Politics Osama Bin Laden is dead

Al-Qaeda has confirmed the death of its leader, Osama Bin Laden, according to a statement attributed to the group and posted on jihadist internet forums. source

Thank god for that, it's good to have all doubt removed about his death. I mean the statement attributed to a group of people who are awfully hard to pin down was good, but the clincher for me was the forum posting on a jihadist website. We'll thats me sold.:giggle:

How stupid do the American Goverment think we are. A post on a forum is enough to say Al-Qaeda have confirmed his death. Well if that is how the world works we should start using this to our advantage.

This is a forum lets start making statements and randomly attribute them to organisations we have no affiliation with. Apparently the Western media is quite taken with it.
Oh wow, I've never seen this forum so violently split into two halves as now.

Both sides seem somehow reasonable to me. A lot of the published information about Osama's death is somewhat missing it's logic. And so is the sense of simulating his death!
Conspiracy theorists, revise your logic! This doesn't include Reinaert, he's beyond hope. I'm sure he will still deny Osama's death. What do we call it, perseverance or ....?
The Spanish president Zapatero applauds U.S.A. for the murder of Osama Been Laden and the next day allegedly forced the Spanish constitutional court to be legally allowed in upcoming municipal elections by allegedly pro-ETA political party Bildu, please someone help us! we have a government that is the number one enemy of the Spanish, which Europe does not allow Bildu is in Europe!

You should get an Oscar for:

The biggist FOOL ,

Biggist misoginist

Biggist racist

in the WORLD

and Maciamo: you disappoint with your bias on this thread . as an "administrator" of this forum
BTW: Just a little reminder to Y'all. There are thousands of US soldiers based in Afganistan (right across the border from Pakistan and where it just quite probable where the stealth Helicopers flew in and out of for their mission) that have DNA testing equipment and labs. DAHH!!!! They did not have to fly all the way to the USA for results. Also on the Battleship Vinson, does anyone in the world "think" that there is no DNA lab aboard???

We are not flying Kites nor steering canoes folks.

Proud to be an American, Melusine
Well well.. Using bad words won't do you any good.
And they prove your arguments aren't very strong.

BTW.. OBL confirmed dead by an Al Qaeda website..
Who says so? Al Qaeda website could be made by CIA agents.

And it's biggest... not biggist.

DNA lab on board of a Navy ship? Don't make me laugh!!
Than they probably also have a video studio to produce fiction movies.
Movies like were shown to the President... :snicker:

And of course they also have a training facility and drugs lab
for the next American winner of the "Tour de France"! :LOL:

And another thing:
Under the Bush administration the American troops wouldn't even have arrested OBL even if he would be
crossing the Arabian sea on a waterbike!

Proud to be European, Reinaert
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I'm not saying he's not dead, I'm just questioning the story the US are putting forward.
If they had done what they claim I think it would have been dealt with completely differently.

With Osama out the way its a Mexican that becomes the US No. 1 target. Do you think the US media will give as much coverage to drugs as they do to terrorism? Despite the fact the damage of drugs to the American people is far greater than anything international terrorism has ever done.

Proud to be an American, Melusine

that is the point,

you are proud for what? for shooting an old unarmed man at age of Mathusalla and with out judge??? and quick hide body in sea bottom?

:shocked: :shocked:

well I am not USAer, but If I was I wiil for Indipedence Day, or contribution in WW2 or many others,
but that? :useless: :useless: :useless:

I said before, I only feel that an agony, or a fear is gone, nothing more,
time, situations in midlle East and N Africa, and many other, is the main base for conspiracies,
The whole case stings, and tomorrow or in 2-3 years that will learn more about, then we will discuss this thread again.

for me simply the boss of the Big Boss of Huge BOSS NATO make a mistake by announcing he himself the case, that is why the case stings.

if President who is to sign Treaties or starts wars, make him self a military reporter, or a news caster, by reading a military report, then .... something is not ok.

I wonder who announced the End of the WW2 in USA and who announced the death of Hitler,
just wonder.

It is wise for a King, a President, to announce situations, treaties etc, but not the death-kill of an enemy,
I believe the case is totaly different than we have been told, and they Used Obama to take advantage of President prestige, to persuade us, or my previus post, that Usa is back from Afgan for Mediteraneo.
@Angela have you actually seen the pictures?

Just kidding!:grin:

Maybe Obama just shot Bin Laden in PS3 video game and after said to the whole world that leader of Al-Qaeda is dead? :LOL:

Don't understand the point of some people here that Americans were obliged to capture Bin Laden and judge him in the court. Bin Laden was a fanatic which dreamed about Islamic caliphate with medieval Sharia laws and raved about the war with "infidels", killed around 3000 people at 9/11. World became better with his death.

Although I can not disagree that it's pretty strange that they buried his body in the sea and don't show photos :grin:
Bin Laden killed around 3000 people at 9/11.

9/11 was a horrific act of terrorism and I do not defend it or those who were involved in it.
I feel sorry for the loss felt by the friends and family of the 3,000 people who died.

Now lets look at what the American response was to this act. Have a look at the figures below and tell me it is justifiable. I'm not saying people didn't need to be brought to justice, but what the American government has done in the middle east is monstrous. In terms of the murder of innocents the American Government is the biggest agent of terror we face today. You cannot argue with the statistics.

You can argue about who caused the deaths of all of those people. Let me give you a hint, not america.
9/11 was a horrific act of terrorism and I do not defend it or those who were involved in it.
I feel sorry for the loss felt by the friends and family of the 3,000 people who died.

Now lets look at what the American response was to this act. Have a look at the figures below and tell me it is justifiable. I'm not saying people didn't need to be brought to justice, but what the American government has done in the middle east is monstrous. In terms of the murder of innocents the American Government is the biggest agent of terror we face today. You cannot argue with the statistics.


I agree, but that already other issue of Bush, his friends neoconservatives and other imperialists with their ideology of forced democratization.
I am just glad that Bin Laden is dead.
Osama Bin Laden, born March 10, 1957. Old man, really at age 54??????????????.

All of Europe and Russia, are FREE today because of the USA's help in WW2. Study history, and perhaps you all won't bite the hand that "freed you". There is plenty of aniti-USA sentiment on this Europe Forum, because of historical "ignorance" and current "envy" of the USA. The UK were the only "other" countryl that put their "money and men where their mouths were during WW2.
You can argue about who caused the deaths of all of those people. Let me give you a hint, not america.

I take your point, it would be unfair to say all those deaths were directly caused by the American military. Would they have died if there had been no invasion, this was a war started by the Americans?

In 9/11 no one really cares about steel and concrete, it wasn't the buildings being destroyed but the loss of human lives that appalled people. American joy and celebration of Osama's death is because of a loss of life they attribute to him. So really this is all about innocents being murdered?

If that was the case you'd share my point of view, but the fact is there is something else at play here, racism, tribalism, whatever you want to call it. You are happy to see Arabs murdered in their 10s of thousands either directly by the American government or indirectly by the fallout of the war they started. 3,000 odd Americans die and it's an event to be marked in human history forever, in the medias words "the day everything changed".

I'm not particularly anti-american, I just prefer to see thing for what they are. Just because the newspaper and the media are giving you information doesn't mean you need to accept it for the truth. Just because you were born in one country doesn't mean that your tribe are the best or are right all the time. I think the number of dead in Iraq should provoke a similar emotional response in people as 9/11, but is doesn't, because who cares about them right?

Think about 3,000 versus 10s of thousands and ask yourself if you still want to run in the street or stand up at a ball game and shout "USA USA"
BTW: OSB born March 10, 1957 (wikipedia and many other sources) OLD MAN at age 54 ??????????????????

Regarding numbers about Iraq killed since 2003 attributed to the USA (what about Nato and other European allies included here? none?)

Google: How many people has saddam Husein Killed? See what the ARAB FOUNDATION has to say:

Estimate since he took control of Iraq nearly ONE MILLION.


Oh on the above URL, Russian killed over ONE MILLION OF IT'S own people too.

NONE of the human's (not all were Americans) killed in the Twin Towers were buried, they were instantly killed and turned to ashes, ages 2 to 85 allmost all were cilvilians (this was not a military base, they were an everyday working office buildings, with children's nursery's, restaurants, and of course offices . And of course the airliner passingers used as "missiles" to do the murderous deeds.

Now some Pakistanie's are "riling" against the USA for OBL's death. How quickly they forget that since 9/11/10 the USA has sent Pakistan over 10 BILLION dollars to fight "El Qaida", (why the money, because Pakistan has nuclear weapons and IF a group like El Qaida, would ever take control of Pakistan, the world would be in much danger, but, especially INDIA.
Osama Bin Laden, born March 10, 1957. Old man, really at age 54??????????????.

All of Europe and Russia, are FREE today because of the USA's help in WW2. Study history, and perhaps you all won't bite the hand that "freed you". There is plenty of aniti-USA sentiment on this Europe Forum, because of historical "ignorance" and current "envy" of the USA. The UK were the only "other" countryl that put their "money and men where their mouths were during WW2.

At the risk of taking this thread off topic, er no. The UK was definitely not the only other country to put their money and men where their mouths were during WWII. Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India and South Africa (just to name a few) were already putting their money, men's lives and more where their mouths were and fighting the Axis powers way before the US bothered itself to get involved. You are also conveniently forgetting the assistance of the various resistance movements, without whose tireless and dangerous work behind enemy lines, much would not have been possible.

But Perhaps we should confine ourselves to debating the current topic instead of bringing that which is irrelevant to OBL's death into the debate?
People, look at the big picture and don't drown yourself in details, or things we don't know, because it leads you nowhere.

USA said for years that they will kill OBL. It has happened now, just like this, and half of you are in disbelieve. But of course it can't be true, because it didn't happen the way you like it, right?
It can't be true, because you dislike USA they must be lying, right?
It can't be true, because they didn't share all the operational details with you, right?
He didn't die at said time, because they didn't have time to do DNA test. Hmmm, they couldn't possibly get his DNA few weeks before, because they didn't know where he lived, right?
What splendid reasons not to believe, and rush into conspiracies. Bravo.
All of Europe and Russia, are FREE today because of the USA's help in WW2.
90% of nazi divisions were beaten by commies, not by captain america

There is plenty of aniti-USA sentiment on this Europe Forum, because of historical "ignorance" and current "envy" of the USA.
This forum is a badass, agree (y) but not only USA is a victim of this forum :LOL:

The UK were the only "other" countryl that put their "money and men where their mouths were during WW2.

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Please don't start again about World War 2.

America and the UK played a minor role in Europe.

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