Politics Will Russia Attack Ukraine?

I don't even know anymore whether "left wing" is an accurate description for the extreme left wing in this country, the women in "The Squad" and their ilk. It's more similar to what happened in China during the "Cultural Revolution", but even crazier.

Indeed, some of these people are so radical, they don't resemble anything before them. They're like a cult of avant-garde weirdos who don't even recognize the nuclear family, don't recognize policing as an institution, constantly pull at the strings of normal universal concepts; frankly it is disturbing. They're basically social anarchists, and really just useful idiots, used as foot soldiers for woke-elites who live in the lap of luxury.
Somewhat off-topic, and full of speculation, but

They say the mafia helped Kennedy get elected, what happened after? Kennedy's brother went hard after organized crime, as AG. Some speculate that's why JFK was assassinated; he was wacked.

I wonder if the feds instructed all of those billionaires to flood BLM with donations, to confound them, or maybe they knew they would commit malfeasance. Maybe that was an attempt to liquidate them, once they were no longer useful. Makes me wonder...
Oh no don't open the JFK can Jovialis :D but it reminded me of an interview with a Mob guy I heard on some podcast who mentioned that he always tipped the help, the doorman the barber ect, he said you have to give back especially if you're doing well. There's always going to be wealthy elites but they need to follow a similar mantra...take care of your community...

I would much rather an elite say you know I could purchase my 5th mansion estate or mega yacht, but instead I'm going to open or fund a school of arts or the local symphony. You know what I really like that restaurant I'm going to help the owner out and help him keep the place operating... That should be the ideal...
Oh no don't open the JFK can Jovialis :D but it reminded me of an interview with a Mob guy I heard on some podcast who mentioned that he always tipped the help, the doorman the barber ect, he said you have to give back especially if you're doing well. There's always going to be wealthy elites but they need to follow a similar mantra...take care of your community...
I would much rather an elite say you know I could purchase my 5th mansion estate or mega yacht, but instead I'm going to open or fund a school of arts or the local symphony. You know what I really like that restaurant I'm going to help the owner out and help him keep the place operating... That should be the ideal...
This is the issue I find that people on the left have, you look at the world in a normative perspective, what should be. People on the right look at it from a positive perspective i.e, seeing and accepting reality for what it is (save for the religious right). How do you facilitate this ideal? You can't unless you use coercion. So unless you're willing to force people, it is really just fantasy. Even if you are willing to force people, you will fail, i.e USSR.

So now, you have people on the left who think they're champions of democracy, that think everyone who doesn't think like them has illegitimate views. even more ironic is that they want private companies to censor right-wing views. Total hypocrisy that is on display for the whole world to see. This aggressive normative attitude towards society is a road to hell paved with good intentions. It is hubris and ignorance, actually. Not directed at you, but when you think about these concepts deep enough; I've come to feel this way about the mindset generally.

Not to say we should totally fatalistic, but be proactive for more tangible goals. Otherwise we are constantly struggling to achieve an unattainable goal, and creating massive social discord in the process. In the end who gains from this?
That is true it should not be a forced upon ideal, I assume it is human nature to look after your own self interest first and or those you deeply care for. Philanthropy comes from Greek meaning love of humanity so you need to at least reach a point where you have to have a love for greater humanity, easier said than done...

Bringing it back to the Russo-Ukraine conflict, I've heard they have begun talking again, so lets hope peace is brokered soon...
Is this true / confirmed?:

This is the issue I find that people on the left have, you look at the world in a normative perspective, what should be. People on the right look at it from a positive perspective i.e, seeing and accepting reality for what it is (save for the religious right). How do you facilitate this ideal? You can't unless you use coercion. So unless you're willing to force people, it is really just fantasy. Even if you are willing to force people, you will fail, i.e USSR.

Related to the topic we see from Putin one big how it should be 'the mystic unification of Rus in cradle Kyiv', 'restore of good old cazristic Russia' ('make Russia great again') and 'liberation of the Ukrainian peope' (denazification and end of the genocide). One big how it should be.

So now, you have people on the left who think they're champions of democracy, that think everyone who doesn't think like them has illegitimate views.

Yes the moderate left (in Europe, where I belong to) is pro liberal-democracy, but that is in essence tolerate other views.....See for example on this forum do I agree with Riverman: no, do I think he has illegitimate views: no. And we stay in debat, without ad hominem, that's imo the core of democracy.
Putin is even running off to get Chinese "help" and utilising Muslim mercenaries.
Putin is even running off to get Chinese "help" and utilising Muslim mercenaries.

The Chechen fight on both sides almost since 2014, like other muslim volunteers and mercenaries do, nothing that new. Most of the Chechen fighters on the Ukrainian side are more akin to the Islamic state and Salafist islamists, while Kadyrow is a conservative Chechen muslim, politically speaking, but no extreme Islamist and not brainwashed by the Saudi teachers like most of the Chechen terrorists and volunteers for the Islamic state were.
The Chechen are like the European extreme right, split on the issue, which means they fight on both sides. Now its just the official Chechen forces and support. Serbs might help too, as do some Syrian allies, of which not all might be Muslim to begin with and a whole range of other nations - on both sides.

How Big Tech American companies censor and manipulate the world:
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Bit of topic. Sure she is beautiful. But my associations are a lot different, bit too much Bund Deutscher Mädel, https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bund_...iv_Bild_119-5592-04A,_Porträt_BDM-Mädchen.jpg

That is being unjust and doing her terribly short and is purely based on the association I have on the basis of appearance.....

The Ukrainian regime tries to reach out to different factions which might be helpful, from very Liberal, to left extremists, to the European very far right and Salafist Islamists. Obviously, establishing an old anti-Bolshevik, anti-Russian narrative is helpful too, especially for the latter.
Everyone in contact with Bolshevik forces in World War II did suffer, even so called freed people in Poland and Czechia had their "experiences" occasionally, directly during and shortly after the war ended. I myself have lost a lot of family members to the war in the East and the Soviets coming in. But the situation is now completely different from then. Yet, these kind of feelings and history can be exploited and being exploited by the Ukrainian war propaganda, just like both sides call each other "Fascist" and what not. Its kind of funny how the labels got completely freed from their original meaning, like Israelis and Palestinians too call each other "Nazis" in their respective propaganda sometimes.
For history students, three news events that have something in common, with Ukraine.

Old times.

Really old times.
Bit off topic, but are the children(under 18?) mentioned in the BBC news from all over Europe, like Austria, Netherlands, Poland etc...?

Sending a child into a war is wrong.
War in Ukraine: Uni to uniform - Ukraine's new teenage army recruits

The Pandora papers have not been banned from Youtube?
Some are getting a beautiful wife, mistress, golden parachute and or offshore accounts and mansions?
Please be wary of conspiracy theories, folks, especially if you're prone to believing them.

There's propaganda and propaganda. When it's too bizarre to be believed, don't believe it.
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Bit off topic, but are the children(under 18?) mentioned in the BBC news from all over Europe, like Austria, Netherlands, Poland etc...?

Sending a child into a war is wrong.
War in Ukraine: Uni to uniform - Ukraine's new teenage army recruits

By no means this is encouraged in the countries you mentioned. Take this compared with what Riverman has mentioned about cracks from Chechen.....then those boys are cannon fodder.
The Chechen fight on both sides almost since 2014, like other muslim volunteers and mercenaries do, nothing that new. Most of the Chechen fighters on the Ukrainian side are more akin to the Islamic state and Salafist islamists, while Kadyrow is a conservative Chechen muslim, politically speaking, but no extreme Islamist and not brainwashed by the Saudi teachers like most of the Chechen terrorists and volunteers for the Islamic state were.
The Chechen are like the European extreme right, split on the issue, which means they fight on both sides. Now its just the official Chechen forces and support. Serbs might help too, as do some Syrian allies, of which not all might be Muslim to begin with and a whole range of other nations - on both sides.

How Big Tech American companies censor and manipulate the world:


Putin will soon be the lapdog of the Chinese.
So my intuition was right Riverman....indeed lots of frames in the world now:unsure:

They have both the same name, but one was born and changed later, the other was born different and adopted it through marriage with the comedian and current Ukrainian president. It can happen by just doing just a quick Google search without double checking.
By the way, I predict an upcoming alliance against the anti-Russian American policy, led by the Biden administration. For two reasons:
1st the economic
2nd every nation, even those which are absolutely not allied with Russia, know, that if the the US Biden regime can break Russia, with its policy of first weaponising Ukraine, then cracking down on Russia, they can take out everyone else as well. The Americans being already engaged in a lot of invasions, wars and embargos in the last years. In comparison, Trump was one of the more peaceful presidents, but Biden immediately started to interfering more in foreign affairs of other countries.

And its simple: Most people know that Russians stance is rather defensive and it can't overreach. Its resources are limited and they won't, in the next decades, be able to threaten or invade any country as they want. Even if the anti-Russian propaganda paints them as aggressive and like they want to take Europe, that's all nonsense. So they will rather side with Russia, to not let it down and get destroyed, rather than with America, which is the much bigger threat to their sovereignty and economic independence.
At first, the USA managed to blackmail a lot of states, which were indeed in shock that Putin really attacked the whole of Ukraine, which even I wouldn't have believed just some weeks ago, that they would do it right from the start. I thought its possible, but it was definitely not my most likely scenario. But after some weeks, when the economic damage kicks in and it becomes more and more clear to all the states how the USA acted in the preliminary events leading to this war, by backing up Selenski and weaponising Ukraine aggressively, while not trying to profit big time and bringing Russia down with this conflict, they will all slowly but steadily switch sides and the US will lose the control over the international community.

That's an option if Russia succeeds quickly in particular, which is therefore an absolute necessity and explains why they have to use the whole arsenal to lift those two plugs in Kharkiv and Mariupol. Once that happened, and the big pincer movement starts to annihilate the main Ukrainian forces of the Donbas front, it will all go pretty quickly. I just hope the Americans are not trigger-happy and come to senses, by pushing Selenski to take peace negotiations more seriously.
Because Russia won't give in, especially they won't ever give up on Crimea. The 2nd World War started with Danzig, there is no reason to the start the 3rd World War over Crimea, which case is even more clear, since the Russians control it since years and the population is decisively pro-Russian.

The Russians just demand a neutral Ukraine, and that they get Crimea for sure, Donbas if they can. Along these lines peace can be made, if the Western states promise guarantees for the neutral Ukraine and lift the sanctions on Russia. Anything else is out of question under normal circumstances and the whole war being provoked, started and continued despite of knowing all of this and despite knowing that Russia has its case, especially after the purge and persecutions of pro-Russian citizens started by the Selenski regime.
The only other way Ukraine get out of this is by Russia collapsing under the war efforts, soldiers revolt or a palace revolution. But any Russian doing so would be a national traitor and backstabber, because Russia won't recover from a defeat that easily, the war, once started, as bad as it was, became too important to be lost.

And talking about diplomacy and peace negotiations: The above mentioned outlines were always clear, to anybody. Ukraine just knew it and wanted to change the facts on the ground by arming up and annihilating the Don republics. Cutting the water supply of Crimea was also an incredible move. To dry out a whole country the size of Crimea, to exert pressure on the Russians. Or the constant attacks on Donbas. What did they think they are doing, other than starting an even bigger war?

Back to the negotiations table and get reasonable, accountable people again. That's true for both sides.
Please be ware of conspiracy theories, folks, especially if you're prone to believing them.

There's propaganda and propaganda. When it's too bizarre to be believed, don't believe it

A bit off topic again, but youtube weeds out propaganda videos. That's why I find this video still on youtube with 300000+ views, about the Nazi's connection so interesting. I always wondered about the help the Nazis got. Maybe Edwin Black was right? Is this the same IBM, an American company?

IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation is a book by investigative journalist and historian Edwin Black which documents the strategic technology services rendered by American-based multinational corporation International Business Machines (IBM) and its German and other European subsidiaries for the Nazi government of Adolf Hitler from the beginning of the Third Reich in January 1933 through the last day of the regime in May 1945 at the end of World War II.


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