New Findings on Neanderthal Admixture ( East Asians vs. Europeans )

Good points, I was thinking about hunter-gatherer society in terms of last thousands of years before farming, the time of transition. As you pointed, they have undeniably invented many things and new concepts like: man made fire, living in caves, tools made of stone, bones and wood (or their combination, stone on a stick like a hammer or a spear), religion, skin made cloths, tents, cooked food, musical instruments.
I was hoping though, that you are going to notice the scale of time, the monumental paradigm shift, the acceleration of invention of new concepts the farming brought. You see, it took H-Gatherers a million years or so to come up with their inventions. It took only 5k years for Farmers (we can even disregard last 5k years) to invent much more extensive list of new concepts, a long list of completely new ideas. To emphasizes my point even more, I should add to my previous list other novel ideas of farmers like wheel, use of clay for pots and bricks, use of metal, irrigation of fields, writing, not mentioning many new technics in new occupations they've created.For simplicity of argument let's assume that both groups invented same number of new concepts. It still would leave us with the huge difference in time scale, 5k years versus a million. It means that Farmers came up with their inventions 200 times faster than H-Gatherers! This is really huge shift.
What you're missing is that once a hunter society made a new invention, it would not stay the same for the rest of time, things like stone tools, harpoons, other various weapons, traps, boats and other numerous inventions would change constantly not just over millenniums, the changes became very frequent especially after the move out of Africa because peoples constantly were moving into new environments and settings that required new modifications to help them survive, and these changes would have to come at a very rapid rate, id guess at least every other generation.
And you see its with these migrations and constant changing circumstances that tested these hunters, a farmer experiences a couple of changes in climate every year or maybe some dire event also, but they are staying in one spot, so over the generations these activities become routine, and the challenge is lessened for the following generations. Also without the challenge of constantly adapting, and with the settled life, one can make more specific modifications to their lives, without having to worry to much about survival, this is why we see so many more technological advent after the revolution.

How can you explain this explosion of new inventions, when you assumed that smaller brains of modern humans meant less intelligence?
If you went back in time and retrieved a hunter gatherer, brought him back to the present and asked him to do algebra, he could obviously not do it. Sure by today's standards hunter gatherers are not "smart", but because them and their ancestors faced such challenging, and varying circumstances it is my belief that they would have a much greater capacity to learn algebra than most people. The reason that we seem to be smarter than our hunter ancestors is purely superficial, as we have widespread education, and much more sedentary lives than they did, allowing for more time to think about things other than our immediate survival.

How does running add to intelligence, except more oxygen flow? Besides it is hardly a new idea, a new concept. We had ran before, only later we started to run a lot and long distances. It is only a change within existing concept.
Perhaps the novel idea was that there is food at the end of a long run. But not running itself.
To know who we were in the past, it is enough to observe little boys playing. Mostly they run around in little groups and play wars. Also our most popular sports are group sports. Football is nothing more than two groups of men (hunters), running a lot, to achieve common goal, to win against other group of men. This is how we do civilized wars against other cities or countries.
We can't escape our past. We are the product of our ancestors life style and environment.
Again this is a theory, if you have not read the article i have provided please do this time
You don't have to agree with it, it is simply a professional opinion on how hunting shaped who we are, it dosent have much to do with intellectual capacities, but one can make correlations, its purely up to you to decide if its valid.

I've never questioned how dangerous hunter-gatherers' life was. I'm talking about very different lifestyles and consequences of adaptation to them. It has to be a reason why farmers didn't want to switch to Native's life style, and also it has to be a reason why Natives in general don't want to accept farming way of life.
Your question can be answered in one simple response, most people don't enjoy change. Even making simple changes in your daily life is a bit of a nuisance, like eating healthier or reading more books, and when one considers such a massive change as switching your entire way of subsistence, its exponentially harder for one to do that. The reason why your austrailian aborgines and Perrier Indians didn't pick up farming isn't because they are genetically predisposed to like hunting more than you or i, its because with the technology at their disposal and infertile environment around them, it just makes more sense to hunt than have to deal with terrible crop yields.

Obviously farming was beneficial in increased food access therefore survival of early adopters. Whenever conditions were suitable for farming population grew 10 or 100 fold compared to H_Gatherers. My point from post one, was about tremendous shift in lifestyle of folks adapting to farming. According to natural selection this obviously had to effect gene selection to fit farming lifestyle even better with time. Do you deny it?
Sure i believe farming has had an effect on our genes, ive said this over and over, but i dont think that just because you dont have any farmers in your bloodline means that you would function worse in our modern society, the first farmers in western europe were hunter gatherers as were all who adopted the lifstyle, but they still managed to carry on a different subsistence and pass their genes. Its absurd to think that natives are in poverty because their genes have determined it to be, if you know anything of Canadian demographics you'd see that Aboriginals are the fastest growing ethnic group.

One of best farming lands are in east Asia. This is no coinsurance that China was always stronger and most influential in this region even if only by sheer number of inhabitants their land supported From all ancient records, and archaeology, we know that this part of our planet was always most populated of all. It makes sense, because south China can have 2 growing seasons a year, where in Europe we could have only one. From this two top agricultural regions, I would pick east China as the most genetically adapted to farming. Farming demands a lot of work, the daily grind. Getting up early in the morning and feeding animals. Seeding fields takes weeks, long repetitive motions hours after hours. So is taking care of it, watering, plowing, harvesting thrashing, milling, and food making of animals, cooking for big families from scratch few times a day, taking care of buildings and fences. Hauling surplus to the market, and paying taxes to the landlords and churches. Unfortunately for today's city dwellers it is so hard to imagine how labour intensive life is on simple farms.
Now be a judge and observe for yourself how different peoples work, which is not difficult in Canada, and you should be able to guess their heritage. Keep in mind that these are general observation of populations and not characteristics of individuals. Observing one person and generalizing one observation over whole population gives misleading results.
I'm not sure if your correlating this point to the argument, can you give a clear claim on it.
What you're missing is that once a hunter society made a new invention, it would not stay the same for the rest of time, things like stone tools, harpoons, other various weapons, traps, boats and other numerous inventions would change constantly not just over millenniums, the changes became very frequent especially after the move out of Africa because peoples constantly were moving into new environments and settings that required new modifications to help them survive, and these changes would have to come at a very rapid rate, id guess at least every other generation.
And you see its with these migrations and constant changing circumstances that tested these hunters, a farmer experiences a couple of changes in climate every year or maybe some dire event also, but they are staying in one spot, so over the generations these activities become routine, and the challenge is lessened for the following generations. Also without the challenge of constantly adapting, and with the settled life, one can make more specific modifications to their lives, without having to worry to much about survival, this is why we see so many more technological advent after the revolution.
Are you kidding me?! Are you saying that making modification to existing concepts takes as much intellect as inventing completely new ones? For example you equal an ingenious invention of making a hook and line for fishing, to making a a bigger hook for a bigger fish, the modification. Or according to your logic, invention of money doesn't count much more than its modification, like making money of different metals. It's ridiculous.
Besides, your argument is not valid, because farmers had to modify their crops and animals, and adapt their technics to changing environment too, to same degree as hunter-gatherers. Where do you think they've planted their corps, in greenhouses?

If you went back in time and retrieved a hunter gatherer, brought him back to the present and asked him to do algebra, he could obviously not do it. Sure by today's standards hunter gatherers are not "smart", but because them and their ancestors faced such challenging, and varying circumstances it is my belief that they would have a much greater capacity to learn algebra than most people.
Complete scientific fallacy. What has algebra to do with making a better coat for cold weather, or running after animal? All the math they needed is to count to 20 or so. Bigger numbers where inconsequential in their lives.
Algebra was only needed later in civilization, for counting money, keeping records, building bridges and pyramids, etc.

Again this is a theory, if you have not read the article i have provided please do this time
You don't have to agree with it, it is simply a professional opinion on how hunting shaped who we are, it dosent have much to do with intellectual capacities, but one can make correlations, its purely up to you to decide if its valid.
You also said:
another activity that aided in intelligence was long-distance running as in persistence hunting
I'm glad you change your mind.

The reason why your austrailian aborgines and Perrier Indians didn't pick up farming isn't because they are genetically predisposed to like hunting more than you or i, its because with the technology at their disposal and infertile environment around them, it just makes more sense to hunt than have to deal with terrible crop yields.
Good, we know why they didn't embrace farming in the past. The question is why they don't do farming right now, at least beef herding on reserves (seams not complicated), when it is so easier with new technologies?

Scientific Fact:
Sure i believe farming has had an effect on our genes, ive said this over and over,

but i dont think that just because you dont have any farmers in your bloodline means that you would function worse in our modern society,

Proof: (or denial)
Its absurd to think that natives are in poverty because their genes have determined it to be,
Same way why nerd doesn't fit the popularity contest in high school.
It is not a matter of poverty, or making Natives poor, or doing all of this on purpose to them. They just don't fit, therefore they cannot be as successful in this new environment. At least not to the degree of people who do this for millenia.

It is simple like this, and if this was understood, proper government programs, laws and help could be formulated to help Natives to do better, or who chooses should be left alone to embrace traditional way of life, diet included. Canada is huge and empty enough to accommodate it all.

Why the heck did you go there?!
if you know anything of Canadian demographics you'd see that Aboriginals are the fastest growing ethnic group.
We all know they drink way too much, they don't use contraceptives, and guess what? You have sex, you have a kid or two. Repeat this process many times in your life, and you have many kids.
Alcohol is a major cause of Native poverty.
This brings an occasion to point another gene European frames have but not Natives. They have a gene which help with alcohol digestion . Why? Because Europeans have lived with alcohol for few thousands of years already. That's why we fit better.

Knowing and talking about differences shouldn't be scary, improper or evoking bad emotions. Knowing the differences should help us understand each other better, to give us knowledge to building right systems, which fit human nature, and not force human nature to fit system. Otherwise we'll be stuck in this status quo forever, bitching and blaming each other for all miseries.
Obviously the old ways don't work.
Are you kidding me?! Are you saying that making modification to existing concepts takes as much intellect as inventing completely new ones? For example you equal an ingenious invention of making a hook and line for fishing, to making a a bigger hook for a bigger fish, the modification. Or according to your logic, invention of money doesn't count much more than its modification, like making money of different metals. It's ridiculous.
With the sedentary life of farming, and less stress put on survival, one has a lot more time to think of more abstract things, this is why the inventions seem so much more ingenious in the post paleolithic. Try thinking up algebra while tracking a herd, because you haven't eaten in days, it wont work. Nobody needs algebra at that point in time, but a new type of spear or piece of clothing is necessary and quite ingenious considering all the circumstances that you face. Farmers experienced less urgency, and remained sedentary and had a greater abundance of food and a permanent settlement while paleo peoples had to worry about tracking herds and other H&G activities which were no longer necessary with farming.Farmers also had a life that allowed an invention like money to make life easier, and while very ingenious, it was developed along with more free time.

Besides, your argument is not valid, because farmers had to modify their crops and animals, and adapt their technics to changing environment too, to same degree as hunter-gatherers. Where do you think they've planted their corps, in greenhouses?
No wrong, not nearly as hard as a hunter, sure there is climate change, but if your in the same spot for generations not as much changes in your environment compared to a migrating people such as hunters gatherers, of course the conditions were harder for early farmers, compared to their contemporaries, but they never experienced an ice age like i said before, it is much harder to adapt to many extremes that the paleolithic had, compared to making a new sickle on your temperate patch of land, which was much easier to do when you didn't have to constantly track a herd of animals.

Complete scientific fallacy. What has algebra to do with making a better coat for cold weather, or running after animal? All the math they needed is to count to 20 or so. Bigger numbers where inconsequential in their lives.
You clearly have a problem spotting my train of thought, i was trying to give an example of what we value as intelligent in our day and age, obviously they couldn't count or read, but this has nothing to due with their capacity to learn to do so. My god did you even read my statement, you are a terrible reader.

Algebra was only needed later in civilization, for counting money, keeping records, building bridges and pyramids, etc.
Your missing the point, i know they didn't need it, im using algebra as a standard of learning, for god sake do i need to spell out everything for you, you seem to misread everything i write, are you 14, why do you keep doing this.

Good, we know why they didn't embrace farming in the past. The question is why they don't do farming right now, at least beef herding on reserves (seams not complicated), when it is so easier with new technologies?
Wrong they do, barely any indigenous people in Canada or Australia subsist off hunting anymore, the Inuit live in the arctic and subsist mainly off processed foods because there is no possibility of agriculture there, and those who don't live in the cities hunt mainly but there is no current technology that can provide agriculture in the arctic, all other indigenous peoples in Canada farm or they get subsistence from other areas, hunting is usually a cultural practice.

Same way why nerd doesn't fit the popularity contest in high school.
It is not a matter of poverty, or making Natives poor, or doing all of this on purpose to them. They just don't fit, therefore they cannot be as successful in this new environment. At least not to the degree of people who do this for millenia.
Did you not fit in in high school, is this why you're so resentful:sad-2:, or have you even gotten to high school yet, your knowledge of history seems to suggest otherwise, because i constantly have to correct you.

It is simple like this, and if this was understood, proper government programs, laws and help could be formulated to help Natives to do better, or who chooses should be left alone to embrace traditional way of life, diet included. Canada is huge and empty enough to accommodate it all.
Yes completely agree with you, the law is structured against natives, and has been for Canada's entire existence, John a MacDonald's entire political career was dedicated to decimating the cree and metis people, and the government has built off him ever since. Youre right Canada is a country with the capability to help natives, why they don't do it is because they are built off a foundation of killing them.

We all know they drink way too much, they don't use contraceptives, and guess what? You have sex, you have a kid or two. Repeat this process many times in your life, and you have many kids.
Alcohol is a major cause of Native poverty.
This brings an occasion to point another gene European frames have but not Natives. They have a gene which help with alcohol digestion . Why? Because Europeans have lived with alcohol for few thousands of years already. That's why we fit better.

Knowing and talking about differences shouldn't be scary, improper or evoking bad emotions. Knowing the differences should help us understand each other better, to give us knowledge to building right systems, which fit human nature, and not force human nature to fit system. Otherwise we'll be stuck in this status quo forever, bitching and blaming each other for all miseries.
Obviously the old ways don't work.
It is clear to me that i cannot change your opinion, i believe that all races have the capacity to achieve as much as one another when born in equal circumstance, regardless of these petty gene predispositions you speak of. If you believe that 400 years of conquest and the genocide of a people, has nothing to do with how they function in todays society, then you choose to ignore it. It is much easier for you to place blame on the people themselves, rather than the ones who you feel closer to. If you feel guilt or shame, then don't, but don't deny these people the effect of their history. They watched their men killed, their women raped, and their land soiled and enclosed upon them, all within the last few centuries. Their blood stains the ground upon which you and i walk. The government resents them because they cry out for justice, but all the prime minister sees is a people who wont die. In the end when the blow is finished being dealt and the aftermath apparent, the persistence of these people will be seen, and you will be proven wrong, for they were stronger than anyone had thought.
We Shall Remain.
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With the sedentary life of farming, and less stress put on survival, one has a lot more time to think of more abstract things, this is why the inventions seem so much more ingenious in the post paleolithic. Try thinking up algebra while tracking a herd, because you haven't eaten in days, it wont work. Nobody needs algebra at that point in time, but a new type of spear or piece of clothing is necessary and quite ingenious considering all the circumstances that you face. Farmers experienced less urgency, and remained sedentary and had a greater abundance of food and a permanent settlement while paleo peoples had to worry about tracking herds and other H&G activities which were no longer necessary with farming.Farmers also had a life that allowed an invention like money to make life easier, and while very ingenious, it was developed along with more free time.
No wrong, not nearly as hard as a hunter, sure there is climate change, but if your in the same spot for generations not as much changes in your environment compared to a migrating people such as hunters gatherers, of course the conditions were harder for early farmers, compared to their contemporaries, but they never experienced an ice age like i said before, it is much harder to adapt to many extremes that the paleolithic had, compared to making a new sickle on your temperate patch of land, which was much easier to do when you didn't have to constantly track a herd of animals.
You are confusing word "sedentary" with sitting and doing nothing. Once again, go to the simple farm and see how hard people work. Otherwise you don't know what you are talking about.
Tell me, how many Native agricultural civilizations collapsed in Americas due to adverse weather conditions, especially prolonged droughts? With your affinity to archaeology, or maybe even a degree, you should know that.
Somehow you've chosen to omit archaeological knowledge about this side of farming, because it didn't fit your premise, or dare we say, agenda.

You clearly have a problem spotting my train of thought, i was trying to give an example of what we value as intelligent in our day and age, obviously they couldn't count or read, but this has nothing to due with their capacity to learn to do so. My god did you even read my statement, you are a terrible reader.
I've read and I know your train of thoughts. My conclusion is that your observation skills are not great, and pattern recognition effected to much by your emotions on this subject.

Your missing the point, i know they didn't need it, im using algebra as a standard of learning, for god sake do i need to spell out everything for you, you seem to misread everything i write, are you 14, why do you keep doing this.
Not nice. Instead of coming up with better examples and argumentation, you've chosen to attack a person instead.

Wrong they do, barely any indigenous people in Canada or Australia subsist off hunting anymore, the Inuit live in the arctic and subsist mainly off processed foods because there is no possibility of agriculture there, and those who don't live in the cities hunt mainly but there is no current technology that can provide agriculture in the arctic, all other indigenous peoples in Canada farm or they get subsistence from other areas, hunting is usually a cultural practice.
I've asked you why they don't farm and you answered that they don't hunt.

Did you not fit in in high school, is this why you're so resentful:sad-2:, or have you even gotten to high school yet, your knowledge of history seems to suggest otherwise, because i constantly have to correct you.
Again, you are attacking a person. This is against Eupedia rules. Don't do it again.

Yes completely agree with you, the law is structured against natives, and has been for Canada's entire existence, John a MacDonald's entire political career was dedicated to decimating the cree and metis people, and the government has built off him ever since. Youre right Canada is a country with the capability to help natives, why they don't do it is because they are built off a foundation of killing them.
You didn't understand me then. Nobody wants to harm natives purposely these days. Actually they are treated above the law as some sort of extraordinary citizens. For example, couple of months ago due to Idle No More Acton few natives stopped traffic on one bridge in the middle of Calgary, for a day. And guess what, they've broke law and nobody was arrested for this. Obviously they carry around some sort of immunity these days.
As I've argued before, today's pro native polices are more harmful than helpful and they divide Canada more than ever. Thanks to skewed understanding of causes of native's apathy, alcoholism or other adaptations or lack of them.

It is clear to me that i cannot change your opinion,
Try well argumented points, extensive examples or scientific research.

i believe that all races have the capacity to achieve as much as one another when born in equal circumstance, regardless of these petty gene predispositions you speak of.
That's the point of view doing biggest disservice to natives.
To make it more interested, your belief was exactly my premise, which I was taught in schools too, and my starting point of analyzing causes of native poverty problem in Canada. My conclusions are often against my nature of total equality for all. If I was god I would create all people of same abilities and predisposition. But instead, we are products of long line of ancestors evolved in different environments. My heart goes for true equality, but my logic points to real life patterns of differences.
And no, I'm not immune from changing my mind, and already did on this subject.

If you believe that 400 years of conquest and the genocide of a people, has nothing to do with how they function in todays society, then you choose to ignore it. It is much easier for you to place blame on the people themselves, rather than the ones who you feel closer to.
Exactly! Looking inside and starting fixing problem from yourself is the way to go.

If you feel guilt or shame, then don't, but don't deny these people the effect of their history.
Constantly playing a victim is the worse way to go. My people moved and were moved too many times to remember, and were killed and persecuted by neighbors. Heck, the huge part of European history is about killing, pushing, enslaving each other.
But finally we decided to shake hands (at least most so far) with our neighbors, forgiven the sins, and concentrated on building common future. And look, today's Europe is a prime example that it is much better way to go.
What I can't understand is why you feel that natives are unique in this department, and keeping bringing it up? Can't you escape this vicious circle?

They watched their men killed, their women raped, and their land soiled and enclosed upon them, all within the last few centuries. Their blood stains the ground upon which you and i walk. The government resents them because they cry out for justice, but all the prime minister sees is a people who wont die. In the end when the blow is finished being dealt and the aftermath apparent, the persistence of these people will be seen, and you will be proven wrong, for they were stronger than anyone had thought.
We Shall Remain.
Your argument (same as mine from yeas ago) makes sense till you learn about history of Jewish communities around the globe. There is probably no nation on this planet who went through so much persecution, intimidation, genocides, discrimination, etc. I'm sure you can sympathize with this, because this is comparable with suffering of Canadian Natives, together with losing their own land.
Extremely interesting is the fact how different economic outcomes these two groups represent, in spite of going through similar persecutions and victimization century after century.

What is your explanation for it? Keep in mind that nobody helped the Jews in any way. Their success is their own doing.
Can you tell me why, Jews as ethnic group, are always on top of economic and educational ladder in every country on this planet, although they faced similar persecutions as Canadian Natives?
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I have taken a couple days off from this debate because i believe i was getting to emotionally attached to it for personal reasons, it was wrong of me to do so, and i had misinterpreted some of your arguments as personal attacks, so i had in turn committed them myself, that was wrong, , they had nothing to do with the debate and were out of line, certainly. while, i still wish to continue this debate as i believe there is more to argue about.

You are confusing word "sedentary" with sitting and doing nothing. Once again, go to the simple farm and see how hard people work. Otherwise you don't know what you are talking about.
Once again many experts agree that a hunter gatherer lifestyle is much more strenuous, observe the Chukchi people, or San bushman, and i am sure if you learn about them enough you will see they are they live some of the most active lives in today's world, and this is with current technological advents that have allowed for an easier hunt.
Tell me, how many Native agricultural civilizations collapsed in Americas due to adverse weather conditions, especially prolonged droughts? With your affinity to archaeology, or maybe even a degree, you should know that.
Somehow you've chosen to omit archaeological knowledge about this side of farming, because it didn't fit your premise, or dare we say, agenda.
A civilization is different from a small group of agricultural people, when speaking of sophisticated cultural, political,ethnic etc. society, most Anthropologists consider its origins much later than farming, probably around 2000 to 4000 BC, a sophisticated civilization is a much larger entity and takes a lot more structure to maintain, where as a small group who do not live in such sophisticated society can be so durable, and long lasting.

I've read and I know your train of thoughts. My conclusion is that your observation skills are not great, and pattern recognition effected to much by your emotions on this subject.
Seriously i know you misread what i said, maybe it was to complex to relate for you, or it was worded poorly.

I've asked you why they don't farm and you answered that they don't hunt.
I have stated why these societies cant farm just a few posts back. Maybe you don't understand, that most of our earth is consisted of inarable land, this is why we cannot farm everywhere. Canada has very little arable land particularly as you go toward to north, and this is why we don't boast large populations like the US or Europe (which have much arable land). Australia is in the same boat as us, and therefore only has 23 million people living around its most arable land, the eastern shore. They cannot farm because crops wont grow. Las Vegas, is an example of the effort and resources it takes to build a city on a stretch of land that is unaccepting of agriculture.

You didn't understand me then. Nobody wants to harm natives purposely these days. Actually they are treated above the law as some sort of extraordinary citizens. For example, couple of months ago due to Idle No More Acton few natives stopped traffic on one bridge in the middle of Calgary, for a day. And guess what, they've broke law and nobody was arrested for this. Obviously they carry around some sort of immunity these days.
As I've argued before, today's pro native polices are more harmful than helpful and they divide Canada more than ever. Thanks to skewed understanding of causes of native's apathy, alcoholism or other adaptations or lack of them.
Regardless of alcohol consumption, there problems that are caused directly because of the capitalist system, and our government. Lets use the biggest example, Alberta. Right now the tar sands are being extracted from by various companies, of which are drilling on native lands. What the companies do is dangle money in front of tribes, and get one to bite. The one that takes the money and allows for extraction, does it out of desperation to try and build an economically viable reserve. The other refuses the tainted money, and abides by their ancestors. The result is both tribes end up having people dying of diseases caused by arsenic and other chemicals released from the extraction. The Harper government is also violating treaty rights and giving companies the right to extract on lands without the consent of its respective tribe.
Other than hunting i don't think natives are exempt any more than you are to civil disobedience laws, unless committed on a reserve. I believe that you are allowed to protest peacefully, this is a democracy, and if these people weren't arrested it is either because Calgary police were sympathetic to their cause, a cause you do not understand, or they could not arrest them under the law, of which would apply to you to.

Try well argumented points, extensive examples or scientific research.
I have given you points, you refuse to egknowledge them, i have given you articles and studies, you refuse to read them (you have given none by the way), and i have even corrected on your historic and anthropological claims, but choose not to listen or respond. Maybe you just have trouble accepting things other than your own views, i cannot help that.

Constantly playing a victim is the worse way to go. My people moved and were moved too many times to remember, and were killed and persecuted by neighbors. Heck, the huge part of European history is about killing, pushing, enslaving each other.
But finally we decided to shake hands (at least most so far) with our neighbors, forgiven the sins, and concentrated on building common future. And look, today's Europe is a prime example that it is much better way to go.
You underestimate their history, and current situation, i am pretty sure you yourself have never experienced such strife. It wasn't just the death and destruction, it was the rate of which it occurred, and by the end they were left with nothing to salvage. I believe that native cultures will return to prominence, if they continue to fight, but the fact is we as a country can either be with them or in opposition its your choice.
This isn't playing victim, it is giving you facts, this is why the situation exists.

Your argument (same as mine from yeas ago) makes sense till you learn about history of Jewish communities around the globe. There is probably no nation on this planet who went through so much persecution, intimidation, genocides, discrimination, etc. I'm sure you can sympathize with this, because this is comparable with suffering of Canadian Natives, together with losing their own land.
Extremely interesting is the fact how different economic outcomes these two groups represent, in spite of going through similar persecutions and victimization century after century.
I have shown that other countries and ethnic groups with deep agricultural roots, have not fared well into the modern day. I cant see why one ethnic group can trump all others.
this is my theory on Jewish success. The most successful Jews by far, were the Ashkenazim, the rest did not fare well over the years. My theory on why the Ashkenazim are the most prominent today, is simply they were in economically viable locations at the right time. They ventured from the Mid East during the medieval age, and came to Germany, at this point Europe was on its way to over taking the Middle East as a world power, after the turn of the 20th century, they ventured to the US, also a time when this country was becoming the world power. It seems to me that despite the persecution, they remained in places where they could always prosper.

What is your explanation for it? Keep in mind that nobody helped the Jews in any way. Their success is their own doing.
Maybe you would like to retract this statement. Israel was given to the Jews after World War II by the UN, if this isn't compensation than what is.
Can you tell me why, Jews as ethnic group, are always on top of economic and educational ladder in every country on this planet, although they faced similar persecutions as Canadian Natives?
Other than in privileged countries this isn't the case, they aren't, most live in abject poverty, and are persecuted, in many countries, hence the mass immigrations to Israel. this is the case in many impoverished countries, another point to back my theory on why the Ashkenazim are the most successful.
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It mentions MTdna, which it says is Neanderthal.
Tattersall told Discovery News that the hypothesis, presented in the new paper, “is very intriguing and one that invites more research.”

Im with Tattersall on this, more research and than we'll know.
But what that team from Aix-Marseille already discovered based on Genetics (mtDNA Neanderthal) and Anthropology is pretty solid to begin with.
Did they find only the jaw or more than this Kardu ? The post seems only to mention the jaw.

In this particular case it seems only a jaw was analyzed.
Did they find only the jaw or more than this Kardu ? The post seems only to mention the jaw.

"The skeletal remains of an individual living in northern Italy 40,000-30,000 years ago are believed to be that of a human/Neanderthal hybrid,"

Obviously more than just a jaw was found, but it would be good to know if its an intact skull.
"The skeletal remains of an individual living in northern Italy 40,000-30,000 years ago are believed to be that of a human/Neanderthal hybrid,"

Obviously more than just a jaw was found, but it would be good to know if its an intact skull.

This picture would indeed , obviously, seem to show a skull. I imagine this is the actual find they are speaking of, otherwise why show this photo?
Mmm...probably best wait for further research then. Why are you unsure?

I don't exclude isolated cases of hybridization, but assumption is that it was large-scale considering 1-4% hypothetical Neanderthal legacy in contemporary humans. But if it's so where are Nenaderthal YDNA and MtDNA among us?
Article about Neanderthal-Human hybrid remains found in Italy.. I remain skeptical :)
Nice find, but im wondering how they will know for sure if its a hybrid without testing for Y DNA. There have been other finds that are believed to be hybrids, but I dont think any were sucessfuly tested for MTDNA, so in that aspect its unique.
it also still seems strange that Europeans carry less admixture than East Asians. It seems to me that either Paabo's research was flawed, or that Europeans are mostly the descendents of post Paleolithic west asian migrants.
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I guess they call it hybrid because the jaw anthropologically belongs to modern humans while MtDNA is a supposedly Neanderthal..
I guess they call it hybrid because the jaw anthropologically belongs to modern humans while MtDNA is a supposedly Neanderthal..
Yes the DNA combined with the anthropomorphic features, is unique. Never heard of a similar case, so far we have only found superficial hybrids, that lacked genetic evidence. Like finds in Romania, which seemed to be Homo sapien in appearence, and neanderthal to, but as we all know paleolithic Europeans had very archaic features, which could mirror that of a neanderthal, while sharing no closer ancestry than us today. Here is a link to some Cro Magnon skulls.

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