less homogeneous "populations" are Italians and French ?

Pardon...............you are the southslav not me. You have 100% more slav, bulgarian, macedonian and greek than I . basically you are more balkan than me.

All are scared that genetics will eventually show the truth and all these myths created by nationalistic scholars will be just fantasy...as time passes this nationalistic bull-shit will disappear.
100%slav? Not possible. So you must be pure venet, don't know how you found that, stop with your nationalist bullshit.

regarding the slovenes and based on the knowledge that they state they are from modern Poland/czech lands and that M458 ( slavic marker ) is no longer a "polish" marker, do you think that the slovenes might have always been there ( in slovenia ) but became slavic via language after 700AD.
I found no slovene migration unless the Avars where these slovenes OR where the slovenes the "east germanic" tribe and later became slavic via language?

focus on the possibility that it was rather the Przeworsk culture expanding south-east that managed to include those "Carpathian" M458 people.

We know that Przeworsk has also influenced some territories further east (in Western Ukraine just north of the Carpathian region) and this is quite commonly interpreted as invading the territory of the local Dacian tribe named Costoboci (commonly identified with the so-called Lipiţa culture located on the upper Dniester). Intriguingly, such a potential "clash" has been reported in ancient sources as a conflict between the Costoboci and the Vandalic tribe of Asdingi (which happened around 170-180 AD), hence some people consider this to be just another proof that Przeworsk was in fact a Germanic culture represented by Vandals (who were supposed to be reported earlier as Lugii because of their hypothetical initial association with the assimilated Celtic population of Southern and Central Poland).

Since it is quite obvious that M458 and especially CTS11962, including of course L1029, are all very strongly associated with the entire Slavic population, let's assume for the sake of this discussion that Przeworsk was not a Germanic but rather a Pra-Slavic culture while its relatively small South-Eastern part that could have shown a significant proportion of M458 became a center of the subsequent Slavic expansion. One problem with this scenario is that this relatively small region (encompassing SE Poland and some neighboring territories) has actually never become a significant and independent cultural center that would be responsible for spreading not only the Slavic culture but also the Slavic genes in all directions. Importantly, just like all remaining parts of the Przeworsk culture, this region has undergone a significant collapse in the late 4th and early 5t century, and this is a period when we would expect the Slavic population (and especially M458) to significantly increase in size rather than shrink down. Finally, it is well documented that the Korchak-Prague culture (evidently Early Slavic!) that has been occupying the SE Poland since the late 5th and early 6th century AD, has come to this region from the East (before expanding further west and north-west), so this would rather speak against SE Poland as a potential initial center of the Slavic expansion.

Despite the above counter-arguments, there is, however, a small chance that M458 was born in SE Poland. We can, for example, imagine that once the local population has been included into the expanding Przeworsk culture, the two major sub-branches of M458 have been separated, with the larger CTS11962 "clan" having moved further east, while its much younger (and less numerous) brother lineage L260 having been left somewhere in SE Poland. Assuming that the CTS11962 clade contributed to the formation of the Zarubintsy culture and all Post-Zarubintsy Early Slavic (or Proto-Slavic) formations, this would explain its presence in nearly all modern Slavic cultures. Additionally, when some of those Early Slavs in Western Ukraine (Korchak-Prague) have started to expand west they met (and "assimilated") a local population representing the young L260 clade. This would explain not only the presence of CTS11962 (including L1029) in all Slavic populations, but also the characteristic distribution pattern of L260 (showing the highest frequency in some sub-populations of Western Slavs).
Well rather the Germanic I clades, I P-37.2 was brought by Slavs for example.

maybe scythian from when the goths settled north of the black sea for so many years
As per the recent finds by KenN that I1 is no longer classed germanic or nordic but basically west-baltic from pomerania and prussia, then we can conclude that the goths took I1 to the balkans.
(seems like I was correct in that the goths where baltic people, but also seems that I was wrong when I thought they where in majority R1a.)
Brings us to the conclusion as per other thread that albanians coastal are J2 and inland E in majority

Wow! This is huge news. Can you site a link or source?

I have been saying for quite some time that I1 looks like it should be pushed more towards Prussia or even Finland. The term Norse would apply probably even more so though because of the Northern orientation of this haplogroup.

It not always easy being a genius...
Interesting, two different conclusions.

For Albanian it is a proof of being old european stock from which all europeans come from.

For Outsider, Albania is like a woman who slept around and now has children related to all europeans.

Actually I never said that Albanian women slept around. I was rather imagining that some Goths (both men and women) became assimilated to the population of the Eastern Roman Empire in the Balkans in the 4th and 5th centuries and their DNA pervaded the whole gene pool in the region.

What you are saying is that male Gothic lineages reached the Albanian gene pool because either:

a) Albanian women slept around (cheated on their Albanian husbands) with Gothic men
b) Gothic men raped Albanian women (unlikely on a big scale since the Goths were poor immigrants wishing to become Roman citizens, not mighty conquerors)

I think that neither can explain the 9% of Gothic lineages among the Albanians. The only way to know if that is true is to look at mtDNA lineages and try to identify the exact percentage of Gothic mtDNA among the Albanians. If there is less than 1%, then you may be right. But I expect it to be of a similar percentage as the Y-DNA. Unfortunately we don't know what Gothic mtDNA lineages were at present, and anyway we don't have a study on Albanian mtDNA that includes deep subclades.
This is a known fact that albanians (real identity - shqiptars) married or shall we say slept with their sisters, brothers or cousins, also known as incest. Thats why they have most common ancestors. But the truth about who are most pure country is they who match less with other countries population.

The 'self' column shows the number of shared IBD ("identical by descent") blocks with other individuals of that country. The 'other' column compares IBD blocks with other countries. The higher the value the more recent the common shared ancestry.
The most homogeneous by far are the Albanians (14.5) and the Kosovars (9.9), followed by the Slovenes (5.0), the Russians (4.3), the Poles (3.8), and other Slavic peoples. It means that the Albanian and the Kosovan populations expanded quite recently from a much smaller source population.
However the Albanians, Kosovars and Montenegrins have the highest percentage of shared IBD blocks with the rest of Europe.
The Spaniards, the Cypriots, and oddly enough also the Macedonians appear to be the most isolated populations from the rest of Europe. They are closely followed by the French, Swiss, Italians, Portuguese and Turks.

Most isolated = Most original people of the country. (Spaniards, Cypriots, Macedonians)
Most homogeneous = Most incest people. (Albanians)

In find a bit insulting your "incest" vocabulary! (maybe it was not your purpose)
and do not confuse wide intermarriages basis (contrary to narrow, short endogamy) with populations crossings in them very diverse sources of "exogenes" -
but I think it is sometimes difficult to tell a self within differentiation (by time and/or by number) from an outside come differentiation (far foreign populations introgression) - continuity on place or discontinuity perhaps can be differentiated if some parts of the genome use to vary faster than others (I need some more knowledge about their methods on this point) -i it is the same problem we see about HT "variance",
As per the recent finds by KenN that I1 is no longer classed germanic or nordic but basically west-baltic from pomerania and prussia, then we can conclude that the goths took I1 to the balkans.
(seems like I was correct in that the goths where baltic people, but also seems that I was wrong when I thought they where in majority R1a.)
Brings us to the conclusion as per other thread that albanians coastal are J2 and inland E in majority

on what basis? 6% only of -Y1 in baltic lands...
surely they were denser previously but before I-Eans, and they were overflowed - they have been for a long time all over the baltic shores until Finnland and in Denmark
today they are more a germanic marker or finnic marker than whatever else and without any other proof I consider Y-I1 as a reasonably sure germanic marker in southern lands of Europe - maybe sometime I 'll know I'm wrong?
Actually I never said that Albanian women slept around. I.
Neither did I. It was a figure of speech.
She/Albania slept around/mixed with others.
wtf what are you trying to say me

you stalk me in every thread and writte some random crap with makes not even sense
you are writting me not i you so how do i bore you lol hahahahah

you name neolithic settlements as illyrian,
I ask you, Illyrians spoke IE and you did not answer.

Simply I got bored of Albanian extra Nationalistic imagination,


I'm not at all convinced the I1 was brought southward by the Gothic tribal movements. I'm thinking it happened much later.
Maciamo said:
The Albanian Y-DNA pool undeniably incorporated Germanic (most likely Gothic) lineages as well, judging by the 2% of I1 and 1.5% of I2b. I don't have the breakdown of R1a and R1b subclades, but I would expect at least 5% of R1a+R1b to be of Germanic origin. So overall we are looking at approximately 8-9% of Germanic blood among Albanians.

I don't understand. According to Eupedia y HG table Albanian I1,I2b figures are not high. Every neighbour country has more I1 and I2b, even Greece and Bulgaria.
I tend to agree with nordicwarbler that it came later than Goths.
I don't understand. According to Eupedia y HG table Albanian I1,I2b figures are not high. Every neighbour country has more I1 and I2b, even Greece and Bulgaria.
I tend to agree with nordicwarbler that it came later than Goths.

Ken N stated in 2012 that I2b was Eastern balkans and went to anatolia
he stated recently that I1 was south baltic marker
he also stated that I2a was ukraine and moldovian ( its moldovia's highest marker )

So, maciano I1 comment seemed to have meant that it could not come before the "germanic" invasions of the balkans . The goths could have taken I2a with it as they settled in ukraine and moldovian areas for a long time before they began their invasion. and I2b was ancient bulgarian and romanian lands.

The albanian I markers could be dregs of goths who remained after their balkan kingdom declined. Its Albanian by default.

I2b was already in Italy in the early iron-age
Some countries on the list are seriously underepresented, Montenegro 1 person?
I's not that they are underrepresented. It's their size. Montenegrins are around 200 000 people. The rest of the people in Montenegro are Servs (around 40%), Albanians (around 8%) and Boshniacs, Croats the rest. So, that's why is a single person.
Some countries on the list are seriously underepresented, Montenegro 1 person?

So according to their population Montenegrins should have less than one person. Since its not practical to halve a person, they have given them a full person. So in this study they appear overrepresented.:LOL:
I don't understand. According to Eupedia y HG table Albanian I1,I2b figures are not high. Every neighbour country has more I1 and I2b, even Greece and Bulgaria.
I tend to agree with nordicwarbler that it came later than Goths.

That table is not that accurate about Albania. It's an average of Albanian and Kosovar y-dna, which are a bit different. Pericic found more I1 in Kosovars than in all other ex-Jugoslavs thou; and they're supposed to be the least germanic of Albanians because they descend from Pelasgian refuge-mountain areas. There is no published study about South/Middle Albania, where you would expect to find the most traces of the "germanic" tribes.
For example according to this paper I-M223 in Albanians is even higher than Swedes which is odd to say the least...


It's curious to see that Arbereshe community in Italy has the same percentages of I-M223

3.8% of I-M223 + 2.8% of I-M253 which is 6.6% and other studies show the same.

the survey you mention is of 2004, new surveys came after and these %s ought to be changed, for Albanese as for french regions (and evidently mayby for others too) -
I red very contradictory things concerning Y-I2a2 ex I2B ex I1c as for Provence where it was supposed to be high and now is low - I saw old maps where at first it was centered around Provence and other where it was centered around Rouergue (south to Auvergne, just north to the central mediterranean coasts of Languedoc. So...
the survey you mention is of 2004, new surveys came after and these %s ought to be changed, for Albanese as for french regions (and evidently mayby for others too) -
I red very contradictory things concerning Y-I2a2 ex I2B ex I1c as for Provence where it was supposed to be high and now is low - I saw old maps where at first it was centered around Provence and other where it was centered around Rouergue (south to Auvergne, just north to the central mediterranean coasts of Languedoc. So...
Well yes i can post other studies but anyway it's still reliable, just the terminology has changed.

For example in Pericic paper Kosovar Albanians (No Albanians from Albania) show 5.31% of I-M253 no I-M223 found.

Seems the later haplogroup haves a little hotspot between South Albania, North Greece and Macedonia so it makes sense.
You can see in this table the degree of genetic diversity for each population.

The 'self' column shows the number of shared IBD ("identical by descent") blocks with other individuals of that country. The 'other' column compares IBD blocks with other countries. The higher the value the more recent the common shared ancestry. The Italians have the lowest self value (0.6), followed by the French (0.7) then the Belgians, Germans and Swiss (all 1.1). These are Europe's most genetically diverse populations according to this study. This coroborates my own research on surname diversity, which I found to be the highest in Italy, then France, then Belgium.

I'm sorry because it is on the merge of this topic -
but concernng frequence of patronymic surnames, even if your remark keeps a lot of sense, I precise that the density of different surnames in a population depends on more than 1 fact: the date of first patronymic fixed transmission and the research of originality or differenciation for names:
we could wait a less variated panel or surnames if they were fixed in ancient time in a small population - but
Wales chosen patronymic system only about the XIX° century which doesn' t explain the paucity if it explainsthe anglo-norman look of the more born welsh surnames; by the way: the same late (around 1800) date for Jews in France (Napoleon the 1st) - Scandinavia too - we could wait more variated surnames in these cases: not at all: the welsh and scandinavian system was a true patronymic UNfixed one, changing at every generation: son of ... was the rule ('mab' >> '(a)b/p'-+ christian name' in Wales, dropped very often after, and christian name'-sson'-'sen' among Scandinavians: poor enough result too in North Europe -
Spain and Portugal, highly variable region according to this survey, is poor enough concerning surnames too-
other detail: France is vaste: if you study the surnames by regions, you find less variability in ancient times - and when making this kind of statistic, it is difficult to manage the regional forms of same meaning surnames...

concerning the present topic, even if things seem evident enough, I wait having understood the all method before saying my point of view - because I try to tell the impact of population dimension on ancient mixtures from the impact of new mixtures -
sun is came back in Brittany and perhaps elsewhere: surely it will help us to see more clearly?

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