Is free energy possible. Was Tesla right?

My understanding of Tesla's earthquake machine is that it doesn't take that much energy to operate. It's more a matter of accurate timing... adding small amounts of additional energy so that each "pulse" piggybacks on the previous one. Also Telsa knew that objects had their own vibrational resonance so I think he worked with what was already there.

His machine that was responsible for causing havoc in that building was shockingly small. But according to those who witnessed the end result it was more than capable of producing intense shaking. They all thought the structure was going to come down.
Agitated, what's your opinion of cold fusion-- specifically the method using pallidium's sponge like property when paired with hydrogen atoms?

I went full bore rainman on this subject a few years ago and this is what I'd come up with... I think it is feasible. In my opinion the key to succuess is to super-duper saturate the pallidium to the point where atomic collisions and then combos are unavoidable.

There's a video on youtube titled "Superwave Fusion" that uses alot of what I'd come up with. He is using waves of electricity to densely pack and stack the atoms of hydrogen and I think he's on the right track. However, he's missing a key point-- what if we used a couple of Tesla's concepts to further crunch hydrogen atoms into the matrix? What if you were able to vibrate the pallidium at such a frequency so that additional hydrogen atoms would have less of a problem scooting in?

Even better... what if we used a "resonant hammer" to drive the hydrogen atoms forward? This would allow for the intensely crowded conditions needed for fusion. No atoms would be split so Tesla would probably approve. :)

Lebrok, before you apply the label conspiracy theorist nutjob (again)... you might look into some of the respected teams wading back into the cold fusion waters.

Of course these are heavy waters...
Lebrok, before you apply the label conspiracy theorist nutjob (again)... you might look into some of the respected teams wading back into the cold fusion waters.
What can I say. Things that don't exist excite you the most. Don't blame me, for missing what we already have and working fine.
All we need is to make use of sunlight to fill our energy needs for millions of years. All we have to do is to improve existing technology, that's all. Keep in mind that oil and coal is sun energy stored as fossil fuel, technically we can call them batteries.
Let us know when you make the cold fusion working. It would be awesome. More energy the better for us.

Just don't expect any energy to be supplied to you for free.

In 1900 people paid 2.00 dollars for one kilowatt of electricity, adjusted for inflation. Now cost is around 10 cents. It is almost for free!
That's a hell of a progress, don't you think?
What can I say. Things that don't exist excite you the most. Don't blame me, for missing what we already have and working fine.
All we need is to make use of sunlight to fill our energy needs for millions of years. All we have to do is to improve existing technology, that's all. Keep in mind that oil and coal is sun energy stored as fossil fuel, technically we can call them batteries.
Let us know when you make the cold fusion working. It would be awesome. More energy the better for us.

Just don't expect any energy to be supplied to you for free.

In 1900 people paid 2.00 dollars for one kilowatt of electricity, adjusted for inflation. Now cost is around 10 cents. It is almost for free!
That's a hell of a progress, don't you think?

You're right. I'm glad the Saudi's aren't sitting on the world's largest oil reserves and that we don't have to kotow to their ridiculous whims to keep the crude flowing.

Here in the U.S., our Gulf Coast residents probably enjoy swimming in black water from time to time. The extra oil enriches the skin, plus I hear the shrimp now have an extra zing.

I recently read in Popular Mechanics that you can now remove the solar cells from a hand held calculator and power a standard V-8 (as long as the sun's out.)

(BTW-- wealthy bankers have the common man's interests at heart and the "royal haplogroup" doesn't exist, it's a figment of our collective imagination.)

You have single-handed solved the world's problems Lebrok. Thank you sir!

P.S. I haven't even mentioned how fast the crops and fruit trees are growing in and around Fukushima. A little extra radiation speeds plant growth, puts hair on the chest, and builds character.
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It seems that I have mistaken Tesla's so called "earthquake machine". It doesn't create earthquakes, rather it just shakes buildings over time, sorta like a flute, the wind that goes through and creates resonance, which vibrates and creates a sound. This effect was known for a long time (I remember using this method to measure the speed of sound in a physics course), but wasn't really fully understood on larger objects until around Tesla's time.

The difference is, an Earthquake is like what happened in Haiti. Tesla's machine does something like what happened to the "Tocoma Narrows Bridge" (youtube it, it's quite fun to watch actually :p) It shakes buildings, and since buildings are like a spring and move back and forth, over time it just vibrates faster and faster. It's ineffective as a weapon since everything would osculate radially from the object, making it extremely easy to find (sorta how the FBI tracks down cell phones). you probably knew that and i just derped... but there it is anyways :p

As for cold fusion, I'm a complete noob of quantum mechanics, but Tesla's inventions were more for macroscopic levels (things larger than molecules). Once you get as small as a hydrogen atom, things get a little weird, things I can't explain conceptually :/ I just have no idea. I can state my idea, but then the laws of physics in the microscopic level (quantum mechanics) will pretty much state how it won't work with a million different reasons.

All Nuclear Fusion generally does not require splitting of atoms, and the energy you get from it is completely clean. I think hot fusion as of now has much more potential than cold fusion. But who knows what the next big discovery will be. But again, who knows, maybe your idea works, or someone finds a way similar to it. Science is full of uncertainty.
Right, there's Tesla's smaller version which was proven highly effective and then there's the rumored HAARP system which may use Tesla's concepts to power actual earthquakes on demand. HAARP's a little to out there even for me. What I've read is unsettling so I avoid the subject.

Tesla did state that if you could find the right resonance, it was conceivable that you could split the earth in half with this technology. I think he was trying to drive home a point though rather than stating realistic science.

In case there's anyone interested in my cold fusion idea-- here it is:

Press pallidium into thin, stackable wafers and mold in such a way that maximizes surface exposure. I was thinking something resembling an egg carton, but with conical dibits instead of the rounder shapes we see with eggs. Pulse electricity (as mentioned before) and drive those hydrogen atoms into the cone tips so they have no where to go but in the metal.

Sit back and measure heat readings. If successful... please send me a tiny fraction of one percent of your profits.
When scientists and engineers discovers something, they love to state how it can split the earth in to :p

Tesla stated that if you vibrate the earth fast enough it could split in two (well not necessarily, but it's a fun way to say it).

Also, this one is from Einstein, if you were to convert an average North American house into pure energy, it can also split the world in half.

But some food for thought. Theres a slight problem with splitting the Earth in 2 by resonance. Things on earth resonate because of gravity. on a swing, you resonate back and forth because Earth's gravity pulls you back down after you swing upwards. The Tacoma narrow bridge resonated because the wind blew it upwards, and gravity pulled it back downwards.
There isn't really anything for the Earth to resonate upon in the Earth. The Earth won't just Resonate upon itself, so its kind of self contradicting :p
It's possible, but it would require something outside of the Earth to do it. Like the sun.
So you're right, he's driving out a fun point :D
Sit back and measure heat readings. If successful... please send me a tiny fraction of one percent of your profits.
You want one percent of free energy, generously given to the world by yourself. How much is this?
Oh, these greedy bankers....
It seems that I have mistaken Tesla's so called "earthquake machine". It doesn't create earthquakes, rather it just shakes buildings over time, sorta like a flute, the wind that goes through and creates resonance, which vibrates and creates a sound. This effect was known for a long time (I remember using this method to measure the speed of sound in a physics course), but wasn't really fully understood on larger objects until around Tesla's time..
Now this is much easier to accept. Energy needed to shake the house is not that great, or prohibitive. House structure is generally uniform, usually all concrete or all wood. Also structure itself is very hollow, which helps too. And we are talking about tens of tons of material to shake.
Now to shake billions of tons of ground with layers of different densities would require way too much energy. Most likely all energy mankind produces at the moment. Additional problem would be to concentrate beam of energy tens or hundreds kilometers away, where enemy is, and shake only their ground and not ours, plus hope that lots of them will die from the shakes. The energy requirement, the prohibitive cost, the logistics....ech, forget it, Nuke them.

I'm not saying that Tesla wasn't right. I think he didn't have a good judgment regarding economic viability of his projects, therefore most of them not being successful. Some of them will always remain only in a realm of shows and magic.
Now you're being difficult... I said "please send me a TINY FRACTION of one percent". And if my system somehow worked and actually generated energy from cold fusion... at least I produced and contributed to the betterment of society. Fat cat bankers have been recently sucking from the teat of humanity receiving bailout after bailout. Not much of a contribution there. Plus my comment was said tongue and cheek anyway. I think you knew that.

Lebrok, you've made it to Canada which is a thriving economy (comparitively anyway) and America's neighbor. It's not quite the land of milk and honey but it's close. You're not in Poland anymore. We in the New West have a responsibility to speak truth to power here. If you see a wrong, speak up. Don't think you will receive advantages by blindly carrying the water for the boys in Davos. They don't care about either one of us. But I bet they respect me more because I stand up when I see blatant corruption.

People think living the American/Western lifestyle is easy and it is for some. But for those of us that really pay attention to what's going on... it's alot of work. Exercise your freedom or you lose your freedom. And fear no man.

That's one to grow on!

P.S. I didn't mean to imply that the U.S. is the land of milk and honey because we're not either. We're on the down side of Empire which ain't a great place to be.
Now you're being difficult... I said "please send me a TINY FRACTION of one percent". And if my system somehow worked and actually generated energy from cold fusion... at least I produced and contributed to the betterment of society. Fat cat bankers have been recently sucking from humanity while receiving bailout after bailout. Not much of a contribution there. Plus my comment was said tongue and cheek anyway. I think you knew that.
I did, and conveniently omitted the tiny fraction. ;)

at least I produced and contributed to the betterment of society
My point is that it is not bad already, and we have already bettered our society. 7 cents per kilowatt is also a tiny fraction of what used to be, and if this trend continue, it will be 0.7 cents in 50 years. Even without tesla energy towers, electricity will be the cheapest thing on this planet.
Now to shake billions of tons of ground with layers of different densities would require way too much energy. Most likely all energy mankind produces at the moment. Additional problem would be to concentrate beam of energy tens or hundreds kilometers away, where enemy is, and shake only their ground and not ours, plus hope that lots of them will die from the shakes. The energy requirement, the prohibitive cost, the logistics....ech, forget it, Nuke them.

I'm not saying that Tesla wasn't right. I think he didn't have a good judgment regarding economic viability of his projects, therefore most of them not being successful. Some of them will always remain only in a realm of shows and magic.

lol yup, precisely.
All scientists and engineers typically have an idea on how to do pretty much anything. Most of my classmates can probably design a machine that shakes the Earth, but probably none of them can make one that's economically feasible, or even realistic.

As for fat cat bankers... ugh, I hate em.... but most of my professor's funding comes from them T_T
And when we see them, we'd have to kiss their asses :/ (not to mention that they'd pretty much get half the credit -.-)
Footnote... most of Teslas inventions were successful.
Footnote... most of Teslas inventions were successful.
well, I never said they didn't work :p

Also, a question out of curiosity:
Why is Tesla in the centre of so many conspiracy theories? What makes Tesla so appealing to conspiritors?

Why not Meitner, Lorentz, Bohr, Rutherford, Heisenburg, Hahn, Ampere, Volta, Gauss, Kirchhoff, Lenz, von Braun, Rudolph, Strughold, Maxwell, Faraday....Hawking.... the list could go on... (bolded ones where I can make up some off the top of my head)

I mean, for example, Wireless electricity through magnetic induction was discovered by Faraday. The equation that tells us how much energy will be transferred is called "Faraday's equation". Yet all credit of wireless electricity goes to Tesla.

A/C circuits was initially done by Pixii, Gibbs, Gualard, Ferranti etc. Decades before Tesla. The first feasible generator was invented by William Stanley. Then rapidly developed by both Tesla and Siemens but ironically, Siemens and Stanley is forgotten for their contributions as well, overshadowed by Tesla.

Tesla would not have known anything about deathrays or resonance if not for Lenz's, Hertz's, Lorentz's work. And the deathray and oscilator used concepts directly from their work too. but all credit goes to Tesla.

And all of the above traces back to Maxwell's, Ampere's, Gauss's, Voltaire's etc. work, where electricity would not have even been known or possible without them.
And all of which traces back to Newton's work, which traces back to Arabic mathematics, and further

It's not that I'm trying to discredit Tesla, I'm just really curious how he's the centre of all these conspiracy theories.
The modern world was shaped and created by all the names above and hundreds more (notice I didn't even mention Einstein). Yet all the credit seems to be placed on Tesla from the conspirator's pov.

Isn't it a bit ironic?
And how useful is 100 year old technology anyway? Look at windows 98 and windows 7... thats the difference between 10 years of technology. Imagine 100.
Have you used the latest Windows? Yuck. :)

My comment wasn't directed at you actually Agitated. I was responding to comment #49 " ... I think he didn't have a good judgement regarding economic viability of his projects, therefore most of them not being successful ...".

Tesla does seem to attract conspiracy nuts. Not sure why. Maxwell also made into "The Crying of Lot 49" by Pynchon so he's made a splash too. Nothing like Tesla though.

And if we're talking about Tesla standing on the shoulders of giants... look at Einstein and his "borrowings". I could write an entire thread on that subject.

I won't. Don't worry. Ain't nobody got time fo that.
precisely why I said windows 7, and not 8 :p
but I was really leaning more so to the hardware rather than software.

As saying that Einstein is a borrower, I'm assuming you mean that he took ideas from other people. Well he did, no scientist really just pulls everything out of their ***. Don't worry, of course we know all of that.
Like how Einstein took the ideas of Lorentz (again...) and a few others along with a few ideas of his own and made E=mc^2 and won a nobel prize...
(The genius of Einstein was that he looked at physics in a completely different way. Concepts that no one had thought of before. But after he discovered the theory of relativity, his mind did sorta just start to faid away...)

Every scientist, engineer, mathematician etc. stands on the shoulders of giants. All modern works trace back to Einstein, Heizenburg etc. which traces back to Lorentz, Hertz, Maxwell, Volta etc. Who's work in turn traces back to Newton, which traces back to Arabic Mathematics which traces back to Pythagoras, and back to Aristotle and back to Plato........ back to the invention of the wheel?
Footnote... most of Teslas inventions were successful.
Successful in a sense that they worked, some well some sort of. Successful in terms of vision and engineering talent. He also seemed to be talented showmen/entertainer, but not very good businessman.
I'm not understanding why we have to mix conspiracies into his life?

No conspiracies stopped Einstein and others from developing atom bomb for US to win war with Japan, but somehow it was very important not to develope Tesla's death ray machine. Maybe the goal was not to make USA military even more powerful?
...but somehow it was very important not to develope Tesla's death ray machine. Maybe the goal was not to make USA military even more powerful?

Very possible. I haven't really devoted much study to the internal workings of the death ray device (not my favorite application of Tesla's concepts), but I don't doubt there is a way to produce this technology. Mankind is assuredly better off without it.
Very possible. I haven't really devoted much study to the internal workings of the death ray device (not my favorite application of Tesla's concepts), but I don't doubt there is a way to produce this technology. Mankind is assuredly better off without it.
It was actually a question. Why US military would produce A bomb and not the death ray machine? Or both together to have one more powerful weapon in arsenal.
Very possible. I haven't really devoted much study to the internal workings of the death ray device (not my favorite application of Tesla's concepts), but I don't doubt there is a way to produce this technology. Mankind is assuredly better off without it.

Tesla was NOT the only one to propose a death ray. And even if it was produced, Looking at how it works, it definitely would not be effective. Simply put, shooting electromagnetic waves simply is not effective. Simply put, Tesla's death ray was like trying to kill your enemy with an overpowered flashlight. The Nazi's tried to make one (well they tried to make many things), but even fro them, building an atomic bomb was a much higher priority.

Tesla, during the economic depression, was desperate for investors (like many others). He over-exaggerated the capabilities of his inventions to try and get funding. Unfortunately, him and along with many other scientists and engineers just couldn't get funding. And thus him saying that the world isn't ready for his inventions.
And during world war 2, When Tesla died, the desperate US government broke into his apartment (and I think this triggered the god damn myth). I really don't think they would have found much. To them, they would have probably found out-dated patents and blueprints.

I think Tesla was a futurist, thinking of ideas for the future. His inventions, however, were not OF the future. I mean c'mon, using an overpowered flashlight to destroy planes in the sky? I could calculate the amount of microwaves needed to melt a plane in the sky, but lets not :p .

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