Nutrition Bacon Causes Cancer


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That's the sensational take away by most people after the WHO claimed, upon review of the research, that processed meats cause cancer.

It's bunk, in my opinion. First of all, it's not just bacon, but all cured meats. Second of all, the worst offenders are the nitrates and nitrites with which most modern "cured" meats are prepared. Traditionally, these were salted and air dried, no chemicals were involved. So, if you want to be "healthier" you should go for the traditional varieties of these meats. "Organic" non treated varieties are available, if more expensive. Traditional "European" versions are also available. (Ironically American food safety regulations forbade the importation of prosciutto and mortadella for years. You still can't import culatello.)

They do also indict all "red" meat as being implicated in cancer.

Honestly, I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting tired of this unrelenting drum beat against virtually anything that anyone would want to eat.

Does anyone really want to live to be 100 if it means you're going to be miserable every day of your life because all you can eat is rabbit food? Also, I have news for them, too much water can kill you.

I come from an area where the women, especially, seem to live forever....well, into their nineties at least.
They eat red meat, if in moderation, especially pork and veal, lots of cured meats, along with chicken, eggs, fish occasionally, bread (usually white), pasta, vegetables, fruits, nuts, use a lot of olive oil, drink a little wine, walk a lot, and have supportive loving family and friends. That's the recipe I would give for a long life.

Oh, having good genes helps. Trust me on this one, you can do absolutely everything "right", and if you inherited a "bad" mutation, or one occurred in you, that's it. All of these proscriptions won't help you.

It's also not a good idea to knowingly expose yourself to lots of environmental pollutants.

That's it.
All processed industrial meats can cause cancer. All pesticides (all the "cides") may cause cancer. PVCs, parabens, the list goes on and on, can act as xenoestrogens that cause cancer in men and women, and especially causes the "moob" effect in men (male boobs). Now, if we just stop for a minute and think, all the food, all detergents contain these. And the processed food is the biggest culprit. But for a woman potatoes and apples can be the worst culprits because they are heavily sprinkled with pesticides, up to 20 times per one season in Italy and Turkey for eg. So, we apply chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides and we give hormones to cows (estrogens) and all this comes either in processed or unprocessed food, but when we process the meat we will be dealing with the ticking bomb since on top of it all we will add the preservatives, colors and sugars. Deadly combination! So, no wonder...even vegetarians are at huge risks.I am having a huge problem how these news are given to us partially and public does never get the full story so I do my own studies.
I agree with all of that. The problem is that organic foods, meats, vegetables, fruits, etc. are very expensive so it winds up that only the well to do can eat really healthy food.

Not everyone can have their own orto for vegetables and fruits and keep their own chickens, rabbits and pigs. I have relatives who do it, but they still have the family farm, and it's still difficult, because they're working all week at their professions.

Fwiw, I think part of what they were doing is tracking colo-rectal cancer by region of the world, and the highest rates were in countries with the highest consumption of red meat. The issue might be, however, that it's not just what they eat, but also what they don't eat. You need the fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, to move things out of the intestinal tract. If you don't consume them whatever carcinogens you consume will stick around too long.
I agree. Colorectal cancer is the most curable one compared to other types of cancer. I know personally four of people, both women and men, that have been operated (colorectal cancer in different stages)and are perfectly healthy now. The irony is that those people actually did not use too much of overprocessed meat, the bigest problem for them were wrong oils/fats and definitely genetical factor was the most important part. So, saying just cured or processsed meats cause cancer is not the full story.
And I agree with another post of yours in another thread that our organism is still not used to long lives :). We are still getting used to living longer, it was not so long time ago that life expectancy was 40 years tops. Cancers can happen after this age easily.
I agree. Colorectal cancer is the most curable one compared to other types of cancer. I know personally four of people, both women and men, that have been operated (colorectal cancer in different stages)and are perfectly healthy now. The irony is that those people actually did not use too much of overprocessed meat, the bigest problem for them were wrong oils/fats and definitely genetical factor was the most important part. So, saying just cured or processsed meats cause cancer is not the full story.
And I agree with another post of yours in another thread that our organism is still not used to long lives :). We are still getting used to living longer, it was not so long time ago that life expectancy was 40 years tops. Cancers can happen after this age easily.

Again, I agree. Genetics isn't everything, but it's a big part of our likelihood for contracting certain diseases. This particular cancer runs in my mother's family. She got it even though she almost never ate red meat (she swore it was too "heavy" and she couldn't digest it properly) and had the healthiest diet and life style imaginable. I don't seem to have gotten these alleles, but even if I had, her doctors explained to us that this cancer is so slow moving that if you have the proper test at 50 and every five years thereafter this is one cancer that won't kill you.

There are a lot of others that are much more deadly. One, skin cancer, can be guarded against because we know it's linked in certain people to too much sun exposure. You can also get screened routinely and have anything worrisome removed. Others, like adult onset leukemia, for example, or pancreatic cancer, or primary brain tumors, are so far not really linked to specific alleles or life style choices and screening for them isn't helpful. To your point, these are all diseases that usually afflict aging people.
This as wired as the news I saw today that tapeworm turned into tumors.
They are saying that just eating a lot of red meat causes cancer. What about the Masai in Africa? They eat nothing but red meat and blood and they have no cases of cancer or any other disease. And their old folk just hang around and do no exercise and they are healthy.

I found that cancer is the result of an erroneous reaction to ideas that are presented through a cheat. Once you understand the cheat you can reverse cancer simply by understanding what you're up against.

The reality is that the medical /pharmaceutical industry wants us to believe that the body is a machine and thus can be damaged or made to malfunction by "physical means". That way they can sell their very profitable drugs. Once you realize that the body is purpose-driven, then you are in the driver's seat and you can get well and stay well without drugs and surgeries etc.

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