Recent content by Florin C

  1. Florin C

    What language best fits your personality ?

    Now, why in the world would you want that ? Too much time to spare ? ON TOPIC: If I was to choose any other language than my own, that would be English (although I speak also very well French, and I have a great respect for German). In Romania we're not used to dubbing movies, documentaries or...
  2. Florin C

    Society LGBT society in Europe, you attitude?

    And me, who thought that the wooden language is something the communists excelled at... Family can mean different things to different people. I was talking about the family as the base cell of society (in good ol' wooden language). The framework in which children ar born and raised, and in...
  3. Florin C

    Society LGBT society in Europe, you attitude?

    How about by bending the meaning of family, and what it means to society ? Do you think the family, consisting of a man and a woman (+ children), was created, by whoever created or instituted it, religion or not, to uphold „love” or whatever poetic crap ? Love (it is a proven fact, over and...
  4. Florin C

    European Common Language - The Poll

    English (if we want it by choice), and the quicker, the better. Otherways, it will be imposed not by the americans (as one might think) but by the Chinese. They are learning English like mad out there, and with their versatility it will not be long until they will own world's economy. And if...
  5. Florin C

    Is there a future for EU defence policy?

    Yeah, as usual, politicians are more preoccupied on spending sh*tloads of money on social policies that would grant them reelection rather than putting together efforts to secure (for example) european borders, european financial interests, and yes, european defence too. Like one american...
  6. Florin C

    Immigration Ban the burka?

    Don't put burka and niqab in the same pot with the other headscarves wearing thing. The semnifications of wearing a burqa are far more serious than wearing a headscarf, and therefore it must be banned (in western societies, at least). Wearing a burqa means that instead of being locked up and...
  7. Florin C

    Politics United States of Europe

    A political union is the only step forward, if Europe is to count on world level. We see the US dollar going down the drain, due to its' economic and social policy, and if you don't want the yuan as the next world currency, Europe should reinforce it's common currency, level its' fiscal...
  8. Florin C

    Moldova - Romanian gas pipeline, who will benefit?

    The problem is more complicated than this. Romania produces ~80% of its' gas (imports the rest of it from Russia), and still Russia manages to put pressure on Romanian energy policy and even policy itself, by playing with the gas price (promises cheap gas if their interests are met, and...