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  1. calf

    Irish that pass as Russian/eastern Europeans

    Could these Irish ladies pass as steppe herder phenotypes? Ireland has 47 percent steppe herder DNA, Much higher than most countries and i noticed that a few irish people have a russian like appearance . Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk
  2. calf

    Where do i pass?

    Where do i pass Best ? in which countries ?.I got a better quality camera now . Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk
  3. calf

    Ethnicity and classify

    Ethnicity and classify please. Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk
  4. calf

    What ancient people resemble me most?

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  5. calf

    Where can he pass

    I was told by someone that this man looked latin American. When I see him he looks like a regular joe American. Maybe he has at least an Iberian look? I don't want any political talk. Just where he passes please. Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk
  6. calf


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  7. calf

    Guess his ethnicity

    Don't look him up or go by his name. Where does he fit in the world and what does he most resemble? Also, Western Steppe herder, Ancient North Eurasian,Western Hunter gatherer, or Early European Farmer?? Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk
  8. calf

    Adam Driver ethnicity

    What ethnicities does he look like or look like he is from? Guess by looking at him,not search engine. Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk
  9. calf

    Where can she pass?

    What part of the world is her look most common? Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk
  10. calf

    Shovel shaped incisors?

    Are these upper incisor teeth "Shovel" shaped or partly "Shovel" shaped? I'm not sure if you can tell by the photos,but the incisors are very concaved inward. Also i might add that this mouth only has 1 partly formed wisdom tooth. Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk
  11. calf

    Where could this woman be from?

    Where is her look most common? Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk
  12. calf

    Guess my ethnicity

    Please guess what country in Europe I pass and classify. I have dark blond hair and blue eyes, I am 6 Feet 1 inch tall and about 180 pounds
  13. calf

    Haogroup I1

    I have a question about Haplogroup I1.I see that it is most common in Scandinavia. Is it conected to the funnel beaker culture from the nordic neolithic age? Sent from my LGL322DL using Tapatalk