Debate Why Don't Feminists Fight for Muslim Women ???

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Tomenable: Most of people in those empires lived like cattle, in dirt and extreme poverty. Only a few aristocrats enjoyed high living standards.

The same is true for 19th century Europe, including my Italy and your Poland. If you really want to be horrified, do some research into how even the nobility and royalty lived in medieval Europe.

Tomenable: So Sub-Saharans never created any high culture totally on their own - only with foreign "help".

Please enlighten us as to which "high culture" developed totally on its own. As I posted on another thread, the only steppe specific contributions to the "Indo-European" package were the domestication of the horse, and perhaps hyper-patriarchy, and more idolization of a warrior caste. I'm grateful for the first but definitely not for the second and third.

If you want to look at Europe, European culture would not be possible without the ancient Greeks and Romans, but, of course, they built on the achievements of the ancient Near East, and...

See what happens?

Let's try not to turn every thread into a slanted analysis trying to show the innate superiority of one group over another.
How much oil are western enterprises pumping out of Nigeria .... as we speak?
To be fair, the resource belongs to the Nigerian government and decision about giving contracts to companies is in their hands too. Times and methods of Imperial Europe don't apply there anymore.

first you have to tackle corruption inside Nigeria, that is the guilty part

so I'd like to hear your plan how you will do that
It is irrelevant. Corruption or not they will need western companies to drill or build mines, as they don't have developed local industry yet.

As far as I know Swedes were taking slave girls from Ukraine and then selling them to Muslim harems.

So you should rather be taking refugees from Eastern Ukraine (Donbass War) to pay for your past sins.

Muslim Arabs were actually your business partners in that disgusting sex slave trade, not your victims.

Vikings were also taking slaves from the British Isles, but those were mostly Danes and Norwegians.

I know my genealogical tree as far as the fourth generation back.

They didn't commit any sins against people from other continents.

Actually I do not identify with Catholicism.

Looks like you are eager to stereotype other people as long as they have similar skin colour as you ???

Only stereotyping people with dark skin tones - or Muslims of any skin tone - is Non-PC in Sweden?

The reason for not helping is not how they look like, but how they behave and what are their value systems.

I am eager to help Non-Muslims from the Middle East. For example Yazidi refugees are welcomed:

You are delusional. There had been NO any significant wealth in Africa before Europeans colonized it. Sub-Saharan Africa was always a poor shithole - both before Europeans came, and after Europeans left. And the reason for this is - sadly - because they have average genotypic IQ of just 80. In other words - Sub-Saharan Africans are genetically less intelligent than Eurasians. Saying this is not racism - it is a scientific fact, which is being suppressed by the PC left.

No, Europe is not a continent. Nothing separates it from Asia.

Where do you draw a border between Europe and Asia, is entirely arbitrary.

There is a continent of Eurasia - it is one continent, not two.

Europe is a peninsula or a subcontinent - just like India.
Tomenable, this is not a bidding war. Wanderlust presented examples of a concept, that nobody is just a saint or a sinner. We all, races and nations of this planet, did our dirty deeds and also good ones. You on other hand went quickly in very defensive mood and eagerly started a bidding war, with many posts, "Who is a bigger sinner or a better saint". It was not the point.

As Angela noticed here:
Let's try not to turn every thread into a slanted analysis trying to show the innate superiority of one group over another.
It is symptomatic.
This is when leftists really lose people: Migrant rape isn't as bad as indigenous rape

Rape is rape. Put them in jail for a very long time. If they keep doing it, chemical castration is what I recommend. For child rape, I might even go for the death penalty. It's better than putting them into the general prison population where some guard will turn his back and the other inmates will kill him.
The same is true for 19th century Europe, including my Italy and your Poland. If you really want to be horrified, do some research into how even the nobility and royalty lived in medieval Europe.

Please enlighten us as to which "high culture" developed totally on its own. As I posted on another thread, the only steppe specific contributions to the "Indo-European" package were the domestication of the horse, and perhaps hyper-patriarchy, and more idolization of a warrior caste. I'm grateful for the first but definitely not for the second and third.

If you want to look at Europe, European culture would not be possible without the ancient Greeks and Romans, but, of course, they built on the achievements of the ancient Near East, and...

See what happens?

Let's try not to turn every thread into a slanted analysis trying to show the innate superiority of one group over another.

I'm sorry, but Tomenable didn't mention any 'high culture', it is Wanderlust in post n° 128 who did.
I'm sorry, but Tomenable didn't mention any 'high culture', it is Wanderlust in post n° 128 who did.

I'm not following you. See post # 137.

It's posted by Tomenable and says the following:

"So Sub-Saharans never created any high culture totally on their own - only with foreign "help"."

Of course, if I've mis-attributed it, I'll apologize.
The Rise of Sweden's Far-Left Militants

Ultra-nationalist political parties scored unprecedented victories in the European elections, making the rise of the far right in Europe impossible to ignore. Many of these groups, some of which are openly neo-Nazi, are gaining strength everywhere. In Sweden, there's been a sharp rise in political violence in the country, with crimes carried out by radical groups making headlines. Howe...
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Ultra-nationalist political parties scored unprecedented victories in the European elections, making the rise of the far right in Europe impossible to ignore. Many of these groups, some of which are openly neo-Nazi, are gaining strength everywhere.

In Sweden, there's been a sharp rise in political violence in the country, with crimes carried out by radical groups making headlines. However, what's unusual is that one of the most violent extremist organizations in Sweden aligns itself not with Nazism and the far right but with anti-fascism and the far left.

Known as the Revolutionary Front, this group of militant socialists aims to crush fascism by any means necessary. VICE News set out to find the Revolutionary Front and to understand the unlikely rise of the militant far left in Sweden.

it reminds me that terrorism in the 1960's and 1970's was mostly commited by leftist organisations
they are so full of their own convictions they think they stand above the law
we've seen in the Soviet-Union how quickly this can degenerate
I'm not following you. See post # 137.

It's posted by Tomenable and says the following:

"So Sub-Saharans never created any high culture totally on their own - only with foreign "help"."

Of course, if I've mis-attributed it, I'll apologize.

you'll have to ask Tomenable himself to be sure

but by foreign he means Arabs and Horners (peoples of the Horn of Africa) and Yemenite Jews who migrated to that region

and by 'help' he means subjecting the natives

all in reaction to post n° 128
first you have to tackle corruption inside Nigeria, that is the guilty part

so I'd like to hear your plan how you will do that

Looks to me that you have the cart before the horse. You make it sound as though domestic corruption is a phenomenon onto itself. It is western corporations that are raping Nigeria due to the corruption they have fostered with Nigerian authorities. These western companies want Nigeria's oil at the least possible cost. Meanwhile, Nigerians are starving and suffering from a murderous civil war at the same time. Westerners (and their Nigerian partners in crime) simply rub their hands together and watch their bank accounts grow.
it reminds me that terrorism in the 1960's and 1970's was mostly commited by leftist organisations
they are so full of their own convictions they think they stand above the law
we've seen in the Soviet-Union how quickly this can degenerate

Is that what you would call the Reagan/Thatcher Bush/Blair partnerships ........ "leftist organisations that are so full of their own convictions they think they stand above the law"?
This is when leftists really lose people: Migrant rape isn't as bad as indigenous rape

I guess it's time to modernize in accordance with what the Progressive Left is saying:


Another mind-blowing example - a German left-wing politician was raped by three migrant men:

But she lied to the Police that they were native Germans. Why did she do that? "To stop racism":

Raped German Politician Lied About Attackers' Nationality To 'Stop Racism'
I guess it's time to modernize in accordance with what the Progressive Left is saying:


Another mind-blowing example - a German left-wing politician was raped by three migrant men:

But she lied to the Police that they were native Germans. Why did she do that? "To stop racism":

Raped German Politician Lied About Attackers' Nationality To 'Stop Racism'

The extreme left and the extreme right are both bonkers in my humble opinion. Turn your back on all these irrational nut jobs. Join me in the sane, humane, centrist cluster. :)
I must say, mentally enslaved people like you ignite my worst impulses because you:

1.) resort to desperate, ridiculously obvious strawman arguments because you can't refute my actual arguments at face value. It's just exhaustive and intellectually dishonest and I have better things to do with my time. Therefore, this will be my last interaction with you on this topic.

2.) lack any sense of historical/social/cultural irony and self-awareness and therefore, repeat the same backwards, maladaptive patterns of those that first enslaved you. But then I think of wild dogs that become caged dogs and for years, are so neglected, isolated, used, abused, traumatized, and divorced from their empathetic core, that they revert to a vicious feral state and become an unstable, unpredictable danger to everyone around them. And I think, would it be better to just end their misery (and mine) and take them out back and put them down with a bullet to the brain (Final Solution style)? Or is it more humane and compassionate to just endure their long road to recovery and tolerate their stunted development? :unsure:And then I remember that I actually want to be a better person than my impulses drive me to be. I'm smart enough to handle that and I have enough character and integrity to do it. I'm actually brave and not driven by fear. If only others could be that way or at least learn how to be, the world would be a better place. But the residual effects of physical, mental, spiritual, political and economic slavery on a population can not be undervalued.

And now on with this shit show...


As far as I know Swedes were taking slave girls from Ukraine and then selling them to Muslim harems.

So you should rather be taking refugees from Eastern Ukraine (Donbass War) to pay for your past sins.

Muslim Arabs were actually your business partners in that disgusting sex slave trade, not your victims.

Vikings were also taking slaves from the British Isles, but those were mostly Danes and Norwegians.

1.) Strawman.

2.) Sweden does take Ukrainian refugees, and every other kind of refugee.

3.) What your enslaved mind is incapable of grasping is that Sweden helps all people, because it is a humane and humanitarian nation. It hasn't always been that way, and has done its fair share of colonizing, conquering and pillaging (like when it ransacked and destroyed Poland), which is even more reason why Sweden should give and help. Because Sweden is a wealthy nation, it helps not only those that it has wronged, but those who simply need help, regardless of who they are and where they come from. That's admirable. You wouldn't understand; Unfortunately, Poles are, historically, not used to receiving kindness and generosity and therefore, don't know how to give it. Crabs in a barrel mentality.

I know my genealogical tree as far as the fourth generation back.

They didn't commit any sins against people from other continents.

Lol 4 generations back? Are you willfully obtuse or actually obtuse?

It's interesting that you frequent a site called "Eupedia" dedicated to European interests. Why don't you confine yourself to Polish or Slavic forums only? That's because you see yourself as Polish and European. And if you are European, then the good comes with the bad. You can't be European when it's convenient and then not, when you don't want to. Europe has taken a lot from the rest of the world. And Europe needs to rectify this--which in more than a few ways, they are.

Actually I do not identify with Catholicism.

Looks like you are eager to stereotype other people as long as they have similar skin colour as you ???

Only stereotyping people with dark skin tones - or Muslims of any skin tone - is Non-PC in Sweden?

1.) Isn't this you?:

Yes - most of Poles are religious. And again - religiosity is largely genetically determined.

Around 30% - 45% of inclination for religiosity is genetic*. So Poles are genetically religious.

The same applies to Muslims - they will NOT become less fanatical, because it is in their genes.

*Source: Thomas J. Bouchard, "Genetic Influence on Human Psychological Traits", (Table 1.).

LOL How fascinating it is that you are the exception to your (narrow minded) rule. So, you are not religiously Catholic? According to your belief in genetic determinism, you must be religiously something else then, right? Because one can't escape his genes, correct? LOL You stereotyped yourself and your own people, but then conveniently, you don't fit that stereotype. But you have no problem stereotyping all Muslims. Of course you accuse me of doing the same intellectually dishonest things you do. Hilariously sad.

The reason for not helping is not how they look like, but how they behave and what are their value systems.

I am eager to help Non-Muslims from the Middle East. For example Yazidi refugees are welcomed:

Have you ever left Poland? I'm thinking not. I have encountered so many Muslims who shared my same humanistic values. I have encountered so many Christians who share my same humanistic values. I have encountered so many Atheists who share my same humanistic values. You start with the fallacy that everyone worships and engages religion in the same ways. There are those who are very secular and those who quite fundamentalist in their values, and many more who are somewhere in between.

Primitive Polish far right troglodytes have brought their backwards, regressive, hateful values to Sweden and have been attacking refugees. So, because the values of these specific cretins don't align with ours, should all Polish immigrants be expelled and restricted? I find it amusing that you think you are so different from the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists when your core values are actually the same > base provincialism, narcissism and fear of the other. You deserve each other.

You are delusional. There had been NO any significant wealth in Africa before Europeans colonized it. Sub-Saharan Africa was always a poor shithole - both before Europeans came, and after Europeans left.

The utter depth of your ignorance is so embarrassing. Truly.

"The Wealth of the West was built on Africa's exploitation":

Africa's economic and social development before 1500 may arguably have been ahead of Europe's. It was gold from the great empires of West Africa, Ghana, Mali and Songhay that provided the means for the economic take-off of Europe in the 13th and 14th centuries and aroused the interest of Europeans in western Africa.

African people in Nubia invented their own 23 sign alphabet under the Moroe kingdon (800 BC to 350 AD). All over Africa, going back to 1,000 BC or further, there are examples of mining for gold, iron, copper, bronze and other minerals, and their smelting and so-on. The ancestors of the Shona people extracted 20-million ounces of gold from around Great Zimbabwe (the 15th century Portuguese traders write of it being surrounded by gold mines). The ancient Ethiopians were smelting their own coins from about 2,000 years ago. In the 1700s the kingdom of Benin (in modern Nigeria) had factories producing their own firearms.

More can be found by reading this book: "Black brain, white brain" by Gavin Evans

And of course, continued exploitation of Africa's resources by the West don't contribute to Africa's condition. Of course not.

And the reason for this is - sadly - because they have average genotypic IQ of just 80. In other words - Sub-Saharan Africans are genetically less intelligent than Eurasians. Saying this is not racism - it is a scientific fact, which is being suppressed by the PC left.

You are most certainly a racist and/or supremely ignorant and uninformed...and a slavic Pole. A racist slavic Pole. Wow. Tragically unironic.

There are indeed environmental and genetic influences in IQ at an individual level, and the proportions are open to legitimate debate. The point is that the differences between average IQs at a population level are explained entirely by environmental factors. IQ scores are hugely influenced by environment, which is why IQ continues to rise (but faster in some societies, like Kenya, than others). The gap between black American and White American IQs is closing. Early in the 20th century Ashkenazi Jewish IQs in the US were below average; not they are above average. In the 1960s Asian American IQs were below average, now they are above average. Almost all serious IQ theorists acknowledge there is no point in comparing IQ scores of different populations because these differences are entirely the result of environmental differences. As Jim Flynn, the most important IQ theorist of the past half century has explained, the reason for different IQ scores among different populations relates mainly to exposure to abstract logic and the scientific way of viewing the world. If tested on today’s IQ tests, Americans of 100 years ago would have average IQs of below 70. They haven’t changed genetically in a century. The reason relates to exposure to abstraction.

Intelligence– even the very limited IQ variant – involves the combination of thousands of genes. Despite exhaustive attempts, no single gene has been found that has a significant role in superior intelligence. It is highly likely that human intelligence has not advanced for 100,000 years and perhaps far longer – all the way back to the evolution of the first modern humans about 200,000 years ago.

And I know you won't read the book because people like you can only feel good about yourselves if you (wrongly) believe that you are superior to others. I have some compassion for psychicly scarred individuals whose empathy has understandably been impaired. Nonetheless, you are still quite grading on the nerves.
What the heck are you talking about ???

What am I reading: "Poor Japan, humiliated and harmed by the evil West in WW2"? WTF ?! The Japanese Empire killed more civilians and commited more genocides and war crimes in WW2 than Nazi Germany. The Japanese are the perpetrators of WW2, not its victims!

Jeez..., you Swedes are brainwashed as hell by your Anti-European education system. You are lost, brainwashed, there is no hope for you. We should let Sweden collapse, as a lesson for others, how not to run a country.

1.) Strawman.

2.) My point was that the WEST INITIATED BAD BLOOD with Asia. Japan became an imperial nation AFTER being forced to open up their borders to the West. Did you grasp that? There is so much straw in your eyes, I don't know if you did.

Wanderlust, And what does that mean now? :confused: It means nothing to be Roman today. Today there are no Romans anymore. In his publication from 1921 a Swedish scholar - Martin P. Nilsson - explained why Rome collapsed. Look it up.

1.) Strawman.

2.) What are the people who now live in the Italian City of Rome called? Romans, right? What it means to be a Roman today is very different to what that meant thousands of years ago, right? Because "Romanness" has changed and evolved into something very different. Can you grasp that? I can't tell whether you are being willfully obtuse or you are actually obtuse. It's annoying.


As far as I know, the Soviets were Slavs themselves. At least most of them were.

Unless you believe in Judeo-Bolshevism and Jewish-Communism theories?

But that would make you a very Anti-Semitic Swede, wouldn't it ???

The good thing is that Muslim rapefugees also have the same stereotype of Eastern Europe as you, so they don't want to come here (they aren't aware that it is still infinitely better here than in their native shitholes):

1.) Strawman.

2.) I already know that the Russians were slavs themselves. I only included Soviet expansionism to show that they caused greater insult to the injury already perpetrated by the west, which have all contributed to the poorer, more disenfranchised status of Eastern Europe.

3.) I wasn't stereotyping Eastern Europeans. The first question was something that a bigot like you would say about a people who have perpetually found themselves in subjugated, subservient, subpar, subhuman situations. The second question was the more humane, compassionate alternative.
I must say, mentally enslaved people like you ignite my worst impulses because you:

1.) resort to desperate, ridiculously obvious strawman arguments because you can't refute my actual arguments at face value. It's just exhaustive and intellectually dishonest and I have better things to do with my time. Therefore, this will be my last interaction with you on this topic.

2.) lack any sense of historical/social/cultural irony and self-awareness and therefore, repeat the same backwards, maladaptive patterns of those that first enslaved you. But then I think of wild dogs that become caged dogs and for years, are so neglected, isolated, used, abused, traumatized, and divorced from their empathetic core, that they revert to a vicious feral state and become an unstable, unpredictable danger to everyone around them. And I think, would it be better to just end their misery (and mine) and take them out back and put them down with a bullet to the brain (Final Solution style)? Or is it more humane and compassionate to just endure their long road to recovery and tolerate their stunted development? :unsure:And then I remember that I actually want to be a better person than my impulses drive me to be. I'm smart enough to handle that and I have enough character and integrity to do it. I'm actually brave and not driven by fear. If only others could be that way or at least learn how to be, the world would be a better place. But the residual effects of physical, mental, spiritual, political and economic slavery on a population can not be undervalued.

And now on with this shit show...

1.) Strawman.

2.) Sweden does take Ukrainian refugees, and every other kind of refugee.

3.) What your enslaved mind is incapable of grasping is that Sweden helps all people, because it is a humane and humanitarian nation. It hasn't always been that way, and has done its fair share of colonizing, conquering and pillaging (like when it ransacked and destroyed Poland), which is even more reason why Sweden should give and help. Because Sweden is a wealthy nation, it helps not only those that it has wronged, but those who simply need help, regardless of who they are and where they come from. That's admirable. You wouldn't understand; Unfortunately, Poles are, historically, not used to receiving kindness and generosity and therefore, don't know how to give it. Crabs in a barrel mentality.

Lol 4 generations back? Are you willfully obtuse or actually obtuse?

It's interesting that you frequent a site called "Eupedia" dedicated to European interests. Why don't you confine yourself to Polish or Slavic forums only? That's because you see yourself as Polish and European. And if you are European, then the good comes with the bad. You can't be European when it's convenient and then not, when you don't want to. Europe has taken a lot from the rest of the world. And Europe needs to rectify this--which in more than a few ways, they are.

1.) Isn't this you?:

LOL How fascinating it is that you are the exception to your (narrow minded) rule. So, you are not religiously Catholic? According to your belief in genetic determinism, you must be religiously something else then, right? Because one can't escape his genes, correct? LOL You stereotyped yourself and your own people, but then conveniently, you don't fit that stereotype. But you have no problem stereotyping all Muslims. Of course you accuse me of doing the same intellectually dishonest things you do. Hilariously sad.

Have you ever left Poland? I'm thinking not. I have encountered so many Muslims who shared my same humanistic values. I have encountered so many Christians who share my same humanistic values. I have encountered so many Atheists who share my same humanistic values. You start with the fallacy that everyone worships and engages religion in the same ways. There are those who are very secular and those who quite fundamentalist in their values, and many more who are somewhere in between.

Primitive Polish far right troglodytes have brought their backwards, regressive, hateful values to Sweden and have been attacking refugees. So, because the values of these specific cretins don't align with ours, should all Polish immigrants be expelled and restricted? I find it amusing that you think you are so different from the Islamic fundamentalist terrorists when your core values are actually the same > base provincialism, narcissism and fear of the other. You deserve each other.

The utter depth of your ignorance is so embarrassing. Truly.

"The Wealth of the West was built on Africa's exploitation":

More can be found by reading this book: "Black brain, white brain" by Gavin Evans

And of course, continued exploitation of Africa's resources by the West don't contribute to Africa's condition. Of course not.

You are most certainly a racist and/or supremely ignorant and uninformed...and a slavic Pole. A racist slavic Pole. Wow. Tragically unironic.

And I know you won't read the book because people like you can only feel good about yourselves if you (wrongly) believe that you are superior to others. I have some compassion for psychicly scarred individuals whose empathy has understandably been impaired. Nonetheless, you are still quite grading on the nerves.

You've most certainly crossed a boundary. You are now insulting European Slavs on behalf of Muslims. In your mind you are so intelligent and well-educated that anyone who disagrees with you is irrational and of inferior intellect. Also, cultural relativism is all that exists in most universities as ethnocentrism is frowned upon as "racist". It makes little sense to engage with someone who is blind to reports of ghettos, rapes, robberies, mob behavior, etc. You don't want to hear the facts because they are inconvenient to your liberal utopian multicultural ideals.

I've never understand this liberal Northern European elitism that usually corresponds with vitriolic Slavophobia but mentally ill Islamophilia. In case you've missed it, the neo-nazis in Britain (who are few and far between) hate Slavs as much as Muslims. They insult "Polish vermin".
The extreme left and the extreme right are both bonkers in my humble opinion. Turn your back on all these irrational nut jobs. Join me in the sane, humane, centrist cluster. :)

I agree with you Angela. :)


Primitive Polish far right troglodytes have brought their backwards, regressive, hateful values to Sweden and have been attacking refugees.

One of such primitive Polish troglodytes, was the only one who reacted during a social experiment in Sweden:
(the experiment was supposed to check how people react when they see a woman getting publicly abused):

Maybe the fact that Scandinavian men don't defend their women is why your women say that you are effeminate:

1) One example:

The regressive left (also sometimes referred to as regressive liberals) is a political epithet used to negatively characterize a section of leftists who are accused of holding politically regressive views (as opposed to progressive views) by tolerating illiberal principles and ideologies for the sake of multiculturalism and cultural relativism.
Within the specific context of multiculturalism, British anti-Islamism activist Maajid Nawaz used the term in 2012 in his memoir Radical: My Journey out of Islamist Extremism[note 1] to describe "well-meaning liberals and ideologically driven leftists" in the United Kingdom who naïvely and "ignorantly pandered to" Islamists and helped Islamist ideology to gain acceptance. In a 2015 video presentation on the Internet forum Big Think, Nawaz elaborated on the meaning of the term, saying that it describes "a section of the left" that has, in his opinion, "an inherent hesitation to challenge some of the bigotry that can occur within minority communities ... for the sake of political correctness, for the sake of tolerating what they believe is other cultures and respecting different lifestyles".[2]
Among well-known political and social commentators, comedian Bill Maher, Internet-based talk show host Dave Rubin and New Atheist writers like Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins have discussed the concept numerous times.
2) Second example:

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