Is Beauty in the Eye of the Beholder?

A lot of them either had fat thighs and hips (Miss Ukraine comes to mind, who has a really beautiful face) or were too emaciated. One of the worst offenders was the Miss Italy.
It is almost an impossible thing for women to have fat thighs and hips. ;)

My point was that in times past what I would consider fat or even obese women were considered beautiful. That has changed.
My point was that it has changed mostly for women, and what they consider fat or unattractive. Not so much for men, because our natural "sexometer" didn't change.
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It is almost an impossible thing for women to have fat thighs and hips. ;)

If you were single, LeBrok, I would tell you to put that comment about hips and thighs on your facebook page. You'd be inundated with friend requests. :)

Fortunately for me, I come from a long line of rather lean people, because the men in my life definitely didn't favor the "chubby" look.

I would never have dared to let myself look like this even if I were naturally pear shaped :

As for poor Vicky Pattison, he would have been long gone by this point:
This video about beauty being in the eye of the beholder just came across my feed. What a coincidence.

It's probably full of stereotypes, and is just one person's view, at least I hope so, in particular as it applies to South Korea. Maybe it's just me, but it seems as if they've been so influenced by western media that they're trying to change their "racial" look. That's terrible, imo, if true.

The one closest to my own standards is the French one, of course. The most bizarre and hideous to me are the ear lobe and neck stretching. They're almost as bad as what the Chinese used to do to the feet of their women.

This video about beauty being in the eye of the beholder just came across my feed. What a coincidence.

It's probably full of stereotypes, and is just one person's view, at least I hope so, in particular as it applies to South Korea. Maybe it's just me, but it seems as if they've been so influenced by western media that they're trying to change their "racial" look. That's terrible, imo, if true.

The one closest to my own standards is the French one, of course. The most bizarre and hideous to me are the ear lobe and neck stretching. They're almost as bad as what the Chinese used to do to the feet of their women.

You can say the same thing about shape wear or corset rather from the west!

There are a lot of health damages:

Organ Compression

Your digestive tract is also affected, this happens because the intestines are supposed to contract and move food along, but when they're compressed over a long period of time, the flow of digestion is slowed or even stopped.

Bowel Compression

Those with bowel disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome should wear shapewear with caution. People who have weakness in the bowel and a tendency towards incontinence, increasing intra-abdominal pressure can certainly provoke episodes of incontinence.

There is also a tendency for those wearing shapewear to not to want to go to the bathroom, but if you postpone urination, it can cause stress incontinence, where you leak, or it can exaggerate stress incontinence with people who already have it.

Obstructed Breathing

Another problem with shapewear is shallow breathing. When you inhale, your diaphragm expands and your abdomen flares out, but shapewear restricts this movement.

Tingling, Numbness, Pain In The Legs & Blood Clots

Sitting in shapewear can lead to a condition called meralgia paresthetica, which is when the peripheral nerve in your thigh is compressed. This leads to tingling, numbness and pain in your legs. It's like putting rubber bands around your upper thighs and tightening them when you sit down. This rubber band effect can also decrease your circulation and lead to blood clots. When you sit in shapewear, those genetically prone to varicosities can develop varicose veins and lymph congestion, which appears as swollen ankles.

Muscles Will Suffer

Shapewear is no substitute for having strong muscles. It's important to develop muscle tone, because those muscles promote perfect posture, and help keep your back alignment. Many people use shapewear as a crutch to avoid using those muscles, but don't be fooled into thinking that shapewear works like a medical back brace. Shapewear is not therapeutically designed, it's cosmetically designed, and that's a big difference.

Can Create Infections

Shapewear traps moisture and anything else under it, which predisposes the wearer to both yeast and bacterial infections. The most common infection is folliculitis, since bacteria often gets trapped among hair follicles and causes red puss-filled bumps. Folliculitis can be easily treated with natural antibacterials, but if you use antibiotics, recurrent infections may develop antibiotic resistance, so they get harder and harder to treat. These risks are higher in overweight individuals, diabetics and those who sweat excessively.

Dangers Of Overuse

You must always be mindful to not wear these garments on a day-in and day-out basis. If you wear them for an evening out or a special occasion, that's enough, as it's not a good idea to wear it daily and sit in it for hours on end. If you're exhibiting any of the symptoms above, it is recommend to avoid shapewear until the issues are completely resolved.
Minty, pointing out what I consider a distorting or destructive practice from China is not some attack on Chinese culture or people in general. And yes, putting women in tight corsets to force their bodies into a figure eight shape was a lame idea, as are stiletto heels, by the way, although I wear them.

There's no comparison to what these little girls and women in China had to endure, however. It was weeks and months of crying, only to wind up with deformed feet which sometimes atrophied. It is what it is.

Only look at the following pictures if you have a strong stomach.

Who can disagree that culture can determine standards of beauty? This was considered beautiful.
Minty, pointing out what I consider a distorting or destructive practice from China is not some attack on Chinese culture or people in general. And yes, putting women in tight corsets to force their bodies into a figure eight shape was a lame idea, as are stiletto heels, by the way, although I wear them.

There's no comparison to what these little girls and women in China had to endure, however. It was weeks and months of crying, only to wind up with deformed feet which sometimes atrophied. It is what it is.

Only look at the following pictures if you have a strong stomach.

Who can disagree that culture can determine standards of beauty? This was considered beautiful.

Dear Angela,

Once a symbol of beauty and status, foot binding, also known as lotus feet, was carried out in China since the 10th century, falling out of favour in the early 20th century before it was outlawed in 1911.

You know if you take a good look, there are lots of cruelty in human histories around the world. At least foot binding is no longer practiced.

One example I could think of is Female Genital Mutilation can also be called "Female Genital Cutting" or "Female Circumcision."Although the practice predates the birth of Islam, it has taken on a dimension of the religion. It is, however, a practice that is performed across cultures and religions, and should not be considered to be strictly a religious practice, but also a cultural one.

We could argue that how could Muslim men find women without clitoris attractive.

How about those Koreans who hate their own face. Double-jaw surgery is the latest extreme addition to South Korea's plastic surgery fad.

There was a 23-year-old college who underwent double-jaw surgery killed herself. She left a suicide note explaining her desperation after the surgery left her unable to chew food or stop crying due to nerve damage in a tear duct.

Somebody had seen cases where the surgery had resulted in chronic jaw pain, a skewed mouth, misaligned teeth and an inability to chew or smile.

South Korea is a highly male-dominated nation where women need both brains and beauty, or often beauty more than brains, to get a job, get married and to survive in all aspects of life.

Plastic surgery, has become just another accepted way of giving yourself an edge in what is a super-competitive society.


So they do look better, but those Korean faces are not real. Koreans don't look like that naturally. I had an ex colleague from Sri Lanka who is obsessed about Korean Dramas. She actually told me that she thinks Chinese are NOT good looking Koreans are. Then she met some Koreans who are not stars and did not have plastic surgeries. She actually said to me, those are Koreans?! I thought all Koreans were good looking! It looks like propaganda is working well on her!

A small fair face with a "V-shaped" chin and jawline is considered a mark of feminine beauty in much of East Asia, along with a high-bridged nose and big eyes.

She is extremely dark, this Sinhalese girl and chubby. One day a Korean said to me, is she black? I am seriously laughing out loud here...

In North East Asia having dark skin is very undesirable, and she would be considered too fat for the East Asian standard of beauty. Good luck making friends with the Koreans!

She was so surprised what fair skin I got! Considering that I was originally from Malaysia. Well, my ethnic origins are of North East Asia, I am Han, Chinese.

Thank god, I was offered a better job, I don't need to listen to her rubbish speeches anymore!

My mum wears shapewear too! She loves sweet foods, everytime she goes somewhere on vacation she puts on weight, I on the other hand prefer savoury foods and I eat very little so I never had a weight problem. Now all my lady colleagues are copying me.
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When you spend a ton of time with someone, looks alone definitely won't do it. You can clash and be miserable or just be so in tune and compliment one another that looks become more and more secondary and even someone not that attractive will start looking like the most beautiful person to you, simply be more and more getting in tune with her.
I cannot find the study I was going to post for some reason, but it is an old one of more than 100 men who had been married more than 5 times. They were all asked which marriage was the best. And from what I recall, almost all of them said retrospectively ... the first.
When you spend a ton of time with someone, looks alone definitely won't do it. You can clash and be miserable or just be so in tune and compliment one another that looks become more and more secondary and even someone not that attractive will start looking like the most beautiful person to you, simply be more and more getting in tune with her.
I cannot find the study I was going to post for some reason, but it is an old one of more than 100 men who had been married more than 5 times. They were all asked which marriage was the best. And from what I recall, almost all of them said retrospectively ... the first.

That's what I see too. I know quite a few people who divorced, remarried, and then in retrospect wondered why they got divorced in the first place. There are always issues, and the passion always subsides a bit: that's just normal. Plus, if you try to work on what you have and succeed, you avoid all the split families, split households, resentment from the stepkids, stress and more stress, and on and on.

From what I've seen and if I were to give advice, it's much better not to remarry while you have young children living at home. Have relationships if you want, but don't bring these people to live in your house, and don't make your kids have them constantly in their lives. Just wait a few years until they have their own lives. Best of all, try to work on your marriage. Some people don't want to hear it though; the grass is always greener somewhere else. It also doesn't seem to occur to some people that if you fail at it again and again, maybe it's you and not the other people.
This is a couple I randomly found on the web. For me the guy is way too fat to be considered attractive. The Asian lady is very far from what I considered as beauty. Her features are the opposite of the standard beauty in Asia. However they look very in love. So yeah beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They see something else in each other.

I can't change the name of the files I originally downloaded, not sure why...
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Really nice calling two other human beings "the pig and the ugly" and then posting them on the internet. You consider that appropriate social behavior?
Koreans don't hate their race nor they have a fetish to look more Western or anything, but certain features are viewed more appealing, where as in the west we find the opposite as attractive. Many Asians have square jawlines, and this feature may be viewed as unappealing, considering East Asia prefers the androgenic/feminine look compared to chiseled facial characteristics for the most part. Where as in the West we tend to idolize models with square jawlines and almost unnatural facial sharpness. Quite a lot of European models have quasi Asian features as well as Middle Eastern characteristics which is what we tend to idolize over plain, common look.

Does it mean that Europeans hate their own race? obvious no, we just find those characteristics the most attractive we tend to find rarely among our own species. If square jawline was the average facial trait, then the more puffy, round featured individuals most likely would turn more appealing in the model industry.
More about this study:

A lot of it is also cultural, not just environmental. E.g. Hollywood.

These morphs show "Hollywood beauty" in the 2000s vs. 1940s:


I guess I'm old-fashioned. I find the 1940s version infinitely prettier. I would bet Olivia De Havilland was part of the morph...

No one more beautiful than Gene Tierney in my opinion...

They all had that wide-eyed look that I love.

Hedy Lamarr was gorgeous too.

That's what I see too. I know quite a few people who divorced, remarried, and then in retrospect wondered why they got divorced in the first place. There are always issues, and the passion always subsides a bit: that's just normal. Plus, if you try to work on what you have and succeed, you avoid all the split families, split households, resentment from the stepkids, stress and more stress, and on and on.

From what I've seen and if I were to give advice, it's much better not to remarry while you have young children living at home. Have relationships if you want, but don't bring these people to live in your house, and don't make your kids have them constantly in their lives. Just wait a few years until they have their own lives. Best of all, try to work on your marriage. Some people don't want to hear it though; the grass is always greener somewhere else. It also doesn't seem to occur to some people that if you fail at it again and again, maybe it's you and not the other people.

Very true. What I have observed though is many single parents feeling stuck and desperate to get out of that rut. Which can lead to very bad decisions. Such as bringing a temporary partner much too close to home. The thing is we all change while alive. And changing WITH your partner is probably the way to go and life will get easier, more manageable and productive with that. When people have determined that their partner is wrong for them or at fault of too much (which of course is never a one way street), the energy works against the marriage. When that happens, there can come a point of no return. One that many couples wished that they could return to to start over. And yes, when that point is there, good luck trying to get those friends to listen to reasonable feedback and advice. Their minds are already with the dream partner somewhere who they have not met yet. Or the imagination that life will get easier without the "dead weight". I think it all comes back to what examples we have seen in front of our eyes growing up. Those from stabile households may have observed the simple tools at work to keep a marriage working. Those from messy households just see more problems than solutions.

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