GEDMatch Confused about my GEDmatch results differing from Myheritage?


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Hello dear forum members. Since long time I was curious to find out where my DNA and therefore my ancestors really came from. I ordered a DNA test from Myheritage which told me the following results:

51.7% East European
- 0% Balkan
- 0%Baltic
(So I guess Slavic)
42.4% North and West European
3.2% Ashkenazi Jewish
2.7% Italian

Then I uploaded my raw data to GEDmatch with the Eurogenes K13 model and my admixture results there were:

North_Atlantic -- 38.82
Baltic -- 31.49
West_Med -- 13.12
West_Asian -- 6.47
East_Med -- 6.69
Red_Sea -- 1.02
Siberian -- 0.68
Amerindian -- 1.53
Northeast_African -- 0.18

Now my question how come those results are so different from the Myheritage DNA estimates? For example in Myheritage as mentioned above I had 0% Baltic while in GEDmatch suddenly I'm having 31% !!
Please someone explain me how that is possible and which results are more reliable... I'm really confused right now!
For people with all four ancestors from one place gedmatch is perfectly accurate to check "ethnicity", although the Oracle admixture data is completely misunderstood, and those admixture algorithms are NOT good for ancient ancestry.

I ran your kit and you are clearly and unequivocally Spanish/Iberian.

My Heritage, like a lot of the paid for tests, is really showing pretty ancient ancestry, what actually went into making up the modern ethnicities. Some tests are definitely better than others, however. They wind up confusing rather than elucidating matters.
I don't get how hes Iberian if he gets about half Eastern European and about 42 north and west European
As said the K13 is predicting very old ancestry.

I am British and have no known recent continental origins.

Here are my K13 they are not too different to yours. The Oracle is a good option. It will possibly get where you are from.

1 North_Atlantic 48.56

2 Baltic 25.15

3 West_Med 13.90

4 West_Asian 4.30

5 East_Med 3.16

6 South_Asian 1.95

7 Red_Sea 1.45

8 Siberian 1.04

Hello dear forum members. Since long time I was curious to find out where my DNA and therefore my ancestors really came from. I ordered a DNA test from Myheritage which told me the following results:

51.7% East European
- 0% Balkan
- 0%Baltic
(So I guess Slavic)
42.4% North and West European
3.2% Ashkenazi Jewish
2.7% Italian

Then I uploaded my raw data to GEDmatch with the Eurogenes K13 model and my admixture results there were:

North_Atlantic -- 38.82
Baltic -- 31.49
West_Med -- 13.12
West_Asian -- 6.47
East_Med -- 6.69
Red_Sea -- 1.02
Siberian -- 0.68
Amerindian -- 1.53
Northeast_African -- 0.18

Now my question how come those results are so different from the Myheritage DNA estimates? For example in Myheritage as mentioned above I had 0% Baltic while in GEDmatch suddenly I'm having 31% !!
Please someone explain me how that is possible and which results are more reliable... I'm really confused right now!
I don't get how hes Iberian if he gets about half Eastern European and about 42 north and west European
I just don't get how Myheritage says that my East European DNA is slavic and 0% Baltic while GEDmatch says that I'm having 31% Baltic in me...
I would suggest you to upload your raw data to Family Tree DNA. I got better ancestors results from there and I had to ignore Myheritage. Remember DNA companies uses they own samples for every population and they keep them like updated. For this reason they may differ and the results points out to most recent ancestors. GedMatch calculators are digging into that and decomposes admixture to more distant ancestors.
Confused about my GEDmatch results differing from Myheritage

Well not really confused but looking for the correct information on the CASALooking for the relative info like the different requirements between gyro and heli etc
It's simple, Baltic in Myheritage and Baltic in Gedmatch K13, mean 2 different things.In My heritage, 'Baltic' is used in the same way ethnicities are used in Gedmatch, whereas in GedMatch it refers to a genetic cluster.The 2 reports of your results match perfectly if you look closely.

If you had higher Baltic and lower North atlantic(in a Ged match K13 breakdown), the Gedmatch Oracle would have said you are close to 100% ukrainian(than 50%) cause you match so well in almost all groups. But since your results dont match very well in those K13 main groups, the algorythm of the K13 Calculator (am guessing )reported similar ratio of populations matches as Myheritage , 60 to 40% or 50% and 50%.

Similarly, You have too high Baltic for a French(westnorth european by MyHeritage), thus the algorythm of MyHeritage reported you as half East European.Efectively the algorythm of MyHeritage is doing the same thing as the GedMatch is doing. My heritage uses genetic markers as identifiers, which they group in genetic groups like eurogenes is doing with the K13 groups(in this case) , and then the aglorythm tries to find which ethnicity match your results better. Since it is highly unlikely you ll get 100% match to a single of their reference populations, the algorythm tries to find the combination of the reference groups that best describes your results .

So the short answear to your question. 'Baltic' in MyHeritage is an ethnicity.
In GedMatch is a genetic group used as an identifier.
If we use grammar as a metaphor for Genetics, Baltic in My heritage would be a sentence, whereas in Gedmatch it's a word.

Look it for yourself
West AsianEast MedWest MedSouth AsianRed SeaBalticNorth AtlanticSiberianAmerindianEast AsianOceanianNortheast AfricanSub- Saharan
You6.476.6913.121.02 31.4938.82 0.681.530.18
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It seems to me that the only two qualities of MyHeritage are that they also speak French, and that they focus on Jews. Their vague categories like "Balkanic" or "Northen European" or "Italian" mean nothing. Not even political correctitude. I had very different results with FTDNA, where I also got the full Y and the mt. I am sorry the person who had offered me the MyHeritage kit has lost his money.

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