Jesus came to atone for man's sins.

Islam (1) does not believe in the Trinity and believe that those who do so commit the unpardonable sin of "shirk" which is a sin that Allah will never forgive. (2) They do not believe that Jesus was not crucified on the cross and thus did not die. (3) They also do not believe Jesus came to atone for man's sins.

I've heard Muslims say that we both believe in the same God, but this is based on Muslim believing that Christians are in error.
RockLee said:
Er...did you grow on a beanstick then ? :?

Wasn't it like this : God = Allah ?? you just call him different and Jezus = Mohammed, this is the only logical link I think.If you don't agree with this, either of us is WRONG, because IF there was a GOD, it was the ONLY one, the creator of all right?
u r right,ofcourse Rocklee God is Allah..only 1!

but Jesus is not Mohammed..i believe in both .they r both prophets.

neither of them is ALLAH ,s son.(sobhan Allah)

my parents were the way that Allah decided for me to come to life thru.

and islam gives them(especially the mother)great rights.

we r ordered to obey Allah then directly parents.

but they didnt create me!!
canadian_kor said:
Moslema, I am curious. What do Muslims think of Jews and Christians? I haven't read the Koran, but do Muslims think of Jews and Christians as better than atheists or the same?

From what I've read, Jews and Christians are considered "people of the book" and back when Islam was expanding they were given preferential treatment comapred to those who were not Jews and Christians. Now I'm not sure if this is the case or not.
canadian_kor said:
Moslema, I am curious. What do Muslims think of Jews and Christians? I haven't read the Koran, but do Muslims think of Jews and Christians as better than atheists or the same?

well..canadian kor,actually i dont know exactly but

islam is to believe in Allah and in what Allah awha to his last ,best prophet Mohammed.(sent to him with Jibril "the angel")

to believe in Allah with his almighty discription

(AHAD\odd)-has no wife nor children- the great- the patient...
This is where I start identifying with Judaism.

In the text, they observe and recognize Jesus as a prophet, but exclude the belief that he was the son of God. The reasoning within the texts is that the supreme would not impregnate a mortal.

In fact, that belief is a direct plagerism from the ancient mythos regarding the birth of Hercules; Zeus took the form of a swan, and 'got with' a mortal woman, whom begot the son of the God of gods.

Berean: cool post.
tha_rippa1be said:
i don't want to be rude but i thought :
in the koran it says that all muslims must participate in the jihad (right name?)
jihad= holy war against all ppl who are not muslim.

u r not rude but u r not right..koran gave both chrisians and jews great rights.peace..

and till now ..our relation is peace!!

jihaad(and u r right)means holly fighting of enemies attaking islam and moslems.
berean_315 said:
From what I've read, Jews and Christians are considered "people of the book" and back when Islam was expanding they were given preferential treatment comapred to those who were not Jews and Christians. Now I'm not sure if this is the case or not.
berean,we believe in the only one GOD which is Allah.

christians believe that there is a creater(God)..which has a son

and here we say"Allah (God)the creater did nt and will never have a son.(for many reasons we can discuss if u wish)

they believe in trinity

we say..the God is the Allah is odd

so they-as we do- believe in the creater as the worshipped.

about NASA guys,i will-in shaa ALLAH-bring u some of their sayings about Islam..holly koran and the universe.

u r so accurate about moslems relations with others ..let me tell u that they r jst peace and till now.

but let me ask u,when u were a little kid..closed ur eyes a hand hit u
strongly .it is not mama it is smaller,it is ur sister s hand! ..she is the only one at home with u.didnt u go chase her?
we r ordered to obey Allah then directly parents.
You see, this is why I think religion is man made.You do NOT obey a GOD,a GOD does not tell you to OBEY him, that would make you a slave doesn't it ?!! GOD should be someone who cares about his people and not enslaved them to live the way HE wants.So he 'creates' people to use as slaves ? :?
it would make sense.. if i were to create a people it wouldnt be so they could go out and have lives.. it would be so they could serve me!
Exactly RockLee.

Im not going to give my live and faith to some thing/one unless they are prepared to return that.
berean_315 said:
I agree. That's why it's called a theory. It still takes faith to believe there is no God as to believe there is a God.
Yeah, but only if you believe. As in my case, it's different. I don't believe that there is a god, nor do I believe that there is no god. All evidence goes in the direction of there being no god (I've seen a lot of evidence for evolution, but none for any god yet), but to me that's not really important. I don't care if there is some supernatural being, or not. If the existence of some god-like being would be proven, I still wouldn't believe. I would just accept the existence & would go on with my life.

berean_315 said:
(1) no one created something out of nothing or (2) someone created something out of nothing. Which view is more reasonable?
Well, yeah, maybe. But how did this someone came into being?

berean_315 said:
The God of Islam and Christianity cannot be the same God because there are contradictions in the very nature of God such that both cannot be correct.
Just as there are contradictions in the Bible about the nature of your god. In the OT it's a cruel mass murderer (just think of the Flood) & in the NT it's a milksop who loves everybody (OK, slightly exaggerated).

Christians believe that (1) Jesus is himself God and part of the Trinity
That depends on the denomination, doesn't it? In the beginning of Christianity, this was far from decided. Only in the 4th century the church made it compulsory to believe in the Trinity.
Not everyone's god or goddess commands them to be bound to a will.

My Goddess is the exact opposite of that. In fact, it is widely beleived that she has no will, nor concious thought.
moslema said:
berean,we believe in the only one GOD which is Allah.

christians believe that there is a creater(God)..which has a son

and here we say"Allah (God)the creater did nt and will never have a son.(for many reasons we can discuss if u wish)

they believe in trinity

Thanks for your response moslema. This is exactly my point. The same God cannot be both revealed in a Trinity and not revealed in a Trinity and be true at the same time. There is error somewhere. There is a significant contradiction in the nature of the God as Christians believe and the nature of God as muslims believe.

If I said a certain person died and you said that same person did not die [Jesus] both cannot be true.

about NASA guys,i will-in shaa ALLAH-bring u some of their sayings about Islam..holly koran and the universe.


but let me ask u,when u were a little kid..closed ur eyes a hand hit u
strongly .it is not mama it is smaller,it is ur sister s hand! ..she is the only one at home with u.didnt u go chase her?

I'm sorry I didn't understand your question.
Well the Muslims think that they've got the most up to date believe. They say that Christians and Jews didn't understand the message as it is supposed to be. So Allah sended one more messenger till the Armageddon (right?) to make it clear.

Well, muslims don't believe Jesus is the Son of God, but an important profet. They believe he mastered healing powers (which Mohammed didn't have), but he's not the Son of God according to the Koran. They also say Jesus is not crusified (which is really important in Christianity) but God took Him to the heaven (beam of light?)...

@ Bossel:
Well, I've seen a lot of prove that the evolution theory isn't correct too, but you're right, there is no proof (edit: 'Of God'). I wouldn't believe anything and just stay critic on everything you hear.
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