That's an interesting opinion Moffeltoff. Although it is a bit offtopic, could you expand on it a bit more? What does the Dalai Lama say that is obvious? What are the 'down sides' to Buddhism?
Tsuyoiko said:
That's an interesting opinion Moffeltoff. Although it is a bit offtopic, could you expand on it a bit more? What does the Dalai Lama say that is obvious? What are the 'down sides' to Buddhism?

i agree that Dalai Lama says obvoius things. Simple truths and solutions which are known to everyone, but we tend to look for complicated decisions, mistalenly supposing that simplicity can`t be right
This thread is very old, but I am posting anyway, because the issue of ?ganger?h and ?ghatred?h has been bothering me lately.

Hatred is anti-life. Hatred destroys a person as that person is consumed by a desire to revenge. At one time I held hatred in my heart, because some individual destroyed something that I cherished and valued in irreparable ways. I could not bring myself to revenge, but I ended up disliking myself, because hatred was still there in my heart, which was an ugly feeling. Holding hatred within is like holding an alien (like the one in the movie) within the body.

Hatred disappeared when I investigated a lot about that individual who did the damage. Understanding the background of evildoers is helpful.

On the other hand, anger is easier to manage. It is healthy to get angry at certain behaviors of people, and openly express it, which I do. :kaioken:
I'd say it's okay to be angry but it is how you use that anger that counts
It's part of human nature to feel these emotions. Anger is a force which pushes us to action, to amend what we don't like or perceive wrong. Hate is a maximum of dislike spectrum. It also helps us to make choices. It is also a part of feeling system that pushes us to action. Actually without any feelings, without feeling any emotions, we would do nothing in life. We wouldn't care, we wouldn't act or move, we wouldn't eat, or have kids, or decide anything.
There are rare medical case of people losing emotions, by injury. They don't care for anything anymore, they can't even decide what time and date make the appointment for to the doctor. Weird stuff.
It's part of human nature to feel these emotions. Anger is a force which pushes us to action, to amend what we don't like or perceive wrong. Hate is a maximum of dislike spectrum. It also helps us to make choices. It is also a part of feeling system that pushes us to action. Actually without any feelings, without feeling any emotions, we would do nothing in life. We wouldn't care, we wouldn't act or move, we wouldn't eat, or have kids, or decide anything.
There are rare medical case of people losing emotions, by injury. They don't care for anything anymore, they can't even decide what time and date make the appointment for to the doctor. Weird stuff.

Exactly, and it doesn't make sense at all to say which emotions are "right or evil". If you love something then you will hate what threatens it, and vice versa
I'm not sure if you would die, but I believe you need to express yourself or you'd have a mental breakdown. I'm not sure if that necessarily means having hate or anger though. If you can live a zen life without feeling hate or anger then you must be some holy monk or something. Express yourself if you have to! Try to do so in a way that won't hurt someone else though (not just physically).
Nah, anger only affects me rarely and if I do get angry it's predominantly because I'm on a very pressing schedule.

I don't see a reason for hate, the only thing I hate is hate itself it seems, there is only sadness.
Hate and Anger are natural defence mechanisms to help you survive.
Without anger and hate I believe we'd still be living in caves; anger and hate are important reasons why mankind has progressed. They motivate us to strive to be better, to compete, to overcome our fears and weaknesses...they are what distinguish us from the animals.
Think Fear is the Key driving element in mans progression/development, fear of Hunger, Harm, etc, rather than Anger and Hate,
With hate and anger you will also die. You'll just be more miserable and cause more harm while you're here.
Join me Link....

lol rep point to anyone who gets the reference
Thanks! The cutscenes from those games are hilarious enough without editing.
Zelda: we were about to have a feast!
Link: golly
With hate and anger you will also die. You'll just be more miserable and cause more harm while you're here.

It depends whether you have power over others. I can think of many cases that invalidate that general rule (besides the causing harm bit obviously). However, if you're basically a low-life with little power on a social ladder who e.g. hates Jews and blacks, I'd be inclined to agree.
I don't care how much power you have. If you are filled with hate, you are not a happy person in your day to day life. It eats you up. Moreover, it's bad for your health.

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