New study claims that Irishmen descended from Turkish farmers

On average,a Pashtun from Pakistan/Afghanistan is much more light skinned than the average Eskimo

I am not under the impression that Eskimos can be considered dark. Do not forget the fact that one can easily get a sun tan when going skiing (meaning were there is a cover of snow). Thats because of solar reflection. This does not happen in areas that are well know to have grass and tree canopy as foliage is a good UV absorbed. Most areas in Europe are fertile ground for thick forest and it was such before the population explosion which caused so much deforestation.
Sorry but blue eyes are in one group with gray, green is a cousin of brown.
no animal ever(be it human or any other animal) adapts to cold low uv with blue eyes(albinism) and tyrosinase defect(blondism/gingerism and pale skin)!!! alla rctic animals have brown melanated skin underneath the fur and brown or black eyes!!! so no, we white folks are not adapted to low uv

how many times must i repeat myself..
enough sunshine to be collected by brown skin to warm up the body

so number one, a black object collects heat from sunshine so it stays warm
white objects reflect sunlight and stay cold
this explains why eskimos are darkskinned because dark skin is beneficial both in hot climate(uv protection) and cold climate(heating up body) so again this proves whites are not adapted to any climate we are albinos oca1b who can only survive in low uv climate because we lack the protection from uv which causes folic acid breakdown (degenerative diseases and birth defects) and skin cancer! and we lack also melanin to warm up the body by absorbing sunlight in cold climate areas.. this is sadly the truth backed up by scientific facts and common sense..

here i found a link which covers this in detail:

try to debunk this bulletproof fact!
so number one, a black object collects heat from sunshine so it stays warm
white objects reflect sunlight and stay cold
this explains why eskimos are darkskinned because dark skin is beneficial both in hot climate(uv protection) and cold climate(heating up body) so again this proves whites are not adapted to any climate.

Melanin is not about absorbing heat from sunshine but to BLOCK uv rays. Like when you stay in the sun and go dark? you know how it happens?

try to debunk this bulletproof fact!

If all this makes you feel good then stick to it. Good luck
no animal ever(be it human or any other animal) adapts to cold low uv with blue eyes(albinism) and tyrosinase defect(blondism/gingerism and pale skin)!!! alla rctic animals have brown melanated skin underneath the fur and brown or black eyes!!! so no, we white folks are not adapted to low uv

how many times must i repeat myself..
enough sunshine to be collected by brown skin to warm up the body

so number one, a black object collects heat from sunshine so it stays warm
white objects reflect sunlight and stay cold
this explains why eskimos are darkskinned because dark skin is beneficial both in hot climate(uv protection) and cold climate(heating up body) so again this proves whites are not adapted to any climate we are albinos oca1b who can only survive in low uv climate because we lack the protection from uv which causes folic acid breakdown (degenerative diseases and birth defects) and skin cancer! and we lack also melanin to warm up the body by absorbing sunlight in cold climate areas.. this is sadly the truth backed up by scientific facts and common sense..

here i found a link which covers this in detail:

try to debunk this bulletproof fact!

Blue eyes are an adaptation to low light, less pigment allows the iris to expand larger and take in more light in low light situations. Animals that use their eyes to hunt at night have light eyes, for example tigers and all cats. This is likely why WHGs all had light eyes.
Blue eyes are an adaptation to low light, less pigment allows the iris to expand larger and take in more light in low light situations. Animals that use their eyes to hunt at night have light eyes, for example tigers and all cats. This is likely why WHGs all had light eyes.
blue eyes are tyrosinase defect not an adaptation(100%)
(no nocturnal animal has blue eyes either!!!)

load of nonsense and wishfull thinking.. did you ever read the arguments in the links i posted?!?

the carnivorous cats have completely different eye anatomy from humans they have tapetum lucidum!!! again you failed to disprove the fact blondism and blue eyes are albinsims traits..

brown eyes actually attract more light than light eyes because light eyes reflect it but melanin brown eyes attract it so you can see even better in the dark! darker object attract light lighter repel/reflect it this is why you get hot with a black t shirt in summer..
nocturnal primate
nocturnal slender loris
inuit eyes
polar bear eyes
shaved polar bear

truth is only one..
Blue eyes are an adaptation to low light, less pigment allows the iris to expand larger and take in more light in low light situations. Animals that use their eyes to hunt at night have light eyes, for example tigers and all cats. This is likely why WHGs all had light eyes.

It is true, I agree! If one has ligh blue eyes they are more sensitive to light (I know from my own experience) and albino people have to wear sun glasses because their eyes are extremely sensitive to sun.

WHGs lived in forests where there was less light. And the highest percentage of light eyed individuals is in the territories rich in WHG ancestry.
It is true, I agree! If one has ligh blue eyes they are more sensitive to light (I know from my own experience) and albino people have to wear sun glasses because their eyes are extremely sensitive to sun.

WHGs lived in forests where there was less light. And the highest percentage of light eyed individuals is in the territories rich in WHG ancestry.
no mate, all creatures living in northern dense forests be it human or animal have brown eyes..

from nocturnal northern european bats, to northern european brown bears! every animal even such nocturnal creatures as bats need sunlight to survive and from your theory the nocturnal animals must have all depigmented bodies which is not true they all have black or brown eyes and dark melanated skin because it better absorbs light even in low uv areas! no animal ever in the northern forests has blue eyes! only albino humans and animals..

It is true, I agree! If one has ligh blue eyes they are more sensitive to light (I know from my own experience) and albino people have to wear sun glasses because their eyes are extremely sensitive to sun.
exatly! this only confirms what i try to explain here..

those who tell truth are not always popular but i can live with this one..
blue eyes are tyrosinase defect not an adaptation(100%)
(no nocturnal animal has blue eyes either!!!)

load of nonsense and wishfull thinking.. did you ever read the arguments in the links i posted?!?

the carnivorous cats have completely different eye anatomy from humans they have tapetum lucidum!!! again you failed to disprove the fact blondism and blue eyes are albinsims traits..

brown eyes actually attract more light than light eyes because light eyes reflect it but melanin brown eyes attract it so you can see even better in the dark! darker object attract light lighter repel/reflect it this is why you get hot with a black t shirt in summer..
nocturnal primate
nocturnal slender loris
inuit eyes
polar bear eyes
shaved polar bear

truth is only one..

Constantly repeating unscientific nonsense does not make it true. Neither blue eyes nor blond hair have anything to do with albinism, and you will not find a single scientist who believes such tripe.
Sorry but blue eyes are in one group with gray, green is a cousin of brown.




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brown eyes actually attract more light than light eyes because light eyes reflect it but melanin brown eyes attract it so you can see even better in the dark! darker object attract light lighter repel/reflect it this is why you get hot with a black t shirt in summer..
So Subsaharan Africans are black because they need to warm up on this cold continent, lol. And Europeans are white because they feel too hot in Europe. What a piece of crap!

You don't have slightest idea why melanin is in the skin. You clanged to cold and hot to explain skin colour? There is no connection of skin colour to temperature. It is only connected to UV radiation.

Listen carefully. Melanin protects skin against damage from UV, therefore from the cancer. Wherever the sun is the strongest people are black or brown, because they need melanin to protect them from too much UV, like in Africa or India.
UV also is beneficial and produces vitamin D3 in our skin. We need some of UV but not too much. People in higher latitudes needed to have lighter skin because a lot of melanin, like in black people, blocks to much of UV and they can't produce enough D3. Less melanin in the skin equals lighter skin colour. It is simple and logical, proven many times, and it is in tune with all the research done for last 50 years.
It is just a basic science and there is much more to be explained, but I stop here. I have justified doubts that it is too much knowledge for you already. I won't waste my time further.

I advise you to stop posting your fantasy. Enough is enough.
It is true, I agree! If one has ligh blue eyes they are more sensitive to light (I know from my own experience) and albino people have to wear sun glasses because their eyes are extremely sensitive to sun.

WHGs lived in forests where there was less light. And the highest percentage of light eyed individuals is in the territories rich in WHG ancestry.

Yes anyone who has been to an optometrist has had the drops put in their eyes that dilate your pupils making them more sensitive to sunlight. Everyone has blue eyes however most of us have a layer of brown pigment covering the blue layer, there is a new procedure that uses uv rays to disintegrate the brown pigment changing your eye color to blue.


If you look at the GED match Eye colors of the European Hunter Gatherers you can see that they don't actually have blue eyes, they all share a light yellow coloration. To me this shows that there was selection underway for people who had better vision hunting in low light, Europe is already an area with low light but the dense forests would have made things even darker. Combine those adaptations with EEF depigmentation genes and you get blue IMO.

ANE's on the other hand didn't need good vision to see a Mammoth (lol), likewise EEFs food was stationary and didn't require great vision.
Yes anyone who has been to an optometrist has had the drops put in their eyes that dilate your pupils making them more sensitive to sunlight. Everyone has blue eyes however most of us have a layer of brown pigment covering the blue layer, there is a new procedure that uses uv rays to disintegrate the brown pigment changing your eye color to blue.


If you look at the GED match Eye colors of the European Hunter Gatherers you can see that they don't actually have blue eyes, they all share a light yellow coloration. To me this shows that there was selection underway for people who had better vision hunting in low light, Europe is already an area with low light but the dense forests would have made things even darker. Combine those adaptations with EEF depigmentation genes and you get blue IMO.

ANE's on the other hand didn't need good vision to see a Mammoth (lol), likewise EEFs food was stationary and didn't require great vision.

In theory it makes sense. Did someone do a research confirming that blue eyes are better in dim light or at night?
Not true. Why are their Indian/Pakistani (South Asian) neighbors a lot more dark-skinned than the East Asian Mongoloids? China is about as far away to the equator as Central America or Mexico.

They also may not share a common ancestor; where are the slanted eyes in the South Asians?

Thats absolutely not true. The East Asians I have seen vary from Pakistani, Saudi Skin, Indian skin color to South Europeans. Thais as white as the whitest Europeans?
Does this Thai look like as white as the whitest Europeans?

Chinese, Japanese, Koreans vary from Pakistani, Afghani, Saudi to northern West Asian/South European skin color. Thais have a variation of l South Indians to Pakistani skin color. Those maps are obviously false when it comes to East Asian skin coloring. I doubt they even had samples.


In theory it makes sense. Did someone did a research confirming that blue eyes are better in dim light or at night?

That was a popular theory but it doesn't seem to be the case.

I believe the mutation that causes blue eyes was a chance mutation that flourished because blue eyes are attractive. My blue eyes had a hypnotic effect on many women when I was young, although I was also slender and handsome then - my blue eyes don't seem to be as effective now.
Chinese, Japanese, Koreans vary from Pakistani, Afghani, Saudi to northern West Asian/South European skin color. Thais have a variation of l South Indians to Pakistani skin color. Those maps are obviously false when it comes to East Asian skin coloring. I doubt they even had samples.


Ture, it depends on ethnic groups, or their relation with old ethnic groups. For example "aboriginal" kids should be the darker. The Indo-Iranains should be the lighter ones.

Of course it is just speculation over this picture The first kid might be as well a child of mixed marriage with Europeans, and the darker kids emigrants from Bangladesh.

This picture is supposedly from flood relief 2 years ago. We can see kids varying from olive to darker brown. We should give them few shades lighter tones as obviously they carry some tan.
That was a popular theory but it doesn't seem to be the case.

I believe the mutation that causes blue eyes was a chance mutation that flourished because blue eyes are attractive. My blue eyes had a hypnotic effect on many women when I was young, although I was also slender and handsome then - my blue eyes don't seem to be as effective now.

The link you posted has nothing to do with eye color / night vision and is just some sensationalist junk article that has long been proven to be trash.

Also the bias in your opinion is ... intentional comedy?
The link you posted has nothing to do with eye color / night vision and is just some sensationalist junk article that has long been proven to be trash.

Also the bias in your opinion is ... intentional comedy?

I looked around quickly and couldn't find any valid information about vision in relation to eye colour. All I found is that blue eyes might be more sensitive, meaning delicate, to strong light.

The light enters an eye through the pupil, the dark center of the eye. The light doesn't enter through iris, so colour of iris shouldn't matter regarding vision sensitivity or colours.
This picture is supposedly from flood relief 2 years ago. We can see kids varying from olive to darker brown. We should give them few shades lighter tones as obviously they carry some tan.

Indeed Pakistanis have more tan because South Asia is more dry and hot than East Asia. Yet on average even with tan Pakistani skin color is not out of the Chinese range. Light Skinned Pakistanis can look as light as your lighter skinned Chinese while more tanned Pakistanis are not much darker than dark skinned Chinese. While there are South Asians who can be far lighter than anything possible with East Asians.

There is no real difference in skin color between Central/South Chinese and Pakistanis.

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