Y-Haplogroups of Germanic Tribes


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Here I have compiled many of the Germanic tribes of the Classical period and assigned them their Y-haplogroups as I imagine them. None of this is set in stone and this is not some factual assertion by myself, but rather a loose guide as to the origins and mixing of these tribes. Most of what I list is based off maps of modern Y-haplogroups as well as my own historical knowledge.

If you have any suggestions as to how I should upload this list, feel free to give them.

Burgundians (Along the Warta River) - R1b (S21, S28) / R1a / I1 / I2b
*The traces of their haplogroups can be found by the Rhone, where the Burgundians settled, and where R1a is notably present in France.

Cimbri/Teutons/Angles/Saxons (Low Germania) - R1b-S21 / I1 / R1a / I2a
*Though mostly R1a, these peoples had the most I1 of all Continental Germanics.

Frisi (Netherlands) - R1b-S21 / I1 / I2a
*The densest R1b-S21 of all peoples, they had a high frequency of I as well.

Goths (Gotland) - I1 / R1b-S21 / R1a / I2b
*This refers to the Goths who remained in Gotland, and who are today >50% I1.

Lombards (Central Germania) - R1b (S21, S28) / I2b / I1 / R1a / E-V13
*They and their descendants bear the densest concentration of I2b, which is why that haplogroup is prominent in Northern and Central Italy where they settled.

Marcomanni (High Germania) - R1b (S21, S28) / I1 / E-V13 / R1a
*Along with the Triboci, they might have been among the most mixed with Celts.

Semnones (Brandenburg) - R1b (S21, S28) / R1a / I1 / E-V13 / I2b
*One of the more mixed of the Germanic tribes, they are a midpoint between I, R1a, R1b, and E-V13.

Sitones (Central Sweden) - I1 / N / R1b-S21 / R1a / I2b
*The only Classical Germanic people to have a significant amount of N from those their ancestors conquered.

Suiones (Southern Sweden) - I1 / R1b-S21 / R1a / I2b
*Second to Goths in I1 and with more R1a than the Sitones to the north.

Thuleans (Norway) - I1 / R1b-S21 / R1a / I2b
*Little is known of Classical Norway, but little in population shifts occurred. They were and are about one third I, R1b, and R1a.

Triboci (Alsace) - R1b (S21, S28) / E-V13 / I1 / I2b
*We cannot infer too much about the Germanians here, but we do know that they were likely mixed with Celts.

Vandals and Lugii (Southern Vistula) - R1b-S21 / R1a / I1 / I2b
*Likely the most densely R1a of the Germanic peoples, they inhabited lands which once belonged mostly to non-Germanic R1a peoples without fully displacing them.

Here is a detailed map for your reference: http://www.historyfiles.co.uk/Featur...ap52BC_max.htm
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