Descendants of Alexander The Great?


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I have read few articles regarding the descendants of Alexander The Great. Some states that he had children, who died young, before marriages, while others state that Alexander III still has living descendants. Can someone shed some light on the issue? Also, what was the Y DNA haplogroup of Alexander III?

I have read few articles regarding the descendants of Alexander The Great. Some states that he had children, who died young, before marriages, while others state that Alexander III still has living descendants. Can someone shed some light on the issue? Also, what was the Y DNA haplogroup of Alexander III?

We don't have any data about any of this. It's like asking about descendants of the Julii.
We don't have any data about any of this. It's like asking about descendants of the Julii.

I once read in a news article that the body of Philips II is discovered. I am not sure if that body has been through any genetic testings yet.

Also, there are Kalash People in Pakistan who claimed Greek ancestry, but later with genetic testing, it got proved that they have no connection to ancient Greeks.

Then, there is Karlal tribe in Pakistan, who claims to be the descendants of Alexander III. I once talked to the person, who keeps the record of the that tribe and had written few books on the Karlal's history. According to him,
"Alexander III had a son name Alexander Ros, who was with when Alexander III was conquering Persia. Alexander Ros got married to a woman from Central Asia. She was the daughter of Shah Toxlus Tatar. Later, due to some disputes among the army generals and him, Alexander Ros decided to leave his wife and son in Central Asia and lived in Macedonia. Karlal Shah was one of the descendants of Alexander Ros, who came to the Indian subcontinent in 1225 during Iltutmish reign. Karlals have Y DNA R2 (R-M124) +295 DYS391,392 is 10 and 426 is 12. Here is the family genealogy:"
I could not believe his story, as I search a lot about Shah Toxlus Tatar and his daughter but couldn't find anything. In fact, no traces for Y DNA R2 in either Greece or Macedonia.

Then, I read about Mahmud Khan, who was one of the descendants of Chagatai Khan son of Genghis Khan. According to Wiki:
Sultan Mahmud Khan (died 1508), was Khan of Tashkent (1487–1502 or 1503) and of the Moghuls of western Moghulistan (1487–1508). He was the eldest son of Yunus Khan. He was born in 1462, his mother was Shah Begum, daughter of Badakhshan prince Lali (Shah Sultan Muhammad Badakhshi), who claimed his descent from Alexander the Great and gave one of his six daughters to Yunus Khan in marriage, pleasing his request.
I searched for Shah Sultan Muhammad and few sources, but I am not sure, if they are authentic.
Who knows if they will be able to extract Y-DNA from the supposed King Phillip remains. Assuming its possible, I haven't heard anything suggesting genetics testing of the remains. Also, one must consider the myth at play. Whilst he was not the son of an actual deity, Alexander, and his mother, professed to be the child of Zeus and not Phillip. "Zeus" could very well me someone Alexanders mama got freaky with. The truth is always hard to swallow. She probably was unfaithful. Were this the case, he wouldn't share the same Y-DNA with Phillip to begin with. He certainly looked nothing like Phillip. We'll probably never know.

there has been found Makedonian Dna in central Asia
but is not so much to be worthy to mention, except the Pashtun tribe
even in Kallasha people but considering to all is about 0.8-4% not worthy to take it serious
only in a Pashtun village reach 14% and about 6-8% to the tribe.

we can find Alexander's Y-Dna by many relatives like Phillip 2nd, Alexander 4rth, Phillip 3rd
if we are certain that they are the ones are claimed,
and maybe some know.
as for example we know more about Phillip's scythian wife.
Also, there are Kalash People in Pakistan who claimed Greek ancestry, but later with genetic testing, it got proved that they have no connection to ancient Greeks.

Alexander the Great lived 2300 years ago. Your genetic ancestors rapidly become a tiny fraction of your total number of ancestors.

That means the further back in generations, the less likely it is that one of your ancestors will have given you any genes at all.

In the 14th generation (14 generations is roughly 450 years) an individual has 16,384 genealogical ancestors.

Only 5.7% (~950) of these ancestors are genetic ancestors i.e. pass on any genes.

Most of an individual's genetic ancestry is geographically restricted. This would be especially true of a band of male only soldiers that settle and mix with local women in the first generation. This means that extracting autosomal signals could be quite hard for such a distant small time mixing event until extremely sophisticated techniques are known.

With Y-Dna it can be a bit easier if some male lineages remain and are passed on. There was a study by nature in 2007 which
supposedly closed this question since it found no greek markers.

Y-chromosomal evidence for a limited Greekcontribution to the Pathan population of Pakistan


However if we look at it today:

Kalash showed up as being 9.1% J2. Back then the steppe rich J2B2-L283 in Croatia dated around 1500bc (1200 years before Alexander) was not yet known about.

If the J2 that the Kalash showed up as 9.1% as is L283, then it could be related to Alexander's soldiers.

If not its local.


Old document of Oristak Kingdom in north sumatra indonesia link to great alexander as their ancestors

Alexander and roxanne daughter prince aesopia of bactria

And their direct descendant king Demetrius 1 of bactria---Kushan Empire----prince of kushan come to sumatra indonesia at 2 AD----enter kingdom of sipagaboe near the fresh sea and married there-----their descendant----srivijaya minanga----Pannai kingdom---mix majapahit empire in 13th century---15th century pane kingdom in padang lawas-----16th century oriestak kingdom in padang lawas

Oriestak name is come from Orissa name in India, while Orissa mean Son of the Sun and located near Bactria (in the past)

The alexander documents of Oriestak (Huristak Kingdom) of padang lawas Sumatera are:

1. The Stambooms
2. The doa's
3. The diagrams
4. The snake trays
5. The flag symbol of white elephatnd, figure, and swords
6. The 9-10-11 numbers
7. The two horns

Theres a link in youtube but i couldnt post it coz im new

#alexanderthegreat #descendants
Search youtube : alexander the great descendants in sumatera indonesia

Theres an video n image about it, some of documents n diagrams

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