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      ProtosP replied to the thread Macedonians.
      Demosthenes’ claim that Macedonians were not Greek was largely political rhetoric, aimed at uniting southern Greek city-states against...
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      ProtosP reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      I'm actually an Aetolian greek,not a Macedonian one my dear Slavic neighbor. You can anytime take your pseudohistoric nonsense and go...
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      ProtosP reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      He's propably a fakedonian slav with the typical nationalistic complex,just ignore his nonsensical delerium until mods take care of him.
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      ProtosP replied to the thread Macedonians.
      Technically you are correct. Macedonia was never a city state in the way Athens or Sparta were. It was an actual kingdom. My point...
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      ProtosP replied to the thread Macedonians.
      You raise an important point and I agree that DNA alone doesn’t determine cultural identity. Culture is shaped by many factors including...
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      ProtosP replied to the thread AncestryDNA Ancestry DNA Update.
      I got 25% Southern Italian and 4% Spain. Now that’s a surprise considering my great grandparents are 3 greek and one thats pennsylvanian...
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      ProtosP replied to the thread Macedonians.
      That’s no secret that it was Alexander the Great united all the Greek city states into one. All that meant was that Macedonia was the...
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      ProtosP replied to the thread Macedonians.
      This claim is not accurate. The passage you’re referring to from Quintus Curtius Rufus (Book VI, 9, 37) describes an incident during...
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      ProtosP replied to the thread Macedonians.
      Go ahead and share. Who’s stopping you? I’d love to see what you have and I’ll share what I have. I have so much to share too. One...
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      ProtosP reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      My dear Mycenaeans were not even genetically the same with later classical Greeks from the same area,that doesn't make the later less or...
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      ProtosP reacted to Omino's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      If you actually listened to historians,you wouldn't spread pseudohistorical nonsense my dear
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      ProtosP replied to the thread Macedonians.
      I typically prefer to read rather than post, but when I come across fallacies like yours, it’s hard not to respond. I’m not going to...
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      ProtosP reacted to Vitruvius's post in the thread Macedonians with Like Like.
      Greece and Hellas refer to the same ethnogeography in two different languages. Saying one exists but the other did not is like saying...
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      It is a collection of samples with known ancestry,gedmatch doesnt give the location of the kit
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      How do you get that data from GED?
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