Germany/ Anti-Communist/ Religion


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Ethnic group
Y-DNA haplogroup
I1 FT274828
mtDNA haplogroup
H1b1 Germanic-Baltic
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)] Eupedia Forum.[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
"Christians can't be scientists. Science goes against the most fundamental beliefs of the Bible. Anybody who claims to be a Christian and a scientist at the same time is a hypocrite"

"Religions are a bunch of superstitions. But some religions are worse than others. The dogmatic, all-knowing and proselytizing ones like Christianity and Islam, in particular, have played a direct role in doing all they could to thwart scientific reasoning and progress. Humanity has lost centuries in scientific development because of the hindrance caused by religious brainwashing and religious persecutions. In contrast communism has had mostly a negative impact on the economic and democratic development of a few countries (Soviet bloc, China, North Korea, Cuba) for merely a few decades, not centuries. This is why Christianity and Islam have definitely plagued the world far more than communism".

-First look at the Map-'few countries' ? Russia alone 1/6 of whole earth. China- now many Billions? Just 'negative impact.. on democratic development?'- really? Ask Ukrainians who survived Holodomor - 7 million dead in 1932-1933. Ask German women and girls assaulted and killed in 1945 by Red Communist soldiers in Königsberg, Berlin ... 'democratic development ' ...
Almost Everything Europe has is a product of Christianity- Architecture, Bach, Salzburg, St.Mark square... Only Scandinavia has nice pre-Christian Art - and it's still Religion- Odin. Issac Newton is hypocritical scientists? Really?
Why Human developed Idea of God in his 'evolution' ? Does Nature believe in God? Evolution is a just Theory - Darvin said. Theory - nothing more. One of many. People who are atheists should not create 'religion' out of that theory, right. At least be honest in insistence of becoming a 'recycled matter' nothing more. The particle discovered in Switzerland's Supercollider was named - 'God's particle ' because in the beginning was Light and only then Matter. Does it remind you of Biblical account of Creation ? Science exist only to prove scientifically of existence of God. Isn't that true that all we do in science is disappointing attempt to disprove that we are Super Nice Creation? Look how 'advance' and 'evolved' we are now in our progressive age? Bearded 'ladies' teach descendants of Mozart about music. Marx becoming famous German philosopher- then Stalin is Russian politician and Ilia Ehrenburg is Russian writer. Let's pretend that British and Russian Royals are not related- they are just Brits and Russians. What then 'regular' genetic Russian or German has to do to be 'labeled' correctly?
E1b - northAfrican, R 1a- Slavic,R1b- Celtic,I1- Nordic,D-Japanese, G-Georgian / Caucasus, J- Arabic/ Caucasus,N- Finns/Suomi, etc. We all have our roots. Napoleon, Adolph , Einstein - E1b1b - N.African. Marx had his no matter what he wanted to be. He was 'philosopher' only because he lived in Germany were everyone is Philosopher or Mechanic. If he lived in America he would be 'Hedge Fund Investor' aka 'financial pyramid builder ' aka 'swindler'; what he was anyway by swindling working class into two world wars. His quest for 'equal happiness' was boiling down to taking from 'haves' and giving to 'not haves' - Madoff's pyramid. Then Marx got caught by Terroristic Assault in Russia of 1917 and went to retire in England the land of the Capital. Ironic.
So, I propose, let's hope we will be forgiven for our human errors and afterlife will be just a little bit nicer.

Best wishes,

Alex von Naumann.
[COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)] Eupedia Forum.[/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]
"Christians can't be scientists. Science goes against the most fundamental beliefs of the Bible. Anybody who claims to be a Christian and a scientist at the same time is a hypocrite"

"Religions are a bunch of superstitions. But some religions are worse than others. The dogmatic, all-knowing and proselytizing ones like Christianity and Islam, in particular, have played a direct role in doing all they could to thwart scientific reasoning and progress. Humanity has lost centuries in scientific development because of the hindrance caused by religious brainwashing and religious persecutions. In contrast communism has had mostly a negative impact on the economic and democratic development of a few countries (Soviet bloc, China, North Korea, Cuba) for merely a few decades, not centuries. This is why Christianity and Islam have definitely plagued the world far more than communism".

-First look at the Map-'few countries' ? Russia alone 1/6 of whole earth. China- now many Billions? Just 'negative impact.. on democratic development?'- really? Ask Ukrainians who survived Holodomor - 7 million dead in 1932-1933. Ask German women and girls assaulted and killed in 1945 by Red Communist soldiers in Königsberg, Berlin ... 'democratic development ' ...
Almost Everything Europe has is a product of Christianity- Architecture, Bach, Salzburg, St.Mark square... Only Scandinavia has nice pre-Christian Art - and it's still Religion- Odin. Issac Newton is hypocritical scientists? Really?
Why Human developed Idea of God in his 'evolution' ? Does Nature believe in God? Evolution is a just Theory - Darvin said. Theory - nothing more. One of many. People who are atheists should not create 'religion' out of that theory, right. At least be honest in insistence of becoming a 'recycled matter' nothing more. The particle discovered in Switzerland's Supercollider was named - 'God's particle ' because in the beginning was Light and only then Matter. Does it remind you of Biblical account of Creation ? Science exist only to prove scientifically of existence of God. Isn't that true that all we do in science is disappointing attempt to disprove that we are Super Nice Creation? Look how 'advance' and 'evolved' we are now in our progressive age? Bearded 'ladies' teach descendants of Mozart about music. Marx becoming famous German philosopher- then Stalin is Russian politician and Ilia Ehrenburg is Russian writer. Let's pretend that British and Russian Royals are not related- they are just Brits and Russians. What then 'regular' genetic Russian or German has to do to be 'labeled' correctly?
E1b - northAfrican, R 1a- Slavic,R1b- Celtic,I1- Nordic,D-Japanese, G-Georgian / Caucasus, J- Arabic/ Caucasus,N- Finns/Suomi, etc. We all have our roots. Napoleon, Adolph , Einstein - E1b1b - N.African. Marx had his no matter what he wanted to be. He was 'philosopher' only because he lived in Germany were everyone is Philosopher or Mechanic. If he lived in America he would be 'Hedge Fund Investor' aka 'financial pyramid builder ' aka 'swindler'; what he was anyway by swindling working class into two world wars. His quest for 'equal happiness' was boiling down to taking from 'haves' and giving to 'not haves' - Madoff's pyramid. Then Marx got caught by Terroristic Assault in Russia of 1917 and went to retire in England the land of the Capital. Ironic.
So, I propose, let's hope we will be forgiven for our human errors and afterlife will be just a little bit nicer.

Best wishes,

Alex von Naumann.

It's one thing to point out that as many people have been killed in wars propagated by atheistic regimes as by Christians, and that the impetus for much of Europe's culture was Christianity. It's quite another to segue into the same tired old anti-Semitic and racist demagoguery.

You find it offensive that Einstein is sometimes called a German scientist? If the Germans of that era hadn't been so eaten up by their antisemitism, all those Jewish scientists, most of whom were very assimilated indeed, might have helped them get the nuclear bomb and missile systems in time to help their regime. Of course, if they hadn't wasted all that manpower and materiel and railroads on extermination they might have beaten Russia and Britain and gotten to their goal of European domination before the U.S. could stop them. See, that's the problem with these kinds of ideologies...they're illogical and a-scientific.

As for the Russians, they were sure happy to claim Stalin when they thought he'd bring them world domination, weren't they? Of course, he kept the whole country in a state of paralyzed fear. The Germans were terrified of Hitler too.

Wait a minute, wasn't Hitler E1b1b? By your reckoning, does that make him "North African"? Of course, if we go by these kinds of simplistic classifications, would R1a and R1b be Central Asian? Wait, R1b is African too, then. "N" would definitely be Siberian/East Asian? Things do get so muddled up, don't they?

Anyway, this would mean we had the Russians in subjugation to a man of the Caucasus, and the Germans controlled and dominated by a North African. How on earth did that happen? At least the Italians were in subjugation to one of their own.

As for Marx and hedge fund managers, I've always found it amusing in a black, bizarre, and rather tragic way how Jews are blamed both for communism/socialism and the extremes of capitalism. It never seems to occur to people who see the world in this way that these were the competing systems of the twentieth century, and highly educated and capable people, which Jews usually are, are going to rise to the top under both systems. Those who are incapable of competing on that level will turn to conspiracy theories. As for the Bernie Madoff types, people who actually have the money to invest with men like him know that greedy gamers of the system come in all sorts of "ethnic" packages. Ever heard of Raj Rajaratnam? No? Jeff Skilling of Enron fame? I could go on and on, but it would be boring. By the way, many of the people who were burnt by Madoff were Jews. He worked his circuit. Con artists come in all sizes, shapes, and ethnicities, and they're bound by no "ethnic" considerations.

Just for your information, we deal in genetics here, or history, or archaeology, or linguistics, or at least we try to...not fairly tales where fully formed Germans, or Russians, or Brits, or Italians were created in some sort of celestial petri dish and dropped by alien space ship into their pre-ordained and sacred locales. They were created the only fashioned way, but migration and admixture through time and space. It may be upsetting, but that's the reality.
Completely agree with this. Good post.
It's one thing to point out that as many people have been killed in wars propagated by atheistic regimes as by Christians, and that the impetus for much of Europe's culture was Christianity. It's quite another to segue into the same tired old anti-Semitic and racist demagoguery.

You find it offensive that Einstein is sometimes called a German scientist? If the Germans of that era hadn't been so eaten up by their antisemitism, all those Jewish scientists, most of whom were very assimilated indeed, might have helped them get the nuclear bomb and missile systems in time to help their regime. Of course, if they hadn't wasted all that manpower and materiel and railroads on extermination they might have beaten Russia and Britain and gotten to their goal of European domination before the U.S. could stop them. See, that's the problem with these kinds of ideologies...they're illogical and a-scientific.

As for the Russians, they were sure happy to claim Stalin when they thought he'd bring them world domination, weren't they? Of course, he kept the whole country in a state of paralyzed fear. The Germans were terrified of Hitler too.

Wait a minute, wasn't Hitler E1b1b? By your reckoning, does that make him "North African"? Of course, if we go by these kinds of simplistic classifications, would R1a and R1b be Central Asian? Wait, R1b is African too, then. "N" would definitely be Siberian/East Asian? Things do get so muddled up, don't they?

Anyway, this would mean we had the Russians in subjugation to a man of the Caucasus, and the Germans controlled and dominated by a North African. How on earth did that happen? At least the Italians were in subjugation to one of their own.

As for Marx and hedge fund managers, I've always found it amusing in a black, bizarre, and rather tragic way how Jews are blamed both for communism/socialism and the extremes of capitalism. It never seems to occur to people who see the world in this way that these were the competing systems of the twentieth century, and highly educated and capable people, which Jews usually are, are going to rise to the top under both systems. Those who are incapable of competing on that level will turn to conspiracy theories. As for the Bernie Madoff types, people who actually have the money to invest with men like him know that greedy gamers of the system come in all sorts of "ethnic" packages. Ever heard of Raj Rajaratnam? No? Jeff Skilling of Enron fame? I could go on and on, but it would be boring. By the way, many of the people who were burnt by Madoff were Jews. He worked his circuit. Con artists come in all sizes, shapes, and ethnicities, and they're bound by no "ethnic" considerations.

Just for your information, we deal in genetics here, or history, or archaeology, or linguistics, or at least we try to...not fairly tales where fully formed Germans, or Russians, or Brits, or Italians were created in some sort of celestial petri dish and dropped by alien space ship into their pre-ordained and sacred locales. They were created the only fashioned way, but migration and admixture through time and space. It may be upsetting, but that's the reality.

You are not only missing the boat, you are missing the port in which my boat is parked. The question was who are the great German scientists?
It's nothing wrong to be great N.African scientists living in Germany, isn't it? As Napoleon and Adolf- they both couldn't get rid of amazement of British Empire, that was the reason Europe now tries to implement ( badly) what needed to be implemented in 1940. Remember your favorite- democracy? That was democratic government in Germany that tried to fix the country after 'internal fifth column ' gave all up to Brits and French. You can read now the documents how Germany didn't lose the war - Germany was tricked in to losing the peace. If only those 'assimilated ' scientists didn't love Communistic Idea so much... How come mr. Marx the 'super assimilated one' came up with that wonderful solution for all the problems in the world? Lenin - another 'assimilation'. Trockij, Sverdlov- all very much assimilated. Rosa Luxembourg, Karl Libknecht... you know it as well as I do. To call someone- antisemitic and racist takes no courage in PC world we live. To think and critically assess the situation Europe is in now - takes a little bit more than just slogans.
What is happening in Palestine is not racism, right? Israel is not racist state? It all OK, right? Just because we all don't see pictures of children killed in Palestine on Big TV- doesn't mean we don't have a Twitter? Doesn't mean we don't notice total destruction of 1000 years old European culture. Why don't you think : What happened? Why we couldn't make more children, our own children, so we wouldn't have to invite different culture and be now under attack by confused youngsters who are brainwashed into hating everything European? Do you prefer Londonistan? 'No police neighborhood ' in France? Foreign Fighters killing French people in the middle of Paris using AK 47? Is that your vision of Europe? Your dear Belgium - is the way you envisioned thirty years ago? That's what means to be German or French, or European. First- betrayal of own country for the sake of 'world workers struggle' , then - betrayal of Europe for the sake of 'multicultural equality '. What's the difference? And everything starts from not knowing where you come from. Was Adolf right worrying that he might be the ' contaminated one' in his Father's side? Destroying cemetery where his ancestors were buried? Aha, He was right, but He also was honestly trying to understand why his years in trenches of WWI brought Weimar Sodom and Gomorrah?
If only 'smart' professor in Viena Art Academy accepted struggling young artists, who was He, the professor? I think He was one of the 'assimilated ones'.
Best wishes.
Wait a minute, wasn't Hitler E1b1b? By your reckoning, does that make him "North African"? Of course, if we go by these kinds of simplistic classifications, would R1a and R1b be Central Asian? Wait, R1b is African too, then. "N" would definitely be Siberian/East Asian? Things do get so muddled up, don't they?

Angela I dont think that you are getting Sonnenburg point. What he means is that geneticists should use the term Celts for Chadians, Cameroonians and Hausa tribe in Africa. At least thats what I assume
Angela I dont think that you are getting Sonnenburg point. What he means is that geneticists should use the term Celts for Chadians, Cameroonians and Hausa tribe in Africa. At least thats what I assume

Indeed, that's precisely the logical conclusion, if one can even use the term "logic" in relation to this post. Amazing, isn't it, how totally garbled genetic data can become?

A little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing. :)
Indeed, that's precisely the logical conclusion, if one can even use the term "logic" in relation to this post. Amazing, isn't it, how totally garbled genetic data can become?

A little knowledge is indeed a dangerous thing. :)


This list is non-exhaustive and is limited to those scientists whose Christian beliefs or thoughts, in writing or speaking, are relevant to their notability.

This is a list of Muslim scientists who have contributed significantly to science and civilization.

Is this bring your ignorance to work day and I somehow missed the announcement?

It is a grave mistake to judge an entire people, or indeed, religion, by one period in its history. I see you're from Sweden. Should we judge the potential and ability of the Swedish people based on your numerous contributions to science and mathematics from the dawn of history to perhaps a few hundred years ago, or should we also try to include the most recent period as well? Every group has its place in the sun. People and civilizations which are down come up and vice versa.
What are you talkin about Angela?It was my reaction to Maciamos preconception.

"Christians can't be scientists. Science goes against the most fundamental beliefs of the Bible. Anybody who claims to be a Christian and a scientist at the same time is a hypocrite"
What are you talkin about Angela?It was my reaction to Maciamos preconception.

"Christians can't be scientists. Science goes against the most fundamental beliefs of the Bible. Anybody who claims to be a Christian and a scientist at the same time is a hypocrite"

Then apologies are due...I was referring to the post where you provided a link to Christian scientists and a blank for Muslim scientists.

Really, I am very sorry for the misunderstanding. I should have asked you what you meant, as indeed a post like that would not be representative of you.

I actually agree with you. There is no necessary conflict between religion and science.
I agree that Religion and Science can co exist, however we also know there are different grades of religiosity. It all depends on interpretation of things and religious texts encourage a multitude of interpretation then strengthened by the various preachers in the various sections of that particular religion. A very small example. Catholics allow blood transfusion, Jehova witnesses dont, even if someone can save a life. They both read the same book as their guide. There are a 1001 more examples.

It is also a fact that the dark ages are often blamed on early christian doctrine in Europe where all Libraries, Scientific knowledge and arts was raised to the ground. (Similar to Muslim fanatics of today) Greek Paganism and wisdom that was inherited by the Romans was deemed heretic. The only literate people were the religious orders and all others were in the dark and relied on Religious authorities for guidance as knowledge was scarce. The irony that Muslims in this period encouraged arts and Sciences and preserved Greek and Roman wisdom. Today we are seeing a reverse in Religious/scientific attitudes, with Islamic religious fanatics discouraging Education in general with a total submission to god and no questions asked and if you do you are demonized and should be punished even by death. These attitudes today are only present in minorities in the Christian world.

We also know that Scientists in the South of Europe found refuge in Protestant countries as they could work more freely with less Religious persecution. So there is some kind of co relation between Religious dogma thinking in general and more free thinking for different kind of Religions and their interpretations and the progress of science. We have religious sects today that still go against the obvious. Like they insist that humans have been around for the last 6000 years and geneticists are the work of the devil.
I agree that Religion and Science can co exist, however we also know there are different grades of religiosity. It all depends on interpretation of things and religious texts encourage a multitude of interpretation then strengthened by the various preachers in the various sections of that particular religion. A very small example. Catholics allow blood transfusion, Jehova witnesses dont, even if someone can save a life. They both read the same book as their guide. There are a 1001 more examples.

It is also a fact that the dark ages are often blamed on early christian doctrine in Europe where all Libraries, Scientific knowledge and arts was raised to the ground. (Similar to Muslim fanatics of today) Greek Paganism and wisdom that was inherited by the Romans was deemed heretic. The only literate people were the religious orders and all others were in the dark and relied on Religious authorities for guidance as knowledge was scarce. The irony that Muslims in this period encouraged arts and Sciences and preserved Greek and Roman wisdom. Today we are seeing a reverse in Religious/scientific attitudes, with Islamic religious fanatics discouraging Education in general with a total submission to god and no questions asked and if you do you are demonized and should be punished even by death. These attitudes today are only present in minorities in the Christian world.

We also know that Scientists in the South of Europe found refuge in Protestant countries as they could work more freely with less Religious persecution. So there is some kind of co relation between Religious dogma thinking in general and more free thinking for different kind of Religions and their interpretations and the progress of science. We have religious sects today that still go against the obvious. Like they insist that humans have been around for the last 6000 years and geneticists are the work of the devil.

You make it sound as if in the past Muslims, contrary to Christians encouraged arts and Sciences and that ISIS would be a new phenomen.
That is not the case. Morish Muslims in Spain is the best known instance of Muslims encouraging arts and Sciences.
But there are many instances in history where Muslims acted exactly as ISIS is doing today.
You make it sound as if in the past Muslims, contrary to Christians encouraged arts and Sciences

Indeed. Thats what happened.

and that ISIS would be a new phenomen.

I mentioned the Islamic fanatism of today. That does not mean Isis only but all the other groups and the ones that came before them such as Alqaeda and Talibans.

That is not the case. Morish Muslims in Spain is the best known instance of Muslims encouraging arts and Sciences.
But there are many instances in history where Muslims acted exactly as ISIS is doing today.

But Christians were acting worse at the time after the downfall of the Roman Empire.

But Christians were acting worse at the time after the downfall of the Roman Empire.

I don't see the connection.
Rome fell to the hands of illiterate barbarians. That is what caused the 'dark ages' in western Europe as opposed to the Byzantine world.
By the way - the Romans didn't treat their enemies any better than what the so called barabarians did to the Romans when they destroyed their empire - vae victis!!
And do you realy believe the Europeans would have been better of if the Moors had conquered Europe and imposed Islam by sword?
I don't, even if afterwards a moderate and tolerant form of Islam develloped in Spain which was finally expelled by some fundamentalist Christian Spanish kings.
Even if Europe afterwards fell into a feudal system.
The modern world as we know it was started to devellop in Europe 500 years ago. It is a heritage we should cherish.
I don't see the connection.
Rome fell to the hands of illiterate barbarians. That is what caused the 'dark ages' in western Europe as opposed to the Byzantine world

The Barbarians also coverted to Christianity. Education and literacy was a privelage only to religious orders. Even Monarchs were illeterate with the exception of Charlemagne. People clinged to superstions for their challanges in their life. Arts were only allowed in a religious context.

By the way - the Romans didn't treat their enemies any better than what the so called barabarians did to the Romans when they destroyed their empire - vae victis!!

Indeed and so did the Constantinoplians. When the first army of crusaders from West Euope arrived at the gate of Constantinople they were shocked and did not open the gates.

And do you realy believe the Europeans would have been better of if the Moors had conquered Europe and imposed Islam by sword?

Of course not. Remember the Christians were also conquering with the sword and used more brutal practices. Personally I say thank goodness that there is a separation between Religion and the state. That is what makes people better off for a thousand reasons.

Even if Europe afterwards fell into a feudal system.
The modern world as we know it was started to devellop in Europe 500 years ago. It is a heritage we should cherish.

I would say the seed was sown with the Renaissance in Tuscany. We also know that Leonardo had progressive views, and the High culture of Andalusia must also have been an inspiration for the seed to fall on fertile ground. I would say the real bang came with the industrial revolution not too long ago, where a number of situations were developing and we know that the north of Europe had a bigger class of free thinkers with lots of reformations underway. As to the modern world, it mimiks the set up of great civilisations such as Mesapotamia and so on, and honours much of the Greek and Roman systems, add all that with high technology (started off by the industrial revolution also inspired by the Renaissance founders) and you have the world we live in today.
Personally I say thank goodness that there is a separation between Religion and the state. That is what makes people better off for a thousand reasons.

that is what is at stake right now
many Muslims in Europe question this, they believe Islam is superior and want their laws to be imposed
many countries where Muslims are in the majority are religious Muslim states
Turkey which was a secular state just a decade ago is becoming a Muslim state and many Turks like to hear Erdogans speeches about Muslim-Ottoman superiority
that is what is at stake right now
many Muslims in Europe question this, they believe Islam is superior and want their laws to be imposed
many countries where Muslims are in the majority are religious Muslim states
Turkey which was a secular state just a decade ago is becoming a Muslim state and many Turks like to hear Erdogans speeches about Muslim-Ottoman superiority

Indeed that is true.

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