Dacian Language

Latin evolved alongide Albanian. They have been in continuous contact. They've evolved together. And why do you fabricate what I've said? When have I ever claimed such thing? When have they ever been my theories when I clearly posted links and quotes.

I posted the proof, you choose to ignore it for no reason other than didn't like it. It's called cherrypicking.

As for the rest of your hypothesis, don't call it theory, it's not a theory, it can esly be disproved by genetics.

Something posted here in Eupedia before and you made a mess in :




The source I gave It was published in 2000, written by Russian linguist Vladimir Orel. Kopitar was simply the first to noticed it and has been proven since then. 200 years since proven and fringe theories still persist. But Orel's books the first thing a linguist should read for understanding Albanian. And you don't devalue a scientist's work just because it's old. Newton wrote on the theory of gravity 400 years ago, we still use it today. This is what's good about sciences, there's fixed rules to abide to and linguistics is a science too. History is not a science though. Every day new things are discovered some of them disprove earlier assumptions and the entire scholarship changes.

In History just because something cannot be found, it doesn't mean it doesn't has never existed. It means it has not been found. In order to fill gaps, History always relies in other sciences. For example, historians have needed the help of geologists to understand what caused the Bronze Age collpase. It was a volcano in Thera (Santorino). Just because they didn't see the explosion or had documets of it, it doesn't mean it's refusable. It's a fact they don't need documents to accept it. It's accepted because science says so. Linguistics too is a science.

This is the part wher linguists disagree and let me explain you why. Dacian, Thracian, "Illyrian", Dardanian are all people of the Balkans. Since it was proven Albanian was a langauge steming from the Balkans, theories started on finding out where. The problem is the Balkans was a melting pot of cultures, where borders did not exist.

Dardania is often referred to either Thracian , Illyrian or Thraco-Illyrian and later even a group of their own, because it's difficult to classify them. Illyrians lived in Dardania, and so did Thracians. And other minor tribes not belonging to either group.

So was Illyria. Once the term Illyria referred to pretty much the entire Western Balkans. now we know there's at least distincively different groups there and the term Illyrian generally now refers to those who lived in modern day Montenegro and Albania only, the southern most ones. The rest have different names. 1)"Propi Dictii" meaning proper Illyrians, (the Southern-most ones) 2)Delmetae 3)Liburni (Veneti) 4)Japodes 5)Pannonians (the northen most ones), numerous minor tribes unrelated to the big five, and Dacian colonies too. Different langauges, different people, one great territory.

Macedonian were an weird group as well. But at least we we know something more conclsuive about them. "Macedonia" it's an umbrella term for many tribes during the Argeads rule and the terriory corresponing to Maceonia has expanded and shrinked over time. Rulers of Macedonia though, lived in Lower Macedonia where there was a large Greek population alongside a large Thracian population.

Greeks from Greece (not a nation in Ancient times, just the comparable territory today) barely accepted the Macedonian rulers as Greeks, but they were accepted nevertheless. Lower Macedonia was populated by Greeks and Thracian mostly, while Upper Macedonia was a mess of people. Upper Macedonias did whatever they wanted despite being part of Lower Macedonia's rule. Lower Macedonia didn't care. I like this relationship, really.

You see why there are so many theories? Because the Balkans were not homongenous, the people were extrmely spread out and did not correspond tor Roman drawn territories.

That was a quote from the link I just gave. I gave the quote, hence it was in a quotebox, and then the link beside it. Here's the link again http://books.google.com/books?id=MF...lear that Albanian was an independent&f=false

It was not my theory, it was written by the author of the book, Olga Mišeska Tomić, a linguist specialized in the Balkan languages. It also talks about other langauges of the Balkans, it's a book about the Balkan sprachbund after all. Do not insult her hard work. Read it instead.

Aryan means noble in Iranian, what does this have to with Arbania in the Middle Ages? Beside, Albanian /r/ or /l/ in /rj/ (/ry/ in this case) or /lj/ give /j/ in modern Albanian, not /b/. It appears in certain dialects after /m/ giving /mb/ and no other case. In other cases, it's voiced /p/. In no way goes from /rj/ to /rb/. There's no relation between Aryan and Arbanian.

Again just because you don't understand what I say, it doesn't make me wrong. I know it seems like you will appear smart by repeating arguments I have never made, purpously misinterpreting them as my conclusions because it makes it easier to attack me directly. And that's what you're doing. You're attacking me directly to make yourself seem smart instead and me dumb. It doesn't make you smart, it just means you're out of arguments against me but refuse to give up. You cherrypick whatever you want to make me seem cluless and unreliable and you're completely derialing the topic. Mentioning of Albanian langauge in a Dacian topic is neccesary, as the two have been theorized before of being related. Albanain language is not off topic in a Dacian thread.

You're wasting your time, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

While I agree with you that Dardanian is closest to modern Albanians.........it only reflects Kosovo Albanians and not the coastal Albania

Latest theory is that the dardanians of the or near the roman province of Moesia where neither Thracian nor Illyrian and neither Dardanian from Anatolia
Finally the truth came out of you. Repeat it a couple of times till you realize what's in your subconsciousness...

It's cute how you twisted my words by putting them out of the context. You're really out of arguments huh? That's why your solution of arguing against me is by attacking me? You really have nothing constructive to say for what I provided, so attack my poor grammar? Just because I didn't explain the context? I should have expanded it right? So you don't consider I wrote all that before the last line I needed some rest for my finger.

All right I'll expand it.

The context included the historical documents Sile pulled out. As I said to you and didn't want to repeat anymore since my poor finger were tired, just because texts they have not been found it doesn't they have never existed. We know that because they're not the only evidence. The strongest evidence of an Albanian continuity is linguistics. Everything you need, how it evolved over time alongside Latin, it has been studied for over 200 years and only expanded from that. This is how we know there is a continuity between Proto-Albanians who originated in the Balkans and Albanians today. I provided you he links, the books everyone who starts talking about Albanian must have read.

Just like there wren't documents in antiquity on the eruption of Thera, we know through geology it erupted. Remember when I made that analogy? You don't need something written to say that volcano erupted, because something else proved it. History does not work alone, it works together with other sciences. If we only saw History as a bunch of written documents, we wouldn't have discovered so much. The blanks missing in historical documents can be filled in other ways.

But it's easier to cherrypick and attack me than listen to my reasoning. And claim my reasoning is wrong by playing dumb to distract me from the fact you have nothing to say.

While I agree with you that Dardanian is closest to modern Albanians.........it only reflects Kosovo Albanians and not the coastal Albania

Latest theory is that the dardanians of the or near the roman province of Moesia where neither Thracian nor Illyrian and neither Dardanian from Anatolia

So they were something of their own.
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Finally the truth came out of you. Repeat it a couple of times till you realize what's in your subconsciousness...
You still believe Yugoslavia still exist:LOL::LOL: But keep telling your self that over and over and over, see if it still does.:embarassed:
It's cute how you twisted my words by putting them out of the context. You're really out of arguments huh? That's why your solution of arguing against me is by attacking me? You really have nothing constructive to say for what I provided, so attack my poor grammar? Just because I didn't explain the context? I should have expanded it right? So you don't consider I wrote all that before the last line I needed some rest for my finger.

All right I'll expand it.

The context included the historical documents Sile pulled out. As I said to you and didn't want to repeat anymore since my poor finger were tired, just because texts they have not been found it doesn't they have never existed. We know that because they're not the only evidence. The strongest evidence of an Albanian continuity is linguistics. Everything you need, how it evolved over time alongside Latin, it has been studied for over 200 years and only expanded from that. This is how we know there is a continuity between Proto-Albanians who originated in the Balkans and Albanians today. I provided you he links, the books everyone who starts talking about Albanian must have read.

Just like there wren't documents in antiquity on the eruption of Thera, we know through geology it erupted. Remember when I made that analogy? You don't need something written to say that volcano erupted, because something else proved it. History does not work alone, it works together with other sciences. If we only saw History as a bunch of written documents, we wouldn't have discovered so much. The blanks missing in historical documents can be filled in other ways.

But it's easier to cherrypick and attack me than listen to my reasoning. And claim my reasoning is wrong by playing dumb to distract me from the fact you have nothing to say.

I'm starting to wonder are you able to understand what is expected from you ... Do you understand that these are not proofs of anything? You can't fill in the blanks with what suits you, or even with what's most logical, just because there are blanks there, and then claim it is proven. The way you are filling them is not definite and conclusive.
You still believe Yugoslavia still exist:LOL::LOL: But keep telling your self that over and over and over, see if it still does.:embarassed:

You believe that it not exists? It's sad how easily one does neglect the law just because it fits his current needs.
As I already said,Romanian & Aromanian,after logic should be most closed to Ilyrian language.

And Aromanians are saying about Albanians that they are later comers in Balkans.Aromanians know lots of things .They are people who love to learn.
Add to this, some Albanians which were allied to Ottoman Empire destroyed Moskopole,which was one of the largest cities in Balkans,city of Aromanians.Now how was it possible that so many Aromanians were present in Albania and they had such a developed city there?

So I highly doubt Albanian language has too much in common with Dacian.

Or you are saying Albanians is closed to Ilyrian or you are saying is born of Dacian,because Dacians were conquerors of the area and later comers who conquered the land belonging to Ilyrians.
Not possible that Albanian is descending from both Ilyrian and Dacian.
I doubt that is descending of any from Ilyrian or Dacian.Why? Because folk customs of Albanian people.
On this,(folk customs and so on) later.
I was saying that I do not believe Albanians are native from Balkans.
And this for a simple reason,their popular dress.
They have in their folk clothes,those mountain Albanians,a white hat that is kept on their heads.
This white hat have as main purpose to protect their heads from the sun.
This together with the very white skin on Gheg albanian,shows they came from somewhere NW Europe.
They were conquerors while Aromanians were making most of the people.
(that thing with Albanians being very dark people is some noob Serbian making fun).
Know that Serbians were making fun of Albanians with the picture of some Albanian football player,Altin Lala. Look for comparison to a picture of Gica Hagi,he is also Aromanian.He (Altin Lala) can pass very well as Aromanian (he is not Gypsie,but South European ). Albania is South Europe so is not normal to have such white skinned people there,as natives.
If you would search you will find some very Scando looking Albanians between Ghegs.
Not possible that these people are here from more than 1000 years ago.
Because this area always had lots of sunshine and high temperatures,even in the mountains.
Also,Albanians are having too much Western Admixture,to be native from SE Europe.
I am talking about this kind of Albanians:
Bekim Balaj:

Clearly North European,can not be native from Balkans.
As for the theory that Albanian language formed to where Hungary is today,I hear it from a Romanian scientists but I can not find now the article.
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You believe that it not exists? It's sad how easily one does neglect the law just because it fits his current needs.
Isn't it the reason we don't use Caveman or Feudal law anymore? They don't fit current needs.
Yeah LeBrok, but first you have to change the law and only then act according to the new circumstances. You can't cast the spell backwards in time, just because it fits your needs - because it pushes your, otherwise illegal, actions back to legitimate ground.
If that could work, ones with the power could make a lot of mess around. If a camera caught you driving through the red light last night at 00:04, that way they could make a law saying that all people passing through the red light on July the 6th between 00:00 and 00:05 are to go 40 years to jail. You see why things like that are not legal?
I'm starting to wonder are you able to understand what is expected from you ... Do you understand that these are not proofs of anything? You can't fill in the blanks with what suits you, or even with what's most logical, just because there are blanks there, and then claim it is proven. The way you are filling them is not definite and conclusive.

Here you go again on attacking me, reading between the lines, cherrypicking what I say to make me seem dumb and you smart. Go on keep attacking me if it makes you feel better. Go on keep playing dumb to make me seem unreliable, that'll show me. Go on keep cherrypicking what you think counts as proof. That'll show everyone else how smart you are and how illogical every scholar I have quoted is. Damn those degrees, those books they have written, those proofs they have shown, they don't count if they you don't like them.

The only thing you're showing through this is you can't invalidate my arguments, but don't want to give up.

I can't wait to see what excuses will you have this time.

As I already said,Romanian & Aromanian,after logic should be most closed to Ilyrian language.

That would be interesting if you showed it. Two things though. Illyrian was not one language and it wasn't a derivate of Vulgar Latin.

And Aromanians are saying about Albanians that they are later comers in Balkans.Aromanians know lots of things .They are people who love to learn.

Aromanian were mostly shepherds, to the point shepherd and Aromun are synonymous in Balkan languages. That of course doesn't mean there were no scholars among them, but you're painting them people who gathers in agoras, which is not what they were.

And one point of view does not invalidate the entire scholarly consensus.

Add to this, some Albanians which were allied to Ottoman Empire destroyed Moskopole,which was one of the largest cities in Balkans,city of Aromanians.Now how was it possible that so many Aromanians were present in Albania and they had such a developed city there?

Moscopolis was an important center for the Ottomans. Aromuns had a special status in the Ottoman laws, thus they too were aligned with the Ottomans. Also, it was not the most important city in the Balkans. It was important, but there were several others in Albanian majority areas. The existence of Moscopolis was alongside those Albanian cities. And you're only doing this to paint a negative image of Albanians as allies of the Ottomans agianst Aromuns, which says nothing about how Aromun descents from a Paleo-Balkanik language. Nevermind all other contemporary Albanians themselves condmened this act. Nevermind Aromuns were allies of the Ottomans too. It seems better from a Hollywoodian point of view.

So I highly doubt Albanian language has too much in common with Dacian.
OK, I'd like to listen to your reasoning why.

Or you are saying Albanians is closed to Ilyrian or you are saying is born of Dacian,because Dacians were conquerors of the area and later comers who conquered the land belonging to Ilyrians.
Not possible that Albanian is descending from both Ilyrian and Dacian.

Dacians had colonies in Illyria. Also Illyrian is not one language. I'm saying Albanian is a descendant of a Paleo-Balkanic language for sure. That's the consensus anyway. I posted links, books that explain cons of each of them. There
is it again http://books.google.com/books?id=MF...lear that Albanian was an independent&f=false

It’s the scholarly consensus, which is what I have been saying so far
1. Albanian is an Indo-European language
2. Albanian is derived of a Paleo-Balkanic language, which includes Dacian (the point of the topic)
3. Illyrian is not one language, but several and that complicates things
4. Proto-Romanian and Proto-Albanians were in contact with each other
5. The question of the origin of Albanians is not merely a where, but where in the Balkans

I doubt that is descending of any from Ilyrian or Dacian.Why? Because folk customs of Albanian people.
On this,(folk customs and so on) later.

That's an interesting POV, but popular costumes of Albanians have changed over the course of history, you have to be careful on which costumes to choose to compare. You cannot compare 17th century costumes with Ancient costumes.

Xhubleta has attracted lots of attention among ethnographers for the resemblance with several costumes found in ancient Balkan murals, statuettes, steleae etc. More about that here http://www.mcser.org/journal/index.php/ajis/article/viewFile/787/818


Today is generally black, but past travelers to Albania in the 15th to 17th centuries have described it colorful, with blue, green, yellow, red, violet being popular.

Of course this is not the only traditional costume we have. In the Middle Ages this was a popular costume among women, not xhubleta:


It's pretty different from xhubleta isn't it? After 17th century costumes were different too, they were more similar to what's seen today on a google search.

This is the cycle of costumes in Albania (and the rest of the world for that matter), a style is introduced, replaces an older one, becomes very popular, some time passes, is replaced. However there are always exemptions, and xhubleta is one of them. Some regions preserve older costumes better than others. Isolation is usually a factor.

That's the only thing I'll ask from you, make sure to know which costumes to compare.

I was saying that I do not believe Albanians are native from Balkans.

It has been proven Albanians are, but I still want to listen to your reasoning.

And this for a simple reason,their popular dress.

They have in their folk clothes,those mountain Albanians,a white hat that is kept on their heads.
This white hat have as main purpose to protect their heads from the sun.

It has no fuction to protect from the sun. It's actually among men used all over Albania, it's the shape what changes depending on the region. It actually was used in Ancient Balkans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pileus_(hat)
Here is the specifically Albanian one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qeleshe

This together with the very white skin on Gheg albanian,shows they came from somewhere NW Europe.
They were conquerors while Aromanians were making most of the people.
(that thing with Albanians being very dark people is some noob Serbian making fun).
Know that Serbians were making fun of Albanians with the picture of some Albanian football player,Altin Lala. Look for comparison to a picture of Gica Hagi,he is also Aromanian.He (Altin Lala) can pass very well as Aromanian (he is not Gypsie,but South European ). Albania is South Europe so is not normal to have such white skinned people there,as natives.
If you would search you will find some very Scando looking Albanians between Ghegs.
Not possible that these people are here from more than 1000 years ago.
Because this area always had lots of sunshine and high temperatures,even in the mountains.
Also,Albanians are having too much Western Admixture,to be native from SE Europe.
I am talking about this kind of Albanians:
Bekim Balaj:

Clearly North European,can not be native from Balkans.


As for the theory that Albanian language formed to where Hungary is today,I hear it from a Romanian scientists but I can not find now the article.

So one Romanian scholar said that and all have to say that too? It's weird, most Romanians scholars say the opposite so they can claim all Albanian-Romanian words in common come from a substratum not from an Albanian contact, although a lot are moving away from this as well. Just look at where Hungary is, neighbourino with Romania.

Most scholars think Romanian does have a substratum for sure, but not as large as it makes it. I've heard Hungarian scholars say the entire so called substratum comes from Albanian, sometimes South Slavic. I agree with the rest of scholars, it has a substratum but not as big.
Yeah LeBrok, but first you have to change the law and only then act according to the new circumstances. You can't cast the spell backwards in time, just because it fits your needs - because it pushes your, otherwise illegal, actions back to legitimate ground.
What?! You can kick out dictator with free election?! Are you kidding me? First you need revolution to establish democracy for the system to work in the way you describe!

If that could work, ones with the power could make a lot of mess around. If a camera caught you driving through the red light last night at 00:04, that way they could make a law saying that all people passing through the red light on July the 6th between 00:00 and 00:05 are to go 40 years to jail. You see why things like that are not legal?
It won't happen, driving through red light is always bad, either in dictatorship or democracy (same as pedophilia, remember?) Bad example on your part. On other hand, you almost always need revolution to establish democracy. I'm sure you are familiar with some historic facts.
3. Illyrian is not one language, but several and that complicates things

ancient Illyria area is like the modern Iberia area

Iberia has Catalan, Basque, Portuguese , Galician, Castilian and many more langauges ..........there is NO iberian language............same thing as there is no Illyrian language, It has never been found by anybody or any linguist because It has never existed.

In illyria area you have liburnian, dalmatian, Pannoian, japodes and many other languages..........but NO illyrian language.
LeBrok said:
You are a sick pervert Ike. One more post like this and you'll be banned forever.

LeBrok, you personally asked for the example. I don't know what's your problem?!
What's with you and legal issues? Why can't you reasonably discuss about that stuff?
Here you go again on attacking me, reading between the lines, cherrypicking what I say to make me seem dumb and you smart. Go on keep attacking me if it makes you feel better. Go on keep playing dumb to make me seem unreliable, that'll show me. Go on keep cherrypicking what you think counts as proof. That'll show everyone else how smart you are and how illogical every scholar I have quoted is. Damn those degrees, those books they have written, those proofs they have shown, they don't count if they you don't like them.

The only thing you're showing through this is you can't invalidate my arguments, but don't want to give up.

I can't wait to see what excuses will you have this time.

I don't see where you're going with this. You're into playing my victim too far. Let's get back on the road.
As I recall I asked you for a conclusive evidence of Albanian linguistic continuity on the territory of Balkans. Your turn...
Romania = lots of sunshine for most part.
Dacians = mostly blonde and blue eyed,anyway,much lighter people than Greeks.
Today Albania = even more sunny place.
Think is very easy to understand that Dacians were not native people in the area,that they came from a more Northern part (or some mountain land from Iran or Caucasus).
Aromanians are looking quite close to Pontic Greeks.
I know that were some Iranic speaking people,which were also quite lighter people,no idea how you explain that,I think there are some very tall mountains in Iran and these people originate mostly there or in Caucasus.
Take for example this mountain town from Iran:
It has about 1500 hours of sunshine per year.
Bucharest got about 2100.It is just under 45 degrees North latitude.
Cluj,which is about 46,46 degrees North,got about 2000.
Iasi,which is about 47 degrees NE got about 1950.

And I highly doubt that mountains from Romania were inhabited by natives when Romania was called Dacia.

There is also known that Dacians were mountain people,same about Thracians so is quite clear they were very different from Ilyrian people.
And Thracians and Dacians were warrior population,not shepherds as most native Romanians and Aromanians were.
One more thing to add shepherds from Romania are much darker people than the average Romanian,as skin color and as hair color.
I don't see where you're going with this. You're into playing my victim too far. Let's get back on the road.
As I recall I asked you for a conclusive evidence of Albanian linguistic continuity on the territory of Balkans. Your turn...

have albanians been tested for EEF, WHG and ANE numbers?

the Ralph and Coop paper states Albanians arrived in the balkans around 500AD
have albanians been tested for EEF, WHG and ANE numbers?

the Ralph and Coop paper states Albanians arrived in the balkans around 500AD

the Kosovars I have seen tested with 23AndMe were 99% Europe with 85%Balkan + 15% Broadly Southern European. No Eastern Europe or Northern Europe, which have got to be the simplest and cleanest admixtures I have seen so far. So yeah, you guys are just beating a dead horse, because Albanians genetically are the oldest in the Balkans, Illyrian or not.
the Kosovars I have seen tested with 23AndMe were 99% Europe with 85%Balkan + 15% Broadly Southern European. No Eastern Europe or Northern Europe, which have got to be the simplest and cleanest admixtures I have seen so far. So yeah, you guys are just beating a dead horse, because Albanians genetically are the oldest in the Balkans, Illyrian or not.

the above statistic has the signature of who?
the above statistic has the signature of who?
Just share genes with a few Albanians from Kosovo on 23AndMe and you will see their admixture. Anyone can do it, you don't even need to be a scientist. If you're Greek you have an advantage because you might have a couple of Kosovars in your list of "cousins", so no need to look very far. I would not lie about something so easy to verify.

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